< Pretty Cure

Pretty Cure/Trivia

  • The franchise is also known as Precure. While this is technically a more accurate transliteration of the title logo (which reads "purikyua") and appears in URLs and such, said logo also explicitly spells out the title as "PRETTY CURE" (except in the case of the third cast, which has no caption, and the fifth, which... says "PRECURE"), as does much of the (truly astonishing amount of) merchandise. The pronunciations purikyua and puritii kyua are used interchangeably, both in theme songs ("1, 2, 3, 4, Purikyua 5! Puritii, kyu, kyu, kyu, kyua...") and in-universe (including one odd instance of a character hearing the name for the first time as purikyua and immediately questioning "Puritiikyua?"). There are two ways to deal with this: one is to directly translate, taking "Precure" as a commonly used short form and "Pretty Cure" as their less-used full title, and the other, used by both fansubs and the first season's official subs, is to use "Pretty Cure" for both.
  • In case you're wondering: yes, the title is a pun. "Purikura", short for "Print Club", is the name given to those photo booths in Japan that print out stickers with your photo on them. (This is never brought up in the show, save for the Elder of the first continuity constantly calling Pretty Cure "Purikura", nor does it have any significance.)
  • The four series have generally been theorized to be alternate continuities; the Bat Family Crossover says otherwise, but the movies tend to really mess up the canon.
  • There are actually three different versions of the Bat Family Crossover, all of which contradict one another and the series themselves. The short film, the movie and the DS game each have the teams meeting for the first time under different circumstances; only the movie includes Fresh Pretty Cure; only the DS game takes place while the series are all running, while the others take place after they are over; and the short film just makes no sense whatsoever.
  • The Wiki Rule: The Pretty Cure Wiki
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