< Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue
Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue/Characters
Our Heroes
Carter Grayson / Red Lightspeed Ranger | (Actor: Sean Cw Johnson)
You'd think they'd have learned they can't beat the Power Rangers.
- Badass: He attempted to run over a monster with a Humvee, attacked a giant Diabolico with just his pistol, and punched Bansheera.
- Combat Pragmatist: The aforementioned using a Humvee on a demon, and actually bringing a gun to shoot down mooks in "Forever Red" (thus averting Why Don't Ya Just Shoot Him).
- Deadpan Snarker
- Determinator: "My Megazord's down, but I'm not!"
- Dull Surprise: One of the main criticisms of the character, but, unlike Vypra, Your Mileage May Vary.
- Groundhog Day Loop: Went back in time while riding the M.A.V. (Mobile Armored Vehicle) in "Yesterday Again".
- The Hero (All-American Face)
- Ho Yay: With Ryan.
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: He gets a special sidecar to his bike, a special vehicle (see above). Somewhat subverted when Joel and Chad get their Super Modes ahead of him, but played straight when he gets a second Cool Bike (which doubles as a Battlizer) near the end of the season.
- Ship Tease: With Dana.
Chad Lee / Blue Lightspeed Ranger | (Actor: Michael Chaturantabut)
- Badass
- The Big Guy
- The Everyman
- I Know Karate: Seeing how skilled Mike Chat is, it's not a surprise to see his character with this
- This Looks Like a Job For Aquaman
- Odd Friendship: With Kelsey.
- Our Mermaids Are Different / Interspecies Romance: Chad's love interest Marina.
- The Quiet One: Shares this trope with Ryan.
- Super Mode: He gets a Mega Battle Armor along with Joel in "The Mighty Mega-Battles"; his has an ice gun.
Joel Rawlings / Green Lightspeed Ranger | (Actor: Keith Robinson)
Carter: Why do you always have to be the center of attention?
Joel: Well, I don't *have* to be, it's just that I usually am.
- Ace Pilot
- All Love Is Unrequited: With Ms Fairweather, for most of the series.
- Official Couple: With Ms. Fairweather.
- Bald of Awesome
- Bald Black Lancer Guy
- Casanova Wannabe
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Keith Robinson is now better known for his role in Dreamgirls as Effie's younger brother.
- The Lancer
- Nice Hat: Tied directly to his Character Development, when he's wearing his cowboy hat he's kind of a douche, when he isn't he's... not.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Super Mode: He gets a Mega Battle Armor along with Chad in "The Mighty Mega-Battles"; his has a
pizza cuttercircular saw.
Kelsey Winslow / Yellow Lightspeed Ranger | (Actress: Sasha Williams)
"Crazy" is my middle name.
- The Chick
- Cute Bruiser
- Kid Appeal Character: Youngest of the group, hot-headed, colored in Yellow....
- Metaphor Is My Middle Name
- Les Yay: Long before Vida became the butt of "gay Ranger" jokes, Kelsey's Les Yay with Nancy the Shuttle Pilot launched a lot of shipping fics.
- Odd Friendship: With Chad.
- Plucky Girl
- She's a Man In Japan: Her original version, GoYellow was Daimon Tatsumi, a male policeman.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Dana's Girly Girl.
Dana Mitchell / Pink Lightspeed Ranger | (Actress: Alison MacInnis)
ForcedAcquired Situational Narcissism: When she was the Glitz Girl in "In the Limelight".- The Ditz: Halfway through the season.
- Improbable Age
- The Medic (Combat Medic)
- Ship Tease: With Carter.
- The Smart Girl
- Team Mom
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly Girl to Kelsey's Tomboy.
Ryan Mitchell / Titanium Ranger | (Actor: Rhett Fisher)
- An Axe to Grind
- Canon Foreigner: Due to GoGoV only having five rangers the production team added a new helmet and shoulder pads to a recolored Turboranger suit to make a Sixth Ranger.
- Fuel Meter of Power
- Ho Yay: With Carter.
- Long-Lost Relative
- Mark of the Beast: Was given a deadly snake tattoo by Diabolico during his Heel Face Turn.
- The Quiet One: Shares this trope with Chad.
Their Friends
Captain William Mitchell | (Actor: Ron Roggé)
- Badass Moustache
- Bald of Awesome
- Skewed Priorities: He made a couple of errors in judgement early on in Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue, but he made up for it.
- The Captain
- Team Dad
Dr. Angela Fairweather | (Actor: Monica Louwerens)
- Hot Scientist
- Meganekko
- Name's the Same: with the original black ranger's girlfriend.
- Official Couple: With Joel.
- Sexy Secretary: Of Captain Mitchell.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Their Enemies
Diabolico | (Voice actor: Neil Kaplan)
- The Dragon: To Queen Bansheera
- Dragon-in-Chief: He drives the plot for the first half of the season, due to Bansheera's imprisonment.
- Fake Boss
- Noble Demon: Literally
- Redemption Equals Death
- Sealed Evil in a Can
Loki | (Voice actor: David Lodge)
- The Brute
- Dumb Muscle
- Religious and Mythological Theme Naming: Though a terrible example, as Loki was a clever mythological figure.
Vypra | (Actress: Jennifer Yen)
- Cool Car: Her Vyprari in "Wheels of Destruction".
- Dark Action Girl
- Dark Chick
- Dull Surprise
Jinxer | (Voice actor: Kim Strauss)
Impus/Olympius | (Voice actors: Brianne Siddall and Michael Forest)
- The Dragon
- Dragon-in-Chief: In the second half of the season.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Played strait for him, even though she obviously doesn't care for him.
- Plot-Relevant Age-Up
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
- The Rival: To Diabolico
- Scaled Up: Becomes a dragon in his final episode.
- Turncoat: Has no problem double-crossing and trying to murder both Vypra and Loki in order to retain his position.
- Undying Loyalty: To his mother.
Queen Bansheera | (Voice actress: Diane Salinger)
- Big Bad
- Fate Worse Than Death: In the finale, Diabolico's spirit dropped Bansheera into the Demon Chest, where she was last seen getting beaten by legions of Demons for all eternity.
- God Save Us From the Queen
- One-Winged Angel: She becomes this after absorbing Vypra near the end of the series.
- Orcus On Her Throne: Subverted. She doesn't do anything directly against the Rangers until the very end of the season, but it's because she can't. The Rangers interrupted the demons' ritual to bring her back, leaving her in a deformed, far less powerful body. It is not until she absorbs Vypra in "Wrath of the Queen" that she regains her full body and powers, and it is then she begins to take a far more active role in achieving her goals.
- The Woman Behind The Man for Diabolico.
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