< Saiyuki


  • Crowning Music of Awesome: There are 3 piano pieces that this anime produced that are especially noteworthy for the beauty of the compositions, to the point that many pianists cover them. The first two are arrangements of the opening themes, For Real and Alone, while the third is Hakkai's Theme.
  • Fridge Horror: In Saiyuki Ibun, Genkai's best friend Toudai is the only one not afraid of touching him. Touching Genkai reveals your future to him. Now consider Toudai's ultimate fate as revealed in Burial. Genkai had to live with knowing all along the brutal way in which his best friend would die. Seems kinda merciful that Houmei goes out of his way not to touch him now, doesn't it?
  • Foe Yay Shipping: Yaone and Hakkai are a popular pairing.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Dr. Nii arguably qualifies for this.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Gyokuman Koushu crosses this repeatedly, having started the release of minus-waves to revive Gyomaoh, and we later find that they were started on PURPOSE to make the youkai more violent so they would be more likely to bring her the scriptures that she needed to revive him. She still has more moments with implying that she plans to sacrifice her own daughter to revive Gyomaoh.
  • Villain Decay: Poor Zakuro didn't even make it to the end of the chapter before the decay started ...
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