Ride Alone Complex/Characters
A breakdown of the characters in Ride Alone Complex. Remember, tropes specific to one character's assets go here, not on the mainpage!
Justice Unlimited Nocturne-Kinetic Elimination Riders
Haruka Emmerich / Kamen Rider Avalanche Kivaara and Kamen Rider Libera
Genius, badass, sex on legs, Sirknight Fangire (hence "sex on legs")...and suffering from deep-seated acceptance issues.
Haruka's Tropes
- Canon Immigrant: From KRV proper.
- Doing In the Wizard: A holdover from KRV, wherein the Fangire condition was explained via something known as "Fangire Nucleus/Neo-Mitochondrion Theory". Then tossed aside for the sake of Sanae and the Inoues getting to do what they please at the FangOreo's expense, and finally revived once more here. She's even got a graph for the cohesion of the theory.
- Freudian Trio: Fulfills multiple positions within the FangOreo:
- As the Id: An incorrigible fetishist, and more recently revealed to be vengeful enough about Fangire affairs that she's more apt to just have a Rider War already and be done with it.
- As the Superego: Conflates her and her family's peace and prosperity with that of Tokyo, and strives to preserve it via JUNKER accordingly.
- As the Ego: Knows when to put a damper on her vices, and takes work and play only as seriously as they ought to be.
- Genius Bruiser: "Some psychology here, a little pharmacology there..." ...naturally she Minored in Asskicking.
- Good Is Not Nice: Slips into this in Kenoko's Prelude, going so far as to Fated Circle her after one turn-down of recuperative assistance too many.
- And then once again with a Reassigned to Antarctica-type threat to her that winds up construed as a Fate Worse Than Death by Kenoko.
- Holy shit Haruka Ake told you to stop the car. Repeatedly.
- Brought to its epitome when her "punishment" for a SHOCKER Hopper clone of Tomoe is for her to live with the morality conflict brought upon by her mission parameters conflicting with the Masquerade as THI's Chairwoman of the Board, and thus one of SAUL's ranking officers.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: At current count, we're at Polymorphic Gunblade-swinging Paramilitary-commanding Warrior Therapist Slutbat.
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: No doubt Haruka's worst insecurity (born primarily of the presence of Maya and Sanae in KRV), to the point where it takes (in no particular order) Akebara, Kenoko, Wyll and Aelita, and Kivaara (using a semi-intravenous AI of Aya Brea) to Bright Slap her into shape this time around.
- Sobriquet (with hints of The Butcher): Occasionally dispatches under the callsign "Grievous Whore".[context?]
- Causes some confusion if abbreviated to "GW" - Aelita tries this, and Ake's first thought is of Yukari instead.
Yukari Arukama / Kamen Rider Kiva
The oreo in FangOreo (well, she's at the center, anyway), and Development & Pioneer's president.
Yukari's Tropes
- Canon Immigrant: From KRV proper.
- Freudian Trio: Fulfills multiple roles within the FangOreo:
- As the Id: Always appreciates a good cuddle.
- As the Ego: Keeps a cool head about in most situations. Counter to Haruka's Id.
- Mama Bear: Her apparent first reaction to Haru being endangered is to barrel through a shopping plaza on a perma-Buroon-mounted Machine Kivaa. As Kiva Emperor.
- Power Limiter: Kiva Emperor's "Mezzo Forte" regulators, ostensibly meant to prevent its sheer power from going all over the place.
- The Tease: Quite subtle about it compared to, say, Haruka. (Of course, having Kaoru on hand to proxy things might help a bit.)
Royce Atrocitas / Kamen Rider Orga and OOOs
JUNKER's R&D Department Head and general disco fiend and ass woman.
Royce's Tropes
- Canon Immigrant: From KRV proper.
- The Chikan: Something she's trying to move away from. Albeit kinda slowly.
- Eyes Always Shut: Force of habit carried over from KRV. Sees just fine through the eyelids now, between eighty-odd years of practice and Haken not being arsed to put the old Infravision on her civvie sheet.
- Genius Ditz
- The Unseen: Once joked about becoming thus due to the difficulty of tapping nazca to guest-voice. Then Haken got good at writing her.
Kaoru Midorikawa / Kamen Rider Blade
JUNKER's Trooper Commander and our resident Navy Joker. Delivers chocolates personally to her troopers.
Kaoru's Tropes
- Apocalypse Maiden: Being a Joker is kinda supposed to mean Kaoru is liable to scrub the planet clean of life with kaijin should she be the last Undead standing (Class 3a to Class 4 on the Apocalypse How scale). Luckily JUNKER is apparently working on a facsimile to alleviate that...
- Canon Immigrant: From KRV proper.
- Freudian Trio: Fulfills multiple roles within the FangOreo:
- As the Ego: Counter to Haruka's Id, and reasonable enough about matters of the heart to co-opt her Superego.
- As the Superego: Knows her place as the Navy Joker and does her damnedest to stay above it.
- Most Common Superpower: Described off the bat as having "breasts that should be illegal."
Aelita Schaeffer / Kamen Rider ZX
Freshly de-aged and with a craving for gachapon-filled chocolate eggs, Aelita is JUNKER's Chief Instructor.
Aelita's Tropes
- Badass Lolita: Some time after resurrecting into her CL-canon age, she and Wyll stormed a SHOCKER-hijacked SHOCKHOUND and decimated a good chunk of the G5 Army within. And a mini Metal Gear thing. And Nineball.
- Not to mention they had rolled a few Velociprey and a Tigrex as a warmup.
- And hopefully more to come if Pink Lemonade flashbacks continue to occur.
- Not to mention they had rolled a few Velociprey and a Tigrex as a warmup.
- Canon Immigrant: From KRV proper, where she was an Immigrant from Code Lyoko.
- Cool Hoverbike: Ragnarok, styled after its revision in Dissidia 012.
- Fun T-Shirt: The "I AM BOSS" tee once joked about in core-KRV backstage is now officially canon.
- Hollywood Hacking: Two-thirds averted - there's well-grounded hard-science (or at least hard Cyberpunk) terminology thrown about when she works her magic, and the sphere of influence is well-delineated (if exacerbated by a spot of Everything Is Online)...but it all comes down to her Technopath tendencies being channeled through a customized JUNKER earbud.
- Improbable Age: Where the rest of the legacies border on mere Older Than They Look or Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have! territory, Aelita's pushing the Really Seven Hundred Years Old range thanks to her "Wonky Codebody."
- Trademark Favorite Food: Kinder Surprise eggs.
- Tron Lines: Back, and more noticeable than they ever managed to be in KRV. Apparently they accentuate her curves nicely.
Kenoko Ni'Chulainn / Kamen Rider 2 Kamen Rider Calibur
Smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish. Runs the Lion's Pride Junkyard, and wants nothing to do with JUNKER. Unfortunately...
Kenoko's Tropes
- Animal Motifs: The lion, obviously; it's used in most of the "episode names" she's been in so far.
- Badass Biker and Biker Babe
- Badass Nickname: "The Lion", shortened from her older "The Lion of Gekkoukan".
- Berserk Button: Go ahead. Imply that Tomoe might have shacked up with Asuka and Aoki.
- Or imply that she's a liability to the team.
- Break the Badass: On the other hand, if you want to terrify her... threaten to send her back to THI, who made her like this in the first place.
- Broken Bird: The lambasting that life gave her during the Void Hour Incident is shown to have left Kenoko emotionally wrecked. She's improving rapidly with exposure to a Rider team who aren't complete morons/hate her, but the Jade-Colored Glasses resurface around the legacy characters or when the Void Hour Incident is brought up, often as a bitter, sarcastic rant about how crappy it was.
- But Not Too Foreign: Being half-Irish.
- The Call Knows Where You Live: Well, Haruka does, at least.
- Canon Immigrant: From KRV proper, with the original player reinstated.
- Cursed with Awesome: Yes, Rider-2 is absurdly powerful... if you feel like risking the re-emergence of Super-Powered Evil Side "Nigo". Also, due to her Artificial Human nature, Kenoko is quite unaging... but her body will slowly shut down if she doesn't transform. Hilarity Ensues.
- Expansion Pack Past: Largely due to Kenoko getting virtually no screentime in KRV, and nobody wanting to talk to her anyway, her backstory is virtually nonexistent.
- Fridge Horror: Kenoko's image song is Rideback, by good old MELL. Which is all well and good, unless you look at the song as being from her perspective and in past tense.
- He Who Fights Monsters: Kenoko deals lethal damage at all times.
- Incurable Cough of Death and Blood From the Mouth: Due to refusing to transform into Rider-2. Expected to double as a Game-Breaking Injury if her sheet is anything to go by.
- Made of Iron: Almost literally, and this is essentially Kenoko's gimmick now, sharing it with Michelle.
- More Than Mind Control and Evil Feels Good: Nigo is strongly implied to be this, of the "Live out your repressed desires" kind of mind control. Kenoko's Motive Rant about her thoughts while she was Nigo and how it felt are almost Nightmare Fuel.
- DM'S NOTE: All that more chilling given all that wound up getting repressed in KRV core.
- It gets worse once Kenoko admits that it was Tomoe's voice she heard giving her orders, and she just wanted her lover to be happy...
- It Got Worse, given her new reveal that it felt "better than anything", and she's not sure what she'd do if that was taken away from her again.
- And then worse again when it turns out that Nigo's programming was, in fact, erased in the Void Incident, and that the version we see coming out is Kenoko slipping back into the role because she's that scared of it happening. In other words, Your Mind Makes It Real coupled with a pseudo-voluntary Face Heel Turn.
- Most Common Superpower: Interesting version. Kenoko is actually relatively well-stacked, but she's also six feet tall, making her breasts look smaller than, say, Kaoru's. This is a holdover from KRV, where Kenoko was initially designed to be party face (which never happened due to the way that game was run), and thus had high Charisma and ranks of the Attractive and Bishoujou feats, though it rarely came up due to Axel feeling that oversexualising her would ruin the point. Kenoko also started RAC without this due to her body degrading from Phlebotinum Breakdown, but reverted to it after Yukari forced her into a henshin, causing her body to self-repair.
- Not a Morning Person: Apparently snapped back in sixty-odd years without Tomoe's "guiding influence". It's made worse by the fact that she can't have coffee anymore (see Weaksauce Weakness below).
- Retired Badass: Well, she tries her best, but is really a Badass Abnormal, so you get things like...
- Smoking Is Cool: ... her Establishing Character Moment, which has her telling a robot to get off her junkyard because it's presence is against the rules, hitting it with a lead pipe almost as long as she is, tanking an explosion, punching it in half, and ignoring being set on fire long enough to chain her cigarette off it's burning corpse.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran: The longer the game runs, the more it shows just how wrecked Kenoko was by the Void Incident. The question is whether it manifests as depression or terrible bitterness.
- Weaksauce Weakness: To caffiene, which is potentially fatal. Used to be to alcohol, but some good Samaritan picked her up out of the gutter and altered her body to metabolize alcohol efficiently, ruining the suicide attempt, to her disgust.
- A cup of lemonade (well, Sprite) is sufficient to give her jitters on par with what a normal person expects out of espresso. We have yet to see if this results in Caffeine Bullet Time.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Repeatedly, due to her not giving a damn what she fights. Word of God - everyone else sees people in rubber suits; Kenoko sees targets trying to hurt her friends.
- Who Wants to Live Forever?: Kenoko was aiming for a Redemption Equals Death scenario via Phlebotinum Breakdown to make up for her turning on SEES.
Rebecca Hill / Kamen Rider Black (temporarily SHOCKER-verse Kamen Rider Decade)
Promoted Osutrooper with confidence issues.
Rebecca's Tropes
- Asskicking Equals Authority: In her intro, she managed to take out a giant Yummy with a Mauve Shirt tier belt (Osu Trooper).
- Badass Normal: During the first two weeks in-game, she was the only vanilla human in the bunch. Everyone else was a Showaborg, an Orphenoch, a Fangire, a Worm, and in Kaoru's case an Undead.
- By the time week 3 rolled around, Kuuga and KB Den-O both had human users.
- Broken Pedestal: While at first glance Becca has proven she's quite skilled, Rebecca has outright admitted she only joined D&P because she needed a job and the only other place that would take her was a bakery.
- Competence Zone: She's outright stated she's scared she's outside it.
- Face Heel Turn: When Rebecca is kidnapped by Tenpai, Tenpai managed to unintentionally convince Rebecca to join him.
- Fatal Flaw: A one-two-three punch of a missing sense of self-confidence, not getting any attention to the point of non-projecting, and an inferiority complex, all of which were exacerbated to the nth degree thanks to Rio training.
- Informed Flaw: Anger issues. Stated to be a problem for her before joining D&P, though it hasn't come up during the actual course of play.
- At least until we started to see her as Violent Emotion Decade. The name sounds like it's made of and for anger issues.
- Luminescent Blush
- Mauve Shirt: Started play as one and got promoted quickly.
- Not a Morning Person: Noted, but nowhere near Kenoko's tier of morning laziness. Case in point: Becca can get up under her own steam in the morning.
- The Spartan Way: D&P Los Angeles compensated for not having any available Rider-tier belts by putting their Riotroopers into Training from Hell.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Arikado Haru / Kamen Rider Saga (and sometimes IXA)
Apparently FangOreo's (primarily Yukari and Kaoru's) adopted daughter, and Fangire Princess.
Haru's Tropes
- Eyepatch of Power: Hides the Seal of Kiva inscribed onto her left eye.
- Precision F-Strike: Somehow manages to reserve the most foul of her profanities exclusively for tormenting Xander.
- Unstoppable Rage: Oh God Shark Fangire/Gablias (Garchomp) Fangire. It says something that it takes two of her three mommies (including Orpheus!Yukari reminding the cast that you can grapple competently with STR) and a punch in the snout from intended victim Kenoko to restrain her.
Mizuho Miyuki / Kamen Rider Agito
... a ninja or something?
Miyuki's Tropes
- Highly-Visible Ninja: Lampshaded as such by Punchy.
- Shrinking Violet: Starts off somewhat uncomfortable with protecting her "Hime-sama" in the open.
Michelle Lukles / Kamen Rider V3
BEST MUM EVER, having undergone a Showaborg conversion to get back at the monsters who took her husband away.
Michelle's Tropes
- Canon Immigrant: Once again, from KRV proper.
- Ascended Extra: A one-shot NPC being lifted from said KRV into a recurring role.
- Immortal Immaturity: Her mental age is officially listed as "generally drifting between 18 and 30".
- Made of Iron: Like Kenoko, almost literally.
Baraen Akebara / Kamen Rider Proto-DCD
Half-Fangire daughter of now-deceased Baraen Yuriko, and surrogate daughter to Wyll Ascher... and professional gambler.
Akebara's Tropes
- Adrenaline Makeover: After she goes Cheetah Fangire for the first time, Ake reverts to her still-bloodstained (and other things not worth mentioning-stained) pit-fighting outfit and a JUNKER hoody.
- Broken Bird: Massive Foreshadowing of it, but it's decisive when she admits to Haru that she's not used to being treated as a person.
- Canon Immigrant: From Super Robot Wars G, with her original player at the helm.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant: Being Wyll's protege, Ake attempts (and thusfar succeeds) to invoke this trope.
- Fun T-Shirt: "I taught your girlfriend that thing you like."
- The Gambler: Complete with lucky coin she makes her decisions with.
- Headphones Equal Isolation: Averted; Akebara is quite outgoing. Of course, it's entirely possible that she's only wearing her headphones clipped to her breast pocket to draw attention to her, well, breasts.
- And then revealed to be a subversion when it turns out she's more isolated than anyone else in the cast.
- Legacy Character: Sort of - she's Wyll's adopted daughter and is carrying on with his Proto-Decade Driver, but she wants to avoid his legacy. His methods, on the other hand, she's somewhat liberal with.
- Little Miss Badass: Being Yuriko's daughter, it's probably genetic.
- One of Us: Get her started on Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Kamen Rider. Now try and shut her up.
- Self-Made Orphan: Sorta. Her mother died in childbirth, but her father was an abusive dick, and when he beats her bloody she wishes he was dead just as Wyll walks by...
- Take That: Appears to be one against KRV proper, via very dark twist on the rampant sex (or, as some of the fandom calls it, "whore lolis") that dominated that game.
- Confirmed for one with recent reveals.
- Unperson: A sorta-kinda example. Akebara has so many layers of "mask" that she's completely unused to people referring to her as a person. Which is why Haru's treatment of her as "Ake" (instead of "breasts" like most of the rest of the cast) draws out such a strong emotional response.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Like Wyll before her, Ake is hypoglycemic.
- What Have I Become?: Played with. It initially looks like Ake bypasses two out of four Stages of Monster Grief, moving right to "Acceptance", but it's more that she went through Denial and Defiance simultaneously during the first few weeks (and her backstory), and Haruka really knows how to give someone a talking to.
- Half-Fangire Needs FN-TAU Badly: Akebara is hypermetabolic. Most Fangires can go for about two months without a shot of TAU (or life-force if you're still a bad not!vampire). Ake? Ten-ish minutes.
Me-Kuja-Ku "Jack" Sears / Kamen Rider ZO (and apparently now Kamen Rider Super-1)
A mecha otaku dancing the fine line between Super Robot and Real Man.
Jack's Tropes
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: His real-life-induced absence from the session immediately following his intro in Rider 101 is conveniently explained by the group passing by a HY2M Nu Gundam. Beyond that, there's the rest of his penchant for Humongous Mecha trappings to deal with...
- Calling Your Attacks: A large fan of this. It almost screws up Becca's first Rider Kick as BLACK.
- George Jetson Job Security: Though yet to be properly terminated, his bio seems to imply either this or a less-sinister brand of Ultimate Job Security.
- Isn't it because he's Crazy Awesome?
- Half Human Hybrids: Descended from a Grongi-spliced father. Apparently lacks the Bad Cockney Accent.
- Hot-Blooded: Full stop.
- Hot for Teacher: Might be, for Aelita. Definitely unrequited so far.
- Possibly also counting for Kenoko. Requited at LEAST twice.
- Improvised Weapon: "Douser Hurricane", spawned from overclocking ZO's respirator. The Fridge Horror of its effectiveness against squishy targets kicks in fast during a G-series dummy trial run.
- Keet: Insofar as a 28-year-old can be one.
- Large Ham: His introduction. Good God.
Kenoko's best friend, and the resident Meta Guy.
Punchy's Tropes
- Conversational Troping: Calling Miyuki out on being a Highly-Visible Ninja and Rebecca on her Transparent Closet. In those exact words.
Pacifica Garstein / Kamen Rider Diend
The cold, calculating Treasure Sniper.
Pacifica's Tropes
- Captain Ersatz: Possibly, of KRV's original Diend Ingrid von Harkonnen.
- Multiple Reference Pun: Beating the DM at his own game, Pacifica clocks in at FIVE MGS references and a Super Robot Wars one for good measure:
- Personal appearance based on Crying Wolf's motion capture actress.
- Owns a robotic version of Crying Wolf's Beast form as her Cool Bike.
- Is an Ocelot Orphenoch with all the gunslinging prowess that entails.
- Looted half of Sniper Wolf's backstory for her own.
- First name taken from Paz Ortega Andrade's true identity.
- Last name taken from Super Robot Wars Original Generation's Leona Garstein, herself a Cold Sniper of repute.
Korin Takeba / Kamen Rider Faiz
A girl friend of Haru's, and a speedily repurposed medical intern.
Korin's Tropes
- Covert Pervert: Somewhere under her Shrinking Violet guise seems to lie the ability to eyeball Haru's bust size. (Though it may help that they've hugged enough that she knows Haru's Wholesome Crossdresser guise is just that.)
- Cute Monster Girl: Is a Mutio Orphenoch, which apparently rankles her parents somewhat.
- Refused the Call: On multiple occasions. Finally accepted Faiz because it was Royce's idea.
Autovajin Unit 3
Korin's slightly snarky bike, with an artistic eye for his "father's" craft.
Auto-3's Tropes
- Put 'em here
Alexander Winger / Kamen Rider Birth
A boy friend of Haru's and Mauve Shirt extraordinaire.
Xander's Tropes
- Badass Bystander and Heroic Bystander: How many people do you know who would immediately throw themselves in front of a Monster of the Week for you?
- Chivalrous Pervert: Though even this has a slight twist, because...
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: ... he has this attitude towards Haru. Unrequited.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Xander offers to put Miyuki and Korin up at his apartment instantly when he hears they've been kicked out (and/or running away, in Korin's case).
- Power Trio: Part of Jackpot Squadron, along with Akemi and Gary.
- Shipper on Deck: Shipping Korin/Haru.
Shizuo Takarai / Kamen Rider KB Den-O
A hair-triggered gent who CLEARLY doesn't know his own strength.
Shizuo's Tropes
- put 'em here
Madoka Saki / Kamen Rider Amazon
Saki's Tropes
- Canon Foreigner: Ostensibly acquainted with Kenoko from shortly before Void Hour, not that KRV would ever acknowledge that Kenoko had nice things.
- New Old Flame: for Kenoko.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Meta example; Saki was Athon's first pick for KRV, and was replaced by Miki after he read the logs and realised he could completely manipulate the playerbase. It worked.
Luca Leide / Kamen Rider Solaris
...Wait, when did Motoko Kusanagi get a Rider Gear?
Luca's Tropes
- Geeky Turn On: May or may not have gotten off on Kenoko starting up her Sliger when given a ride home.
- Hot-Blooded: Rather.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Extremely fond of this.
- Also a bit of Gameplay and Story Integration, to boot... Most of Solaris' top-end attacks are Area Effects.
- The Reveal: Is, in reality, KRV's Alice Lukles, split from Alex via overuse of Xtreme. May or may not be a Paper-Thin Disguise.
Vincent Roa / Kamen Rider Orgone
Youngest member of the Lukles clan... And nowhere near as lucky as his father or grandmother before him.
Vincent's Tropes
- Asexual: More or less as 'bad' as Wyll in this aspect.
- Bishonen: Standard fare for anyone descended from Alex, really.
- Butt Monkey: Even his own grandmother causes him headaches... If the sudden impact to the face with a book titled 'You Suck' is anything to go by.
- Canon Immigrant: From so many goddamn places... Chief among them being Super Robot Wars G, and the Musou Verse to a much lesser extent, though he has a new surname this time around.
- Can't Hold His Liquor: And on top of that, when he does get drunk, Hilarity Ensues.
- Has Two Daddies: Alex and Wyll, natch. Granted he thinks of Wyll as more of an uncle, but it's otherwise played straight.
- Improbable Age: He's 17. His father is 77. Cue chronological headaches.
- Lazy Bum: There are only two things that get him motivated enough to do things. Like being deprived of video games long enough. Or when tempted with information about his mother.
- Or having his somewhat more motivated alternate universe self take over.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: It goes down to his waist, and he inherited Alex's Bishonen gene. This can only end well.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Nope. Too lazy to be worth worrying about.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: There's even photographic proof of this in-character. Which leads to this line:
Akebara: You look like an orange-flavoured condom.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: One of his quirks imported from previous incarnations.
Kouta Tsukamoto / Kamen Rider Kuuga
Holy crap a Kuuga who didn't learn his trade from being shot by Faiz.
Kouta's Tropes
- The Apprentice: Kouta is one of the only cast members with no battle experience, though it's been implied he's not unused to hand-to-hand combat. Recently apprenticed himself to Kenoko for learning about how to use his weapons.
- Black Eyes Take Warning: When the threat of Black-Eyes Ultimate is referenced, Kouta's eyes have a tendency to appear black, though it's supposedly just a trick of the light.
- For Happiness: Variation - much of Kouta's sense of justice comes from not doing things you realize you'll regret looking back on it.
- Heroic Bystander / Right Man in the Wrong Place: This is how Kouta ended up getting the Kuuga belt in the first place.
- Noodle Incident: Count the Noodles! Implements leading to his pre-JUNKER unemployment apparently include a slushie machine, a pack of microwaveable fried chicken, a rubber-band ball, and all of Aisle 6.
- Rookie Red Rider: Because the events of Hour of the Void took place nearly forty years before he was born, Kouta is one of the only cast members not jaded about it. He also doesn't know much about how JUNKER operates as a result.
Wyll Ascher / Kamen Rider T2 Xtreme
Lemony-fresh proprietor of the resident Good Guy Bar, Irish Mist, and now R&D lackey (confined to such due to causing a mess as Mahjong Rider Tenpai). Seems significantly less of a Jerkass than his KRV incarnation.
Wyll's Tropes
- Addiction Displacement and Smoking Is Cool: Still with the lemongrass habit, but now with a pipe.
- It's cigarettes again in the flashbacks.
- Blessed with Suck: How'd you like to never be able to forget anything in your whole life? (Type 5)
- Broken Ace: A type-2, referred to as such in his backstory. It's intentionally up in the air as to whether he's a Byronic Hero, Alex's Big Bad Friend or Broken Pedestal, a Fallen Hero, or just a dick, though he's definitely a lot nicer now than he was in KRV.
- Canon Immigrant: From KRV proper.
- Character Development: From Brilliant but Lazy Manipulative Bastard Knight in Sour Armor in KRV to Tall, Dark and Snarky, Badass Bookworm Genius Bruiser. Assumably this is due to his extended contact with Aelita.
- And then all the way up to being The Ubermensch, according to Ake.
- Cool Old Guy: Or so it appeared, though he doesn't seem to be old anymore...
- Even the Girls Want Her: Normally not worth noting in an Everyone Is Bi-slash-Cast Full of Gay setting, but even Kenoko is rapidly smit with "her" pretty face. Why? 34 Charisma, 5 ranks of the Bishoujo feat, and 3 ranks of the Distracting Looks feat.
- Crosses with Even the Guys Want Him with Alex.
- Failure Knight: Towards Aelita, in an interesting example where his initial failure was her death.
- Fun T-Shirt: In the flashbacks, to go with Aelita's - Wyll's reads "We Are The Writing On Your Wall", a reference to the London Street Commune movement and the graffiti on the wall of the building, 144 Piccadilly, that they were evicted from.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Alex, natch.
- Karma Houdini: An arguable example, given his Jerkass attitude in KRV and the fact that he somehow ended up being a Retired Badass Cool Old Guy on adequate terms with JUNKER's leadership (well, Haruka at least)... but then you have to remember his near-constant state of Be All My Sins Remembered. He might have houdini'd out of the setting's karma, but not his own.
- Oral Fixation Fixation: Always seems to have something in his mouth - usually sucking the juice out of skinned lemons.
- This is assumably related to his Addiction Displacement.
- Retired Badass: Having given away his first Driver to Alex in KRV, retired from Riders Sans Frontieres due to age, and passed on his second Driver to Akebara. See Aelita's entry for badass credentials.
- And then un-retired in the guise of Tenpai, and apparently T2 Xtreme.
- Ubermensch: With the non-holdovers from KRV as his Last Man. Ake refers to him as this in-character.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2 with Alex.
- Waif Fu: Despite being his fighting style for all of KRV, Wyll actually averts it with Proto-DCD and Tenpai.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Personality and all.
As Mahjong Rider Tenpai
- Affably Evil: Oh yes. Right down to apologizing to Becca for the backfist that took her out and giving her an ice-pack for it.
- Curb Stomp Battle: What else do you call him soldiering through JUNKER like the Troopers aren't even there?.
- Dark Messiah: An extremely charismatic example; his sales pitch managed to convince someone out of character.
- Mahjong: Themed after the Dragon bonus tiles.
- Non-Lethal KO: Oddly enough, though he did completely brick Xander and Akemi's Osu-Drivers in the process.
- No Place for Me There:
Tenpai: I intend to seal the Rider Gear away. Myself, too, so that they can never be abused.
- Utopia Justifies the Means: Tenpai is fully aware that it doesn't, and tells Becca as much.
- Visionary Villain: See Well-Intentioned Extremist below.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Tenpai apparently wants "A World Without Danger" - which, for now, means taking the Rider Gear away from the people who can't be trusted to use it properly.
Lexi Verto
A ten-year-old seemingly-Emotionless Girl wearing Elegant Gothic Lolita picked up by Xander in an early mini-arc. Actually far younger and far more important to Wyll's seemingly eternal youth, being a recently-constructed Artificial (but not Trial) Undead.
- Child Prodigy: Shows shades of it - such as absorbing virtually all the Shinkenger-related information in a matter of minutes. All while demanding fortune cookies. Which she doesn't know how to eat properly.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Innocent Prodigy: On the one hand, Lexi's guardian trusts her enough to wander about on her own and make her own decisions. On the other hand, she tends to lock people into an Infinite Why Loop and doesn't seem to have a solid concept of friendship, and still acts childish (she drinks her soda with a sippy-straw and attaches herself to Korin like a little sister).
- Opposite Gender Clone: Of Vincent, genetic modification into an Undead notwithstanding. This explains why they share hair and eye colour.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Except apparently not, since she's relaxed and kinda shy.
- Red Herring: Initially spelled "Leksi" to divert players' attention from her via the phonetic spelling. But then Lexi was never mentioned by name when operating as Tenpai's informant, so...
- Translation Convention: According to Word of Player, Lexi speaks entirely in Keigo.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: She does.
- Zettai Ryouiki: At Grade A, having two of the components needed for Grade S (socks and skirt, well, dress, and hair) but lacking the Tsundere personality to go with it.
Miyami Reimei / Kamen Rider BLASTER/BURST
An amnesiac (and half-scrambled, as originally found) Showaborg, and the newest addition to Lion Squadron.
Miya's Tropes
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Tachibana Heavy Industries / Strike Against Uncooperative Lifeform
Change Machine / Kamen Rider G3-X and G4
THI's CEO. Doesn't do cake.
Change's Tropes
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Tsukiyama Tomoe / Kamen Rider the First and "N-Tsukiya-Zeba"
THI's Chairwoman of the Board.
Tomoe's Tropes
- Canon Immigrant: From KRV proper.
- Given the fact that Kenoko didn't even say goodbye before she took off, that should end well.
Katze Kolonos / Kamen Rider Odin
Is apparently FABULOUS.
Katze's Tropes
- Camp Gay: Very much so.
- Canon Immigrant: From Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier.
- Shirtless Scene: His first meeting with Kouta has him wearing his vest and pants...and not much else. He claims it was hot in the truck.
Henne Valkyria / Kamen Rider Femme
THI's Orphenoch security chief, looking to break free from her family legacy.
Henne's Tropes
Kyon Feulion / "Lyrical Weapon"
SAUL R&D head, sewer of body pillows, and probably a couple other creepy things.
Kyon's Tropes
- Canon Immigrant: From Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Endless Frontier.
- Sempai-Kohai: Seems to have a thing for 'Henne-Sempai'. May or may not be carryover from the original versions of Henne and Kyon being paired together on /m/erotica.
Caris Nautilus / (G)X Rider
An apparent subordinate of Henne's, and a rush-job Showaborg.
Caris's Tropes
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Ikaruga Trust
Gard Kreuger/Meteor Dopant
Unseen so far, but apparently NOT a Char Clone.
Gard's Tropes
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Zeru Jupit and Juno Hera/Kamen Rider Blitz
Unseen so far, but apparently NOT Double.
Zeru and Juno's Tropes
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Athle Arcadia/Kamen Rider Trinity
Apparently NOT Accel.
Athle's Tropes
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Blood Keel/Kamen Rider Hydra
Apparently NOT Eternal. Definitely NOT Robo-Jesus.
Blood's Tropes
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Leviathe Kanon/Bloodler Dopant
Apparently looking to make it big with her Prince, even if it means toying with his plans.
Leviathe's Tropes
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International Characters (America)
Lydia Salinas / Cure Bunny
One of the two arrivals from America for All Riders. Not actually a Kamen Rider, but has powers like one all the same.
Lydia's Tropes
- American Accents: Averted, both she and Tricia speak perfect Japanese.
- Foreign Fanservice: This, on the other hand, is played almost totally straight.
- Boobs of Steel: Lydia's both the bustiest of the bunnies and the one who fights unarmed.
- Canon Immigrant: Lydia is basically directly transplanted from Couch's /m/quest, albeit with further enhancements and a new backstory.
- Ethical Slut: Lydia has traces of this, though she doesn't like to admit it. It's noteworthy that she's the one who proposed the Intimate Psychotherapy with Pacifica.
- Odd Couple: Lydia's generally more quiet, nerdy, and reserved. Tricia is...well, she's Tricia. It's not yet been revealed how exactly they became friends.
- Playboy Bunny: And how.
- Sword and Sorceress: The sword half, with Tricia as the sorceress.
- Transformation Is a Free Action: While this is a Kamen Rider game, the bunnies somehow still only need free actions to transform despite being more like magical girls.
Tricia Norfleet / Cure Carrot
Lydia's partner and fellow Cure. She's energetic, bouncy, and barring Aelita the best hacker in game.
Tricia's Tropes
- American Accents: Averted, both she and Lydia speak perfect Japanese.
- Foreign Fanservice: This, on the other hand, is played almost totally straight.
- Canon Immigrant: From /m/quest, just like Lydia.
- Ethical Slut: Tricia's basically a younger Haruka in this regard. She was in game for about three hours by the time she'd snared both Lydia and Pacifica.
- Magical Database: Both averted and played straight - while Tricia can't simply look up where someone like the villain is hiding out without extensive time and effort, her enormous Gather Information is such that she can effectively read people's wiki pages upon meeting them.
- Master of Illusion: Tricia's fighting style is almost entirely support-driven and based around this.
- Most Common Superpower: Not quite as much as Lydia, but she's still one of the most attractive cast members, totally by design.
- Odd Couple: As referenced above, it's unclear exactly how two girls of such exceedingly different personalities and tastes became such fast friends.
- Playboy Bunny: According to Leo, in fact, it was her idea.
- Swiss Army Appendage: The explanation for her Improvised Tools feat.
- Sword and Sorceress: The sorcerer half, with Lydia as the sword.
- Techno Wizard / Technopath: Thanks to Leo's many alterations and upgrades to her mind, she's capable of tracking down nearly any information and breaking into nearly any database. She seems to prefer an Unusual User Interface not unlike the Gaia Library.
Layered Electronic Organism "Leo"
The nanite colony responsible for giving Lydia and Tricia their powers.
Leo's Tropes
- Friends with Benefits: Bizarre variation with Auto, who Leo partners with over both being robots and a shared love of porn.
- Nanomachines: Leo's a collective of several billion nanites contained inside both Lydia and Tricia's bodies, grouped under one Hive Mind.
- Shout-Out: The Tesla Leicht Institute that produced him is one to Super Robot Wars Original Generation. Leo's preferred holographic avatar greatly resembles a GN-XIV.
- And no, it does not go out in an orgy of plasticine as Auto alleges of Leo's OTHER alleged namesake.
Joseph Black
Yes, that Joseph Black.
Joe's Tropes
- Canon Immigrant: from Viewtiful Joe. Hardly the first to come straight out of a work, but definitely the first wholesale lifting of a non-RP character.
- Genius Bruiser: He knew the toku genre well enough to know that scrawny wimpy kids would be at a disadvantage, even with super-powered bug suits. Time will tell whether this equates with him Taking A Level In Badass.
- Hot-Blooded: Not the biggest example of one you'll ever meet, especially with Silvia being who-knows-where, but one nonetheless.
- Mr. Fixit: At least in the sense that he applied his knowledge to his love of the toku genre (see Otaku trope below), and ended up doing a whole lot of good with it.
- Otaku: of the toku genre. In fact, so much so, that when he found some schematics at Silvia's house, he Jumped At The Non-Existent Call and built a functional henshin device with them.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: One of the few things that didn't entirely carry over from canon Joe, at the writer's request.
- The only place where the two of them might be on the same intellectual footing is business sense, as seen in his introduction.
International Characters (East Asia)
Sport Rangers
Thailand's Super Sentai pastiche, and would-be victims of corporate sabotage at All-Riders.
The Sport Rangers' Tropes
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Armor Heroes
China's half-Rider, half-Sentai corps, seemingly with a bone to pick with the Sport Rangers.
The Armor Heroes' Tropes
Adriel Deleron / RayDragon
Butt Monkey of Korea's "Special Effect Trooper Rayforce". Befriended by JUNKER and promptly promoted to Hibiki.
Adriel's Tropes
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Independents, Grunts & Bystanders
Akemi Arata
One of Rebecca's ZECTroopers (and later BirthTrooper 7). Made queasy by Lucky Clover busts.
Akemi's Tropes
- Power Trio: Part of Jackpot Squadron, along with Gary and Xander.
Zu-Gara-Da "Gary" Oku
Another of Rebecca's subordinates (and later GetterTrooper 7). Set the "Grongi = Bad Cockney" precedent the campaign is following.
Gary's Tropes
- Fake Brit: Bad Cockney when Haken is playing him, and better Cockney (complete with Rhyming Slang) when Axel is playing him (though Axel is Australian, so he's closer to Real Brit than anyone except Raven, who is actually British).
- Power Trio: Part of Jackpot Squadron, along with Xander and Akemi.
Ivan Pupurin
Squad leader and wheelman of 10th ZECT. His childishness is matched only by his competence.
Ivan's Tropes
- Child Soldier: Apparently rescued from a Lucky Clover lab that bred him for "rent-a-jihad in some hellhole on the Equator."
- Verbal Tic: A singsong voice lifted directly from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon's Wigglytuff. Now imagine shouting "YOOM-TAH!" when ordering Five Rounds Rapid sprayed into a horde of Gelnewts.
- Younger Than They Look: Chronologically eight. We're not quite sure if his mental age matches.
Alex Lukles
Backup barman (now owner) at the Irish Mist. Takes the payments Wyll won't.
Alex's Tropes
- Blessed with Suck: Extreme exposure during KRV has left him with an Eidetic Memory. Which is a clear Type 5.
- Canon Immigrant: From KRV proper, natch.
- Deadpan Snarker: Same as ever.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Wyll, no less.
- Hot Shojo Dad: He's an ex-Bishonen and a single dad. The only thing not really going for him in this aspect is his age.
- Knight in Shining Armour: ...Surprisingly, not as much these days, given that he basically blackmailed his own son into joining JUNKER.
- Older Than They Look: He's 77. He looks about 52.
- Retired Badass: Formerly Double, T2 Joker and G Den-O. Now just uses the last of those three just to stop bar brawls.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2 with Wyll.
A vigilante Wolf Orphenoch with a brutal streak. Is actually Alex on the off-chance that he gets sufficiently pissed off.
Marufuji Ryou
Just some limey fellow. Who's sometimes possessed by ex-Ryuga Arisato Miki.
Ryou's Tropes
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Arisato Miki / Kamen Rider Ryuga
Just some hyperactive spirit with a Rider Gear. Considering the Gear, this is probably bad news.
Miki's Tropes
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Stuart Seacreep / Rider-1
Kenoko's beleaguered next-in-command from the Crystal Fire days.
Stuart's Tropes
- Canon Foreigner: Another newcomer introduced via Kenoko's Expansion Pack Past.
Ace Nero and Sieg / Kamen Rider Wing
Fugitives from a dark future, who apparently think Becca is royalty.
Ace and Sieg's Tropes
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Masaki Shinohana / Masked Rider
Currently operating just outside of JUNKER jurisdiction as one of Riderdom's most reviled belts.
Masaki's Tropes
- Jumped At the Call: Given some of the other personality traits that he has, no one should be surprised by his reaction to being offered the Masked Rider belt for no reason that's apparent to him.
- Hot-Blooded: Given that he's based off of Anime Tenchou, a.k.a. the hat-wearing fellow seen here, does this really come as a surprise?
- Large Ham: Once again, he has enough energy in his thoughts, words, and actions for at least two other people, thanks to his personality template. See the above link.
- For example, he has transformed or almost transformed when JUNKER higher-ups haven't wanted him to do so on two separate occasions. One of those times was almost immediately after being granted his belt.
- Ake will never be amused by him. Ever.
- Lethal Joke Character: There's a slight possibility of things panning out this way. Haruka seems to think it will.
- Otaku: Specifically, towards Rider-tech. It's hard to tell whether he's more or less of one than Joe.
- Shout-Out: To Anime Tenchou, the man who works behind the counter of a Japanese equivalent to a bookstore, and always tries to make Konata buy stuff.
SHOCKER Nexus Assault Trooper Chronological Hegemony Ensure Regiment
A macabre mix of Gedoushuu, Imagin, Void Hour-facsimile Hoppers with Gaia Memory AI cores, and goodness knows what else.
The SNATCHERs' Tropes
- Make Wrong What Once Went Right: This new breed of SHOCKER goons hails from the KRV timeline as it was "supposed" to progress (so far as Ace and Sieg know), but couldn't invade Void Hour to ensure their own existence due to a TSPD lockdown.
Checkmate Four
Traditionalist Neo-Fangires with a bone to pick against The Unmasqued World that the Void Hour vets have brought about between their prior service and DevPio's circulation of FN-TAU. Especially pissed off at Yukari for anything from weaning Fangires off other sentients to not rolling over and being some noodle rapist's doll-bride.
Checkmate's Tropes
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Terra Geist
Pro-humanity terrorists wielding the Z-series Gaia Memories pioneered by the Ikaruga Trust. Pegged as all but one and the same, given recent events.
Terra Geist's Tropes
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Hardboiled Pink Lemonade
Wyll Ascher / Kamen Rider Proto-DCD
The Lemon half of the Counterfeit Riders.
HPL!Wyll's Tropes
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Aelita Schaeffer / Kamen Rider ZX
The Pink half of the Counterfeit Riders.
HPL!Aelita's tropes
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Kenoko Ni'Chulainn / Rider-2
SHOCKER's ace enforcer, and one of the few things that can stymie the Counterfeit Riders in singular combat.
HPL!Kenoko's tropes
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