A new hope arose, an elite international task force, charge with ending the war and restoring liberty for all nations. - Overwatch. Soldiers, scientists, adventurers, oddities. Guardians who secure global peace for a generation. Under its steadfast protection the world recovered and today, though its watch has ended, its soaring ideals of freedom and quality will never be forgotten.
Overwatch is a multiplayer First Person Shooter developed and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Unveiled at BlizzCon 2014, the game emphasizes cooperative gameplay using a cast of various "heroes," each with their own abilities and roles within a team. The game entered closed beta in North America and Europe in October 2015, with plans to bring the beta to Asia at a later date. The final closed beta weekend began in April 2016 and primarily served as a stress test for Overwatch's servers, lasting 36 hours. The game was released for Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One worldwide in May 2016. Though a Blizzard Battle.Net account is required to answer the call and join Overwatch. The video game also became recognized as an eSport and Blizzard helps to fund and produce the professional league players as part of the Overwatch League.
Main Play Modes
- Quick Play
Quick Play is were the player can play their chosen Hero without losing SR and whatever ranking points. It's mainly for practice. This mode has 12 groups together until the server restarts or too many leave.
- Competitive Play
Competitive Play is the advance form of playing Overwatch, this also is were Blizzard finds potential recruits for the Overwatch League. The players will remain in the same team for the full attack/defense rotations, also they can't leave for another game before that round ends.
For players to unlock this mode they have to reach level 25.
- Play vs AI
The Play Vs AI is were the player can practice, sharpen their skills, and prepare with the AI bots on how to play, like the payload/escort, capture the point, hybrid, and others modes.
- Tutorial
The Tutorial has Tracer, Winston, Soldier:76, and Athena, the Overwatch friendly AI, introducing new players and shows them the bare bone mechanics, like how to walk, run, and jump before sending them out. It connects to the...
- Practice Range
The Practice Range is were the player can do some self-practicing with the bots to get accustom with certain Hero(es)' weapons, abilities, and cooldowns. The player can come to this range at any time when they're not doing matches and there's no objectives.
- Custom
The Custom game modes are were gamers can invite their pals for a private match with it's own rule set. In February 27, 2017, the Custom Game was replaced with by the Game Browser, the latter was added to the Arcade mode.
- Arcade
The Arcade mode which was added in November 15, 2016, it has these modes:
- Deathmatch
- Standard mode
- Team Deathmatch
- Château Deathmatch
- Duel
- Mystery Duel (1v1) and Limited Duel (1v1)
- Elimination
- Lockout Elimination (3v3) and Lockout Elimination (6v6)
- Other Arcade Modes
- Mystery Heroes (6v6)
- No Limit (6v6)
- Total Mayhem
- Low Gravity
- Capture the Flag
- Deathmatch
- Game Browser
The Game Browser has two modes: Find Game and Create Game, here the player can make custom games or make their own game in the "Create Game". The GB succeed Custom Game mode.
- Event Modes
These brawls only appear during special occasions or seasonal events, like Overwatch's anniversary, archive events, and Halloween. They give out special achievements to the players.
For manageability, Overwatch has separate pages for tropes in these categories, other than the ones from the top pages:
- Audience: The audiences' reactions to their beloved game.
- Supplemental Material, for tropes found in the comic books, shorts, and Tweets.
- Retcon, for the material that's been retcon out of the lore.
- 7-Day Free Trial: Potential buyers can demo Overwatch, during special occasions, like the game's anniversary or Christmas. But once the trial is over, Blizzard encourages them to buy the game.
- 24-Hour News Networks: In universe. Atlas News, U.S.Politics, Insight, King's Row Times, Tomorrow, and many other news organizations provides the news to the world via televised services, newspapers, and holograms.
- Action Girls: The female Heroes are these both in the lore and in the game.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: What sparked the "Omnic Crisis" and what still drives animosity between humans and Omnics.
- All There in the Manual: At least for now, much of the plot, character backgrounds and overall backstory can be found in various media, including comics and animated trailers instead in the game itself.
- And Now for Something Completely Different: A meta-example as this is Blizzard's first foray into the genre and a different beast from either World of Warcraft or Heroes of the Storm.
- And Your Reward Is Clothes: After completing missions or opening the loot boxes will result with getting new skins.
- Animal Motifs:
- The Ashe family heirloom is the viper.
- The MEKA crew has animal logos and sigs on their persons.
- Animal Talk: Winston can apparently understand what Hammond says, this can be a Level 4 of the Sliding Scale of Animal Communication.
- Animesque: In addition to Pixar's work, anime is another major influence.
- The Announcer: Athena
- Awesome Anachronistic Apparel/Born in the Wrong Century: Some characters would look too out of place in another time period altogether and still look badass.
- Reinhardt composes and even dresses himself like the knights of yore to the point of being a German version of Don Quixote.
- McCree is very much a Spaghetti Western character thrown into the future. An alternate outfit however updates his look slightly to that of a 1930s pulp hero ala The Shadow.
- Hanzo's appearance is based on feudal Japanese attire with some futuristic touches.
- One of Widowmaker's alternate outfits makes her look like a Belle Epoque-era soldier.
- Back From the Dead: Mercy's ultimate power is to revive nearby downed teammates, bringing them back into the fight instantly.
- Badass Grandpa: Reinhardt and Soldier: 76 are old enough to be this, being among the original founding members of Overwatch.
- Bio Augmentation: Characters, like Reaper, Moira, and others had their genetics getting altered and highten.
- Bizarrchitecture: Utopaea. This city was made of hard light technology.
- Blizzard Battle.Net
- Bottomless Magazines: Guns, McGavyer hairdryer ice pistols, and other futuristic weapons all all have unlimited ammo.
- They are counter by the cool downs to reset and to get back to using.
- Broken Hero:
- Soldier: 76, one of the original members of Overwatch went from being a Captain America-style paragon to becoming a jaded if still upright Anti-Hero following the organization's downfall.
- Ana, another original member of Overwatch, was forced to confront the toll of the lives she took in her long career by her later years.
- Bulungi: Averted with Numbani, which is described as a First-World African country where humans and Omnics coexist relatively peacefully.
- Captain Patriotic: Downplayed with Fahrah, who's fighting to protect her homeland of Egypt, and Soldier: 76, who was very much a Captain America Expy in his prime before becoming more like Steve Roger's other alter-ego, Nomad.
- Character Celebrity Endorsement: An in universe example, Hana Song/D.Va has her face, her bunny logo, and whatnot stamp on South Korean ramen cups, sodas, and etc.
- Charge Meter: Kinda, one needs to preform kills, defending, and healing to charge up the meter in order to unleash an Ultimate.
- Christmas Episode: The Tracer: Reflections comic, it even shows some of the Overwatch and Talon members celebrating Christmas and other winter holidays with love ones.
- Cold Sniper: Subverted with Ana. She's deathly professional at her specialty, but the toll of the lives she's taken over the years still weighs heavily on her, as much as she believes it's for making the world safer.
- Cool Old Lady: Ana, Fahrah's mother, is still quite the badass sniper even in her old age.
- Cosmic Forces Trio: The Overwatch founders used to be this: Ana Amari the Preserver/Healer, Gabriel Reyes the Destroyer, and Jack Morrison the Creator...As far as an edgy vigilante investigator can go.
- Cosmopolitan Council: Talon has some pretty influential members, like Reaper, Sanjay, Doomfist.
- Conspiracy: It's the mysterious group that Sombra found, she gave them that nickname, except that they knew about her, watching her, and hack back at her.
- Crap Saccharine World: While the future world shown in Overwatch is rather colorful, hopeful and Pixar-ish, it still takes place in the wake of a bloody Robot War and there's still a lot of murky seediness beneath the surface. Not to mention much of Australia being reduced to an irradiated mess and parts of Germany being lawless.
- Cosmic Forces Trio: Ana (The Preserver), Reaper (The Destroyer), and Soldier: 76 (The Creator).
- Crossover: Guys like Tracer, Ana, Hanzo, and even Katya Volskaya appears in "Heroes of the Storm." This doubles the crossover.
- Cursed with Awesome: Tracer clearly didn't like her Unstuck in Time predicament, at least until Winston found a way to help her control it.
- Cute Machines: Some of the Omnics are these (i.e. Snowball and Orisa).
- Dark Action Girl: Widowmaker.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Bastion once fought in the Omnic Crisis as a frontline Mook. Now he's very much the last known model of his kind that's still functioning.
- Death World: Australia, with the exception of major regions like Sydney, became even more of one, the Outback turning into an irradiated Mad Max-esque wasteland following an uprising.
- Defector From Decadence
- Not exactly "decadence" per se, but Zenyatta broke from his fellow Omnic monks, arguing that he would much more good in the world rather than being aloof and secluded from it.
- Both Hanzo and Genji were once part of the Shimada Clan, an old but powerful Yakuza organization.
- Depopulation Bomb: What's left of the Outback residents, they called themselves "Junkers."
- Dueling Games: With both recent releases like Battleborn and established online mainstays like Team Fortress 2.
- Eagle Land: The Hollywood and Route 66 maps are very blatant slices of Americana, the latter even having a futuristic semi-truck in red, white and blue.
- Easter Egg: If one enters the Konami Code in the main Overwatch website, D.Va will recite it and a surprise will happen.
- McCree's line of "You seem familiar, have I killed you before?" Is one huge reference to Captain Jack Sparrow asking "You seem familiar. Have I threatened you before?"
- The checkpoint in Dorado had some nearby tents that have heart shape designs that are similar to the Kingdom Hearts.
- One of the games in the arcade had Super Siege Mode 3, which is Metal Slug meets Starcraft.
- The Hollywood map has Goldshire Pictures, Goldshire Studios, and Goldshire Way, which are references to an Elwynn Forest town.
- Symmetra quips "This cake is a lie... Or is it?"
- Elites Are More Glamorous: Blackwatch and they have the uniforms and the berets to prove it.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: B.O.B, just B.O.B.
- Esports
- Experience Points: These are earned by joining matches, quick plays, opening loot boxes, and even practicing against AI bots will increase a player's level, even unlocking rewards, like Highlight Intros.
- Expy:
- Ana can be described as a more benevolent Big Boss with a mix of Sniper Wolf.
- Soldier: 76 is in a sense, a Darker and Edgier Captain America.
- BlizzardWorld's a parody of Disneyworld, but with Blizzard Entertainment attractions.
- Parts of Australia became a Mad Max-like desert, were the strongest survive.
- Face Heel Turn: It's strongly implied that at least some members of the terrorist Talon organization were once part of the original Overwatch's covert-ops "Blackwatch" who went rogue. Reaper as well is this, given how he was once one of the founding members of Overwatch.
- Widowmaker, formerly known as Amélie Lacroix, was the wife of an Overwatch operative before being brainwashed by Talon into becoming a living weapon and its most lethal assassin.
- Face of the Band: Tracer. It was even reveal that behind the scenes that the game was build around her at first.
- In universe, Jack Morrison to a degree, it makes sense since he's one of Overwatch's founders and that's who the public mostly sees him as the face of the peace keeping force.
- Fantastic Racism: In addition to existing racism, there's the animosity between humans and Omnics, with countries responding to the issue in various ways. Some of the characters are also shown having some anti-Omnic sentiments for various reasons. It's also mentioned that there are terrorists and extremists of both the human and Omnic variety who actively want another full-blown Robot War just to wipe the other out.
- Fictional Documents: The Venice Memorandum Declassification documents
- First Person Shooter
- The Future
- Hello: The playerable characters all have a "Hello" gesture.
- He Knows About Timed Hits: Lena Cox/Tracer, Winston, and Athena take charge of the tutorial to explain how to play the game and its' mechanics.
- GaaS
- Gamer Chick: D.Va was a professional gamer before becoming a Mini-Mecha ace pilot. Even after being said Mini-Mecha pilot, she continued being one, even becoming an idol in South Korea in the process.
- Game Over: Losing a round will result in a "Defeat" card popping out.
- Gang-Bangers: The Los Muertos,
- Gangster War: When the Deadlock Gang's prominence rose, this put them against the other American Southwest's criminal organizations. This resulted in often violent encounters.
- Generic Graffiti: The sprays that gamers uses in gameplay modes.
- Generation Xerox: Fahrah is the daughter of one of the founding members of Overwatch, Ana. Indeed, young Ana is even shown as looking very much like her daughter.
- Ghost City: The entire Outback became this, after an Australian omnium's fusion core got detonated during an attack.
- Glorious Mother Russia: The Russians are shown to be proud of having faced down Omnic threats despite massive odds. Subsequently, the Volskaya Industries map is a celebration of all things Russian.
- Godzilla Threshold: In order to combat the giant rogue Omnic that periodically tries to destroy South Korea, the authorities had to resort to filling up the Mini-Mecha ranks with professional gamers just to get some edge.
- Great Offscreen War: The "Omnic Crisis" happened several years before the game takes place. But the aftermath continues to linger on.
- Gold Makes Everything Shiny: The weapon skins consist primarily of gold and some other metals.
- Going Mobile: Overwatch has a few mobile apps, like the Overwatch League, so gamers can keep up and root for their favorite teams.
- Guide Dang It: Loading screens also gives tips on how to play the game.
- There's a basic tutorial mode that teaches the new player on rudimentary basics: how to jump, run, and such. The rest is a self-training mode in Gibraltar where the rookie can experiment on all the Heroes and get some practice.
- New gamers can practice with the AI bots in a practice mode or go to modes, like "Quick Play."
- Currently, since Blizzard added custom made modes for the gamers, the latter can make their own practice modes and share them with others.
- Halloween Episode: When Halloween draws near, Overwatch gets some pretty festive skins for the game. Plus, the comics also fits with the holiday spirit, like Junkenstein and Halloween Terror.
- Harmless Freezing: Played straight, with Mei freezing herself just to heal or freezing her opponents with her Endothermic Blaster.
- Heroes with Bad Publicity: This trope became a reality to both Overwatch and Blackwatch agents, when both the international public and governments decided to dump them to the point of calling them criminals. But this won't stop the former members from saving the day.
- Human Popsicle: The Watchpoint: Antarctica science crew when they entered and activated their cryo pods.
- Humongous Mecha: The Russian response to the "Omnic Crisis" was to mass-produce manned giant robots to fight the threat, like South Korea's Mini-Mecha, they proved successful.
- Hyperspace Arsenal: Some of the Heroes have this, like Reaper, who pulls out his pistols from what seems like nowhere.
- I Was Quite a Looker: Soldier: 76 and Ana were quite lookers indeed back in the founding days of Overwatch.
- I Call It Vera: MEKA's mechs all have names: Beast, King, Mastermind, Tokki, and La Princesse Sereine.
- If You Want Something Done Right, Do it Yourself: One of Torbjörn Lindholm's kill lines was this. In the lore, it made sense, he views himself responsible if one of his inventions fell into the wrong hands (like Talon's).
- Also, he made the Omnics.
- Killer App: Overwatch is the reason to make a Blizzard Battle.Net account and buy the game.
- Killer Space Gorillas: The Horizon Lunar Colony gorillas (Save Winston) pulled a Planet of the Apes: Revolted against the human scientists, killed them, and claim the colony as their own.
- Kill Streak
- Level Editor: The newly added workshop, were gamers can make some sort of customize maps, ranges, and play modes.
- Life Meter
- Light Is Good: Mercy, whose general appearance is akin to an angel.
- Lighter and Softer: Compared to Blizzard's other works.
- Like Mother Like Daughter: Subverted. It's revealed that Ana never wanted her daughter Fahrah to join Overwatch as she hoped to spare her from having to confront the horrors of war.
- Limit Break: All the characters have each of their individual limit breaks, which are called "Ultimates." That can be activated after filling up a gauge.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: The game first started with 12 characters, but they keep introducing a new playable hero.
- There's more characters, including the ones from the comics and other expanded lore.
- Loot Boxes: Some of the ways to get loot boxes is to use microtransactions to buy them, grinding to the next level, waiting for drops or drop during special holidays/events.
- Loading Screen
- Macross Missile Massacre: Fahrah's ultimate power is this.
- Mayincatec: The Mexico map is a blend of Spanish and Mesoamerican motifs.
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: By and large, much of the universe and gameplay mechanics have a science fiction tinge to them. On the other hand, Genji and Hanzo can summon spirit dragons as their ultimate power.
- Mean Brit: Averted with Tracer, who's one of the most upbeat and friendly among the cast.
- Mecha-Mooks: Bastion's one that gained a conscience.
- Mega Corp: Vishkar Corporation, an influential multinational firm based in southern India. It's also far murkier than its PR would have one believe.
- Microtransactions
- Mini-Mecha: South Korea invested in having whole divisions of these due to recurrent attacks from a large Omnic. D.Va, who was recruited into such divisions by the government before joining Overwatch, pilots one of them.
- Mood Whiplash: Some of the trailers and backstory can come across as this.
- Multinational Team: Overwatch, both in its original "peacekeeper" state and "current" form, is comprised of characters from various countries, along with a sentient ape and robots.
- Multiplayer Online Battle Arena: This game has traces of League of Legends on it.
- Mystery Boxes
- National Stereotypes: Subverted. The designs and personalities of the various characters show their cultural/national heritage, but in rather peculiar ways.
- Nebulous Evil Organisation: Talon. They even attack both civilians and military.
- No Export for You: Certain cosmetics and sprays are only available if one watches the OWL league.
- Same with special Units.
- Ninja: The Shimada Clan.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot:
- The Omnic Zenyatta is a Buddhist-style robot monk.
- Genji meanwhile is a cyborg ninja not unlike Raiden, though he actually is Japanese.
- Not Quite Dead: As it turns out, Ana, who was thought to have been killed at some point in the past, is still very much alive and still fighting the good fight.
- Noble Bigot: Some, like Torbjörn tend to view Omnics lowly, in part due to the Robot War decades earlier, even if they treat their Omnic peers with at least some respect.
- No Plot? No Problem!: With the exception of sprays, the lore has very little present in the actual game.
- Norse by Norsewest: Torbjörn, a very talented engineer responsible for a good deal of Overwatch's technology, is Swedish.
- Older Than They Look:
- Both Mercy and Mei, despite their rather youthful appearance are old enough to have been in the original Overwatch for quite some time. In Mercy's case, she even remembers her parents' deaths during the "Omnic Crisis" but looks as if she's barely aged a day. While for Mei, she was cryogenically frozen.
- Tracer is also this, in part due to her being Unstuck in Time.
- Origin Episodes: "Character X" Origin Story episodes serves as these.
- Peace Conference: Elizabeth Ashe called the leaders of the rival Southwestern gangs for this. And she managed to reunite all of these groups together.
- Phony Newscast: A Moment in Crime Special Report: "The Junkers"
- Play the Game, Skip the Story: Many gamers do this with Overwatch, not paying attention to the comics and the rest of the expanded universe.
- Though it can be because they are unaware of the expanded lore's existance.
- Player Versus Player
- Poirot Speak: Various characters occasionally slide into their native languages.
- Powered Armor: The German response to the "Omnic Crisis" involved creating highly advanced "Crusader armor" in the image of medieval knights, the same sort used by Reinhardt.
- Power Glows: When a character's ultimate gauge is powered up, it glows as though it's border is on fire. That's the signal to unleash.
- Ragnarok Proofing: Bring a military-model Omnic, Bastion is still rather sturdy even after decades without proper maintenance.
- Respawn Point: Players that gotten killed will respawn in the Spawn Room.
- Retro Universe: The world of Overwatch is a blend of past, present and futuristic elements.
- Reluctant Hero: McCree was originally this, being an outlaw who was "recruited" into Overwatch in exchange for avoiding prison. Before long however, he came to genuinely become heroic such that even after Overwatch's downfall he continued fighting the good fight.
- Reluctant Warrior:
- Mercy, who hails from Switzerland, is much more suited to healing people than killing them. On the other hand, she's not that afraid to take out enemies with a pistol if it means saving others.
- Mei, from China, is far more interested in doing science and environmental work than going into combat.
- Bastion, being a surviving, sentient Mecha Mook left over from the "Omnic Crisis" who'd rather be left alone in peace rather than fight.
- Ana, from Egypt, became this in her later years. Despite the burden of the many lives she took in her career as a sniper, she nonetheless continues the fight as she still believes it's the right thing to do.
- Revolvers Are Just Better: McCree's weapon of choice would make the Man With No Name proud.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Pachimari, Ganymede, Hammond, and yachemon.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Soldier: 76 has been spending the years since Overwatch's downfall seeking vengeance for what brought the organization down.
- Robot Buddy: Some Omnics, like B.O.B. and Athena, fill these roles.
- Robot War: The "Omnic Crisis," when rogue sentient AI waged a bloody war against humanity. The game itself is set as a second one is brewing.
- Russian Guy Suffers Most: Russia, where Zarya hails from, is mentioned as in the midst of another Omnic conflict; it doesn't help that according to the lore, the Russians were among the first to be attacked and largely forced to fight them alone. And the international community is hesitant to send aid, which is also what helps persuade Winston that Overwatch must be reactivated.
- Same Sex Triplets: Zeke, Terran, and P.T., who are part of the Deadlock gang.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right:
- This is what ultimately spurs the informal reactivation of Overwatch, especially as the world finds itself in need of heroes once more.
- Lucio, a Brazilian musician, used to work for the Vishkar Corporation before realizing what the Mega Corp intended to do with a favela, becoming a freedom-fighter in the process.
- Scavenger World: The Junkers scavenged whatever is left of omnium and formed a cutthroat society around it.
- Shell-Shocked Veteran:
- Ana is revealed to be this, and is still haunted by the lives she's taken over the years.
- Even Bastion is shown to have the Omnic equivalent of PTSD, having flashbacks to the brutal battles in Germany.
- Shout Out: In the Overwatch Reunion cinematic, one of the brothers is wearing a hoodie for Rainer's Raiders.
- One of Hanzo's lines is "I choose you, Spirit Dragon."
- Sigma was placed and contained in the SCP.
- Genji has a spray called "Target Practice."
- After Junkrat dominates and kills Reaper, he quips, "Why so serious?"
- The Dorado tents that are located at the first payload checkpoint have heart shapes.
- Sixth Ranger: Those who answered Winston's Recall message, whether they're the from the original group (i.e. Torbjörn Lindholm) or new comers entirely (i.e. Genji Shimada).
- An in real life examples, starting with Ana, Blizzard keeps expanding the Hero roster.
- Space Base: Winston, a sentient gorilla, was raised in a Lunar research base by his human scientist father.
- Spiritual Licensee: The game can be described as The Incredibles meets The Avengers, with a dash of Deus Ex in for good measure.
- Start My Own: O'Deorain and other like-minded scientists founded the city of Oasis.
- Stat-O-Vision: This makes certain Heroes or even certain Classes, like the Support Class, see gauges, like the life bars of friends.
- The text chat can also counts, it alerts a team about when Ultimates are fully charge and ready to go.
- Stop Motion: Trace and Bake and its upcoming sequels.
- Student and Master Team: Reinhardt Wihelm and his squire/student, Brigitte.
- Succession Crisis: Who will be the successor of the Shimada clan now since both Hanzo and Genji left?
- Super Smoke: Reaper's "wraith form."
- Super Soldier: Soldier: 76 was part of an American program to make these in response to the "Omnic Crisis."
- Team Dad: Soldier: 76 used to be this for the old Overwatch, though he still can't shake it off.
- Team Mom: Mercy and Ana tend to be portrayed as this.
- Theme Park Version: Downplayed, but many of the maps showcase various parts of the world in a way that's both traditional and peculiar.
- Those Two Bad Guys: Both Junkrat and Roadhog are this in spades.
- Thrown Out the Airlock: The Horizon Lunar Colony's scientists were tricked into troubleshooting airlock E-35, were they vetted out into the moon's surface to die.
- Turned Against Their Masters: The Omnics that went rogue and causing the Omnic Crisis are doing this.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future: The game is set at some point in the not-too distant future, though enough time has passed that an A.I. uprising called the "Omnic Crisis" has already happened.
- Two Guys and a Girl: Jack Morrison, Gabriel Reyes, and Ana.
- Unstuck in Time: Tracer. Thanks to an experimental test flight Gone Horribly Wrong, she suffers from "chronal disassociation," detaching her from the timestream. This would have made her a "living ghost" forever jumping through time if not for Winston creating a device that allows her to not only be anchored in the present, but also control her newfound abilities.
- United Nations: Overwatch was originally established as an U.N. peacekeeping task force which quickly became associated with heroes before it was eventually disbanded.
- Vigilante Man: Many Overwatch operatives became this when the United Nations and other governments made the Overwatch program disband.
- Vive La Revolution: Some of the test subject gorillas overthrew the scientists of the Horizon Lunar Colony.
- Lúcio and his friends organized a revolt against the corrupt Vishkar Corporation.
- We ARE Struggling Together: Infighting, complacency and simmering tensions within the "original" Overwatch were what helped doom it.
- What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: The lore for Overwatch can become pretty dark for a game with characters that WOULD look straight at home within Pixar movies.
- Worldbuilding
- Yakuza: The Shimada Clan, an old ninja family are this to a "T" and are also one of the more powerful Japanese crime syndicates.
- You Said You Would Let Them Go: Vishkar Corporation wanted to develop the city were Lúcio and his love ones lived in, so the company promised them that this will improved their lives, instead, Vishkar imposed draconian controls on the residents of the Rio de Janeiro city.