Howdy guys, it's NintendoCapriSun here!
~NintendoCapriSun, opening almost every video ever
NintendoCapriSun (real name Tim Bishop) is a popular Let's Player on YouTube, with over 170,000 subscribers. He is very prolific, having made full Let's Plays of more than 40 different games, and working on his 55th (The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword). On December 15, 2010 he announced that he had been made a YouTube Partner. In 2011, he joined a new LP collective called The Runaway Guys along with Proton Jon and Chuggaaconroy.
In addition, he has two separate YouTube channels, one titled BreakingNCS, where he posts video blogs and other miscellaneous videos. The other one, which actually predates Nintendocaprisun, is JealousGuy, and features more of rants and short film stuff. He is also a member of The Game Station.
Games NintendoCapriSun has Let's Played:
- Zelda series:
- The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess
- The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
- The Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask
- Zelda II the Adventure of Link
- The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
- As well as a 100% race with JB of Now Loading, Bear0fLove, and deathe88 (Ongoing)
- The Legend of Zelda: Second Quest (swordless)
- And again, using only 3 hearts.
- The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening
- The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword (Ongoing)
- Mega Man series
- Mega Man X 1-X3
- Mega Man 1-10 (except for 8)
- Mario series
- Super Mario Sunshine
- Super Mario World (With Empolo18)
- Super Mario Bros. 3 (also with Empolo18)
- And a solo replay while his capture card was getting fixed.
- Super Mario Kart
- Super Mario Galaxy 2
- Super Mario RPG
- Yoshi's Story
- Super Mario 64
- Super Mario Bros. 2
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii Co-op with Chibinekodemyx
- Metroid series:
- Metroid Prime
- Super Metroid
- Metroid (original)
- Banjo-Kazooie series:
- Castlevania series:
- EarthBound series:
- Contra series:
- Contra III: The Alien Wars
- Contra
- Super C
- Donkey Kong Country series:
- Donkey Kong Country
- DKC 2: Diddy's Kong Quest
- Donkey Kong Country 3 (Blind)[2]
- Donkey Kong 64 (upcoming)
- Other series:
- Battletoads (Four way race with himself, Proton Jon, SuperJeenius and Pcull4444
- And again, this time between himself, Gr33n47, Ninosho and Erin Williams.
- Super Ghouls N' Ghosts
- Chrono Trigger
- Dungeons Of Daggorath
- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
- Secret of Mana
- Conker's Bad Fur Day (Blind)
- Plants vs. Zombies[3]
- Shadow of the Colossus (Upcoming)
- Mario Party 2 (Dubbed a "LMAO" [Let's Mess Around On] by him, as the updates won't be consistent and it's more for fun)
- Battletoads (Four way race with himself, Proton Jon, SuperJeenius and Pcull4444
His Let's Plays provide examples of:
- A Date with Rosie Palms: Describes himself in one of his Metroid videos as once having been able to do "it" with his thighs and not his hands, going to great lengths to avoid saying exactly what "it" is.
- Alliteration: At the end of the final boss rematch in Super Mario Galaxy 2:
NCS: Right in your face, man, right in your armpit! How many different places on Bowser's beaten, battered, bruised, beleaguered, bludgeoned body can we hit next? (Beat) Those are all actually words, too.
- Adorkable: Somewhat. He is a man in his 30's who enjoys video games and is generally a nice guy. The videos where he shows his face demonstrate how awkward he can be as well.
- Berserk Button: Green rupees.
- Getting Rupees as rewards for long sidequests sometimes angers him, too. Jovanni and the Skulltula Family are good examples.
- Big OMG: In his Let's Play of Mother3, Part 51, where he went through a door and the Ultimate Chimera was waiting behind it.
- Big "What?": He gets a really good one in this episode of his Twilight Princess playthrough. (At 7:28)
- Big Yes : He's done this in the past, but when he discovers the Great Mighty Poo...
- Call Back: After he fails to grab the last Green Star and falls into a pit in Clockwork Ruins Galaxy:
- Catch Phrase: Not particularly defining ones, but he has several recurring phrases, such as "Get some more toilet paper!" and "So happy." Hell, he even included most of his catchphrases in one of the previous backgrounds of his channel.
- "You bite, you die!" (originally about the Piranha Plants from Super Mario Galaxy 2)
- You know, IN THE BATHROOM! [4]
- And more recently, due to Chuggaa's attempts to popularize the "D'OH I MISSED!" phrase in The Runaway Guys videos, he's started using that one as well.
- "A secret <X>!" in the same fluctuation HC Bailly does it. Also, "STAY AWAY FROM THE SUMMONER!"
- "You tell that asshole!"
- "<X> THOOOOOUUUUUSAND <X>!" Another Shout-Out to HC Bailly.
- "Name that movie."
- "Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookay everyone I'm back."
- In some of his Legend of Zelda LPs (such as Wind Waker and Twilight Princess for two), he has "Oh my God! Can't wait to see!" when opening a chest.
- He's prone to singing the lyric "I keep forgetting we're not in love any more".
- "The fur-hur-hur-hur-nace!"
- Cliff Hanger: In this video, he takes on a timed mission in Banjo-Kazooie, and he comes within one second of failing and the video cuts off.
- He also has done several in Final Fantasy IV, exactly where one would expect them. Cutting off before Rydia re-joins the party is one he claims he's wanted to do his whole life.
- Creator In-Joke: "A BEEEEE!" It apparently came from an old home movie of his family's where he was freaking out over a bee.
- Damn You, Muscle Memory!: With all of the Zelda videos he's made introductions to, it's no surprise that he sometimes introduces a different game entirely as "The Legend of Zelda: [Game Title]" by accident.
- Digging Yourself Deeper: During one boss fight in Donkey Kong Country 3, he admits that knowing a certain song makes him feel "kind of gay." He immediately backs up, saying "Not That There's Anything Wrong with That," then goes on to try and explain himself, then gives up because he's just making it worse.
- Epileptic Trees: Invoked in his Super Mario 64 LP, where he indulges in this, theorizing that Princess Peach has an Evil Twin who is Bowser Jr.'s mother.
- Evil Laugh: He's not particularly evil, per se, but he does have a very distinctive laugh with which you'll become familiar after watching a few videos.
- Failed a Spot Check: Multiple times in Yoshi's Story. Melons tend to get "camoflaged" in his fruit border, but one time he missed a melon right in the middle of the screen (and added an anotation pointing out his flagrant missage). In another episode, he spends several minutes in a panicked state, looking for eggs, without realizing that he has a full egg train following behind him.
- Also happens quite often in his blind run of Conker's Bad Fur Day. He got a lot of flak one time for not immediately realizing he had to take cheese to a mouse.
- In general, forgetting the obvious is quite common in his Let's Plays. His The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess LP features him buying a fire-resistant shield before entering the Goron Mines and then forgetting to equip it for the entirety of that dungeon. Amazingly, he manages not to lose his wooden shield despite nearly every room of that place containing fire and/or lava in abundance.
- In the Starfruit minigame in Plants vs. Zombies, he continually fails to realize he has enough Sun to start planing them. He adds in annotations from the Starfruit, getting increasingly annoyed as NCS fails to plant him.
- During his mostly-blind run of the final stage of the Lost World of Donkey Kong Country 2, after getting through a chunk of the stage, he wonders if there's a checkpoint. While it's right in the middle of the screen. Again. Cue more annotations. Another life later, he drops into the checkpoint STILL without noticing it, leaving him surprised to spawn there after he died once more.
- In his blind run of DKC 3, during the run of the last world, he failed to note in Lightning Look-Out that the little lightning was the warning for the big lightning. He only noted this during a bonus game, 11 minutes into the video. During the same chapter, in Koindozer Klamber, he was desperately looking for a Bonus Barrel in the 2nd half of the level, and when he arrived to the screen of the Bonus Barrel, he kept throwing himself into the holes without noting the Bonus Barrel being just there. He just noted that like one minute later.
- Also in his Mario Party 2 solo run, while he dominated the competition (See Crowning Moment of Awesome above), he forgot to show us the detailed stats for the Mystery Land board.
- Fat Slob: See below.
- Fridge Logic: Invoked when he named the Aeon Cindy after Dario in his Final Fantasy X LP.
- Gasshole: He has active bodily functions, and he'll mention when they act up.
- Gentle Giant: He's about 6 feet tall and 250 pounds, but is probably one of the nicest people you will ever meet.
- He has lost about 60 lbs since starting his gym runs, but it hasn't effected his kindness one bit.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Twice during Chapter 6 of Mother 3. With very good reason.
- Played with in the Conker's Bad Fur Day finale. Comments were saying it was okay to cry in the ending cutscene where Conker states he'd give up everything to have Berri back. He never did (if he did, he held it in), but did finish it off with a "You can't end the game like that!!"
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: His signature Unusual Euphemism, "Frick-frack."
- Got Me Doing It: Lucahjin's Catch Phrase/Verbal Tic "Sir?! Sir?!" rubbed off on him, and he admitted that she'd got him started on saying it.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Appears to be building this kind of friendship with Empolo18, to the point where he trusts him enough to give him his Youtube password to update NCS's LP's while he's away.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: NCS made a Conker episode called "Dick for Progress" where he made no progress... except for telling us the next Runawayguys LP is Super Smash Bros Brawl.
- Imaginary Friend: "Prugga" and "Choton" from his Mario Party 2 videos. He starts referring to the CPU versions of Mario and DK as his absent friends, and starts talking to them, spouting their catchphrases for them, and even telling them to stop fighting.
- Incredibly Long Note: In this video, NCS sings Happy Birthday to Lucahijn and on the final line, proceeds to hold the "to" note for over 28 seconds.
- Let's just say that Mr. Bishop has a special talent for this trope.
- In the Style Of: Much of his Final Fantasy IV LP has HC Bailly-style cliffhangers.
- Large Ham:
- To clarify: He hammed up Ganondorf's voice so much that he lost his voice after yelling this line.
- Late to the Punchline: In episode 30 of Plants vs. Zombies, He got caught up on the name of the Plantern that he had gotten some twenty episodes earlier, and had a small laughing fit.
- Let's Play: Obviously.
- Line-of-Sight Name: This is where his username came from.
- Madness Mantra: You didn't just knock me into the pit.
- Mind Screw: From his Super Mario Galaxy 2 Let's Play (Episode 4):
Nintendo Capri Sun: "It's like I got squashed against the ground by a Thwomp, but both me and him were upside down when it happened. I just can't explain that, the absurdity of it all."
- Motor Mouth: Slips into this at times; in one episode of his Mega Man 3 LP he does it throughout the video.
- Musical Episode: Sort of, with Part 9 of his Plants vs. Zombies playthrough, where he "sings" most of his commentary to the game's music.
- A mild example, but he also has a tendency to randomly sing a few lines of a song in some episodes of his LPs.
- My Greatest Failure: A relatively lighthearted example, but he'll never forget the "I'll take Tyson" incident from his childhood. He's even mentioned that he cringes whenever his sister brings the sentence up.
- Nice Guy: Multiple people who know NCS in real life describe him as the single nicest guy they've ever met.
- Nice Hat: He made one for his Flag Zombie in Plants vs. Zombies
- Nostalgia Level: Discussed during Throwback Galaxy in Super Mario Galaxy 2, which is almost a carbon copy of the second world in Super Mario 64.
- Then, when he got to Whomp's Fortress in Super Mario 64, he talked about Throwback Galaxy some.
- Offscreen Moment of Awesome: In his Mario Party 2 "Let's Mess Around On," he bemoans how he lost his recording of Space Land, which he'd beaten with an incredible SIX! STARS! He then beats Mystery Land with eight stars.
- Oh Crap: His reaction to Lucas being cornered by the Ultimate Chimera in Mother 3: "HOOOOOOOLLLLYYYYY SHITI'MGONNADIE!!"
- A much smaller example was when he realized he slipped off the bridge in Gerudo Valley and left Epona up there.
"Goodbye, my horsey. Goodbye!"
- In one of his Plants vs. Zombies videos, he was feeling very happy because the game's composer (the one responsible for the "There's A Zombie On Your Lawn" song) found one of his videos and liked it. He was happy for a few minutes before he realized she'd heard him singing his gross toilet-based lyrics over her awesome music. His mood flipped around rather quickly.
- Old Shame: His Final Fantasy VI let's play, which was done via camcorder. He's expressed dislike at how bad he was at LPs back then and has expressed the desire to re-do it at some point.
- Painting the Fourth Wall: When text boxes in games have proper nouns in different colours, he sometimes says "COJIRO!" as a Call Back to a joke he did based on this in Ocarina of Time.
- Platonic Life Partners: He's good friends with female LetsPlayer Lucahjin, and they've co-commentated on each other's videos multiple times. One question in her FAQ is if she's dating him (or any of the other popular YouTube Let's Players), and the answer is a simple one-word "No." (However, in one interview, NCS admitted his feelings for her weren't entirely platonic, but due to a number of factors, they both knew it wouldn't happen.)
- Precision F-Strike: And when he does use it, he usually apologizes for it.
- Power Creep, Power Seep: Amazing at Nintendo Hard older platforms, utterly terrible when he has to play with a control stick.
- Running Gag: He has a few.
- Calling Bowser a float in Super Mario Galaxy 2. Lampshaded the second time he does so, asking "Will this be the running gag for this LP?" No, it wasn't. In the final battle, there was no mention of floats.
- "So happy!"
- "You tell that asshole!", when he agrees with a character's dialogue.
- Whenever he works his ass off and finally finishes a Nintendo Hard Segment or Sidequest, and the reward he gets is incredibly miniscule or undeserving, he has an understandably peeved reaction. (here's another for good measure)
- "Better get some more toilet paper." and the like when tackling a tough challenge.
- Has a habit of titling a video "Super <X> Massacre" when it involves lots of death, either the mooks or himself.
- "Is this okay, Mommy" became one during the Majora's Mask LP when he noted that if you caught something in a bottle, you held it up to the screen as if to say the phrase.
- Sometimes, when a game gets Hijacked by Ganon (or Dr. Wily), he'll edit in Iago saying "Oh, there's a big surprise! I think I'm going to have a heart attack and die from that surprise!".
- The Scream: He's got a very distinctive one.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: At the end of Final Fantasy IV, Palom mentions showing a girl his "fire rod" and leaves the game, no longer able to play. He comes back though.
- Self-Deprecation: He's gotten into the habit of bashing himself for his poor performance in The Runaway Guys LPs and will usually chide himself for stupid mistakes quite harshly. This makes his fans very happy when he succeeds at something.
- Self-Imposed Challenge: He's done quite a few already. He beat Contra on the hardest difficulty without losing a life, played The Legend of Zelda's Second Quest without the sword, and played the same game on a 3-Heart Run. Damn.
- Shout-Out: Starts one video in his Banjo-Tooie LP with the same intro Chuggaaconroy uses.
- His Twilight Princess LP starts by making an Incredibly Lame Pun about "living on the edge", and saying it's "better than living in the fridge".
- He occasionally uses some of HC Bailly's Catch Phrases.
- In general, he seems to spout off random lines from shows, movies and games whenever he thinks about them. Trying to name them all would take quite a while.
- Though Star Fox 64 is a popular choice.
- In his Let's Play of Super Mario 64, he references Electrical Beast's own Let's Play ("TELEPOR'!")
- His status on his channel is one to the song 'Afterimage', by Rush.
- Smoking Is Cool: Subverted, he spent a long while trying to quit his habit, even continuing it after posting the first video where he declared he would break it. Fans congratulated him on his eventual success.
- Take That: From the Majora's Mask LP:
Alright, that's not funny, that's just obnoxious. I don't wanna turn into Chuggaaconroy here. OOOOOOHHHH! ...Sorry.
- Tempting Fate: In the 4-way Battletoads race. He dies before he can even finish his sentence. Proton Jon even gives him an achievement for it.
- Thing-O-Meter: When he feels one of his Catchphrases will get excessive use in a particular LP, he will create a counter for every time he says it.
- Conker got an "IN THE BATHROOM" meter, which ended at 134.
- Skyward Sword got a "SO HAPPY" meter, after its absence in Yoshi's Story.
- Toilet Humor: Many, many examples of this throughout his Let's Plays. He's gotten better over time, however.
- A lot of fans expect him to go right back to stage one with his Conker's Bad Fur Day LP, he even has a meter for how many times he says "In the bathroom".
- Later on, he forgot what number his meter was up to and started it at 9001 because it was OVER 9000!! The actual final "In The Bathroom" count is 134.
- And when he meets The Great Mighty Poo, his life was fufilled.
- Not to mention all the rest of his songs about taking dumps.
- Like THIS ONE!!
- His Gag Dub of the infamous laughing scene from Final Fantasy X replaced the laughs with belches.
- The Unintelligible: His take on Professor Owlan in Skyward Sword has him speak in very fast gibberish.
- Unusual Euphemism: "Frick-frack," which he usually drops in place of the typical F-Bomb. Unless the situation is really dire.
- The Wiki Rule: Now he has one.
- With Lyrics: Takeadumponthetoilet from Mega man 2 and the other take a dump on the toilet from Majoras mask are fan favorites
- Don't forget in Secret of Mana, the Ice Palace Rap!
- He has also made his own lyrics to the Forest Maze song.
- Tim made up lyrics as a preview for his Castlevania LP.
- And again for Skyward Sword.
- A Worldwide Punomenon: He doesn't partake in this often himself, but the titles of his videos are usually good for a few chuckles, such as "Dude, Where's Makar?"[5] and "Take A Drill Pill"[6].
- ↑ due to's renovations and his own inactivity, this run was sadly lost to the passage of time
- ↑ Finished the main game, but he said he would go back one day.
- ↑ Finished, but he hasn't ruled out spontaneous updates for the sake of fun.
- ↑ This popular line comes from Weird Al Yankovic's "A Complicated Song."
- ↑ Dude, where's my car?
- ↑ Take a chill pill