My Bloody Valentine 3D
A 2009 3D remake of the slasher film My Bloody Valentine. it's something of a So Bad It's Good Affectionate Parody.
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Tropes used in My Bloody Valentine 3D include:
- 3D Movie
- Abandoned Area: Tunnel Number 5, and the old Palmer house.
- All There in the Manual: A deleted scene reveals the shovel victim ("Teen Straggler") is named Brandy.
- Alone with the Psycho: Tom, for a little bit at the beginning.
- Arrow Cam: When Sarah shoots Tom in the side.
- Asshole Victim: Frank.
- Axe Before Entering: The killer takes the supermarket's "Knock Before Entering" sign to its logical extreme.
- Bald of Evil: Harry.
- Bar Brawl: The patrons don't take too kindly to Tom showing up at the local bar.
- The Bartender: Sam.
- Black Best Friend: Deputy Martin.
- Black Bra and Panties: Sarah is at least wearing the former in the prologue.
- Black Eyes of Evil: Like the original, the gas mask appears to have black holes for eyes.
- Blood Spattered Innocents: After Harry gets shot, some of his blood splashes onto Tom's face.
- Bloody Handprint: In the hospital after the massacre, and on the Palmers' dryer after Rosa's death.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Right before the credits, Tom glares directly at the camera.
- Broken Heel: Axel trips while running from Harry in the opening.
- Broomstick Quarterstaff: Megan tries fighting the killer off with a mop.
- Calling Card: The cut out hearts placed in candy boxes.
- Cast as a Mask: Chris Carnel played both Harry and Tom in miner gear.
- Chase Scene
- Conspicuous CG: In some of the deaths, most noticeably Jim's.
- Convenient Coma: Harry fell into one after being rescued from the mine.
- Cool Mask
- Couldn't Find a Pen: The hearts drawn in blood and "BE MINE 4 EVER".
- Creator Cameo: Writer Todd Farmer plays Frank the Trucker.
- Curiosity Killed the Cast: Selene is killed looking for her dog.
- Curtain Camouflage: Done by Harry right at the beginning.
- Dangerous Windows: The killer attacks Sarah through one she had planned on using to escape the store through.
- Daylight Horror: The end.
- Death by Mocking: Jason.
- Death by Sex: Irene and Frank.
- Don't Go in The Woods
- Dual Wield: Briefly done by Harry.
- Edible Bludgeon
- Everyone Is a Suspect
- Exact Words: When Ben tells Tom to make peace with his father if he wants to, he shows him an urn containing his father's ashes.
- Eye Open: Harry coming out of his coma.
- Eye Scream: Jason, Ben and a rescue worker's deaths.
- Famous Last Words: "You're dead, motherfucker!" and "Shit!"
- Fight Scene: Lots, but props to Red for putting up a pretty good one.
- Final Girl: Sarah.
- Fingore: When Red takes a swing at Tom in the bar, he misses and ends up punching a mirror.
- Flipping the Bird: Given to Irene by Frank.
- Flash Back: While in a coma, Harry dreams about the night he became trapped in the mine.
- Frame-Up: Tom attempts to do it to Axel.
- Freudian Excuse: Tom was driven insane by nearly being killed by Harry.
- Gorn
- Gross Up Close-Up
- Half the Man He Used To Be: One of the hospital victims... don't ask how Harry managed that.
- Hallucinations: Tom suffers from auditory ones, which later escalate to visual ones.
- Home Porn Movie: Frank makes them... without his partners' knowledge.
- Horror Doesn't Settle for Simple Tuesday: Unlike the original, it's fairly incidental to the plot, though a deleted scene does reveal Harry was trapped while a Valentine's Day dance was being held.
- Hot Mom: Sarah.
- Hysterical Woman: Megan.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Through the head.
- Improvised Weapon: The killer is attacked with a mop, a frying pan, a lamp base, a battery pack and a piece of frozen meat.
- Info Dump: The 3D newspapers in the opening.
- It's All My Fault: Tom's father in a deleted scene.
- Jack the Ripoff: Tom.
- Jaw Breaker: Jim's death.
- Jerkass: Axel. Dear sweet lord, Axel.
- Kick the Dog: Frank secretly videotaped himself and Irene, calls her a whore, flips her off, then says he's gotten tired of her. He also has a wedding ring on, so we can add adultery to the list.
- The Killer in Me: Tom.
- Kill Us Both: Suggested by Axel when Sarah has him and Tom at gunpoint.
- Little People Are Surreal: The reason they decided to have the Thunderbird clerk be a little person, actually saying they though it gave the sequence "a Twin Peaks vibe".
- Menacing Stroll: Mostly, though the killer does run a few times.
- Mirrored Confrontation Shot: Done when Tom first comes face to face with the killer.
- The Mistress: Megan.
- Ms. Fanservice: Irene, played by Betsy LaRue, does not wear one stitch of clothing the entire time she is onscreen (and it's a long scene).
- Mythology Gag
- Necro Cam: Used when Tom is revealed to be the killer.
- Never Found the Body: Harry.
- The Nineties: The prologue.
- "No. Just... No" Reaction: In the commentary, director Patrick Lussier mentions this was essentially his reaction to a test screener ask if it was Megan's unborn baby, not her heart, that the killer cut out.
- No-Tell Motel: The Thunderbird Motel.
- Not His Sled: Axel's a Red Herring this time.
- The Not-Secret: Axel and Megan's relationship.
- Offscreen Teleportation: Justified, Tom is the killer, and any scene with him and the killer together is just him hallucinating.
- Off with His Head: Brandy, sorta.
- One Bullet Left: "Don't miss".
- Only a Flesh Wound: Axel getting stabbed.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Red's real name (William Kirkpatrick) can be seen really briefly on an evidence board.
- Peek-a-Boo Corpse: Sarah comes across several while running from Harry in the mine.
- Plot Hole: It's never revealed how Tom knew where Harry's body was, and it's very doubtful his father would've told him, considering how estranged they were.
- Psycho Smirk: Done by Tom after The Reveal.
- Reaction Shot
- Red Herring: Harry, Axel, and a few other minor characters.
- The Remake
- The Reveal: Tom is insane and the killer.
- Right Through the Wall: Irene and Frank, much to Tom's annoyance.
- Say My Name: Tom screaming for Sarah after the car crash.
- Sean Connery Is About to Shoot You
- Sequel Hook: Tom survives being shot and the mine explosion, kills a rescuer, and escapes in his uniform.
- Scream Discretion Shot: The death of the first hospital nurse.
- The Sheriff: Axel, successor to the retired Jim Burke.
- Shovel Strike: Sarah attacks Harry with one in the prologue. He takes it from her and proceeds to behead Brandy at the jawline with it. Near the end, Axel fights Tom with one.
- Smoking Hot Sex: Planned by Irene, but the moment is ruined by Frank's assholishness.
- The Stinger: The killer appears and takes a swing at the camera with his pickaxe.
- Stuff Blowing Up: The beginning and end.
- Super Window Jump: How Sarah escapes the old Palmer house.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Even though Red is obviously dead, the killer continues hacking away at him.
- Those Two Guys: Jason and Michael.
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Unless it gets embedded in a windshield.
- Title In: Ten Years Later.
- Token Minority: Deputy Martin and Rosa.
- Turn of the Millennium
- Vader Breath
- Vigilante Execution: Harry's death.
- Weapon of Choice: A pickaxe, moreso than the original.
- What the Hell, Hero?: When Sarah makes it clear that she knew Axel was cheating with Megan, Deputy Martin gives him the dirtiest look imaginable.
- Wild Teen Party: The opening.
- Would Hurt a Child: A reporter mentions that some of Harry's victims were children.
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