A Character Sheet documenting the recurring characters in Animated TV Show Rollbots.
- Spin
The Series' Main Character and the last of the Zushin. He does not know his tribe from the beginning of the series but is assimilated into the Kei'zatsu tribe. He has Superspeed, Super Jumping Power, and wields a weapon called a boomstick, which is a collapsible sword. Because he is a Zushin, he can communicate with the city itself, and once he absorbs radiation, he can shoot energy balls and use telekinetic powers.
- Attack Pattern Alpha: Manoeuvre 42.
- Cassandra Truth: Noone believes Spin that Vertex is a Spiderbot.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower: Once he absorbs enough radiation.
- Energy Ball: An Eleventh Hour Superpower.
- In a Single Bound: Justified, as it's one of his powers.
- Last of His Kind: The Zushin
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Spin is red, and he is the fastest bot in Flip City.
- Meaningful Name: He spins.
- Power Glows: When he uses his speed power; likewise when using his Eleventh-Hour Superpower.
- The Protagonist
- Psychic Powers: An Eleventh-Hour Superpower.
- Super Speed: One of his powers.
- Technopath: Because he's a Zushin.
- Captain Pounder
The head of the Kei'zatsu. Captain Pounder is somewhat gruff but nice. His powers are throwing a metal disc which returns to him, and a glowing punch.
- Attack Pattern Alpha: Maneuver 42.
- The Big Guy
- Da Chief
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Downer Ending: Vertex is defeated and the city is saved, but Pounder is lost on the way, and the city is left open to an invasion of spiderbots.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Famous Last Words: "Spin, you are Zushin. Protect the city. Make me proud."
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Optimus Primal from Beast Wars.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Meaningful Name: He pounds things.
- Mighty Glacier
- Poor Communication Kills: Halfway through the 6-part season 1 Season Finale, Spin becomes convinced that Pounder is working with Vertex.
- Shout-Out: He has said "Roll Out!" at least once.
- Super Strength
- Taking You with Me: With Vertex. Sadly, it works.
- Penny
A former member of the Kuzuri tribe, Penny joined the Kei'zatsu after she was kicked out of the Kuzuri following a disagreement with Koto. Penny's power is healing others with a special disc in her hand. She is Spin's closest friend.
- Action Girl
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- George Jetson Job Security: What she did to Koto (accidentaly) was bad, but enough to kick her out of her entire tribe?
- Healing Hands
- Life Drain: Displayed in the final episode of the 6-Part Season 1 finale.
- The Medic
- Occupational Favoritism She's Pounder's favorite, and he's been giving her lessons in private.
- Lance
Lance is a meek, spineless Kei'zatsu who very rarely leaves the precinct. He can usually be found at the precinct, managing things there and insulting spin. His only power is the ability to create a force-field around himself.
- Bad Cop, Incompetent Cop: The latter.
- Barrier Warrior: His power, used as often as possible.
- Big Eater
- Butt Monkey
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: In The Koto Protocol, Lance displays some fighting prowess.
- Deadpan Snarker: Occasionally.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Rattrap from Beast Wars.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Whenever he gets screentime.
- Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes: Type II.
- Tinny
Tinny is a young child who is a close friend of Spin's. He is one of the Kei'zatsu and can usually be found with Spin. In the Season 1 finale's sixth episode, he discovers that he can shoot lasers and create force-fields.
- Barrier Warrior
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Cross-Dressing Voices: He is voiced by Tabitha St. Germain.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower: Shields and Energy balls.
- Energyball
- Fifth Business: According to the definition of Fifth Business at the beginning of the book, Tinny fits perfectly as he is not a hero, heroine, damsel, or villain, yet is often importrant to the plot.
- Meaningful Name: He's a tiny tin. Lampshaded by Lance.
- Bunto
A police officer who appears in the second through fourth episodes of the season 1 finale. He is slightly stupid, and tries to arrest Spin.
- Butt Monkey
- Canada, Eh?: Played to humorous effect, considering it's a Canadian Series.
- Last-Episode New Character: He barely appeared before the season 1 finale.
- Police Are Useless: Somewhat useless, anyway.
- Vertex
A large, sinister, evil spiderbot who spends all of season 1 building a device called a Dymex Key, which is capable of destroying the entire city. He uses Manx, Botch, and Macro as part of his plan.
- Artifact of Doom: The Dymex Key.
- The Chessmaster
- The Faceless: At least, during the theme song and any time he contacts the Kei'zatsu.
- Fangs Are Evil
- Giant Spider
- Good Colors, Evil Colors: He's Silver.
- Meaningful Name: When referring to 3D shapes, a Vertex is a point. While other bots are round, Vertex is more angular.
- Names to Run Away From
- Obviously Evil
- The Plan
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Spider Tank
- Spikes of Villainy
- Manx
The only female member of Vertex's minions, and by far the most competent. She is a former Kei'zatsu who rebelled. Her power is shooting purple energy balls.
- Action Girl
- Casting a Shadow: Her energy Balls.
- Dark Action Girl
- Energy Ball
- Evil Versus Evil: With Botch in the finale.
- Face Heel Turn: She used to be a kei'zatsu.
- Good Colors, Evil Colors: All white.
- Heel Face Turn: When she discovers Vertex's plan.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Luchs from Beast Wars.
- Men Are the Expendable Gender: Somewhat.
- Names to Run Away From
- Obviously Evil
- Only Sane Woman
- Botch
A minion of Vertex's, he is a former member of the Triad, a gang, and before that he was a Zurasho. He has had a bad past with Manx, and they don't get along very well at work. His power is a launching energy claw.
- Black and Grey Morality: Before being a villain, he was a gang member.
- Book Dumb
- Evil Versus Evil: With Manx in the last (6th) episode of the season 1 finale.
- Face Heel Turn: He is a renegade Zurasho.
- Grappling Hook Pistol: His power.
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Often.
- Hard Light: His energy claw.
- Meaningful Name: He often botches things up.
- Obviously Evil
- Macro
A big, dumb renegade Hai'bu minion of Vertex. His powers are super srength and the ability to shoot a spiked Wrecking Ball from one arm.
- Big Eater
- The Big Guy
- The Ditz
- Dumb Muscle
- Face Heel Turn: Before being a villain, he was a Hai'bu.
- Meaningful Name: The prefix "macro" is the opposite of "micro".
- Mighty Glacier
- Stupid Evil
- Phaze
An old rival of Manx's who was broken out of jail on two occasions by Vertex. His power is Magnetic, giving him the ability to command metal to his will.
- Back for the Finale
- Expy: Of Magneto from The X-Men.
- Face Heel Turn: He was a Zurasho, then a member of the Triad, like Botch.
- Names to Run Away From
- Vett
An old ally of Vertex's who understands English perfectly, but rarely speaks anything other than an ancient dialect. He and Vertex seem to dislike eachother, and they both make it very clear. Vett first appears in Part 3 of the 6-Part Season 1 Finale, titled "Vett".
- Alien Invasion
- Cool Mask
- Fictionary/Con Lang: The dialect which it speaks, which Vertex and Pounder are both fluent in.
- Forgotten Friend, New Foe: More like new rival, on Vertex's part.
- Giant Spider
- Good Colors, Evil Colors: Silver.
- Last-Episode New Character
- Names to Run Away From
- Obviously Evil
Other Characters
- Aria
The Mayor of Flip City. She is highly elitist and constantly forgets the names of people around her. She is the leader of the Nisen tribe.
- Koto
Leader of the Kuzuri tribe, Koto's full title is "Chief Surgeon Koto".
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He holds up pretty well in the fight against Vett.
- The Big Guy
- Breakout Character
- Deadly Doctor: See Authority Equals Asskicking.
- Everyone Join the Party: In the fight with Vett in the final episode of Season One.
- Healing Hands
- Life Drain: Demonstrated in the Vett fight.
- Noodle Incident: With Penny.
- Gates
Head of the Tensai tribe, Gates is a small but brilliant scientist. He is afraid of just about anyone who is bigger than him.
- Back for the Finale
- Cassandra Truth: Regarding Spin and R.O.S.E. It costs Spin his job.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: According to the official website, he rigs the elections for Tensai leader annually.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Hoist by His Own Petard: R.O.S.E.
- The Short Guy with Glasses
- Time Travel: The Crontab.
- Octo
Head of the Zurasho tribe, Octo is an expert construction worker who designed a large housing complex which would later become a regular location in the series.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: In the finale, he holds up reasonably well against Vett.
- Back for the Finale
- The Big Guy
- Drop the Hammer: When in a fight.
- Everyone Join the Party: For the Vett fight.
- Super Strength
- Cable
Full name Fire Chief Cable, Cable is head of the Zobo'shi tribe, making her the top firefighter. She and Pounder have an ongoing argument about whose tribe actually does more for the city.
- Action Girl
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Though given what her authority is...
- Back for the Finale
- Everyone Join the Party: For the Vett fight.
- Good Colors, Evil Colors: Yellow.
- Meaningful Name: She's a robot. Robots presumably have Cables.
- Swapped Roles: Face it. When you think of a firefighter, you probably think of a man.
- The En
The leader of the Zogen'sha tribe, "En" is her title rather than her name. She is one of few people who seem to know Spin's past. In the fifth part of the 6-part season 1 finale, she is killed by Vett.
- Back for the Finale
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": "En" is the title of the Zogen'sha leader.
- I Have Many Names: The official website calls her "The Oracle".
- Killed Off for Real
- Spell My Name with a "The".
- Token Minority: She has a thick African accent.
- Daso
Daso is a Zogen'sha who is next in line to be the En. He seems to know Spin's past and seems to have something to do with the city beginning to speak to Spin.
- Back for the Finale
- Ominous Latin Chanting: Except it's not Latin.
- Token Minority: See The En.
- Roboto
An In-Universe sports star, who plays a fictional sport called Bot-Ball, and is considered to be the most well-known botballer (like Tiger Woods for golf). Penny has a crush on Roboto, who seems to know Spin somehow.
- Back for the Finale
- Fragile Speedster: He's quick, but once Vett catches up with him, he gets swatted like a bug.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: He is the Reddest member of his all-red team, and happens to be the most famous botballer.
- Meaningful Name: Robot plus Romano.
- Virtual Celebrity
- Zilla and Bug
Two expert Tensai Scientists. They are often responsible for much of the mishaps around the city.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Heterosexual Life Partners
- Lawful Stupid: The Do-right Module.
- Meaningful Name: Bugzilla, a computer bug detector.
- The Short Guy with Glasses