< NintendoCapriSun
- In August 2011, he did an interview with most of the questions supplied by fans. One question asked what exactly was the deal between him and Lucahjin. His response left even the interviewer a little choked up:
We're just best friends; that's all we are. ...For now. Not saying it's a possibility it could turn into something later. Both of us know, long-distance relationships... we're just not fans of that sort of thing. And if we ever got to spend more time together in real life... Like, if I move to Seattle, that'll open up a lot of possibilities for us to spend more time together in real life. And who knows? She's a wonderful girl. I'd be happy to spend the rest of my life with her. Maybe it'll happen. Whether it's as a husband or as a friend doesn't matter. Just as long as we're together. Because... I love her. Yeah.
- Him and Emile visiting a terminally ill seven year old fan of theirs called Nic. They flew halfway across the United States and drove for five whole hours in order to fulfill Nic's wish. If that's not a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming, I don't know what is.
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