< Power Rangers Samurai

Power Rangers Samurai/Characters

Our Heroes

Jayden / Red Samurai Ranger | (Actor: Alex Heartman)

Let me warn you right now - if you follow me, there is no turning back.

Kevin / Blue Samurai Ranger | (Actor: Najee De-Tiege)

Mia Watanabe / Pink Samurai Ranger | (Actress: Erika Fong)

  • Action Girl
  • Blow You Away
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: Her last name is officially confirmed by her driver's license as seen in "A Strange Case of the Munchies".
  • The Heart
  • Lethal Chef: She doesn't think so, but the rest of the Rangers attest otherwise - though like with Mako, they're too polite to do so to her face (Kevin, for example, has the decency to throw away her burnt chicken while she's not looking).
    • Too polite... or too scared. We've seen her use her Samurai katana to slice a squash to bits, they might just feel it's not smart to offend somebody with samurai training and easy access to knives.
      • However, Negatron proves she is at least afraid she is. The insult he used to send her flying was "lousy cook", and she later asks everyone if she really is that bad. As stated before, they deny it not to bring her down more.
    • Even Emily is wary of her cooking (remember that, in the original, Kotoha thought Mako was flawless even in this department); in "Team Spirit", she goes so far as to cautiously ask if it was Mia who baked her birthday cake.
  • Noodle Implements: We never learned what she was planning to cook, but we do know it involved combining oysters, chocolate sauce and Brussels sprouts in a very specific way.
  • Sleep Cute: With Kevin.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: Feels sorry for Dayu after seeing what happened to her in "Broken Dreams".
  • Team Mom
  • Weapon of Choice: Sky Fan

Mike / Green Samurai Ranger | (Actor: Hector David, Jr.)

Emily / Yellow Samurai Ranger | (Actress: Brittany Anne Pirtle)

Just like chopping down weeds back home.

Antonio Garcia / Gold Samurai Ranger | (Actor: Steven Skyler)

That's it? No "Thanks for helping", or a little "What? What?" Alright, I get it. You need a minute.

"When I make an entrance, it's go big or go home."

Their Friends/Allies

Mentor Ji | (Actor: Rene Naufahu)

Bulk and Spike | (Actors: Paul Schrier and Felix Ryan)

  • Advertised Extra: Their screentime all season is quite minimal despite being billed as main characters. They're lucky to appear more than once an episode.
  • Annoying Laugh: Spike. He got it from dad.
  • Bald of Awesome: Bulk's gotten rid of his trademark ponytail in favor of this.
  • Butt Monkey: Poor Bulk. He just doesn't catch a break sometimes.
  • Call Back: In episode 3, Bulk wears clothes similar to what he wore in the old days, namely a jean vest and a bandanna.
  • Demoted to Extra: At least, in comparison to Bulk with Skull in the good old days. They've only occasionally gotten caught up in monster attacks and have almost never interacted with the Rangers in their civilian identities. That said, it's still better than Bulk's handful of cameos in Power Rangers Lost Galaxy.
  • Generation Xerox/Spin Offspring: Straight from Spike's actor, Skull is a daddy. And his son is like him in almost every detail, even the voice is pretty spot on.
  • Honorary Uncle: Bulk to Spike. At least we think it's honorary...
  • Hopeless Suitor: Spike likes the Pink Ranger - like father, like son. Only in Skull's case, he had a crush on the girl not knowing she was the Pink Ranger. Spike initially focuses on the Pink Ranger herself without knowing who is wearing the helmet and suit. He later meets and gets a crush on Mia out-of-morph, forming a Two-Person Love Triangle of sorts... with Mia herself being none the wiser.
  • Nice Guy: Bulk's Character Development from previous years has stuck as he's firmly one of these now.
  • Those Two Guys: The triumphant return of the quintessential example.

Serena | (Actress: Jacinda Stevens)

Terry Watanabe | (Actor: Jaever Santos)

  • Cool Big Sis: Sees Mia as cool enough to sing in his band
  • Secret Keeper: Knows why Mia had to leave home, and who the other Rangers are. While it's been unusual in the past for siblings to know that their brother or sister is a Power Ranger, it's explicitly a lineage-based thing this season, so it's not so out-of-place.

Scott Truman / Ranger Operator Series Red | (VA: Tobias Reiss)

Their Enemies

Master Xandred | (Voice actor: Jeff Szusterman)

  • Authority Equals Asskicking: He's dealt with Nighlok trying to usurp his thrown with relative ease, has proven more powerful than Serrator, and when he finally comes out himself in "The Master Returns", he beats the hell out of the Rangers with absolutely no effort. While drying out! It's clear the Rangers would be in deep trouble if he could actually leave the Sanzu River.
  • Bad Boss
  • Big Bad
  • Big Entrance: In "The Master Returns", his arrival on the human world is accompanied by a storm blacking out the sun, and rocks assembling themselves into a door with red light shooting out of the gaps that explodes when he emerges from it.
  • Frothy Mugs of Water: His "medicine".
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: Occasionally uses a Mook to shut someone up... by throwing it at them.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper
  • Orcus on His Throne: So far, he hasn't done anything except yell at people. The Rangers don't even seemed all that concerned with him in particular even though he's supposed to be the Big Bad. This is, however, completely in-character with his Sentai equivalent.
    • He has actually gotten off his duff and attacked Deker for "meddling in his affairs" that concerned the Red Samurai Ranger, if that counts for anything.
    • He also attacked a Nighlok who had been scheming to overthrow him.
    • In "The Master Returns" we find out why he's not taken action himself, the moment he steps foot on the human world, he begins to dry out rapidly and dries out so badly it takes him out of commission for presumably some time.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: After learning Serrator had been deceiving him, he comes to earth himself and proceeds to go on one of these. The only reason he didn't wipe out everyone then and there was he dries out much more rapidly than a normal Nighlok, forcing him to retreat.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Was sealed in the river by Jayden's father. Due to the seal being done wrong (which stems from the previous Red Ranger having insufficient power at the time), it causes him headaches.
    • The Master Returns seems to imply that he's still trapped to some degree, as flashbacks show he could previously leave the Sanzu River without drying out instantly, a problem he has now.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Slowly but noticeably Xandred gets stronger and more powerful throughout the season. At first he was just Orcus on His Throne, but later he becomes much more menacing and active threat: he once summoned an entire army of moogers to terrorize city and destroy Red Ranger, he became much more aggressive, attempted to kill Deker and almost did, brutally punished Arachnitor and his moogers attacks have became more vicious. And he is the only one who can actually defeat Serrator.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Nearly tears the ship apart in a blind rage when he discovers the Red Ranger is the one who sealed him away and Jayden could do it again. He gets so furious, it causes enormous numbers of Mooks to spawn and it takes a much larger dose of his "medicine" to settle him down.

Octoroo | (Voice actor: Jeff Szusterman)

Dayu | (Voice actress: Kate Elliott)

  • Call a Rabbit a Smeerp: She refers to her shamisen as a "Harmonium".
    • May Not Have Done The Research: A harmonium is actually a free-standing keyboard instrument, similar to a reed organ.
  • The Dark Chick
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Deal with the Devil: Sold her soul to save Deker's life. She wasn't told until after the deal was complete that she doomed Deker to become a half Nighlok and forget her forever.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: She doesn't want Mia to pity her when she finds out that Mia saw her past.
  • Happily Married: She and Deker were a married couple until a fire came down and killed Deker...and now Deker doesn't even remember her.
  • Hidden Depths: In "There Go the Brides", she seems to have bad wedding memories that motivate her to carry out the episode's plot.
    • Recent episodes such as "The Blue and the Gold" and "The Tengen Gate" hint that she and Deker have some history.
  • It Was a Gift: Her shamisen was originally a guitar Deker gave her as a wedding gift.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Had this reaction when she realized her Deal with the Devil turned her beloved Deker into a half human monster who will never remember her.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Ditched Xandred after he abused her a little too harshly and damaged her harmonium. She's made only a token cameo since.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Living forever with a broken heart sucks.

Deker | (Actor: Rick Medina)

Serrator | (Voice actor: Derek Judge)

  • Deal with the Devil: The devil making the deal, in this case; he's the Nighlok who cursed both Dayu and Deker.
    • Makes another one with them later to fix their respective weapons in exchange for working for him.
  • The Dragon: Swears his loyalty to Xandred, though he's shown the occasional sign of being The Starscream.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Twice, oddly enough. First was in Dayu's memory/dream in "Broken Dreams", and later in the flesh in the early-aired "Clash of the Red Rangers".
  • Evil Laugh: One of his favorite tropes.
  • Genre Savvy: In "Kevin's Choice", his plan hinges on the Rangers destroying Scarf's first form to allow him to become his stronger second form.
  • Knight of Cerebus: The series wasn't exactly lighthearted, but Serrator and his Nighlok are even more viscious and vile than those that came before. Not only that, he's one of the most powerful enemies the Rangers have faced thus far.
  • Kick the Dog/For the Evulz: In his official debut episode, "Something Fishy", in order to show his power to Master Xandred, Serrator destroys an entire army of his own moogers.
  • Mook Maker: Seems to be able to spawn Moogers, like Xandred. Can also use his claws to cut a sheet of paper into the giant Papyrax.
  • Slasher Smile
  • Wolverine Claws: While his fingers are pretty damn sharp already, he can also enlarge his entire hands for more power, as seen in his first scuffle with the Rangers.

Nighlok Monsters

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