< Neptunia


Hyperdimension Neptunia

  • Alternate Console Interpretation: Would you really have imagined the Xbox 360 goddess as a sleepy slacker Yaoi Fangirl, the Wii goddess as a grouchy flat-chested girl who swears like a sailor, or the Play Station 3 as a Tsundere?
  • Anticlimax Boss: Magiquone/Arfoire's true form is underwhelming-looking, but still very dangerous.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: Most of the scenes that reference other video game series are this.
  • Critical Dissonance: This game caters heavily towards otaku who love other Nippon Ichi games. Almost everyone outside of that group (including reviewers) hated it. There's a whopping 40 point difference between its professional and user reviews on Metacritic. No reviewer gave it a positive review. No user gave it a negative review.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The opening theme "Ryuusei no Bifrost".
  • Disc One Nuke: Get Neptune's Neptune Break and you'll be killing all enemies in one hit.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Japan apparently loves Black Heart WARNING! Link is Not Safe for Work.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Have you ever seen Magiquone/Arfoire's outfit?
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: This game was released in Japan back in August and it was advertising that the premise of the game was that Neptune and the gang were fighting against piracy. A few months later, someone successfully hacked the Play Station 3, but Sony fought off against it and sued the company for making the one thing that can hack the machine.
    • With the April 2011 hacking of the Playstation Network, you can be sure this game inspired the hackers.
  • I Am Not Shazam: Neptune, not Neptunia.
  • Just Here for Godzilla: Most if not every person that buys this game only plays this game for the girls.
  • Les Yay: With an all-female main cast, it was inevitable. One of the best examples is when Neptune snuggles Compa from behind with the intent to use her like a body pillow. IF provides the requisite lampshading. ("What the hell is this perverted crap?")
    • Iffy is something of a Les Yay magnet. Vert's actions towards her could easily be construed as this, she fangirls over 5pb and Red takes her as the first wifey of her lesbian harem.
  • Moe Moe: EVERY playable character.
  • Motive Decay: By the end of the game, Arfoire goes from trying to remake the world to simply destroying it. It's explained that her fear-derived power basically eroded away her mental stability to cause this.
  • So Okay It's Average: While the game features a ton of video game references, fanservice, and has a pretty cool opening theme, the gameplay isn't so lucky. Compared to other recent JRP Gs, the dungeon design is extremely linear and uninspired. The combat system isn't too original, like that of the first four Xeno games, and the rest of the music is pretty okay. There's not too much unique gameplay-wise, and if one read the manga they could get virtually the same effect.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: What do you mean I can't heal outside of battles!? What do you mean I have to set some percentages just so my healing items can heal me DURING a battle!? Why are the potions too damn expensive!?
    • What do you mean I don't get Black Heart, White Heart and Thunder Tits until right before the last dungeon!? What do you mean Gust and Nisa are DLC!?
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The game hints a few times that Black Heart is lonely and has no friends. They never really do anything with this, which is a shame as it could've made for some nice character development.
  • Unfortunate Implications: White Heart is the only goddess with a flat chest.

Hyperdimension Neptunia MKII

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Let's see here: The fact that the first game is getting a sequel in the first place, that it looks like a major step forward compared to the original, healing isn't as restricted as the first game, and the original goddesses are confirmed as playable.
    • Not to mention a whole load of new characters, such as ones based off of the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS, as well as the inclusion of the first game's DLC characters (except RED).
    • Bah, with all of this stuff, it's gonna be a long loadin- wait, there's NO loading time!? HELL YES!!!
  • Anticlimax Boss: True Final Boss True Arfoire is this compared to what you've been fighting throughout the game. Justified because Nepgear has the combined powers of all the other goddesses that Compile Heart had to find a way to scale True Arfoire's health. And it's a Duel Boss too.
  • Awesome but Impractical: Superior Angels. What it does is that it hits all enemies for 9999 for 15 times. The downside? You need all four goddesses at 100 AP and have at least 100 SP. The SP gaining isn't that bad, but in a game where later enemies do a One-Hit Kill on you, AP gaining isn't easy as it seems.
    • The goddesses DLC Combination Attack Guardian Force also falls for this. It's arguably stronger and has a wider range but costs more SP; basically it's more awesome but also more impractical to use.
  • Bragging Rights Reward: Getting the accessory that allows you to break the damage limit. Why's that? You only get this accessory as a rare drop from beating the highest leveled enemy of this game.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Ask any fan and their response is usually going to be Uni and CFW Brave debating about the true reason why piracy shouldn't exist.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Nisa's theme. N! I! S!
    • Solid Park (the normal battle theme) would also fit this category.
    • Honestly, the game is full of these. Picking one is pretty hard, though the battle against Uni is definitely one.
    • The True Final Boss fight against CFW Arfoire/Delphinus definitely fits in this category for the sheer reason that when that music starts, you're pretty screwed.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Noire still is one according to the official polls. Falcom is one as well even though she is a DLC character that hasn't been released yet.
    • For the villains side, Brave The Hard / CFW Brave ranked in at 13, higher than Compa, 5pb, Ram, and Cave.
  • Game Breaker: Nepgear in support position can let anyone break the Damage Cap to deal damage beyond 9999. Works best with Uni or with Neptune seeing as she has a Combination Attack with the both of them.
    • 5pb paired up with anyone who either increases SP gain or reduces SP cost turns into a Game Breaker as well. Her first skill, Heavenly Sound, hits 10 times, each with a chance at paralyzing her target. As long as she has either of those two effects, she will never run out of SP, so she can use it every turn making it so they never get a turn. This works on some bosses.
  • Les Yay: Almost every playable character towards Nepgear is this.
    • Chika's relationship with Vert can hardly be anything but this. She's rather obsessive about Vert and her well-being.
    • IF gets very jealous, very fast when everyone compliments Compa on her mad cooking skills.

IF: Compa is mine!

  • Like You Would Really Do It: There's no way Compile Heart can kill off the other goddesses, right? They really did.
  • Nightmare Fuel: The Conquest Ending.
  • Player Punch: The Conquest Ending is a trainwreck full of these to the brim. You thought they would not dare to make Purple Sister kill the other goddesses and become the only goddess in Gamindustri? Think again. And bring the hankies.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: Modding your console to use cheats and mods? How horrible!
  • Surprisingly Improved Sequel / Even Better Sequel: Well, let's see... A plethora of new characters... The original goddesses are still playable, and will join you earlier than in the original installment... The battle system has been completely revamped and is now more interactive... You don't need to execute a particular attack combo to have the goddesses enter their power up modes... You can use healing items without having to adjust a bunch of gauges and cross your fingers... AND you can use healing items and skills outside of battle... Yep, has all the numbers for this!
  • Vocal Evolution: Noire sounds lot less whiny and nasally here than in the first game, and it's a very good improvement.

Hyperdimension Neptunia V

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