< Ric Flair

Ric Flair/YMMV

/wiki/Ric Flaircreator
  • Crazy Awesome: One of the reasons Flair is still a great asset in his sixties is his willingness to do pretty much anything to sell an angle, including blading himself like crazy to get over his opponent's supposed toughness. Recently. Flair did a promo in TNA where he was talking about a recent cut he was given by Hulk Hogan. Flair then proceeded to punch at the wound until it reopened and blood came down his face while he talked. Seriously, the man is insane.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: His Clash of the Champions I match with Sting.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: "Honey you keep your mouth shut I'm not takin off my clothes today..."
  • Draco in Leather Pants: As Raven put it, "There's a reason why Ric Flair keeps getting turned face - who wouldn't want to party with the Nature Boy?"
  • Magnificent Bastard: As a main event heel, he was always this, and probably the industry standard in magnificence. Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Edge, The Rock - they all take their cues from him in terms of being heels, because no one combined such charisma with such ability to draw massive heat before The Nature Boy came on the scene.
  • Memetic Mutation: Flair's "WOOOOO!", thanks to the ECW Mutants, became associated with knife-edge chops, and the tradition of shouting "WOOOO!" every time one is performed has carried on to the present day.
    • LEAVE THE MEMORIES ALONE, thanks to the overplayed (albeit awesome) tribute video package done for his retirement ceremony.
    • Elbow-dropping his own coat.
    • To be the man, you gotta beat the man!
  • Seinfeld Is Unfunny: For anyone born after about 1980, Flair was the ancient, balding goof who could barely wrestle and would just chest-chop and eye-poke his opponents the whole match before finally slapping on the figure-four leglock at the end.
    • Unless they grew up on WCW and saw all his battles with Sting and the second incarnation of the Horsemen.
      • Even in WWE, Flair managed to pull off classics every now and then. He fought Triple H in a brutal cage match at the 2005 Taboo Tuesday, and Edge in a TLC match for the World Title on Raw.
    • Completely subverted during his retirement match against Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 24 when Flair suddenly seemed to wind back the clock twenty years and busted out moves that he hadn't used in decades.
  • Tear Jerker: Flair's final match at Wrestlemania 24 against Shawn Michaels, which was topped the very next night on Raw when the entire active WWE roster, several legends (including the Four Horsemen, Ricky Steamboat, and Greg Valentine), and even The Undertaker and Vince McMahon himself came out to give Flair a send off the likes of which will probably never be duplicated or matched ever again.
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