Romance Reports/YMMV
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Some reviewers actually complained about the
unusual potrayal of Luna and her general out-of-characterness, but this was before "Luna Eclipsed" aired. In retrospect, Luna's personality is surprisingly show-accurate.
- Les Yay: Twilight ends up fantasizing about everypony at some point,
including all of her friends. And we mean everyone. It gets to the point that she has trouble even looking at someone without growing aroused.
- Tear Jerker: Happens surprisingly often when compared to most of
the clopfics out there; the story can get rather emotional at times. The most notable examples include the entirety of [[Wham! Episode chapter ten,]] the end of chapter eleven when [[spoiler: Luna finally rejects Twilight completely,]] and [[spoiler: when Twilight realizes that Cheerilee has left her due to her fear that Twilight will do so first.]]
- Also, although the majority of "Private Party" consists of purely
zany romantic comedy hijinks, the end is surprisingly sad: Pinkie Pie confesses that she genuinely likes Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash is instantly reminded of how badly things went the last time she got romantically involved with a friend of hers, and doesn't want to repeat that mistake; so she intentionally chooses to misinterpret Pinkie's meaning and tells her that she likes her too, emphasizing the "best friends" part. Although she's hurt by the subtle rejection, Pinkie Pie doesn't bring it up again and instead just tries to go back to normal.