My Little Denarians

My Little Denarians (also available at FF.Net) is a The Dresden Files/My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic crossover fanfic by Chengar Qordath. After the events of Forever!, a previous short story in which Harry accidentally summoned Pinkie Pie to his kitchen, her brief presence on Earth turns out to have realy major repercussions: Nicodemus learns of Pinkie Pie and by extension, of the possibility of travelling to various fictional universes through the Outside. His team of Denarians arrives in Equestria just at the start of the second season, making the episode go off the rails in hope of bringing Discord to Earth. Now, to save both worlds, Harry must save the mane six - not just from the effects of Discord's brainwashing but from the corrupting influence of the black coins...

Compare and contrast The Dresden Fillies.

Tropes used in My Little Denarians include:
  • Action Girl: Rainbow Dash and Lash.
  • And Then John Was a Zombie: Lash by proxy. She is a nephilim, with all of Lasciel's memories of having comitted genocide on her kind.
  • Apologetic Attacker: The ponies profusely apologize to Cadence while they tie her up and gag her to delay her return to the guards.
  • Armor-Piercing Question: Fluttershy wins her "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight with Rarity by asking Rarity "Why haven’t you killed me yet?"
  • Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence: Lash is offered a chance but refuses, instead accepting a Power Limiter, so she can stay on Earth and help Harry.
  • Author's Saving Throw: After reviewers called the author out on not jumping back to the Outside to save Rainbow, the author offered explanations in the next chapter.
  • Awesome but Impractical: apart from unicorns, who can use telekinesis, ponies really aren't made to wield lightsabers.
  • Batman Gambit: Discord pushing Celestia's Berserk Button so that she exhausts her powers trying to hurt him and can be easily captured. Note that he did have enough raw power to do it the hard way - it was just more fun to use trickery
  • Bavarian Fire Drill: how the group gets into the palace
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: As soon as he learns about the possibility of travel between worlds, Harry wishes for a chance to visit Star Wars. By the end of the story he gets his wish and as it turns out, almost getting beheaded by Darth Vader is the high point of this trip.
  • Berserk Button: Discord casually stomps on Celestia's long enough to distract and kidnap her.
  • Beyond the Impossible: Everyone thought that it was impossible to destroy a Denarian's coin, leaving Harry shocked when Lash's victory over Lasciel results in just that happening.
  • BFG: The mega party cannon
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Discord and Nicodemus.
  • Blood From the Mouth: Rainbow Dash after a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown from Applejack/Magog. It was as serious as it looked.
  • Blown Across the Room: A mutual case between possessed Fluttershy and Harry
  • Bob From Accounting: One of Harry's Imagine Spots contains "Bob the cultist", an unfortunate servant of Nicodemus forced to watch and rewatch the first season of ponies to gather intelligence on their targets.
  • Bring News Back: Before going for a really desperate plan, Harry persuades Lash to leave the group and warn everybody in case he fails.
  • Brown Note: Harry has a bit of a Heroic BSOD when he sees Discord swimming in the Outside instead of hanging around Equestria.
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Derpy. She is every bit as ditzy as she looks but that means she can get away with any level of Obfuscating Stupidity - and being a postmare allows her to go almost anywhere without looking suspicious.
  • Card-Carrying Villain: all over the place. Parodied with possessed Harry.
  • Catch Phrase: How Pinkie Pie is originally summoned to Earth, compelled to deliver the punchline when Harry discusses the consequences of losing a friend's trust.
    • FOREVER!
  • Chekhov's Gun: In chapter 9, the bottle of chocolate syrup.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Fluttershy in chapter 15 shows that she still knows how to use the Dragon Shouts.
  • Closest Thing We Got: Rarity briefly being pressed into service as a medic because she knows how to make stitches, and Luna planning to take Twilight's place using the Element of Magic.
  • Combat Clairvoyance: Harry when he becomes a Jedi in the Star Wars universe. Technically all the Denarians have this two as they became Sith, but them actually having training in real sword fighting keeps them from fully letting go and using it, giving Harry the edge.
  • Confusion Fu: Derpy helps the heroes greatly through acts of seemingly random clumsiness.
  • The Corrupter: Discord and the Denarians natch. Discord also claims that he helped turn Luna into Nightmare Moon.
  • Corrupt the Cutie: Harry unintentionally performs a mild version of this by expanding Rainbow's vocabulary to include human swear words.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Derpy.
  • Damn You, Muscle Memory!: Lash and Tessa, having actual swordfighting experience unlike Harry, can't let go of their training when they take up lightsabers. Later given as the reason for why Harry didn't just escape to the Outside; having spent the whole of his life being told that knowledge and use of the Outside is a capital offence, in the high stress situation it fails to enter his instinctual responses.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Words of creation. Unusually for the trope, it backfires completely, not only doing no damage to the bad guys but also taking Lash out of the battle and stunning Harry, which Discord then uses as a basis for his Breaking Speech.
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: Celestia, keeping the elements at hand rather than in some secluded location. Also They aren't really in her throne room - it's a trap.
  • Dark Fic: A half-example, since it's dark for a My Little Pony fic, but about on par with canon for The Dresden Files.
  • Dark Magical Girl: The possessed Ponies, Fluttershy and Rarity especially.
    • Celestia and Cadence.
  • Darkest Hour: The ending of chapter 13, with the Elements being a trap and possessed Cadance. And then chapter 15, with Luna sent back to the moon and Rainbow Dash apparently dead.
  • Deadly Dodging: Twilight uses her Teleport Spam to this effect. Later attempted against Magog, to much lesser effect (since him hitting a wall at full speed only does damage to the wall). Fluttershy later does this against a guardspony by using Wuld Nah Kest Dragon Shout when he tried to tackle her.
  • Death or Glory Attack: Luna's attempt to distract Discorded Celestia so that the Elements can be retrieved. It fails.
  • Demonic Possession: All over the place via the black coins.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: Rainbow Dash attacking Discorded Celestia.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Harry's idea to disrupt a magical storm by siphoning energy from it. Fortunately, the realisation of what exactly he is doing dawned on him just in time to avoid getting fried. He immidiately fell to the trope again, deciding to fight possessed Dash in the open.
  • Disney Villain Death: Several denarians, thanks to typical Coruscant architecture.
  • Dueling Shows: with The Dresden Fillies.
  • Dynamic Entry/"Hey You!" Haymaker: Rainbow Dash lands a flying kick to discorded Celestia's face. It's actually fairly effective, since it managed to give her a black eye and a bloody lip.
  • Elaborate Underground Base: Princess Luna uses her powers to transform Applejack's cellar into one.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Discord in the Outside. The sight of an embodiment of Disharmony and Chaos free of cartoon conventions greatly disturbs Dresden, who is no stranger to seeing horrifying things.
  • Endless Daytime: After Celestia is corrupted by Discord, she brings this about.
  • Eureka Moment: Harry has several, pushing the action forward whenever the group gets stuck
  • Evil Costume Switch: Possessed Harry offers Lash a choice between Hell-Bent for Leather, Badass Long Robe and Spikes of Villainy and actually hopes she goes with Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains and chooses something Stripperific. She is less than thrilled.
  • Exact Words: Invoked. Harry may have promised to let Cadance go, but when he starts getting doubts about his ploy, Rarity comes to his aid by saying that she never made such a promise.
  • Exactly What I Aimed At: Harry throws his lightsaber at a denarian and it seems to have only scratched him... but he was not aiming for vital areas: he was aiming for the coin
  • Fandom Nod: Remember all those fan vids about Fluttershy using Fus Ro Dah? Guess where Harry has to go to find her?
  • Fashion Victim Villain -possessed Harry - Hell-Bent for Leather, Tin Tyrant, In the Hood, Badass Cape, Spikes of Villainy, Badass Long Robe and Sigil Spam (skull of course!) may all be cool but certainly not all on one uniform - Lash mocked it but it went over his head. Invoked Trope.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Several denarians but most notably possessed Fluttershy.
  • Fighting From the Inside: The reason Harry acts like such a cliched villain after being possessed despite the fact he's competent enough to be a Magnificent Bastard.
  • Flash Step: Fluttershy through her voice powers. After being purified she retains the ability but is afraid to use it for hurting people
  • Full Name Ultimatum: Harry gets one from Lash for teaching Rainbow Dash to swear.
  • Game Breaker: In-Universe, the nephilim, with angelic powers and human free will. For this reason the Heavens decided to exterminate them.
  • Game-Breaking Injury: Dash suffers a cracked rib while trying to subdue Fluttershy. She overcomes the pain through sheer stubbornness, but later on, the loss of agility proves a dangerous weakness when she gets between unconscious Pinkie and Magog, almost getting her killed.
  • Genre Blindness - For most of the story, Harry is Genre Savvy to great effect. However, he forgets that even in cartoonland, where good always triumphs, You Can't Thwart Stage One. Also, by Equestria standards he is an Anti-Hero, so he doesn't fully benefit from Equestrian tropes for heroes.
  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: Is what Chapter 13 should be renamed.
    • Also, it is significant that by that time the radar is completely off. No cartoon Narrative Causality to protect the heroes anyomre
  • Girl with Psycho Weapon: Pinkie and her guns.
  • Gladiator Games: Discord transforms Twilight's library into a huge arena for denarians vs ponies showdown.
  • Godzilla Threshold: Harry taking a hostage. Also, at some point the group discusses the possibility of contacting hell to Summon Bigger Fish
  • God Save Us From the Queen: Corrupted Celestia and Cadance.
  • Go Mad from the Revelation: Traveling through The Outside will do this to anyone who doesn't have some sort of guide to lead them through. Harry wonders if Pinkie's frequent travels through The Outside have contributed to her barely-controlled cheerful craziness.
    • Also comes up during the first battle. Harry is facing an illusionist demon but can't use his Sight, for fear of seeing the true forms of deamons, or worse, Discord.
    • Harry makes sure Rainbow Dash won't see the pony-themed toy section in a shopping mall, fearing that it could result in a serious identity crisis.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: Harry covers Dash' eyes when possessed Fluttershy kills an old man. All we get is a Sickening Crunch.
  • Gosh Dang It to Heck: Invoked in Equestria. My Little Pony is a kids' show after all. Harry can't even THINK a curse.
  • Gotta Catch Them All: It takes all the mane six to use the Elements of Harmony.
  • Gut Punch: Chapter 5 end with Harry and the ponies being Mind Raped into Demonic Possession and a Face Heel Turn by Discord and Nicodemus.
  • Half Truth: used by Discord to break Harry, tallying all the people that died as the result of his actions, while forgetting all he saved with the same actions. Though considering the mindboggling number, he may have just been outright lying.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: averted - Cadence's charms could be borderline Lethal Harmless Powers but she has no idea how to use them in a fight and ends up not using them at all.
  • Heroic BSOD: Discord drives Harry into one with a Half Truth about the consequences of his actions.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Dash attacks corrupted Celestia to get the rest of the group a chance to escape
  • Heroic Willpower: Two of the ponies break out from possession on their own when presented with the right stimuli.
    • Lash killing Lasciel in a duel of wills.
  • Hit Me Dammit / My Fist Forgives You: Invoked by Applejack after she severely injures Rainbow Dash while under the effects of Demonic Possession.
    • Promptly subverted by Fluttershy, who also wants Rainbow's forgiveness and says she's willing to follow Applejack's example, despite how much the thought terrifies her.
  • Hope Spot: Darth Vader gives Harry one, possibly to repay him for the taunting.
  • Hostage Situation: Harry does this to Cadance.
  • Idiot Ball: Getting tricked by a denarian - it happens. Getting tricked by a duo of Magog and Applejack? Pinkie...
  • I Have Your Wife: Harry literally does have Shining Armor's wife, Cadance.
    • Though since this takes place at the start of season 2 they aren't yet married, but SA is still in love with her.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight / Talking the Monster to Death : Fluttershy's default way of fighting.
  • Immortality Hurts - being able to regenerate from any injury as long as you have your coin is a cool power, but if your opponent is in an Unstoppable Rage and armed with a lightsaber, he will just keep chopping you up until he finds it.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: presented by actual imperial stormtroopers.
  • Implausible Fencing Powers: Star Wars has no actual wizards, so upon entry, Harry is turned into a Jedi, Combat Clairvoyance and all.
  • Improvised Weapon: Pinkie Pie weaponizes the party cannon, many weeks before it was validated by the cartoon series.
  • In-Series Nickname: Pinkie suggests that Harry call Saluriel-possessed Cadance Snakeyhooves.
  • Indy Ploy: Discussed - Harry wishes he had an actual plan but the enemy is forcing his hand and there is no time to gather additional intelligence.
  • Insistent Terminology: Luna angrily dismisses Pinkie's attempts at coming up with a name for Discorded Celestia like "Daymare Sun", refusing to call her sister anything but "Celestia".
  • Irony: Celestia sent a force to recover the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon in canon. Luna sends a force to recover the Elements to defeat Celestia.
  • I Surrender, Suckers: Harry offers Rainbow Dash a fake Denarian coin to lure possessed Fluttershy into range.
  • It's All My Fault: Harry is suffering from a bad case of this in chapter 16. Rainbow Dash's apparent death, Twilight's banishment, being suckered by Celestia's trap...he blames himself for all of it.
  • It's Personal: If it wasn't before for Harry, it clearly becomes so once the villains make Fluttershy kill a defenceless man
    • The fight against Lasciel is personal for Lash by default.
  • It's Quiet... Too Quiet: Harry gets paranoid when the infiltration plan goes too smoothly. He is right
  • Interspecies Romance: Lash discusses the human / angel variation. She finds it distasteful.
  • Jedi Mind Trick: used to avoid paying for a cab ride.
  • Kick the Son of a Bitch: Harry's rage-induced murder of Tessa would have come across as cruel to do even a Denarian... but it's Tessa so no one feels a drop of remorse.
  • Knight of Cerebus: possessed Fluttershy.
  • Lady of War: Luna is shaping up to be this. She's a decent tactician at least.
  • The Lancer: Rainbow Dash becomes this to Harry.
  • La Résistance: Princess Luna organises it in Equestria.
  • Large Ham: Possessed Harry - mercilessly lampshaded by Lash.
  • Light Is Not Good: Corrupted Celestia bathes the whole of Equestria in scorching summer heat
  • Magic A Is Magic A: Harry's first action after arriving to a new world is usually to test how the local magic works and how it affects him.
  • Make Me Wanna Shout: Possessed Fluttershy lands in Skyrim. The expectable happens.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Discord. Poor Celestia and Harry.
  • Mood Whiplash: Compare the beginning of chapter 13 to the end of chapter 13.
    • Or the beginning and ending of Skyrim battle
  • More Dakka: Possessed Pinkie's partillery attack.
  • Mega Crossover: The major crossover here is Dresden Files/My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, but Harry and the ponies travel from the Imperial Province of Skyrim to the Star Wars universe.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Anyone who got possessed, even though Harry tries to protect them from learning about the worst things they did.
  • My Greatest Failure: How Harry feels about Rainbow Dash's death. Actually this is pretty much how he feels about everything in the story so far.
  • Mythology Gag: Bon Bon's voice is different each time she speaks.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Not only does Lash get a body as the result of visiting Equestria, when Harry is reduced to a broken heap by Dash' Meteor Move it turns out she can heal him, something extremely rare in Dresdenverse.
  • Nobody Can Die: An important plot point, as the effect depends on the current setting. In Equestria, this is mostly true, especially for the heroes. Other worlds are much less forgiving.
  • Not the Fall That Kills You - realistically averted. Harry's force shield can protect him just fine from a barrage of kicks by possessed Dash. A 50 meter Meteor Move? Not so much.
  • Oh Crap: Ptzriel when he realizes he is left alone against the mane six. Harry and his friends when Possessed Pinkie pulls out her array of weapons. Magog, when Pinkie pulls out a bazooka.
    • Chapter 13:Hey, corrupted Cadance. Fancy meeting you here.
  • Oh My Gods: Ponies use Celestia or Luna to swear or curse by.
  • One-Dimensional Thinking: a four-dimensional thiking in this case. The heroes could avoid a lot of problems if they remembered that they can shift to the Outside to escape danger.
  • One of Us: The author and, by extension, Harry, though he falls a bit behind due to being a Walking Techbane.
  • One-Winged Angel: "Silly me, I forgot about the demon transformation."
  • Only Sane Man: Lash.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: Dash asking for reassurance. Later, Pinkie swearing.
  • The Ophelia: Pinkie snaps after Rainbow Dash dies.
  • Out of the Inferno / The Worf Barrage: Celestia tries to fight Discord, unleashing The Power of the Sun on him and actually melting a large part of the great hall in the process. Yet when the smoke clears, Discord is not only unharmed but casually backstroking in the resultant pool of lava.
  • Pinball Projectile: Apparently spells can ricochet off All-Natural Gem Polish
    • Later validated by the tv series.
  • Playing Possum: Nicodemus, which causes his henchmen to get trashed without his support but lets him execute his Xanatos Gambit.Also, Lash, with a little help from her illusion magic.
  • Precision F-Strike: Rainbow Dash:

"We're fucked."

  • Put Down Your Gun and Step Away as usual, it works. What is surprising is that it works for the heroes
  • Psycho Electro: Both Tessa and possesed Rarity enjoy spamming lightning attacks while in Star Wars
  • Redshirt Army: zigzagged. Though obviously weaker than the group, Canterlot royal guards and Imperial stormtroopers do manage to seriously inconvenience the heroes and become a credible threat when allowed to play to their strengths.
  • Sarcasm Blind: Possessed Harry - his ego makes him unable to grasp that anyone might mock his Large Ham behaviour, his magnificent evil costume or his master plan.
  • Ship Tease: A bit towards Pinkie Pie/Rainbow Dash at the end of the ninth chapter.
    • Even more in chapter 13 and it adds Lyra and Bon Bon to the mix.
  • Shout-Out: In keeping with his canon status as a Pop-Cultured Badass, Dresden tosses lots of references into his dialogue and narration.
    • Pinkie Pie will occasionally get in on the act, such as calling Discord Q.
    • "Princess Celestia" eats a banana while subjecting Fancypants to exile. This is a possible reference to the popular fan-animation Friendship Is Magic Bitch.
  • Stealth Hi Bye: standard for Pinky. Very surprising for Derpy
  • The Smart Guy: Lash.
  • Squee: Harry definitely has this reaction after realizing that he's ended up in the Star Wars 'verse after finding out his trusty blasting rod has been replaced by a lightsaber.
  • The Starscream: Averting this trope is revealed to be why Rainbow Dash gets a different type of brainwashing than the other ponies; just inverting her virtues would have given her Chronic Backstabbing Disorder.
    • Still, Nicodemus isn't Genre Savvy enough to avoid hiring Tessa, who clearly has an agenda of her own and gleefully throws his backup plan out of whack by using lethal force against the mane six
  • Super-Powered Evil Side: Subverted for Harry's possession. Subconscious resistance causes him to become a ridiculous Card-Carrying Villain, still dangerous but much less so than raw power might suggest. Played completely straight later when Harry briefly succumbs to the Dark Side.
  • Take Over the World: Possessed Harry's plan.
  • Take That: In Star Wars, Harry is glad to see the Jedi Temple in ruins, as it means the prequel trilogy is already past.
  • Tastes Like Purple: The Outside. The fact that it also includes directions makes navigation an unforgettable experience.
  • That Man Is Dead: - Used by Rarity in a fight against Fluttershy. Fluttershy proceeds to prove her wrong.
  • The Cameo: while moving between worlds, the characters briefly encounter Deadpool, Cupcakes Pinky and Littlepip. Pinky Pie herself seems to have making random cameos as a hobby.
  • The Evils of Free Will: the denarians' backstory and the reason for the Fall. Any possible sympathy is negated by their Motive Decay.
  • The Multiverse: Not only do all works of fiction have their own worlds but any fanfic that is popular enough will form its own bubble reality.
  • The Power of Friendship: mostly played straight but with one interesting subversion - unlike the cartoon version, Rainbow Dash is "discorded" by getting her judgement skewed rather than by personality reversal - she is still fiercely loyal to her friends but blind to what has happened to them. The combination of denarius powers and genuine Heroic Resolve makes her extremely dangerous.
  • Theory of Narrative Causality: Its made explicit that worlds originating from the human imagination, like Equestria, follow the general narrative conventions of their source work. The Denarians mess with the laws in Equestria; Luna and Harry aren't sure if they simply removed the "good always wins" rule, or if they replaced it with an "evil always wins" rule.
  • There Is Another: Unfortunately, nopony bothered to mention to Harry that there are actually three winged unicorns in Equestria: Celestia, Luna and Cadance. He finds out, naturally, at the worst time.
  • Timey-Wimey Ball: During her first appearance, Pinkie not only ignores the laws of physics, as is usual for her, but causality as well.
  • Token Yuri Girls: Lyra and Bon Bon.
  • Unstoppable Rage - Pushing Harry's Berserk Button by threatening innocents is risky even under normal circumstances. Do it in Star Wars verse, where he is susceptible to the Dark Side, and you have one paragraph left to live.
  • Villain Exit Stage Left: Parodied. Possessed Harry attempts a Smoke Out but has not prepared the escape route and is still struggling with a window when the smoke clears.
  • Villains Want Mercy: Lasciel begs Uriel to save her when she realizes Lash has the upper hand in their fight to the death. Uriel refuses.
  • Warhammer 40,000: Discussed by Harry, who is quite glad not to have to go there.
    • Pinky drops in there for a brief cameo on her way to Equestria.
  • Weak but Skilled: In the context of the cast, Rarity. See her crowning moment of awesome.
  • We Can Rebuild Him: After spending the whole chapter on a race against time to save Rainbow Dash, Harry suffers a moment of Fridge Logic when he realises the group had access to all sorts of fictional realities, with their respective brands of magic and/or technology.
  • We Can Rule Together: Possessed Harry to Lash, delivered in the cheesiest way possible
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist:possessed Harry has a delusion of being one.
  • Wham! Episode: Chapters 5, 10, 11 and 12: Discord and Nicodemus succeed in corrupting Harry and the girls, Rainbow Dash nearly dies fighting Magog, Discord has left Equestria (which is worse than it sounds), Luna admits that the "Nobody Can Die" law may no longer be in effect and furthermore, Twilight Sparkle IS ON THE MOON.
    • Luna is off fighting Celestia so who's going to help fight CADANCE?!?
    • Chapter 15:Rainbow Dash DIES.
  • What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: Harry correctly guesses that Cadance's normal powers aren't useful in a fight.
    • Word of God states that they could actually be very dangerous - but the demon lacked the creativity to use them.
  • What Measure Is a Mook?: Averted. Harry has no problem killing denarians, regardless of rank, because he considers them no longer human. However, he won't kill imperial stormtroopers.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: all of Harry's companions, (except for Dash, who is becoming a bit of an Anti-Hero from all she experienced) are shocked by him taking a hostage
    • In chapter 16, Pinkie Pie delivers a roundabout one to Harry for Rainbow Dash's apparent death.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer: Party cannon won't get the job done? How about ten?. Still nothing? Then how about a party heat-seeking missile?
    • Shining Armour is a Barrier Warrior and lacks offensive spells (or the personality to employ Lethal Harmless Powers). Still he puts his abilities to good use, dividing the battlefield to thwart the enemy team tactics and allow the guard to corner individual opponents.
  • Willing Channeler: Rainbow Dash is brainwashed into this. The result is an insane boost of power, enough for her to whip up a full-sized tornado all by herself.
  • The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask: Luna, which she drops temperarily while talking to Harry about the upcoming battle with Celestia, locating Twilight and Discord's possible successes.
  • Worf Had the Flu - used in-universe by Rainbow Dash. After getting saved, she can't stomach the defeat despite the circumstances and blames it on the demon, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
  • Xanatos Gambit - Nicodemus' plan to have the denarians fight the mane six - if they win, they will have eliminated the greatest threat to his plan. If they lose the ponies will be tired and vulnerable to attack - and since they have won, they will make much better hosts for the demons.
  • You Can't Thwart Stage One
  • You Do NOT Want to Know: Pinkie to Harry, after dimensional navigation error briefly lands them in Cupcakes.
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