< Pokémon Colosseum

Pokémon Colosseum/Characters

Pokémon Colosseum by Genius Sonority has a much more realistic cast than the rest of the series - compare Persona 2.



Wes is a young man who lives in Orre. He is the protagonist of the first game. Has a Mysterious Past and a bit of The Cowl complex.

  • A Sinister Clue: Wears the portable Snag Machine on his left arm. It's ambiguous whether he's actually left-handed, and he's an anti-heroic example regardless.
  • Anti-Hero: Type II - he's basically an older Pokemon series hero who happens to be an ex-gangster.
  • The Atoner: To atone for his criminal past, he goes around taking down Cipher and stealing back the Shadow Pokémon that Team Snagem stole for them with the ultimate goal to purify their corrupted hearts.
  • Badass: Probably the biggest example in the Pokémon franchise. The game opens with him bombing his old gang's base for crying out loud!
  • Cool Bike: It hovers!
  • Cool Shades: Usually they're pushed up to his forehead, but in the intro he apparently used them to shield his eyes during the explosion he just caused.
  • Defector From Decadence: A former Team Snagem member who grew tired of helping Team Snagem provide stolen Pokémon for Cipher's experiments.
  • Establishing Character Moment: His impossibly awesome introduction. First, he announces his resignation from Team Snagem by bombing their hideout and stealing their only portable Snag Machine. Then, as he's making his escape on his absurdly cool bike with Snagem on his tail, he sets off another bomb that destroys their hideout, cripples the syndicate, and alerts the police to their location. All this while grinning like a maniac.
  • Eyes of Gold
  • Heel Face Turn: Originally a petty criminal before Snagem's reformation. Taking money from innocents? Sure. Using corrupted Pokemon to gain power over all Orre by pandering to an organization who will rule Orre with said Pokemon? No way.
  • Never Trust a Trailer: A Nintendo Power trailer made him out to be a Villain Protagonist.
  • Heroic Mime
  • Platonic Life Partners: With Rui.
  • Slasher Smile: Is sporting a big one as he's escaping his old base.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: His hair is more of a sandy grey color, but he still narrowly fits the bill.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Starts off with Espeon and Umbreon.


Rui is the Mysterious Waif with psychic powers. She is the Sidekick and secondary protagonist in the first game. She's determined, caring, but can be a bit bossy and stubborn at times.

  • Aura Vision: She can see Shadow Pokemon. In a way, she predates Lucario, the de facto aura reader in the Pokémon universe as this!
  • Badass Pacifist: With no Pokemon of her own, she doesn't fight.
  • Bare Your Midriff: Her belly is bared in the Japanese version, but is covered up in the stateside release.
  • The Chick/The Lancer
  • Damsel in Distress: Shes the Girl in a Box at the very beginning of the game.
  • Exposition Fairy: She fills you in on all the things going around in Orre.
  • Expy: She looks a lot like Misty plus a pigtail.
  • Girlish Pigtails
  • This Looks Like a Job For Aquaman: Implied to have psychic powers that, nonetheless, only manifest over the course of the story as the ability to detect Pokemon who have been abused in a specific way. Granted, it's a very useful power over the course of the game, but still...
  • Morality Chain: She's the one who calls out and prevents Wes from targeting normal Pokemon with the Snag Machine.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Downplayed in the American version, but she fits the bill in the Japanese version. Red Hair? Check. Bare belly? Check. Tiny miniskirt? Check!
  • The Not Love Interest
  • Platonic Life Partners: With Wes.
  • Player and Protagonist Integration: She most likely makes up for the lack of a female player character, notably because you can choose to name her like you can with Wes.
  • Psychic Powers: Not shown to extend beyond detecting the black aura that surrounds Shadow Pokemon.
    • On a technical level, her aura powers make her Lucario before there was a Lucario.
  • Undying Loyalty: Even when she finds out that Wes used to run with Snagem, she has no qualms with him as long as his criminal past stays in the past and will help him with his Shadow Pokémon snagging quest to the very end.


Nett is the founder of the Kids' Grid and the resident Techno Wizard of the group.


Secc is the kid who establishes contact with Nett in the Under. The pair act as a main source of information afterwards.


Nett's little sister who can sometimes be an annoying little sister.

Mayor Es Cade

The cheery, kind-hearted mayor of Phenac City, the only truly safe and crime-free area of Orre. He offers early on to give any and all assistance he can in taking down Cipher... but ceases to be useful after his initial meeting.

  • Adults Are Useless: He tries his best... but you don't really end up getting any real help against Cipher from him.
  • Badass Mustache: He's not really a badass himself, but his mustache is certainly impressive!
  • Big Fun: Very fat, yet very kind.
  • Cool Old Guy: While he doesn't really do anything useful, he's still a kind-hearted old man who wants to do his best to help out Wes and Rui.
  • Nice Guy: He's pretty much the friendliest guy in Phenac City.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He definitely has a good head on his shoulders seeing how effectively run Phenac is.
  • The Reveal: Let's just say that he has one hell of a dark secret...


Eagun is a very old man with a long white beard, and flowing robes. He's the grandfather of Rui. When he's not trying to write in his P*DA he acts as The Obi-Wan.

  • Badass Beard: Sports a nice, bushy one that covers most of his face.
  • Badass Grandpa: He was an experienced trainer in his youth, and his Pikachu is still up at level fifty. In the postgame for XD, he fights you with an entire team of the Pikachu family!
  • Cool Old Guy: Despite his status as a legendary trainer, he's quite humble, down to earth, and very helpful to both protagonists in the series.
  • Expy: With his over-leveled Pikachu, flighty and excitable personality, and traveling skills, he's basically an elderly Ash Ketchum.
  • Instant Expert: Subverted in XD as far as E-mail goes. His first email is empty and the sbjuect is splett bdaly. His second and last are abruptly cut off, and he spams Michael constantly on Citadark Isle.
  • Retired Badass: Like most of Agate Village, he was a hotshot and well-known Trainer in his younger days.
  • Shock and Awe: A byproduct of his complete and utter refusal to use anything but Pikachu and its family members.
  • Weapon of Choice: The Pikachu line: he mainly fights with his life-long companion which is a level fifty Pikachu, but in XD's post-game his team consists of two Pichus, two Pikachus, and two Raichus!


Duking is a very large man and the de facto mayor of Pyrite Town. He looks big and mean but he's really a Gentle Giant. If you catch a Wooper, a Surskit, or a Trapinch in the Poké Spots from XD, he'll trade you a Larvitar, a Shuckle, or a Meditite depending on the Pokémon.

  • Badass Mustache: It is incredibly Badass indeed.
  • Beyond the Impossible: He somehow finds wild Pokemon in Orre, the bone-dry and inhospitable desert land where no Pokemon can exist except imported ones.
  • Gentle Giant: Despite his imposing figure, he's a very kind-hearted and lovable man who wants nothing more than to clean up the streets of Pyrite. And if his Plusle is any indication, he's also a fan of small and adorable Pokémon.
  • Joke Character: The Plusle that he gives to you in Colosseum is the lowest leveled Pokémon you can receive anywhere in the game, and requires a hell of a lot of time to catch up with your team. There's also the fact that while it isn't awful, there are much better Electric types to be caught in the game, and the lack of its partner Minun means that its interesting gimmick which would actually be great in a game full of double battles is completely useless. The Pokémon he gives you in XD are much better in comparison.
  • Large and In Charge: Heroic example; he's the mayor of a town known for its high thug population.
  • Nice Hat: Sports one in XD.
  • Shock and Awe: His Plusle.
  • Top-Heavy Guy: Has the same model as the Bodybuilder trainer class, and is completely massive as a result.
  • What Could Have Been: Minun was meant to be snaggable, since his Plusle could be obtained by the player.


Silva is a young man from Pyrite Town. He's Duking's Number One man. He's also a talented Master of Disguise when the need arises. Oh, and he's also The Woobie.

  • Butt Monkey: He tends to be kidnapped or beaten up a lot in the first game, which is pretty much where his Woobie status comes from. It's quite telling when the most useful thing he does is by complete accident.
  • Cruel to Be Kind: Accidentally. To spite Duking, he steals the gears to the Pyrite Windmill, shutting down the Colosseum. This stops Cipher's plan to distribute the Shadow Pokemon through the Colosseums.
  • The Lancer: To Duking, at least.
  • Master of Disguise: He's actually very good at this, even to the point to where he blends in perfectly at Realgam Tower, Cipher's base of operations.
  • Non Action Guy: He tries his best to stop Cipher, but lacks any and all battling skills which land him in sticky situations more than once.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser


Wife of Eagun and Rui's grandmother.

  • Flat Character: She's there to give the tablet and nothing else. Eagun could have done that.
    • However, then she would have been nothing at all, only existing to avert Missing Mom.
  • Women Are Wiser: While we don't see a whole lot of her personality, she does seem a lot more sensible than Eagun.

Miror B.

The Laughably Evil member of the Admins. He's so lame that he isn't even given a legendary Shadow Pokemon of his very own. He eventually leaves Cipher to start his own group. You can guess how well that works out. In battle, he prefers to spam Ludicolo, using a combination of Rain Dance and Rain Dish to gradually recover his team's HP and attempting to win by attrition.

  • Affably Evil: He's not as kind most examples what with being part of an organization dedicated to corrupting Pokémon and all, but he's suprisingly cheery in a pleasent way.
  • Ambiguously Gay: He's some sort of camp, that's what.
  • Bad Boss: He's nowhere near as bad as some examples, but he can be pretty hard on Trudly and Folly when they botch missions.
  • Battle in the Rain: This is his strategy of choice: setting up rain so his Ludicolo squadron can make use of various rain-based strategies varying from gradually restoring health with Rain Dish, boosting their speed with Swift Swim, and having their water attacks hit harder thanks to the rain boost.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Seems to exist in his own little world most of the time.
  • Dance Battler: A Dance Pokémon battler anyway.
  • Disco Dan
  • Double Entendre: "Let the music spin!" "Lets get it on!"
  • Funny Afro: It's huge, and colored in red and white halves like a Poke Ball.
  • Green Thumb/Making a Splash: His team mainly consists of Water and Grass types thanks to his Ludicolo fixation, though he does sometimes use other Pokémon in some of his battles.
  • Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: In XD, he desires to be his own evil team leader and rule over all Pokemon. Yeeeah...how's that going for ya?
  • Laughably Evil: He's exactly as campy and goofy as you would imagine a disco-obsessed villain being.
  • Lean and Mean: He has the rail-thin and very tall body of a traditional villain... but nothing else about him is traditional in the slightest.
  • Life Drain: His Ludicolo tend to carry moves such as Leech Seed and Giga Drain in order to keep restoring their health.
  • Morality Pet: His Ludicolo probably count; he sure seems to have fun dancing with them, and they're his main team members.
  • Recurring Boss: In XD, where he is challenged at least four times in the main story if you're going after every shadow Pokémon, and can be battled numerous times in colosseum challenges as well as Poké Spots if you failed to snag any Shadow Pokémon.
  • Scarf of Asskicking: Wears a nice yellow one in XD.
  • Sixth Ranger Traitor: Aside from being this to the Five-Bad Band, he has his own - Ferma and Reath don't show up for XD.
  • Shout-Out: To Michael Jackson, especially in his XD where he debuts by moonwalking onto the scene and wears a single glove.
  • Starter Villain: In Colosseum, he's the first Cipher Admin that you fight in the game. And boy, is he a hell of a memorable first foe.
  • Theme Song: He gets a latin-based battle theme in Colosseum while he gets a more disco-oriented one in XD. As one would expect, both songs are completely awesome.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: In XD, he wears an open blazer with no shirt.
  • Weapon of Choice: Ludicolo. His team is packed full of these guys in his first Colosseum battle and his final XD battle. He's also showed dancing with them on multiple occasions.


Is one of the four Cipher Admins. He's The Hulk of the group, and one of the most strangely dressed characters in the game. Dakim's team is composed of hard-hitters; he generally has one member of his team use Earthquake while the other member uses a Defend Command to avoid taking friendly-fire damage in the process.

  • Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: He's fond of going on and on about how great and strong he is, and how puny his opponents are.
  • Benevolent Boss: Mildly, but it's there as he isn't angry with Skrub for failing to stop you.
  • Blood Knight: He's shown to be pretty fond of fighting.
  • The Brute: He's not exactly stupid, but he fits the bill thanks to his incredibly muscular physique, his raw power-based strategies, and the fact that he resorts to physical violence to get what he wants.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: He really loves the move Earthquake, and most of his Pokémon will receive STAB from it.
  • Evil Redhead: He sports a nice mane of long red hair, and is a high-ranking member of the abominable Team Cipher.
  • Facial Markings: Has a few odd stripes on his face.
  • Fiery Redhead: As mentioned above, his hair is red, and he has a fiery temper to match.
  • Genius Bruiser: As far as Pokémon battles go, he actually makes use of some damn smart strategies. His favorite strategy is to have one Pokémon use Earthquake while the other uses Protect to save themselves from friendly fire, while making sure to alternate the strategy between his two active Pokémon to prevent Protect from failing. In later battles he has Pokémon with access to levitate in order to completely bypass Earthquake, and carries Sunny Day on a lot of his Pokémon to cover their Water weaknesses while he fires off Solar Beam with impunity as well as giving his fire moves a boost. These strategies are very effective, beneficial to pretty much all of his Pokémon, and will trip up even experienced players due to how good they are.
  • Jerkass: He loves to throw his weight around, even resorting to punching out a guy much smaller and weaker than him just to be a dick.
  • Karma Houdini: Last seen, he's battling in the Under's Deep Colossum; a free man.
  • Megaton Punch: In one of the rare examples of human-against-human violence in the series, we get to see him slug Vander in the stomach.
  • Playing With Fire: He uses quite a few fire types (With his signature Pokémon being either a Shadow Entei or a Houndoom in absence of Entei), and uses Sunny Day to power up his fire moves with the added bonus of being able to fire off Solar Beams without needing a charge-up period.
  • Primal Stance
  • Weapon of Choice: Shadow Entei, as well as Houndoom after Entei has been snagged.


She considers herself a pop idol and is The Ditz of the Under, she's dressed in pink silks. She's obsessed with being popular. In battle, she prefers to incapacitate opponents with status effects and Attract.

  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: She comes off as cheerful and insincerely sweet to the Under's population, but when off-camera, she's just as cold-blooded and evil as most of her Cipher cohorts.
  • Brainless Beauty: Let's not pull any punches here, she's a complete fucking idiot.
  • Break the Haughty: And boy, does she deserve it.
  • Catchphrase: "I'm your Venus!"
  • The Dark Chick: Is this among Cipher's hierarchy thanks to the fact that she's more concerned with lording it over the citizens of The Under and making it clear that she is the most beautiful woman down there.
  • Perky Female Minion: Not quite at Miror B's level, but is still a lot more cheerful than the thuggish Dakim, cold-blooded Ein, and the downright creepy Nascour and Evice.
  • Pimped-Out Dress
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After you beat her twice ("Waaaah! I don't wanna do this anymore!")
  • Smug Snake: An incredibly arrogant young woman who is prone to whining when things don't go her way.
  • Spoiled Brat: Dear god.
  • Standard Status Effects: Most of her Pokémon aren't exactly powerful, but boy oh BOY does she love using these to annoy the ever-loving hell out of players. Her Pokémon all know Attract in order to trip up Pokémon of the opposite gender, and she's also fond of stacking paralysis, confusion, and curse on top of it.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: She puts on an idol persona to get the Under Public to like her.
  • Weapon of Choice: Shadow Suicune, as well as Milotic in the absence of Suicune.


The leader of the Admins and creator of the Shadow Pokemon as a whole. With brains, charm, and style he's a true Magnificent Bastard. He enjoys spamming Toxic and Confuse Ray; after his first appearance, he also uses a modified Rain Dance strategy, sending out a powerful Water-type Pokemon in conjunction with a supporting team member with the Lightningrod ability to protect them from Electric-type moves while he can spam Thunder with perfect accuracy.

  • Anime Hair: His hair style isn't super outlandish or anything, but it's still pretty out there.
  • Bishounen: He's quite the pretty-boy, that's for sure.
  • Badass Longcoat: Doubles as a badass labcoat as well.
  • Battle in the Rain: Like Miror B, he utilizes Rain Dance for his strategies. This time, he uses it to make it to where Thunder will never miss while giving his Water types a boost.
  • Complete Monster: Easily THE worst member of Cipher by far. Warping and twisting Pokémon into serving as bloodthirsty war machines out of scientific curiosity and pride will do that to you.
  • The Evil Genius: Serves as this among Cipher as a whole as he is the one behind Shadow Pokémon development.
  • Evilutionary Biologist
  • Expy: He's Professor Hojo or Xehanort if they experimented with Pokemon instead of being Omnicidal Maniacs.
  • Hot Scientist: He may completely morally bankrupt, but goddamn if he isn't incredibly attractive as well.
  • Karma Houdini: And he makes it clear he's unrepentant, too!
  • Mad Scientist: Well, you're not exactly sane or at least morally sound whenever your whole line of work is brainwashing Pokémon with inhumane experiments.
  • Making a Splash/Shock and Awe: Is fond of combining Electric types and Water types (He even uses a Pokémon sharing both types!) for devastating effect: Rain Dance to both boost his water attacks and Thunder's accuracy.
  • The Man Behind the Monsters: He's the reason why Shadow Pokémon are such a problem.
  • Meaningful Name: Ein, as in Albert Einstein.
  • Morality Pet: He uses a Crobat in his later fights, though given his nature and overall callous attitude towards Pokémon it's very likely that any niceness towards his Golbat was pragmatic on his part in order to draw out its true power which makes this a subversion.
    • Also keep in mind that his Crobat in later fights is completely different than the Golbat he used thanks to the fact that while his Golbat was a male while his Crobat is female. Maybe he disposed of Golbat for his failure and got a Crobat somewhere else?
    • Or more disturbingly, his Crobat likes him because she's a completely despicable specimen of a Pokémon who is perfectly fine with his line of work.
  • Shipper on Deck: Sarcastically to Wes and Rui ("You've come this far. Hand-in-hand like a happy couple on an aimless stroll.")
  • Sinister Shades: Sports a pair of these.
  • The Sociopath: Possibly the most evil guy in all of Cipher aside from the leaders, and is disgustingly proud of the deplorable deeds he has committed.
  • Standard Status Effects: He's a big fan of badly poisoning your Pokémon with Toxic, messing them up with Confuse Ray, and then letting your Pokémon chip away by stalling with Protect.
  • Weapon of Choice: Shadow Raikou, and later on Manectric in the absence of Raikou.


The sinister and absolutely creepy looking head of Team Cipher. He carries out all of their orders and oversees everything that goes on in the game. It turns out though that he's just relaying orders in place of the real villain Evice, making him ultimately just The Dragon.


The true boss of Cipher and the one who's really responsible for the plot, and the most powerful and significant evil in the first game. He took up the job of Phenac City's mayor so he could deflect any attention away from his wrong-doings.

  • Acrofatic: As old and rotund as he is, Evice is capable of doing several huge flips during his battle animation somehow.
  • Badass Grandpa: Evice is easily among the hardest final bosses in any of the games. His Pokémon are at the highest levels you've seen at this point and they all boast great stats, fantastic movesets, and have ways to boost their already high attacking power even higher, and he has a deviously evil strategy where he uses his Slowking's Skill Swap to free his Slaking from his restrictive Truant ability so he becomes much more dangerous. Add in the fact that he can do a ton of flips and levitate as well, and it's clear that Evice is one hell of a powerful old geezer.
  • Badass Moustache: His moustache is still impressive! Just a lot more evil.
  • Big Bad: The true villain, at least in the context of Colosseum.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He appears to be kind and helpful, but as you can see he's really a monster deep down at his core.
  • Complete Monster: He's up there with Ghetsis when it comes to being among the most morally bankrupt of the various evil team leaders. As evil as Ein is, Shadow Pokémon wouldn't be as much of a problem without Evice's involvement and funding, meaning he's the guy who holds Ein's leash. And like his understudy Nascour, Evice also qualifies as an almost literal monster given his absolutely demonic appearance.
  • Depraved Dwarf: Thanks to his involvement in Cipher's Pokémon brainwashing process, and his short stature, he's definitely this.
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: Since he's the mayor of one of the few relatively crime-free areas and only seen once, it's somewhat surprising that he was the Big Bad all along.
  • Evil Old Folks
  • Fat Bastard: He is obese and completely irredeemable.
  • Foreshadowing: There's actually a lot of this leading up to his reveal if you're very observant. It's already suspicious enough that Nascour just so happens to be first seen walking outside of his house, but there's also the fact that despite his promises, you get absolutely no help from him whatsoever in regards to the Cipher problem. And if you check his house later into the game after you've meddled a lot in Cipher's affairs, he's nowhere to be found while an old woman outside tells you that he stomped off in a rage. And a last minute tipper is that when you're fighting Nascour, the Shadow Tyranitar that Ein mentioned making for his boss is nowhere in sight...
  • The Man Behind the Man: Nascour acts as Cipher's leader to protect Evice's identity.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is a combination of evil and vice. Thus, Evice! Funnily enough, it's not known if this was planned out ahead of time, but whenever XD revealed that even he was just an underling of Greevil's, vice can also take the meaning of vice-leader.
  • Power Floats
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: When he reveals himself as being Cipher's true boss, his eyes look like Julian Robotnik's.
  • Status Buff: Evice's strategy is basically to crank up his Pokémon's attack power to insane levels, both with moves like Bulk Up and Dragon Dance along with X Attacks. However, his Pokémon already have high attack stats. Oh Crap.
  • Walking Spoiler: Dear GOD. There is absolutely NO way of talking about him without revealing a humongous plot twist.
  • Weapon of Choice: Shadow Tyranitar, the Shadow Pokémon that Ein was cooking up for his true boss. Slaking could also count as one thanks to a rather sneaky strategy where he has his Slowking use Skill Swap so his Slaking can steamroll your entire team without Truant holding him back, making him easily the most dangerous and notorious member of Evice's team.


  • Bonus Boss: He is a post-game final boss that can only be fought after the player has taken on the first four tournaments of Deep Colosseum and won all rematches with the Cipher Admins. His Shadow Shuckle isn't anything to write home about, but his other Pokémon are ridiculously high-leveled.
  • Purple Is Powerful: He not only wears a ton of purple, but also has purple hair as well!
  • Top-Heavy Guy: Has the same model as the Bodybuilder trainer class.


Infin and Inity

XD: Gale of Darkness


The protagonist of Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness.


Michael's little sister, who helps out with an errand early in the game.


Michael and Jovi's mother, who is a scientist at the Pokémon HQ Lab.

Professor Krane

A scientist at the Pokémon HQ Lab who worked with Michael's father on a way to purify Shadow Pokémon at a quicker pace.

  • Brainy Brunette
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: It is mentioned by an NPC that when Lily was still a student, she was very popular. Many tried to woo her, including Krane, but Michael's father obviously ended up with her.


The head of Cipher's Research and Development team. Acts like a stereotypical Valley Girl, Lovrina prefers Pokémon who look beautiful.


His ultimate goal is to be Governor of Orre via Team Cipher. Also, he's the Straw Loser for the Cipher Admins. His strategy in battle goes from attrition damage from Shadow Sky to spamming Explosion.


Gorigan is the Dumb Muscle in charge of guarding the Cipher Key Lair factory. Which he's not very good at.


Ardos is one of Greevil's two bodyguards, and is revealed at the end of the game to also be one of Greevil's sons. Goes Laughing Mad and claims he'll restart the evil organization.

  • Complete Monster: Ardos is one of the big reasons the people of Orre have trouble sleeping at night. The man set a record for his time as to how low a villain will stoop to deal with the player trainer — whereas the leaders of Teams Rocket, Magma, and Aqua all ceded when their plans tanked, he suggested to Big Bad Greevil that they take off and detonate Citadark Isle with you on it! He advised mass murder (the Peons still on Citadark are apparently expendable) as a way of dealing with you. Only Ghetsis would even get close to this level of depravity.
    • The Orre Colosseum has rematches against the Cipher Admins, and all of them give out titles when you defeat them. Ardos' is "Cipher's Biggest Enemy" — and the message bearing that title basically amounts to a death threat!
    • Ardos also vows to rebuild Cipher after Greevil gets vanned, and this is after the group's second collapse. Considering that only Team Rocket and Team Plasma ever managed a second attempt, and Team Rocket ceded for good after its second fall, this means Cipher's going for round three, and very well could make good on that threat.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: The sole subversion....his post-game letter to you is a death threat!
  • The Dragon
  • Jerkass: An unrepentant one at that!
  • Karma Houdini: He's still out there too.
  • Overlord, Jr.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: With Eldes. Oddly, Ardos is the Red Oni despite wearing blue.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Right before he takes off his red eyes glow through his Cool Shades.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair


Eldes is the other brother to Ardos, bodyguard and son of Greevil. Arguably far more honorable than either, he eventually has a Heel Realization and gives up.


A short man accompanied everywhere by his sons/bodyguards Ardos and Eldes. He's the mastermind of Team Cipher in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.

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