Pat the NES Punk
Pat the NES Punk is a Web Video series hosted at The Punk Effect and RetroWare TV, as well as YouTube. The series involves Pat, a Totally Rad dude from New Jersey that collects, plays, and reviews NES games. The series is unique in its own right, as it averts the Caustic Critic archetype started by The Angry Video Game Nerd, while taking some inspiration and giving the occasional Shout-Out.
Characters in the series involve Pat, of course, R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy. Yes... that R.O.B.), Donkey Kong and Junior, Allison, Pat's girlfriend for one story arc, Ian, a Jerkass video game store owner, Frank, a confused old dude, and others. Games that Pat has reviewed include:
- Baseball Stars
- The Three Stooges NES game
- The Black Box (launch titles) NES games
- Golgo 13 Top Secret Episode
- Ultimate Stuntman
- Power Pad games
- Action 52
- Rush N Attack
- Skull and Crossbones
- Chiller
- The Last Starfighter
- Panic Restaurant
- Super Dodge Ball
- A TurboGrafx-16 tribute
- Nintendo World Championships 1990, both the championships and the game.
- Caltron 6 in 1
- Games included in the M82
- A bunch of Casino games in the "Casino Calamity" review
Pat has also done completely different videos of him running around local flea markets picking up stuff entitled Flea Market Madness, as well as looks at his expansive collection, coverage at CES 2010, Comic Con, and Magfest 9, and also a video of him... taking a trip to the Jersey Shore? Also, some stuff concerning a Mad Mario Ball...
Somewhat regularly posts on NintendoAge, a forum dedicated to collecting NES related items. Also did a video with The Spoony One where the two take down Highlander Endgame, and appeared on an episode of Spike TV's 1000 Ways to Die.
- Accentuate the Negative: In the black box review, most of his verdicts are "eh" or "ugh", save for a few games that he notably likes.
- Axe Crazy: The fanboy from the M82 review.
- All There in the Manual: Some of Pat's Nintendo Age posts clarify things in the videos.
- Angrish: The rabid fanboy in Pat's M82 review who forces Caustic Critic archetypes such as scatological humor eventually spirals into this.
- Big No: At the end of his Panic Restaurant review when Allison leaves him for good and sold his M82 demo unit to some guy in California.
- Butt Monkey: Pat, occasionally.
- Can't You Read the Sign?: There is incredibly small print that indicates that there are no returns on the Caltron 6-in-1.
- Caustic Critic: Pat keeps his cool even around Action 52... well, almost with Action 52.
- Chekhov's Gun: At the beginning of the Turbo-Grafx tribute, Pat mentions that Magical Chase is the one game for the system he doesn't have. Guess what he receives at the end of it?
- Cloudcuckoolander: Frank is coming off as one from his appearances.
- Christmas Episode: The Turbo Grafx 16 tribute.
- Crossover: He reviewed Highlander Endgame with The Spoony One.
- And Nintendo World Championship 1990 with The Angry Video Game Nerd
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune:
Pat: "His name is Pat, and he buys crap"
"Every Saturday and Sunday, guess where he's at?"
- Downer Ending: The Panic Restaurant review ends with Pat being dumped by Allison and his M82 sold.
- Everything's Better with Monkeys: Pat's Donkey Kong and DK Jr plushes.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: Pat likes to use "Fluffernutter!" as a swearword.
- Groin Attack: Allison pulls this on Pat at the end of the Golgo 13 review.
- Improbable Weapon User: R.O.B. considers killing Pat with a Deadly Towers cartridge.
- It's a Wonderful Plot: The 2011 Christmas special.
- Jerkass: Ian, the store owner.
- Man Child: Pat. He goes CRAZY when he walks into a video game store and reads off all the game titles!
- Joisey: Averted, as though Pat is from New Jersey, his accent isn't very pronounced.
- Kubrick Stare: R.O.B.
- Mythology Gag: R.O.B. attacking the rabid fanboy in the M82 review is very much akin to his attack of Pat back in the Rush'N Attack review.
- Oh Crap: Pat's drunken one-night stand with a Sega Genesis & Sega CD.
- Pokémon-Speak: R.O.B. speaks in robotic bleeps and bloops while DK & Junior speak in sound effects from their respective arcade games.
- The Problem with Licensed Games: Subverted. The Three Stooges and Golgo 13 are winners in Pat's book, as is Popeye from the Black Box series. Played straight with The Last Starfighter.
- Real Song Theme Tune: Bad Reputation by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Pat is energetic and playful, whereas R.O.B. is blunt and snarky.
- Sanity Slippage: When reviewing the notoriously bad Action52.
- Also in his review of Chiller. By the end, he's a little too enthusiastic about mutilating the prisoners.
- Schedule Slip: It seems that new episodes are taking more and more time to come out.
- Something Completely Different: The series of Flea Market Madness videos, if not an attempt at a Spin-Off.
- Also, in the Skull & Crossbones review, Pat got a pirate sidekick... who lasted all of one episode and was shunned by Pat.
- Pat also joined a dodgeball team in his Super Dodgeball review.
- Take That: The rabid fanboy's shrine includes The Irate Gamer's integrity.
- Training Montage: In the Nintendo World Championships special, Pat does one of these to get better at the game... with little to no improvement.
- Vomit Discretion Shot: In the Chiller review.
- What the Hell, Hero?: The climax of the Panic Restaurant review.
- Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?: Pat has just about every NES game ever made, and then some.