The Sanzo-ikkou
The Sanzo Party
Our hotties and "heroes", the main characters of the series.
- Badass Crew
- Dark and Troubled Past: Hoo boy, to put things one way, one of the fillers showed an image of them at their most traumatic memories, everyone but Goku was covered in blood. And that's just because Goku's memories of the covered-in-blood incident got erased.
- Deadpan Snarker: Even Goku gets in a jab now and then.
- Fan Nickname: The Sanzo-ikkou, an honorific indicating a group, especially a group of religious pilgrims. Kougaiji, Lirin, Yaone, and Dokugakuji are often referred to as the Kougaiji-tachi, a group honorific with a connotation of "team".
- Four-Temperament Ensemble
Genjo Sanzo
A short tempered Buddhist monk that smokes and carries a revolver. He was abandoned as an infant and found by the Sanzo priest Koumyou, who raised him and named him Kouryuu. He was granted the supreme rank of Sanzo, guardian of one of the Sutras from the Dawn of Time, at 14, becoming the youngest to ever attain the title. Shortly afterword, Koumyou was brutally murdered in front of Sanzo and his sutra stolen, setting Sanzo on a quest to recover the sutra and avenge his master that has lasted his entire adult life. His behavior is classic Jerkass but he's the legitimate emissary of the gods and on the side of Good.
- Aloof Older Brother: To Goku, despite the fact that they are not related.
- Anti-Hero: Type III
- Arc Words: Repeatedly described as being like or even just being the sun. This plays a part in a mysterious symbolic bet between Koumyou and Ukoku.
- Badass Preacher
- Badass in Distress: More badass than his original, ever-gullible counterpart but still has quite a few James Bondage moments. As the only non-youkai in the group, he is physically the most vulnerable. As the bearer of 20% of the source code for the universe, he's the ultimate target of most attackers. Result: Sanzo takes a lot of damage and the others frequently have to run interference for him.
- Badass Long Robe
- Berserk Button: Do not harm Goku in his presence.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Goku, when he's not being an Aloof Older Brother.
- Celibate Hero: By Word of God, the one monastic vow he has never broken...but not out of piety. He just doesn't like being touched "that way". In fact, Sanzo recoils from pretty much any touch at all, with some degree of exception for his traveling companions, especially Goku. See Rape as Backstory below for a possible explanation.
- Closest Thing We Got: Sanzo's a horrible choice for a hero. He knows this. Everyone around him knows this. He's also got a better chance of surviving sanzohood than any of the other alternatives.
- Dead Little Sister: His mentor, Koumyou Sanzo.
- Even the Guys Want Him: All four main characters get attention from other men but Sanzo kind of takes the cake. The Requiem OVA's plot centers around his same-sex stalker.
- Everyone Calls Him Sanzo: It's his priestly rank/title. The closest thing he has to a personal name is "Genjyo".
- Good Is Not Nice
- The Gunslinger: Type A, The Trick Shot. He shoots Chin Yisou's seed out of Gojyo's body without otherwise harming him, even though the seed is right next to his heart.
- Heterosexual Life Partners / Ho Yay: With Goku. Whether he likes it or not...
- Jerkass Facade, with shades of Jerk with a Heart of Gold/Jerkass Woobie
- Knight in Sour Armor
- Master Apprentice Chain: Connects him to Ukoku and Kami-sama on the other side.
- Meditation Powerup: When the Sutra comes out, people are going to get owned.
- Paper Fan of Doom
- Purple Eyes: Remarked on in-series as being both exotically appealing and deeply unsettling.
- Rape as Backstory: In the Burial Arc, the first time he ever killed another person, he shot a thug who was trying to rape him. There are many other implications of creepy attention based on his attractiveness as well. This puts Sanzo's responses to touch and to sexual advances in a different light.
- Sexy Priest: But call him one and your ass is toast.
- Smoking Is Cool
- Strong as They Need to Be: The first anime series mostly depicted him close to the manga, but had a couple moments where his strength was greatly inflated, such as once when he knocked Lirin out with a single punch and blocked a punch from Goku's Super-Powered Evil Side.
- Warrior Monk: Duh.
and his previous incarnation
Konzen Douji
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Konzen's androgynously beautiful and dressed in flowing silk that doesn't exactly scream "masculine". It's downright shocking to see his animated incarnation for the first time and then to hear Toshihiko Seki's deep voice when he speaks.
- Jerkass --> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Obstructive Bureaucrat: Or at least “long since bored past the point of caring” bureaucrat with OCD. He never seems terribly impressed with Heaven’s regime but he’s very serious about his job--until Goku gives him something better to be serious about.
- Papa Wolf
Son Goku
A being born from the Earth, and imprisoned 500 years prior to the series by the gods. He knew the past incarnations of the rest of the Sanzo party, but his imprisonment erased his memory. He was eventually let out by Genjo Sanzo, and since then followed him everywhere, though Sanzo never admits to caring for Goku. Is the most childish of the group and has a child-like enthusiasm for fighting. Of all the characters, Goku has probably changed the most over the course of the series.
Has a Super-Powered Evil Side that comes out if his diadem is ever removed, in which he attacks everything in sight and his enjoyment of fighting turns into a sadistic joy of inflicting pain on others.
- Adult Child: He's 18 at the start of the series.
- Ax Crazy: Not only will his Super-Powered Evil Side attack anything it sees, it's flat-out sadistic and will pummel enemies even when they can't fight back, and sometimes also bite them, which avoids being Narm because it results in a lot of blood.
- Berserk Button: Do not harm Sanzo in his presence.
- Big Eater: As Sanzo puts it, he’s making up for 500 years of lost time.
- The Child
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- Eyes of Gold
- Heterosexual Life Partners / Ho Yay: With Sanzo. Reincarnation means it's not just THIS lifetime, either.
- I Am Not Left-Handed
- Keet
- Laser-Guided Amnesia
- Lightning Bruiser: His Super-Powered Evil Side moves so fast other characters can't even see him, shrugs off virtually everything thrown at him, and has bent Gojyo's magical shakujou just by grabbing it.
- Morality Pet: For Sanzo.
- Name's the Same: He is not Goku from Dragon Ball, but the mistake is understandable because both stories are based on Journey to the West: both Gokus are based on Sun Wukong (indeed, 'Son Goku' is in the first place merely the Japanese rendering of 'Sun Wukong').
- Nigh Invulnerable: in his true form he can call on energy from the Earth to heal himself whenever he's injured (shown in his fight with Hakkai's true form) which makes him near immortal.
- Obfuscating Stupidity
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Restraining Bolt: His diadem, which is many times stronger than a normal youkai limiter and can only be remade by the Maten sutra or direct divine intercession.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Goku is the Manly Man to Hakkai's Sensitive Guy and the Sensitive Guy to Gojyo's Manly Man.
- Super-Powered Evil Side Sealed In A Person Shaped Can Inside A Tailor-Made Prison. Goku was subdued with a Restraining Bolt on top of being locked away in a solitary mountain prison for 500 years before Sanzo freed him. If the Power Limiter comes off when Sanzo's not around to run interference, FLEE. In the "Not Even a Worm" arc, we find out that not even Hakkai's Super-Powered Evil Side can stop Goku's in a straight-up fight.]]
- Simple Staff: Although dismissing Nyoi-Bou as "just a stick" is a big mistake.
- Soichiro Hoshi
- Tagalong Kid
Sha Gojyo
A half-yokai that grew up with an abusive mother that eventually tried to kill him, but his older brother Jien killed her right in front of him to save him. Is womanizing and frequently gets into fights with Goku. As a result of the abuse he endured as a child he's quick to defend children.
- Abusive Parents: ...and how.
- Big Half-Brother Worship: As a kid he adored his older half-brother, Jien.
- Bruiser with a Soft Center
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Urban Legend Love Life: In the manga Gojyo is a notorious flirt, but he's yet to become romantically involved with any women in-series. This only fuels speculation.
- Deceased Parents Are the Best: Gojyo's biological parents died when he was very young. He was raised by his older half-brother and Wicked Stepmother, both of them demons.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas / Mommy Issues: He loved his stepmother very much. She didn't reciprocate.
- Facial Markings / Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Half-Human Hybrid: His father was a demon, his mother a human.
- Handsome Lech
- Heroic Bastard: He's the child of an extramarital affair.
- Heterosexual Life Partners / Ho Yay: With Hakkai. They are very very married but it could be in the ‘’Leave It To Beaver’’ way with separate twin beds.
- Hiroaki Hirata
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Redheaded Hero
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Inverted, discussed, and deconstructed.
- Redheaded Stepchild: Quite literally.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Manly Man to Goku and Hakkai's Sensitive Guy.
- The Seductress
- Smoking Is Cool
previous incarnation
General Kenren
- Badass Longcoat
- Big Brother Mentor: To young Goku.
- Four-Star Badass
- House Husband: Back in the day, Kenren was the one who kept Tenpou’s office clean and made sure he remembered little things like sleeping and bathing.
- With Due Respect: Kenren is not exactly known for holding his tongue and he’s the first one to lash out against the Heavenly authorities…but the others immediately back him up when he does.
Cho Hakkai
Originally named Cho Gonou, he lived with his sister, who he shared a romantic relationship with. One day she was kidnapped by youkai, and Gonou proceeded to singlehandedly kill them all, only to find his sister had been raped, and not wanting to give birth to a youkai child, killed herself right in front of him after he had fought so hard to rescue her. In the process, he got the blood of a thousand youkai on him and became a youkai himself. Later he meet with Gojyo and the two were found by Sanzo and Goku who were tasked to bring Hakkai for trial for his murdering the youkai. It turned out for Hakkai that as Buddhism forbids killing (not that ever stops Sanzo), he is instead given a new identity as Cho Hakkai. He is generally the most polite and intelligent of the group, but even they find him terrifying when he's angry. Occasionally he removes his power limiters and fights as his youkai self, but does so rarely as it can potentially expose him to the influence of the Minus Wave.
- Akira Ishida: Was described as "voiced by Akira Ishida" in an early manga volume and the role was cast accordingly in the anime adaptation.
- Badass Abnormal: He single-handedly killed more than a thousand people (youkai and human) while still fully mortal. Armed with what looked like a fruit knife. Before he learned any ki attacks or healing. Imagine what he’s capable of now. Then go hide under the bed.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Hakkai is easily the most polite and soft-spoken member of the group. He's also a walking font of potential violence.
- Brother-Sister Incest
- Dissonant Serenity: Almost every time he fights. If he's acting otherwise his opponent is in big trouble.
- Eye Scream: In the manga, he tears out his eye and throws it at somebody. The anime "tones it down" to scratching the eyeball up while still in the socket.
- Heterosexual Life Partners / Ho Yay: With Goyjo. Knowing Hakkai, they probably DO have a china pattern picked out, whichever way you see their relationship.
- High-Class Glass
- House Husband
- I Owe Gojyo And Sanzo My Life
- Never Gets Drunk: He can drink anyone under the table without showing the effects. An audio drama actually does show him rambling to Hakuryuu when it's just the two of them and claiming that he's had too much, however, indicating that it might be less about not getting drunk and more about having so much self-control that his behavior never changes. Either way, it just adds to his Uncanny Valley factor.
- Power Limiter: His three earcuffs.
- Real Men Wear Pink
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sensitive Guy to Goku and Gojyo's Manly Man.
- Stepford Smiler
- Super-Powered Evil Side
- That Man Is Dead
- Team Chef
- Team Mom
- Was Once a Man
- The Wife
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Complete with Influence Judo - watch the group's antics carefully, and you'll see that while Sanzo is nominally in charge, if Hakkai wants something done, it happens. He'll also break your arm without ever losing his smile... but only if you're threatening innocents or his Nakama.
- Yandere
previous incarnation
Field Marshal Tenpou
- Badass Bookworm
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Four-Star Badass
- They Call Me Mister Tibbs: He tells young Goku to call him "Ten-chan".
- Tranquil Fury: Rather than Hakkai’s loopier Dissonant Serenity. Tenpou will go absolutely icy cold when he’s mad but without crossing over into smiling psychopathy.
- Trash of the Titans: Kenren keeps having to clean his office for him, because Tenpou will never do it himself.
Hakuryuu / Jeep
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Jeep is a white dragon who can turn into a Jeep. Hakuryuu means "white dragon."
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: He's a tiny dragon! He's a Jeep! He's a tiny dragon who transforms into a Jeep!
- Parrot Pet Position
- Reincarnation: Jeep is likely the reincarnation of Goujun, the Dragon King of the Western Seas, who was not a conspirator in the celestial rebellion but became a casualty of it after leaving a written account of the events.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Sapient Steed: Though not a talking one.
- The Smart Guy
- Team Pet / Cool Pet
Kougaji Party
The Kougaiji Party
A band of four youkai that were unaffected by the minus waves, but for reasons that come from following Kougaiji they serve as rivals to the Sanzo party.
- Anti Villains Type V, they could very easily be heroes in another series.
- Badass Crew
- Four-Temperament Ensemble
- Nakama: Far more so than the Sanzo Party. They’re called ‘’-tachi’’, “team”, for a reason.
- Punch Clock Villain: With plenty of Enemy Mine.
A Noble Demon that was the son of Gyumaoh. He has no interest in reviving him and has nothing against humans or the Sanzo party, but as Gyokuman Koushu promises to revive his mother if he helps complete his plans, he none the less aids her.
- Big Brother Instinct: To Lirin.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Thanks to Nii.
- The Comically Serious
- Facial Markings: his stripes
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Dead Little Sister: His mother, Rasetsunyo.
- Momma's Boy: Started out willing to do anything to reawaken her.
- Noble Demon
- Playing with Fire
- Takeshi Kusao
- Too Dumb to Live: Has some moments of this in the anime exclusives, most notably in one instance where he tried fighting Goku's Super-Powered Evil Side despite nearly getting killed the first time.
- Warrior Prince
Kougaji's younger half sister. Can be best described as a female Goku; replace his relationship with Sanzo with hers with Kougaiji minus that he treats her much better, except she's a bit of an airhead. Also has surprisingly large breasts despite her young age.
- Big Eater: a running joke being that she is easily distracted by food, even in the middle of a fight
- Boobs of Steel
- Cute Bruiser: At times is actually implied to be stronger than Kougaiji.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Facial Markings: her (mirror image of Kougaiji's) stripes
- Genki Girl
- Perky Female Minion
- Tomoko Kawakami
Dokugakuji/ Sha Jien
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Cool Sword
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Every time he and his half-brother Gojyo work together.
- Facial Markings: Even in the manga they're often omitted, though.
- Parental Incest: With his mother.
- That Man Is Dead
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Lying tied up on the floor, she threatens to bite off Nii Jienyi's dick.
- Faux Action Girl: She tries, bless her, but...
- Fan Service
- The Medic
- Onee-Sama: To Lirin.
- Shy Blue-Haired Girl : Started out as this, though character development has made her less so.
- White Magician Girl
- Yamato Nadeshiko
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Purple in the Gensoumaden anime; blue in Minekura's artwork and the Reload/Gunlock series.
- Yuko Minaguchi
- Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain
- Large Ham
- Let's Get Dangerous
- No Sense of Direction
- Small Name, Big Ego
Also Pebbles In The Ikkou's Shoes
Gyokumen Koushu
The youkai that aims to Gyumaoh, and Lirin's mother. As a Foil to the Kougaiji Party, she appears completely evil, caring for nothing and nobody apart from achieving her goals, even her own family mean nothing to her.
- Complete Monster: She has yet to display any redeeming qualities.
- Dark Mistress
- Dragon Lady
- Evil Matriarch
- Femme Fatalons
- Kick the Dog: In both the actual series and some particularly brutal ones added in the anime.
- Manipulative Bitch: Towards Kougaiji, especially.
- Parental Neglect: Couldn't care less about the welfare of her biological daughter, Lirin.
- Wicked Stepmother: To Kougaiji.
Dr. Nii Jianyi /Ukoku Sanzo/Ken'yuu
An extremely eccentric yet very threatening human mad scientist attempting to revive Gyumaoh for unknown reasons. As of the end of Reload is also known to be Ukoku Sanzo, the heretical keeper of the Muten sutra and an old friend of Koumyou Sanzo...and possibly also his murderer.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Almost literally, but do NOT mistake this guy for harmless due his eccentric behavior, he has plenty of Kick the Dog moments in his pursuit of mad science. That's not even counting the destructive power of the Muten sutra and the fact that he was able to use Buddhist magic to kill fellow monks with no more than a wave of his hand even BEFORE he was elevated to Sanzo.
- Deceptive Disciple: Killed his old master Goudai Sanzo.
- Eye Scream: End of the Reload manga. Still waiting for canon confirmation of the extent of the damage.
- Hypercompetent Sidekick: Gyokuman Koushu may be the one that came up with plan to revive Guymoah, but Nii is the one that allows her plan the possibility of succeeding, and as a whole is far more crafty than she is.
- Klingon Promotion: Ken'yuu rose in rank to Ukoku Sanzo by killing his master, Goudai. While his master had in fact declared that succession would be decided by a battle to the death, Ken'yuu had been specifically disqualified from participating. This results in Ukoku's strange heretical status: the Muten sutra recognizes him as its owner but he has never received the chakra mark that indicates approval from the gods.
- Mad Scientist
- Magnificent Bastard: It seems to be heavily hinted at that his entire involvement with the Gyumoah revival was part of a bet with the late Koumyou Sanzo.
- Master Apprentice Chain
- Ravens and Crows: His symbol in the series, along with the darkness of night. His Buddhist dynastic name is "Ukoku", "a crow cawed", after the bird that cried out when he killed his master.
- Ret-Gone: The Muten Sutra.
Hazel Grouse
- Dead Little Sister: His master.
- Enemy Within: He's been possessed by the demon Valhalla since it killed his master when he was a child, though he doesn't know it. This is implicitly the doing of Ukoku Sanzo, who was visiting at the time.
- Foil: To Sanzo. They have a similar history, both having lost their mentors/father figures to youkai attacks and devoting their adult lives to vengeance. However, Hazel pursues his vengeance by seeking to eliminate youkai entirely, even those unaffected by the Minus Wave like young children. Hazel’s magic amulet holds out a kind of false hope because for every human life it restores it must destroy the soul of a youkai. Sanzo, while very willing to kill anyone youkai or otherwise who tries to impede his quest, has not simply generalized that hatred to the entire species. He’s seeking to shut down the Minus Wave and end the problem at its source, restoring the possibility of coexistence between humans and youkai.
- Kansai Regional Accent: In Japanese...because he's from "The West". It gets changed to a mild, Southern accent in English translations.
- Koichi Tochika
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?: He believes in the obliteration of all youkai, berserk or no, since his master's murder.
Gatty "Gat" Nenehawk
- Back from the Dead: Gat was Hazel's first human victim, by accident. Hazel used his power to bring him back to life. Seems to have been an Unwanted Revival.
- BFG: Each one is about 3 times the size of Sanzo's little Smith and Wesson. Gat asks Sanzo, after Hazel's talisman is broken, to carry the guns once he can no longer be revived. Sanzo replies that they're guns only someone with Gat's strength could use: Sanzo would have to use both hands to be able to aim just one of them and the recoil would probably numb his entire arm, so he'd only be able to get off a single shot. One of them gets used quite dramatically in the climactic battle of Reload, against Ukoku. Result: The most successful attack against Ukoku yet--he’s probably lost an eye, maybe both. Sanzo does indeed have to use both hands and has to make his one shot count.
- Boom! Headshot!: Tries this on Seiten Taisei. It doesn't work.
- Gentle Giant
- Guns Akimbo
- The Gunslinger: Unlike Sanzo, Type B, The Vaporizer, with some elements of Type C (The Woo) use of Gun Fu. Gat's a very good shot but ultimately his style relies on the exceptional firepower of his huge pistols.
- Magical Native American: Though by Hazel's magic rather than his own.
Meanwhile, Up In Heaven
Kanzeon Bosatsu/The Merciful Goddess
- Genre Savvy
- Hermaphrodite: In the manga, Kanzeon as a "perfected" boddhisattiva is both fully male and fully female. In the anime, Kanzeon is portrayed as fully female like in Chinese tradition.
- Intrigued by Humanity: While she's definitely arrogant, her Butt Monkey man-servant once implying that she's an egotist even compared to the other gods, she regards Earth and its dynamic, constantly changing inhabitants as far more interesting and compelling than static, eternal Heaven. Woe betide you if she finds you especially the Sanzo-ikkou.
- Physical God: In Saiyuki Gaiden, she's shown to be even stronger than Goku with his power limiter removed.
- Jerkass Gods: She sends the Sanzo party out for her own amusement rather than any desire to do good, and only rarely ever helps them. And believe it or not, she's actually one of nicer gods seen in the series.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Empty Shell: He becomes this as a result of his failed suicide, after being ordered by his father to kill Goku.
- Eyes of Gold
- Facial Markings
- Forgotten Childhood Friend: To Goku.
- Tyke Bomb
Li Touten
- AbusiveParent: To Nataku, emotionally/verbally/physically/probably sexually.
- Complete Monster
- Facial Markings
The Three Aspects/The Sanbutsushin
- Huge Holographic Head: The way they appear in the Temple of the Setting Sun.
- The Omniscient: Supposedly. There's some suggestions that the Aspects are just following orders from higher deities like Kanzeon.
- Power Trio: They represent the three "bodies" of the Buddha--Truth, Bliss, and Manifestation--but the character designs look more like they represent the Masculine, Feminine, and Androgyne genders.
Monastic High School Drama
Houmei/Koumyou Sanzo
- Badass Long Hair: Goes from being just long enough to tie back as a novice, to a waist-length ponytail in middle age, to waist-length even when braided at his death.
- Cloudcuckoolander: The description used in Ibun is “a little stray cloud off in his own world”. Koumyou claims to be less reliable than the moon. He’s got a real thing for paper airplanes and forgets to hide the pipe and the booze from the other monks. At one point he quotes Dragonball Z to explain his strategies. I am not making this up.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: As a novice, Houmei was known as “the demerit monk” for his chronic rulebreaking and laziness. He was also stronger in Buddhist magic than any of the other sanzo candidates. As Koumyou Sanzo, he’s still blowing off lectures and sneaking alcohol…while also being the youngest person ever to reach that rank and the only one ever to be entrusted with two sutras.
- Master Apprentice Chain: Learned from Jikaku as a novice, and transmitted his teachings to his successor, Genjyo Sanzo.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- My Death Is Only the Beginning: Ukoku has suggested that Koumyou’s death in a youkai attack may have been intentional, as he was more than strong enough to fight such intruders off. This raises the possibility that Koumyou knew the effect his death would have on Genjyo and set him on that path on purpose.
- The Only One: Two of his closest friends (Tenkai and Goudai) stick him with their own problems (the Maten Sutra and Ukoku, respectively) when they die, because they believe him to be the only one who will not collapse under the karmic burden.
- Valley Girl: Houmei talks more like a Nagoya schoolgirl than a grown man—using cutesy nicknames and honorifics (i.e., “Momo-chan”), referring to oneself in the third person, and using “boku” and “anata” pronouns are all young, girlish verbal traits in Japanese.
Toudai/Goudai Sanzo
- Badass Long Hair: He's got a huge mane of shaggy dark hair, even as an old man.
- The Big Guy
- Klingon Promotion
- Master Apprentice Chain: He was Jikaku’s student and transmitted his teachings to his successor, Ukoku.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard: Of the Surpassed The Teacher variety. It gets messy.
- Blessed with Suck: Genkai’s prophetic talents were exploited by his parents and he foresaw the deaths of many, but could not protect his parents when they were in danger.
- Oracular Urchin: Genkai’s body stopped growing very early and he’s about the size of a 4 year-old.
- Arc Words: Jikaku was the first to make the comparison between Ukoku as “the dark of the night” and Koumyou as “the light of the moon”. The full significance of the comparison is still unclear.
- The Gump: Jikaku's a senior monk at a major temple the first time we see him in Saiyuki Ibun, and was the abbot of Keiun (the largest monastery in China) before Genjyo Sanzo. But what's MORE interesting about him is that he met at least 8 sanzo priests in his lifetime (3 unnamed former sanzos, Koumyou, Goudai, Genkai, Ukoku, and Genjyo).
- Master Apprentice Chain: Jikaku instructed both Koumyou and Goudai as novices. In turn, Koumyou taught his successor Genjyo and Goudai taught his successor Ukoku. Genjyo and Ukoku are now on opposite sides of the Minus Wave conflict.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard: Don’t ever teach Genjyo Sanzo a valuable lesson if you want to survive to the end of the story arc.
- Retired Badass
Sharak Sanzo
- Action Girl: She's a little gruff for a Lady of War.
- Badass Long Hair: Down to her thighs. It's like a modified Hime Cut although with some pretty impressive cowlick action.
- Covered with Scars
- Distaff Counterpart: To Genjyo, although she'd probably argue that he is her Spear Counterpart, since she's an Experienced Older Woman.
- Functional Magic: The use of resonators to extend the protection of her Koten sutra to the entire region.
- The Gunslinger: She's got a LARGE pistol, although we haven't seen her shoot it yet.
- The Siege: On the orders of the Sanbutsushin, she's been holding down the fort for years now waiting for the ikkou to make it West from Chang'An.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- The Lancer: He would seem to be Sharak's.