< Precision F-Strike

Precision F-Strike/Web Original

  • Red vs. Blue would normally not qualify for this, since cursing has almost always been one of the trademarks of the series. However, the last half of season 1 and the first half of season 2 were almost completely clean (Rooster Teeth had been trying to make the series more kid-and-work-safe). When the creators decided to reintroduce profanity into the dialogue, they did it with Caboose's "mental image" of Church, who spouted off more over-the-top vulgarity than had ever been heard on the show up to that point, a pretty major wake-up call to the audience.
  • Kurtjmac barely ever swears, preferring "crap" and "nuts to you" and occasionally dropping a "hell" or a "damn". In the most recent episode of the Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore series (in which well-known Minecraft Let's Players duke it out last-man-standing-style while running a difficulty-increasing mod), he goes from full health (and a very complete player-killing kit to boot) to dead, in less than a second, by glitching into a block because his (four) dogs teleported to him while his boat was near land, in memory-intensive terrain, on a laggy and crowded server. His response? "Motherfuck-" *cut to old-timey We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties slide*
  • The earlier episodes of Lonelygirl15 were like this. Bree swears precisely once in the entire series, in "I Probably Shouldn't Post This...", when she is defending the Hymn of One in a heated argument with Daniel: "It's my beliefs! There's a million fucking different religions in the world!"
  • The Loading Ready Run video Son of a Bitch tends to leave viewers with the impression that it is a Cluster F-Bomb. This is not actually, true, it's just that few F-bombs in the video are done with such intensity.
  • Linkara is the king of the Precision F-Strike. Or, in this case, the Precision Funk-And-Wagnall Strike.
    • Notably, Linkara (who never uses stronger language) actually referred to a character as a twat in his JLA: Act of God review. Also in that review, he uses the word "goddamn," which is all the more appropriate as the comic was partly written as Christian propaganda.
    • In one crossover review with Bennet The Sage, he had Bennet do the Precision F Strikes for him. Linkara paused when most people would curse, and Bennet said the F-word for him.
    • And then when he made an appearance in Bennet the Sage's Masterpiece Fanfic Theatre in which he was tied to a chair and forced to listen to his own teenage fanfiction, he WOULD have dropped an f-bomb...if Bennet hadn't conveniently gagged him.
      • Although, he does say "Son of a bitch!" (his strongest swear, aside from a bad imitation of him by The Nostalgia Critic, who made him say the F word in a faked apology video) when he reaches his breaking point, much to Bennet's amazement.
    • Cry for Justice had him as close to dropping the f-bomb as he'll probably will ever get: "This is a freakin' joke!!!"
    • In the Forget About It "review" of Titanic, Linkara is heard saying "well MOTHERFU-" before being cut off by a montage of Phelous, Obscurus Lupa, and Sad Panda lip-syncing to "My Heart Will Go On".
    • In the bloopers for the Wonder Woman review he swears uncensored.
  • You know you're in deep shit when God swears, as The Nostalgia Critic found out the hard way when he called God benevolent when in fact he was vengeful.
  • At the end of Film Cow's Detective Mittens: The Crime Solving Cat.

Good work, Mittens. [[[Beat]]] You scary fucking cat.

  • Little Kuriboh's Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged greatly subverts this, by inserting a beep every time someone swears. Except when Marik does it, then it's "EFF!"
    • Gentle Giant Odion Ishtar concerning the resurfacing of Yami Marik Melvin:

Odion: Let me put it this way: you guys are all totally f{{[[[Sound Effect Bleep]] bleep}}]ed.

  • Used spectacularly in Survival of the Fittest. Yes, while most characters swear like sailors, cute, Meganekko, sugary sweet Louise "Lulu" Altaire manages to pull this off. When she meets Lenny for the third time, after he has just killed her friends the previous times, this time she's prepared. She's killed people, she has a gun and isn't afraid to use it.

Lulu: See this thing, Lenny? Now you take your fucking hands off your handgun or I'll blow a hole through your head.

"FUCK!" *hits duck* "Wow, I just shot down a duck by saying fuck."

  • This picture describing how to draw an owl.
  • Brad Jones in Rock Its Your Decision. He was perfectly willing to let the worst stereotype Christian ever rail against Rock Music (which he quite likes apparently) and he would just laugh. Then he brought up lifestyles of these people. (The following is in Bluevision.) Hint hint, he used the word homosexual.
  • Matthew Buck swears when it is appropriate, and usually bleeps out the word "f*ck." Except at the end of his famous monologue at the end of "Seven Pounds"

Matt: This movie is literally saying that it's okay to kill yourself as long as you donate your organs. What the fuck kind of message is that?

"I'll say this once Laurence, I hope it's understood./Get back in your van, and get the fuck out of my neighborhood".

  • Extra Credits has gotten worked up over subjects before, but has always kept it's language clean. But Call of Juarez's completely backwards depiction of human trafficking finally warranted a "That is f*bleep*ing disgraceful".
  • This guy answering a prior video's question as to why God won't answer prayers.
  • Sea Nanners, a normally eloquent man, typically never uttering anything more intense than "damn", dropped the f-bomb after visiting the Nether in his Minecraft Let's Play.

"Seriously? I know this is innappropriate, but what the fuck."

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