Romance Reports/Funny
- The conversation Twilight has with Rarity and Rainbow Dash when she
first turns to her friends for help. Rest assured that Hilarity Ensues.
Rarity: Do shall I put
this, you like...? {{quote|Rainbow Dash: Do you [[Unusual Euphemism }} clop]] to mares?
- The Winter Wrap-Up festival.
Rarity: Pinkie Pie, a lady does not just...smooch!
Pinkie Pie: Silly! I'm not a lady, I'm a pony.
- "Are you gonna kiss Fluttershy?! [[Girl-On-Girl Is Hot This is gonna be
awesome!]] Do it! DOOO IIIIIT!?
- Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash teasing Twilight by roleplaying how they
imagine her encounter with Braeburn went.
Rainbow Dash: I'm Twilight! Hey there, Braeburn!
Pinkie Pie: I'm Braeburn! Aaaaaaapplelooooooosa! Watcha readin'
"Twilight:" Egghead's Guide to Sensual Steamy Sexin'.
"Braeburn:" Sounds fun! Let's do it!
"Twilight:" Oh yes! Books! Science! Sarcasm!
"Braeburn:" Apples! Desert! More apples!
"Twilight:" Nnnnnnnahhhhh Princess Celestia!
"Braeburn:" Woooooo Appleloosa!
Rarity: Are you two quite finished?
- The mane six are creating their scale for rating how straight or gay
they think they are. Quite possibly one of the raunchiest conversations in the entire fic. [[spoiler: Made even funnier at the end when they learn that everypony outside the baths could hear them the whole time.]]
Rainbow Dash: 'One' should stand for straight.
Twilight: Why?
Rainbow Dash: Because it looks like a dick.
Pinkie Pie: So does nine!
You just have to turn it a little.
- "EXCUSE! ME! This is MY table! This is MY table, in MY bar, and I must
- "Welcome to Rainbow Dash's Pimp Palace!"
- Mental Note, Subject: Sex. Sex can be a bit of a confidence booster,
- The bonus chapter, "Private Party." [[spoiler: Specifically, the fact
that Pinkie Pie has an enormous chest of sex toys sitting in her room
for no apparent reason, just waiting to be used.]]
- "Except less fighting and more...sexing. Awesome sexing. Because I am
awesome at sex."
- Although wedged between serious revelations, Twilight gets a little
conversation with Spike that never fails to make me chuckle.
Spike: I?uh?are you and Cheerilee getting a divorce?
Twilight: For the last time, Spike, we?re not married!