Rollbots is a Canadian Series set In a World in the Sky called Flip City. In it lives a population of Transforming Mecha who get around by turning into spheres and rolling (Roll-bots, get it?). The series follows rookie Flip City Police recruit Spin as he and the rest of the FCPD protect the citizenry from Vertex's team of rogue bots.
Find the Character Sheet here.
Tropes used in Rollbots include:
- Animesque
- Bad Boss: Mayor Aria is highly unpleasant and elitist.
- Barrier Warrior: This is Lance's ability, but he's not good at it.
- Butt Monkey: Lance.
- Cassandra Truth: Spin can't convince Captain Pounder that Vertex is a Spider Tank.
- Chest Insignia: The various tribe insignias, though they are usually on an arm on leg. Spin doesn't have one, as he doesn't have a tribe that he knows of.
- Cross-Dressing Voices: Tabitha St. Germain plays Tinny.
- Da Chief: Captain Pounder.
- Dumb Muscle: Macro.
- Eyepatch of Power: Pounder. Odd, since he's a robot.
- Face Heel Turn: Manx was a Kei'zatsu before the series.
- Five-Bad Band:
- Big Bad: Vertex
- The Dragon, Evil Genius: Manx
- The Brute: Macro
- Dark Chick: Botch[1]
- Sixth Ranger: Phaze, Vett
- Five-Man Band:
- The Hero: Spin
- The Lancer: Tinny
- The Chick: Lance[2]
- The Big Guy: Pounder
- The Smart Guy: Penny
- Gratuitous Japanese: The tribes' names are derived from relevant Japanese words, often modified with Xtreme Kool Letterz. Some examples include (note: "<" means "derived from"):
- Kei'zatsu (police) < keisatsu ("police")
- Kuzuri (medics) < kusuri ("medicine")
- Tensai (scientists) < tensai ("genius")
- Zobo'shi (firefighters) < shouboushi ("firefighter")
- Grievous Harm with a Body: Botch likes to do this with his Grappling Hook Pistol hand.
- Groundhog Day Loop: "Crontab Trouble".
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Expect a lot of this, especially if you've seen Beast Wars:
- Spin is Double D, though he doesn't sound like it.
- Pounder is Optimus Primal.
- Lance is Rattrap.
- Penny is a more adult-sounding Tachikoma.
- Manx is Luchs.
- Fantastic Caste System: Kei'zatsu are police, Tensai are scientists, Kuzuri are medics, and so on.
- Healing Hands: Penny.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Spin is red and the fastest bot in Flip City.
- Lawful Stupid: "The Do-Right Module" has the team forced to behave this way, or they get shocked.
- Meaningful Name: Spin spins, Tinny is a tiny tin (as lampshaded by Lance), Pounder pounds things, Cable (presumably) comtains cables, Vertex is angular, Macro is big, and Botch screws everything up.
- Shapeshifter Mode Lock: "Scorched" has several characters get stuck between robot and sphere modes, rendering them pretty helpless.
- Shout-Out: Pounder gives the command "Roll out!" at least once.
- Spider Tank: Vertex.
- The Big Guy: Pounder is the biggest of the Kei'zatsu.
- Transforming Mecha: Everyone.
- World in the Sky: Flip City.
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