Super Robot Wars Quest

Super Robot Wars Quest is a currently ongoing Quest Thread written on 4Chan's /m/ by Sciencegar Sciencebolt. The threads are archived under the Team Phantom Tiger Blog [1] and are commonly discussed on the Rizon#musouquest IRC channel. For those of you looking to catch up without slogging through the suggestions and trolling, cleaned-up archives are under construction on its own message board [dead link] as well.
Super Robot Wars Quest (colloquially, SRWQ) follows the story of the Shadow Mirror version of Katina Tarask as she attempts to survive the series of events that occur after a failed attempt by the Shadow Mirrors to invade the Original Generation universe.
The story is currently split into two "discs". Disc One opens with the psychotically Tsundere frilly-dressed Katina Tarask taking part in the attack upon the Tesla-Leicht institute as part of the Shadow Mirror, as seen in Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2, when events diverge and the Original Generation cast instead invades the Shadow Mirror Universe. Events escalate as the Shadow Mirror forces are scattered and under attack from both the corrupted EFA and the Irregulars from the Original Generation universe. Katina's group picks up the Super Robot Raioh, which becomes Katina's main mech, and its transformable support mech, the DGG-XAM-04, controlled by an A.I. known as the Dynamic Unlimited Military Intelligence, or Dumi, for short. Eventually, it is revealed that Dumi is in fact the Shadow Mirror Verse's version of Duminass, sent to search for the Compatible Kaiser. Together with Katina's help, he plans a way for him to disobey his master Dark Brain's orders: to create a new universe out of shards of universes Dark Brain has already destroyed, with the Kaiser at the middle.
The currently running Disc 2 opens with Katina waking up in an unfamiliar location, and follows Katina's attempt to refind her allies that have been scattered across the Patchwork, while at the same time attempting to prevent any more pointless wars by uniting the disparate factions from the shards.
Series Prominently Featured in Disc 2, via either direct importation of elements or Grail War participants
- The Big O
- Code Lyoko
- Dangaioh
- Demonbane / Exalted (Grail War Participants. Kurou as Master, Al Azif as Archer.)
- Digimon V-Tamer 01 / Adventure 01
- GaoGaiGar
- Godzilla (and the other Kaiju, as part of an Sciencegar original verse called Toholon that he used for an RP elsewhere)
- G Gundam (Grail War Participants. Domon as Master, Allenby as Berserker.) There are in fact at least two separate G verses in the Patchwork, given that Master Asia was from a universe where Domon was female.
- Gundam Wing (Grail War Participants. Duo as Master, Hilde as Lancer.) There are in fact at least two separate Wing verses in the Patchwork, given the Maganac group was not from the same one as Duo or Quatre.
- Gundam X / Turn a Gundam
- Gun X Sword (Grail War Participants. Van as Master, Wendy as Saber.)
- Ghost in the Shell
- Kamen Rider (Spirits incarnations of Showa Riders, use of Rider Gears from Faiz)
- Macross II, 7, and Plus
- Neon Genesis Evangelion (Grail War Participants. Shinji as Master, Asuka as Caster.)
- Megas XLR (actually introduced in Disc 1 as SM!Verse counterparts, and one of the first set of characters introduced not based on Banpresto Originals)
- Metal Wolf Chaos
- Shin Getter Robo vs Neo Getter Robo / Getter Robo Armageddon
- Super Sentai / Power Rangers (multiple homebrewed Psycho Ranger teams, plus /m/'s Tetsujin Sentai GunRanger)
- Including a lone Sentai hero known as Fallout. Since his mech is called Dogmeat, it's clear what he's based on
- Tekkaman Blade (Grail War participants. D-Boy as Master, Aki as Assassin)
- Thundercats
- Transformers
- Zoids
- /m/ Originals (Orbit Exceeder Kerkeyion, Project ENIS, Tetsujin Sentai GunRanger)
- Banpresto Originals (Super Robot Wars W, Super Robot Wars Compact 3 (via Gender Flip)), EXCEPTING Endless Frontier because its battle style doesn't jive well with Sciencegar
Series Not-so-prominently featured, or tenatively confirmed
- Cowboy Bebop
- Cloverfield
- Gundam SEED Astray
- Godannar
- Kara no Kyoukai:
- Mega Man Battle Network
- Mega Man X
- Trigun
- Tron
- Virtual On
- Vision of Escaflowne
- Zone of the Enders
- /m/ Originals (competitor /m/quest's Lydia confirmed as part of the Kerkeyion faction, while IRC has discussed importing Static Gundams from the Musou Verse)
- Also a verse established just for this Quest Thread featuring sentient Endless Frontier-sized versions of all SRW original mecha, not unlike SD Gundam Force, except no human characters.
Also He Man and The Masters of The Universe is officially a gay pornstar in Macross city, since /m/'s trolls seem to love him so much
- Accidental Truth: In order to get back into the good graces with the other escaping Shadow Mirrors, SM!Katina asks Dumi to relay to the others that The School literally messed with her head, which is why she broke down while interrogating OG!Arado. Unknown to her then, The School really did mess with her head in order to make her more docile. It just didn't work.
- Apocalypse How: For many of the shards brought into the Patchwork, Dark Brain used events that would merely devastate planets and amplified the effects to shatter entire universes. (e.g. Duo and Hilde's universe was destroyed using a giant spaceship crashing into Earth.) This doesn't apply to the shard that will feature the GaoGaiGar cast, as their shard they're from is the replacement universe the 11 Planetary Masters of Sol was constructing in FINAL.
- April Fools' Day: Instead of the continuing adventures of SM!Katina, readers found themselves choosing the fate of Alt!Katina in the OG verse. This turns out to be SM!Katina's Adventures in Coma Land. Sciencegar really got lucky with the timing here.
- Ax Crazy: Pre- Character Development Katina.
- All the Myriad Ways: In regards to the canon-OG characters prioritizing saving their world. But it turns out that they can't return to their universe, due to the massive Time Paradox they just inflicted.
- Back from the Dead: Arado and Lenonjayce were both brought back using Machine Cells. Also, it seems Isamu may be less Deader Than Dead than was believed....
- Barrier Warrior: As the Grail War's Caster, Asuka/Unit 01 has much more diverse control over her AT Field, allowing her to use it for slicing things apart. Only problem is, it consumes mana now.
- Big Bad: Dark Brain. Yukiko Date and Vindel Mauser are probably in the lineup too.
- Blood Knight: Pre-Character Development Katina (especially when affected by the LIOH system), most of the Shura.
- Break the Cutie: Katina's School days basically amount to this. The same goes for Seolla.
- Brain Bleach: Upon seeing Magnaz Ald's Gender Swap counterpart, Maraj. It's just Magnaz with Marge Simpson's hairdo.
- Brainwashed: It turns out that the Grail War is an experiment by Database, and the Warrior is forced to become the war's moderator.
- Brick Joke / Hilarious in Hindsight: During a early disk one chapter someone says something about Duminass having a retarded hillbilly cousin. cue us finding out that this fic's SRW W universe was destroyed by such.
- Butt Monkey: Irm.
- Came Back Wrong: Lenonjayce, after undergoing the W-Number creation process combined with the False Machine Cells, ends up being forced to repeatedly relive his last moments, due to how the False Machine Cells function. SM!Arado avoids this due to his Anti-Psychodriver nature and training.
- Canon Immigrant: The Easter Special variant of competitor /m/quest's a nanite-augmented "Cutie Bunny" teaming up with the Kamen Rider Spirits versions of the Showa Riders.
- Character Development: Katina has gone from a psychotic molester only interested in killing and raping to someone who truly strives for peace...and (mostly) consensual liasons, if her matchmaking efforts as of late bear fruit.
- Child Soldier: Latooni, Seolla and Shine.
- Colony Drop: Big enough to wipe an entire country off of the map.
- Complete Monster: Yukiko Date
- Cyberspace: One of the shards in the Patchwork consist of this.
- Deadpan Snarker: Latooni and Al Azif.
- Depraved Bisexual: Katina, at least at the start.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Dear god, the Katina/Alfimi fight.
- Doujinshi: A couple cutaways have been turned into spinoff fapfic by a certain project co-conspirator. Not so pervy are a few glimpses into other potential Shards of Disc 2's Patchwork, including Armored Core, Warhammer 40,000, and an Early-Bird Cameo version of the Code Lyoko good guys from another fanfic entirely.
- Dreadful Musician: Whatever you do, do NOT let Katina near a microphone.
- Enemy Civil War: Between the Anti-Alien SRX Faction and the Einst-corrupted First And Only Faction of the EFA. At the beginning it's merely a Enforced Cold War, which is why SM!Kai Kitamura joins the Shadow Mirrors, in hopes that the Shadow Mirrors and the OG cast can spark a full blown one.
- Emotion Eater: The False Cells are powered by negative emotions. When used on humans they will inflict mental suffering to ensure a continued flow. On mechs however merely being in combat will allow it to strengthen and evolve. It's been confirmed that the False Cells are essentially Zonder Metal.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Ensign Mickey, the Shadow Mirror pilot for the Taussendfusseler Katina's group used to escape the Tesla-Leicht attack. He turned out to be a W-Number and sacrificed himself when he was captured by Shine.
- Also Alt!Katina. Despite only having shown up during the April Fools' Day special, the fanbase seems certain that she's one of the Big Bads of the quest.
- Erotic Dream: Jamie dreams of Faruko, SM!Katina, and SM!Kusuha showering together. Due to the Anti-Psychodrivers' limited ability to see each other's thoughts, this ends up being SM!Katina's dream.
- Even Evil Has Standards: A recent Elsewhere finds us face-to-face with an indignant Yukiko Date, disgusted with what she's found out about The School amidst its integration into the SMverse's SRX Project. Apparently the SRWQ Agilla Setme being as horrible as the canon version can cheese off someone who can telepathically hijack a Combining Mecha from halfway around the world.
- Eyepatch of Power: Kai (Who is totally not Big Boss)
- Fan Nickname: Psychodere, Deadrado, Alt!Katina, Sir Brooklyn.
- Fix Fic: According to the planning for Disc 2, Dumi's gathering of the Shards undoes the Bittersweet Ending of GaoGaiGar FINAL, as the collapsing universe the GutsyGalaxyGuard was trapped in becomes one of the shards, making this a literal Deus Ex Machina rescue for them.
- Foe Yay: The fight between Katina (who was being affected by the LIOH system at the time) and Alfimi was filled with this trope.
- Freudian Slip: Katina comes out with one during her torture session with OG!Arado
- Fun with Acronyms: Dumi, which stands for Dynamic Unlimited Military Intelligence. It most definitely isn't short for Duminass 7, no siree.
- Gambit Pileup: Such a clusterfuck, even the chart used to map it out is impenetrable. The chart for the second disc is slowly getting that way too.
- Gargle Blaster: SM!Kusuha's version of the legendary health drink is in fact an incredibly alcoholic cocktail.
- Gender Flip / Rule 63: The entirety of the Shura. Folka Albark is instead Faruko Albark, for example. They are also happened to be lead by Queen Arcueid Naash. Also The Treasure Snipers' Kojiko Kabuto.
- Groin Attack: After OG!Excellen frees herself from Beowulf's grasp, she vaporizes the Alt Eisen Nacht's crotch.
- Gunboat Diplomacy: Secretary of State Michael Wilson's preferred method of countering the Shura's siege on several domed cities that sprang up near Washington in the Patchwork.
- He Knows Too Much: The SM!Cry Wolves were wiped out after seeing the Einst-upgraded SM!ATX team in action.
- It's All My Fault: Akane Ardygun blamed herself for the destruction of her universe until SM!Katina revealed Dark Brain's involvement.
- Kaiju: The Toholon Shard is based around this trope.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: Kind of a given, since it's based on Super Robot Wars (among all sorts of other things, as of Disc 2).
- Mad Scientist: Shu, and oddly Coop of all people.
- Mage Killer: Katina, Arado and Jamie are Anti-Psychodrivers, beings who have an aura which overpowers Psychodriver abilities and causes discomfort to Psychodrivers in their presence. It also acts to help them prevent Brainwashing (demonstrated quite well during Katina's diversionary strike against a Sharon Apple-hijacked Macross City).
- Malaproper: Katina has become quite infamous for getting the more Japanese names wrong.
- Mega Crossover: The nature of the second arc, as it becomes more like the non-OG Super Robot Wars games, featuring characters from notable Humongous Mecha series, other original /m/ creations like Project ENIS, and even a couple Mecha-less series.
- Mind Rape: What Yukiko Date does to Carla when she takes control of the SRX. From halfway around the world.
- Beowulf reacts like this happened to him after he and OG!Excellen link their minds via Einst tentacles. So does Excellen, and she's the one who initiated the link in self-defense.
- Mirror Match: Averted. OG!Kyosuke and Beowulf do not go one-on-one. Beowulf actually focuses on OG!Excellen instead due to her Einst upgrades. This leads to the above "Mind Rape" and Groin Attack.
- Mirror Universe: Many of the Shadow Mirror characters are definitely different characters from their canon OG counterparts. A notable difference would be Archibald Grimms, who is not a Complete Monster of a terrorist.
- Morality Pet: Dumi and Katina are this for each other.
- More Dakka: Ibis
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Arado is a cyborg zombie super-soldier.
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: The leaders of the First and Only, a faction of Einst that decided to subvert humanity from within. Apparently, they're doing this in an attempt to hide from the rest of the Einst.
- Oh Crap: The crew of the Hagane when they realize MAPW(a missile more powerful than a nuclear bomb) they fired at SM!Katina's group was sent back to them via teleportation.
- Original Generation: The DGG-XAM-04, all the Ensign *ickeys.
- Patriotic Fervor: Jack King and Secretary of State Micheal Wilson.
- Pandering to the Base: The patchwork Story Arc was planned out with reader input. Also the SM!EFA being ruled by Einsts was due to a reader posting a transcript of the Endless Frontier Drama CD that hinted that Beowulf's entire team was Einsts. Averted in only one case, as Sciencegar will not incorporate characters from the Endless Frontier games, no matter how much you ask.
- Perma Death: D-Boy and Aki.
- Pimped-Out Dress: Katina's
SchoolEverywhere uniform. - Posthumous Character: Arado, before he was brought Back from the Dead.
- Psychopathic (Wo)manchild: Alt!Katina killing dozens of people by casually throwing a PT scale snowball at them.
- The Psycho Rangers: More in the literal sense, with the appearance of Psycho Sentai Murderanger. And they're not the only evil Ranger team among the shards.
- Putting the Band Back Together: One of SM!Katina's goals in Disc 2, after her teammates end up all over the patchwork. Thanks to the Memory of Schwartzwald's dying revelations, she's accounted for all but three out of a dozen.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: The SM!SRX unit.
- Red Baron: Katina is known as "The Thunderous Fury", Shu is the self proclaimed "Scientific Saviour of Earth".
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: The motivations of the OG!verse characters. Some time after the events of Original Generation Gaiden, they learned that Dark Brain was definitely far from defeated, due to the fact he was a multi-dimensional entity. Since Dark Brain could not exist in the OG!verse, he attacked their universe by tossing in pieces of other universes, threatening the stability of the OG verse, via another universe. This turns out to be the Shadow Mirror verse, as it forged a link with the OG!verse when the Shadow Mirrors originally invaded. Therefore the main goal of Gilliam and his allies are to prevent the Shadow Mirrors from making their jump in the first place.
- Scarf of Asskicking: As well as the one found on the Raioh, Katina gets scarves for both herself and the R-Blade made of G-Eta Alloy. Both can turn into a sword.
- Shrinking Violet: Seolla.
- Special Effect Failure: The Database's Arm Arcus Finis's somehow are this trope In-Universe.
- Strange Bedfellows: The Shadow Mirrors and the OG verse heroes band together in order to survive the EFA's attack. Later Vindel's faction of Shadow Mirrors ally themselves with SM!SRX in order to counter the First and Only.
- Super Soldier: Katina, Arado, Latooni, Seolla, Ouka and Shine all come from the Shadow Mirror version of The School. Arado contends that his OG counterpart got "the pussy version of The School."
- Take a Third Option: Almost the entirety of the first disc was inspired by Sciencegar being presented with a deadlock over whether to go through with the jump to the Original Generations universe or abandon it to further explore the Shadow Mirror world. So he threw the former at the latter instead and blamed it on
DecadeHaken. What Could Have Been was later seen in an April Fool's special, showing Katina's group arrive in the OG-verse in time for the start of the DC war. - The Alcoholic: Kusuha and Nozumi. Russel is joked to be one, but is a lightweight compared to the previous two.
- The Glomp: Post-Character Development Katina tends to use this a lot.
- The Scrappy: Basara.
- There Can Only Be One: The Grail War is supposed to go this way. Katina chooses to Take a Third Option.
- Tsundere: Or in Katina's case, Psychodere.
- The Unexpected: There are Shadow Mirror versions of characters whose games will not be featured in the OG series according to Banpresto. Namely Super Robot Wars 64 and Super Robot Wars Z.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: The Servants in this Grail War are given the ability to transform into mecha, specifically the mecha their Master is known for piloting.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The False Machine Cells will lead to this, which is why Katina wants to form a splinter faction of Shadow Mirrors in order to develop a safe alternative. The Patchwork universe was to be used as a getaway from the SM verse so the Machine Cells can be perfected in peace... in theory.
- World Sundering: The fusion of universes destroyed by Dark Brain into a complete patchwork universe.
- Worthy Opponent: Alfimi seems to see Katina as this.
- ↑ Use your browser's find function and search for "Sciencegar Sciencebolt" to skip over the trolls and most of the commentary