< My Name Is Earl

My Name Is Earl/Characters

Earl Hickey

Joy Darville-Turner

Darnell "Crabman" Turner

Randy Hickey


Patty The Daytime Hooker

Donny Jones

Kenny James


Billie Cunningham

  • Clingy Jealous Girl
  • Control Freak
  • Expy Deconstructed: She wants to get on the right path, but has very different ideas than Earl about what constitutes making things up to people. And she even goes so far as to undo what Earl has done when she feels she isn't getting enough attention from him.
  • Face Heel Turn: When she met the guy she was with before marrying Earl, she was a good person. Her boyfriend, however, introduced her to stealing (which gave her a rush), and she became his partner in crime.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Earl is married to Pheobe Halliwell
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: At least in the beginning, before becoming a complete Jerkass, and finally becoming a genuinely nice person.
  • Heel Faith Turn: Joins an Amish-like settlement when hiding out on their land, and finds inner peace and becomes a better person.
  • High Heel Face Turn: Wants to follow in Earl's footsteps after hearing about his list and breaking up with her boyfriend.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: When Earl is focused on the list instead of sex with her, she goes and undoes everything Earl has already crossed off the list.
  • Wanting Is Better Than Having: Earl finds out the hard way that being married to Billie is nothing like The Fifties Dom Com he pictured while in a coma.
  • Tsundere: Type B, before turning into a Yandere
  • Unholy Matrimony: Was this to the guy she was with before meeting Earl.
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