< Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue

Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue/YMMV

  • Acquired Situational Narcissism: When Dana becomes the Glitz Girl and nelgects both her Power Ranger duties and her friends in "In the Limelight".
  • Complete Monster: Queen Bansheera, who sees her own minions, even her own son, as mere pawns to abuse and destroy for her own benefit.
    • It's worse in the GoGoV, because in that, all of her minions are actually her children.
  • Awesome McCoolname: in Linkara's opinion, the Omega Megazord has the mos frakin awesome name for a megazord ever
  • Epileptic Trees: A common theory way, WAY back was that Captain Mitchell (whose first name is William) was actually a futuristic Billy from seasons 1-4. Jossed when Time Force confirmed that it took place in 2001, and Lightspeed in 2000. Billy didn't have time to have an eighteen-year-old daughter. (Not that the lack of time has stopped other series...)
  • Evil Is Sexy: Vypra. Chainmail Bikini, really tight pants, cocky attitude... What's not to love??
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: Carter and Dana. Some episodes suggest they are interested in each other and a flashback in "The Last Ranger" reveals the two are dating.
  • Ho Yay: Absolutely obligatory for Carter and Ryan, being the Red and Sixth Rangers.
    • Same can be said for Joel and Chad in "The Mighty Mega-Battles".
    • On the Les Yay side, Kelsey/Nancy (from "Riding the Edge") has long been read this way by fans.
    • Kelsey also does this with Dana.
  • Memetic Badass: Carter Grayson, courtesy of History of Power Rangers.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Bansheera's treatment of her own followers.
  • Never Live It Down: No matter how many badass moments Carter had, two things stick out amongst fans: using his blasters and his dull personality. For the former, this criticism was unfair in "Forever RED (film)", where the Cogs he faced used blasters as well, and he was smart enough to use his own weapon.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: No pun intended, but the entire season, when it premiered, was widely loathed by fans (bad acting, the change in the status quo--as in, forgoing the "never reveal your secret identity" rule, among others). In recent years, though, most fans who used to hate it have a change in heart. Linkara did some of the work though.
  • Retroactive Recognition: In two forms.
  • The Scrappy: Vypra, namely due to Jennifer Yen's complete lack of acting skills. Carter Grayson, too, for his portrayer's acting skills and his preference of using blasters, until he was Rescued from the Scrappy Heap as time went on.
    • Misblamed: In regards to Carter, it's not his fault that his Sentai counterpart didn't use a sword. There weren't even any swords in the arsenal or toyline! Go Red used a gun, so the Red Lightspeed Ranger uses a gun.
  • Vindicated by History: Linkara's review made a lot of the fandom see this season in a different light. He states the main problem with the series is the rather stock villains (contrasting the strong villains of the previous two seasons) and Captain Mitchell making things unnecessarily difficult by not explaining his orders. But the core Ranger team was very well realized. In particular, Carter was once thought to be one of the blandest Red Rangers but is now seen as one of the most selfless, heroic and practical leaders. To top it all off he was a genuine hero (a firefighter) before he became a Ranger.
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