< PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale/Characters

Big Daddy (Bouncer)


Genetically programmed to search for the ADAM essential to the social fabric of their undersea city, Little Sisters roam through the portals and tunnels of Rapture. Because the substance they extract from the recently fallen is so precious, the girls are accompanied at all times by their fearsome, diving suit-clad protectors, the Big Daddies. Armed with a deadly drill,possessed of incredible strength, and capable of quick bursts of speed, the Big Daddies guard their charges jealously, making all who attempt to harm a Little Sister wish they hadn't.

Fat Princess

  • Home Game: Fat Princess
  • Appears on: PSN
  • Debut: 2009, July 30
  • Voiced by: ???


When the Fat Princess puts her mind to something, look out! Whether it's tracking down every piece of cake in the Kingdom of Titania, or laying the smack down on some trash-talking rival, this royal cutie is an irresistible force of nature. The Fat Princess and her royal bodyguards first appeared in 2009 in the self-titled Play Station 3 PSN game Fat Princess.

  • Acrofatic
  • Adaptational Badass: She does literally nothing but eat cake in her home series.
  • Assist Character: She mainly fights by calling on the classes to help her out, such as the Mage and the Warrior; her Level 3 Super even fills the screen with them.
  • Balloon Belly: Her intro screen starts her out at her petite size, only for her to fatten massively from eating a single cake. Curiously, her "losing" screen has her shrink back down.
  • Cartoon Bomb: She can summon the Worker Class to leave one behind for her. She can even carry it around for a unknown amount of time.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: The E3 trailer spotlights the golden, yellow sheen of her crown.
  • Food Porn: Her E3 intro includes a high-definition close-up of the frosted, chocolate sponge cake (topped with a maraschino cherry) that she's about to gobble down, set alongside her smiling face.
  • Horse of a Different Color: Her Level 2 has her attack her enemies atop a giant Chicken (presumably one of the villagers using the Mage's Chicken Potion).
  • Finishing Move: Her Level 3 Super has her call upon the villagers to fill the screen while she sits around eating cake.
  • Ground Pound: One of her means of attack.
  • Kicking Ass in All Her Finery
  • Limit Break
    • Level 1: A cake appears in her path, causing the Princess to rush towards it, crushing anyone in her path. An early warning involves a line of pink hearts drawn between her and the cake.
    • Level 2: Runs around attacking other classes atop a giant chicken. As a transformation, this offers her a certain level of invincibility to certain offending Supers.
    • Level 3: Mages shoot Fireballs from all sides while Warriors run around striking things. Escaping this one is comparable to avoiding highway traffic.
  • Mighty Glacier
  • Staff of Authority: She whacks her enemies with hers.
  • The Unexpected: Her game was successful, but it'll be 3 1/2 years old by Play Station All-Stars Battle Royale's release-date.



Once the leader of the mighty Spartan army, Kratos has wrenched his fate free from the gods who used him as their servant, swearing to see their reign ended. Known for a brutal approach to combat, he will let nothing stand between him and his quest to find and destroy whomever has gathered the combatants in Battle Royale.

Colonel Mael Radec


Colonel Mael Radec is a brilliant tactician who leads his troops from the front. His unwavering focus on victory at any cost has made the conquest of Helghast a formidable task for the ISA. He brings that same ruthlessness to personal combat, where he is the human personification of a shark, all of his training focused to a singular purpose: the destruction of his enemy.

Nathan Drake


A fortune seeker who claims to be a descendant of Sir Francis Drake, Nathan's adventures have taken him from the jungles of Borneo to the snowy peaks of Nepal in search of the hidden treasures of the ancient world. A resourceful combatant, Drake has proved adept both in the use of weapons and in hand-to-hand combat, skills which have aided him immeasurably in overcoming those who would prevent him reaching his prize.

  • Badass Normal: Hey, you try fighting the God of War (or a psycho clown and an armored freak in a giant suit) with naught but some guns, your fists and pure luck.
    • Badass Bookworm: Which is shown by Drake reading a book in his pre-fight cinematic.
  • Body Horror: Nathan's Level 3 super transforms enemies into the Descendants from the first Uncharted game.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: The E3 trailer spotlights his brown holster.
  • Good Old Fisticuffs: He primary means of melee damage.
  • Hammerspace: He summons various elements from his home series that are usually level-specific from seemingly out of nowhere, such as pushable objects, cover, propane tanks and zip-lines. Not to mention that in his own games he's usually able to hold two guns at a time (one pistol and one long-gun)
  • Leitmotif: His reveal at E3 was accompanied by "Nate's theme." The crowd instantly began applauding.
  • Limit Break
    • Level 1: A decent-sized explosion in the air in front of him. Not the fastest Super since he needs a short second to Shoot the Fuel Tank.
    • Level 2: He pushes a crumbling statue over, crushing anyone in front of him.
    • Level 3: A coffin pops open, transforming Nate's opponents into the Descendants from Drake's Fortune while giving him Eddy Raja's Golden Gun. This allows Nate to perform one-hit kills until the other fighters transform back to normal.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better: He brings the Wes-44 into battle with him. It may or may not be Sully's.
  • Shoot the Fuel Tank: His Level 1 Super invokes this, using the throwable yellow propane tanks that first appeared in Among Thieves.
  • Take Cover: He somehow generates a cement barrier in front of him, where he has access to some interesting tactics. Such as:
    • Grenade Launcher: He stands out front to blast anyone unfortunate enough to be in front of the barrier with the M32-Hammer.
  • Weapon Across the Shoulder: His profile picture, seen to the right. This is something of a Stock Pose for him.

PaRappa the Rapper


With his trademark red cap and ever-present microphone, PaRappa entertains crowds the world over with his freestyle rapping and skateboarding prowess. Trained by Chop Chop Master Onion, PaRappa is as formidable in combat as he is on stage, bringing all of his talents to bear, the most important of which is his indomitable belief in himself.

  • Adaptational Badass: His knowledge of kung-fu is about to come full-circle.
  • Always Accurate Attack/Unblockable Attack: His Level 3 Super is a short cinematic of him performing "I Gotta Believe", which kills everyone else on screen after it's over.
  • Chest Monster: His boom box generates free AP, but anyone besides PaRappa - or in the case of mirror-matches, the PaRappa it belongs to - getting too close to it will be dizzied.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: The E3 trailer spotlights his mic giving off a bright green.
  • Cool Board: His Level 2 Super involves him running down his enemies on his.
  • Fighting Clown: He's fairly unusual in his gameplay style; his fighting prowess isn't particularly strong due to his short limbs (though he can be brutally effective at very close range) and he's able to generate free AP with a boom box he throws down, which can allow him to overtake the other players assuming no one pays attention to him. His Level 3 Super has him rapping, which somehow kills all the other characters on-screen.
  • Finishing Move: His is impossible to avoid or block.
  • Lethal Joke Character: Oh dear, PaRappa. Not only can he self generate his meter with his boombox, his level one super is one of the most deadly, and his level 3 super is unblockable. Of course, the character will likely be nerfed considerably, but in current builds, PaRappa is easily the most powerful character.
  • Limit Break
    • Level 1: An attack directly in front of him.
    • Level 2: He rides around on his skateboard, killing anyone he runs into.
    • Level 3: A Cinematic with clears the screen of every other player.
  • Mandatory Unretirement: Meta-example: Dred Foxx hasn't been called for any roles since the last Parappa game, yet Superbot went specifically seeking him out to fit back into the character. Vocal Evolution is quite justified in this case.
  • Paper People: Much like his own world.
  • The Unexpected
  • "V" Sign: Take a look at his profile shot.

Sly Cooper


Descended from a line of thieves which stretches back centuries, Sly continues the family tradition with grace and style. With the help of his friends Bentley and Murray, the raccoon has infiltrated even the most heavily fortified locations while making away with treasures thought impossible to steal. Favoring stealth, reconnaissance, and cunning over brute strength, Sly and the Cooper Gang always stay two steps ahead of opponents.

  • Assist Character: He occasionally enlist the help of Bentley and Murray in a few of his Supers.
  • Cane Fu/Hooks and Crooks: His Weapon of Choice.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: The E3 trailer spotlights his cane, outlined with purple.
  • Finishing Move: His is oddly direct, in contrast to his primarily sneaky playstyle. See more directly below.
  • First-Person Snapshooter: His Level 3 Super has him jump off-screen to inexplicably pick off his enemies by taking pictures of them.
  • Fragile Speedster
  • Land Mine Goes Click: His Explosive Hat Technique power-up, though the explosion is comparatively smaller than Radec or Sweet Tooth's mines.
  • Limit Break
    • Level 1: Murray bodyslams on anyone in front of Sly.
    • Level 2: He flies around the screen dropping bombs.
    • Level 3: A first-person mode that involves a camera.
  • Power-Up: Not in fighting gameplay terms; he carries many gadgets from his home series that were originally Power-Ups, like the Alarm Clock.
  • Shock and Awe: He retains his Jump Attack power-up from Among Thieves, leaving a trail of electricity behind him.
  • Smoke Out: He can do this.
  • Stealth Expert: The intention with his gameplay style; while invisible, he'll wait aside till he can get an opportunity to Back Stab one of the other players and steal their AP. Otherwise he's awful in a straight-up fight, mainly relying on dashes, escapes and the occasional Sucker Punch.
  • Three-Point Landing: His profile image.
  • Visible Invisibility: He eschews the ability to block for this.

Sweet Tooth (Needles Kane)


Marcus Kane had it all - big house, beautiful family, great job serving ice cream to the neighborhood kids. Then something went wrong. Very wrong. When he donned the mask and became Sweet Tooth, there was no going back. Now he carves a path of destruction and desolation, whether in his legendary ice cream truck or on foot. Violence is what he craves, wherever it can be found, and whomever it can be inflicted upon.

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