Power Rangers SPD/Characters
Our Heroes
Jack Landors / B-Squad SPD Red Ranger | (Actor: Brandon Jay McLaren)
Sky. Heroes come in all colors.
- Delinquent: At first.
- Guns Akimbo
- The Hero
- Intangible Man
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Just Like Robin Hood
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: As usual, gets the Battlizer.
- Platonic Life Partners: With Z.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Sky's blue.
- Refusal of the Call
- Rookie Red Ranger
Schuyler "Sky" Tate / B-Squad SPD Blue Ranger | (Actor: Chris Violette)
Promoted to Red Ranger in the season finale - then to head of the Earth forces by Overdrive
You think being a Power Ranger is all about roundhouse kicks and being a hero? It's also about hard work and doing what you're told.
- Barrier Warrior
- By-The-Book Cop
- Defrosting Ice King: Somewhat. It takes a lot of work.
- The Lancer
- Meaningful Name: He's the Blue Ranger. Ironically, all he ever wanted was to be Red.
- Military Brat
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Jack's red.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: Except he's blond.
- The Stoic
- "Well Done, Son" Guy
- When He Smiles: Invoked by Syd in "Walls."
- You Killed My Father:
Bridge Carson / B-Squad SPD Green Ranger | (Actor: Matt Austin)
Promoted to Blue Ranger in the season finale, then to Red by Power Rangers Operation Overdrive.
Wait. I ask long, drawn-out questions?
- Adorkable
- Bat Deduction: As highlighted in "A-Bridged," he was right all along. It was just the way he went about investigating the suspect and gathering clues was... unique.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Composite Character: Keeping the comparison to the source material, Bridge would be the end result of Sen-chan and Jasmine doing a Fusion Dance.
- Memetic Hand Gesture: He is physically compelled to wiggle his fingers when saying "Buttery." He can't stop himself, even when he tries.
Sky: He can't help himself. It's ingrained in his cellular makeup."
- Motor Mouth: When he really gets into his rambling.
- Psychic Powers
- Putting on My Thinking Cap: Headstands
- The Smart Guy
- Story-Breaker Power: Generally averted, but his Aura Vision would've easily resolved "Recognition" fairly quickly - especially during the Spot the Imposter confrontation. Unsurprisingly, neither he nor anyone else thought to make use of it... at all.
- Took a Level in Badass: When he returns in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive he's the NEW SPD RED RANGER!
- Trademark Favorite Food: Buttery toast. *wiggle fingers*
Elizabeth "Z" Delgado / B-Squad SPD Yellow Ranger | (Actress: Monica May)
It kind of gave me that warm and fuzzy feeling inside...that I hate so much.
- Action Girl
- The Big Guy
- Delinquent: At first.
- Jumped At the Call
- Me's a Crowd
- One-Letter Name
- One Steve Limit: It's not the first time there's been a Delgado on the team.
- This led to a fun little bit of Fanon. When you factor in the show's timeline, Z's age, her eagerness to join the team and her similarities to the actors who played Danny and Kendall on Wild Force, you end up with a lot of fans who like to assume that Z is their daughter (which leaves the unfortunate question of how she ended up an orphan.)
- Platonic Life Partners: With Jack
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Syd's Girly Girl.
- Tomboyish Name
- When She Smiles
Sydney "Syd" Drew / B-Squad SPD Pink Ranger | (Actor: Alycia Purrott)
Okay. I'm filthy, cranky, and my new shoes are trashed. Do you really wanna mess with me?
- Action Girl
- The Chick
- Idol Singer: She becomes a model and a singer.
- The Ojou
- Shapeshifter Weapon: She can absorb solid materials and use them like a "Power Fist".
- She's Got Legs: As seen in "Zapped."
- Ship Tease: With Jack, before the finale when he left and got a girlfriend.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Z's Tomboy. (Despite the Tomboyish Name)
- Valley Girl
Commander Anubis "Doggie" Cruger / SPD Shadow Ranger | (Actor: John Tui)
Promoted to Supreme Commander by Operation Overdrive
You have taken what was dearest to me, Benaag - but that has only made me stronger. I am SHADOW RANGER!
- The Ace
- Big Badass Wolf
- Big Good: to the Earth branch of SPD (and SPD as a whole as of Operation Overdrive)
- Colonel Badass: Not his rank maybe but definitely his role.
- Commanding Coolness: This one is his rank.
- Cool Sword: His shadow saber
- Heroic Dog: Yes, he's humanoid, but he's still a canine so it counts.
- Last of His Kind: Or so he thinks
- Master Swordsman
- Meaningful Name: Real Name is Anubis and he's a...
- Petting Zoo People: Sort of dogman, if dogs had scales.
- Sixth Ranger / Aloof Ally
- Spell My Name with an "S": Just a reminder: Kruger, with a K, is his Dekaranger counterpart.
Sam / SPD Omega Ranger | (Actor: Aaron James Murphy; voice actor: Brett Stewart)
- Commuting on a Bus: See below.
- Executive Meddling (Disney didn't want to deal with a seventh starring actor, so he is only ever seen in his ranger costume or as a CGI ball of light, with his voice dubbed later in ADR. This made interaction between him and the others awkward, with the result of him generally being forgotten about until they needed his zord for Stock Footage scenes -- you get the sense the other rangers treat him only as a weapon.)
- Fan Nickname: Tinker- Sam.
- Future Badass
- Mysterious Protector
- Power Fist
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Was sent back in time to stop SPD from being defeated by Devastation to avert his Bad Future. Unlike the Blue Senturion, he actually succeeds and just continues fighting along side them.
- Sixth Ranger
The A-Squad
- Always Someone Better
- Fallen Heroes
- Fan Nickname: Only Charlie has an official name, the other four have the Fan Nicknames of Beevor, Cliff, Ivan and Rachel. Word of God has supposedly stated approval of these names
- Five-Man Band
- Face Heel Turn
- Not Brainwashed Retconned to Brainwashed and Crazy in the comic.
- Foreshadowing: In the first episode, Bridge says their colors are a little off, fast forward to later in the series and they'e revealed to be working for the Big Bad.
- Psycho Rangers
- Tomboyish Name: Charlie, the red ranger
SPD Nova Ranger | (Actress: Antonia Prebble)
Their Friends
Boom | (Actor: Kelson Henderson)
- Ascended Fanboy: He's a fanboy, all right, but the "Ascended" part is averted; he's one of the few cast members that doesn't get a morpher at some point.
- The Chew Toy
- Plucky Comic Relief
Dr. Kat Manx / SPD Kat Ranger | (Actress: Michelle Langstone)
Tell me I didn't just fry the Quantum Enhancer. TELL ME I didn't just fry the Quantum Enhancer!
- Catgirl
- Hot Scientist
- Meaningful Name
- Name's the Same: She's not a former Pink Ranger.
- One Hour Of Power: Her morpher can only work for a short time.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old : It's hard to believe, but Kat is actually aged 147 in Earth years. Then again, she is an alien...
Sergeant Silverback | (Voice actor: John Tui)
You belong to me! Say it! Say it like your freedom depends on it!
- Alliterative Name
- Drill Sergeant Nasty
- Meaningful Name
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Like every Drill Sergeant Nasty in the last few decades, he's basically an R. Lee Ermey charicature.
- Talking Animal: He's a gorilla
R.I.C. (Robotic Interacitve Canine)
- BFG: He turns into one!
- Big Friendly Dog
- Cloudcuckoolander: At first
- Heroic Dog
- Heroic Sacrifice: He Gets Better though
- Robot Dog
- Team Pet
- We Can Rebuild Him
- Designated Victim
- Fun with Acronyms: Series-One Processor, Hyper Intelligent Encryptor
- Let's Get Dangerous
- Ridiculously-Human Robots
Supreme Comander Fowler "Birdy"
I still think there are certain areas in which S.P.D. could be improved...like, for example, the Supreme Commander staying out of his best commander's business.
- Big Good: Of SPD as a whole
- Meaningful Name
- The Neidermeyer
- Tyrant Takes the Helm
- Petting Zoo Person: He's a bird.
Their Enemies
Emperor Gruumm | (Voice actor: Rene Naufahu)
You returned with nothing. Therefore, you shall be nothing. [..] I need another.
- Badass Biker: When he actually fights. Doggie still outclasses him.
- Big Bad: Or is he?
- While he was working for Omni, he's still the True Final Boss when he pulls a Last Villain Stand.
- Enemy to All Living Things - Flowers wither in his presence.
- Fashionable Asymmetry
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Last Villain Stand: After the rest of his army has been defeated and captured and Omni has been destroyed, Gruumm emerges from the rubble and challenges Doggie Cruger to a final battle.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
Mora / Morgana | (Actresses: Olivia James-Baird /Josephine Davidson)
- Art Initiates Life: Can create monsters from her drawings.
- Bratty Half-Pint
- The Baroness
- Creepy Child
- Dark Action Girl: As Morgana
- Dropped A Bridge On Her: She shows up in one scene in the last episode and is arrested, then not spoken of or referenced again.
- Evil Is Sexy: As Morgana
- Growing Up Sucks: So much that it is used as a punishment.
- Les Yay: Morgana seems a tad...preoccupied with Z
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Compared to the other actors, her New Zealand accent really stands out.
- Psychopathic Womanchild
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
Broodwing | (Voice actor: Jim McLarty)
- Arms Dealer
- Badass Cape
- Big Bad Wannabe
- Demoted To Henchman: Like Gluto and Captain Mutiny before him, Broodwing's Sentai counterpart Agent Abrera was the big bad. Unlike Gluto, though, Broodwing actually did stuff.
- Money, Dear Boy: His MO
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Smug Snake
- The Starscream
Other Characters
Piggy | (Actor: Barnie Duncan)
What have I done? I'm a filthy, slime-ridden, low-life, worm-eating vermin! All right, so I was that before I betrayed the Rangers.
- Dirty Coward
- Double Agent (And then triple agent!)
- Ship Tease: One-sided version with Syd. He is sometimes seen checking her out and blowing a kiss at her.
- The Rat
- Wild Card
Dru Harrington
- Beleaguered Childhood Friend: to Sky.
- Face Heel Turn
- The Mole (Well, for his one episode...)