< My Bloody Valentine 3D

My Bloody Valentine 3D/YMMV

  • Adaptation Distillation: Does a good job adapting the original storyline, streamlining the cast and dropping the annoying friend characters who exist mainly to die in the final act of the film. It also tosses in the bit of fan service of having the main character be called Axel, who many fans of the original film liked prior to the reveal that he was the killer better than the Designated Hero TJ.
    • Hilarious in Hindsight: They switched the names of the characters for the remake in terms of Axel the good guy and TJ, now called Tom, the bad guy.
  • Complete Monster: Harry Warden. In the original, his actions made sense, as he only killed the two men he blamed for the cave-in. In the remake however, he is shown to be a cruel bully who taunts Tom right before the explosion, then murders his fellow trapped miners simply for the selfish notion that by killing them, HE won't have to worry about them using up the oxygen in the caved in tunnel. Oh, and murdering and dismembering an entire hospital full of people after he wakes up.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: The killer murders a little person by impaling them to the ceiling with what was essentially a golf swing.
  • Designated Hero: Axel is kind of a dick.
  • Fetish Fuel: The climatic reveal that Tom is the killer, includes several gratuitous shots of Jensen Ackles pulling off the hood that he wore underneath his gas mask in slow motion.
  • Karma Houdini: Tom receives this from the law over his role in the mining accident. While Tom claims that it was an accident on his part that caused the explosion/cave-in, he is absolved once the rescue teams get to the miners and discovered that Harry sadistically killed his friends in order to ensure his own survival via hogging all of the oxygen for himself.
    • Tom actually gets this twice; after he's revealed as the killer, he is presumably killed by Sarah and Axel in the mines, but survives and escapes.
  • Narm: Ben's death actually was pretty frightening, up until the blurted out "Shit!"
    • The killer getting whacked with a piece of frozen meat, even though it was probably supposed to be comedic.
  • Squick: The cut out hearts, and mutilated bodies.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Tom, with the reveal that he's got a split personality, who hates him and wants to kill everyone around him and force him to symbolically watch.
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