< My Little Denarians
My Little Denarians/YMMV
- Holy Shit Quotient: The story starts with some mild chapters but quickly picks up momentum, until it manages to get 4 Wham Episodes in a row.
- Iron Woobie: Rainbow Dash.
- Les Yay: Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, to the point that several characters actually tease Rainbow about it in Chapter 13.
- Moral Event Horizon: The demons are a definition of Complete Monster from day one, but what really cements their evilness and sets the tone of the story is them making ponies kill people.
- Nightmare Fuel: In the Skyrim world, Harry sees Fluttershy, of all ponies, kill an old man by callously crushing his throat. And earlier, on Earth, it's implied that the temporarily Denarian Rainbow Dash may have killed dozens of people when she sent a tornado whipping through Chicago.
- Magog's No-Holds-Barred Beatdown of Rainbow Dash.
- Pinkie's descent into madness.
- Tear Jerker: The apparent death of Rainbow Dash.
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