< Ms. Fanservice

Ms. Fanservice/Live Action TV

  • Daisy Duke. No, not the garment, the character from The Dukes of Hazzard for whom they were named.
  • Possibly the ultimate Ur Example: The title character of I Dream of Jeannie.
  • Weirdly misaimed with the current DNA tech on CSI, Wendy Simms, who is constantly called "buxom" and a big deal is made about her chest in the comedic episode "You Kill Me". This even though, her actress, Liz Vassey, doesn't have especially large breasts and doesn't measure up to the hype coming from other characters. Notable in that episode is that Sheeri Rappaport, playing fingerprint tech Mandy Webster, is wearing a v-neck top that quite clearly shows that she should be the one with the label, but no one comments on it. Probably because she was wearing glasses.
    • Maybe not so misaimed...
    • Of the regulars, this title goes to Catherine Willows, who now has to share it with Riley "Low-cut" Adams.
      • I think it's back to just Catherine now, I don't think they're doing it much with Morgan Brody, and now Mandy's gone too.
      • Blatantly obvious in the DVDs. Earlier seasons had the entire cast on the cover, basically as equals. New season? Catherine, out front and in center with the rest clustered behind. In the UK, just her and Grissom.
  • The role is currently held by both Natalia and Calleigh in CSI: Miami. The latter is always wearing extremely tight pants and four-inch heels, which almost always comes with the camera panning back to show her legs or ass.
    • Calleigh is the only other cast member apart from Horatio to appear on UK DVD sets.
  • Stella gets the title in CSI:NY. She wears a low-cut Bulletproof Vest for a start. She's also a lesson as to why this is not always a good title to have. Her last two boyfriends tried to kill her and Mac respectively. She ended up killing the former in self-defence.
    • UK DVD sets? Yep, you guessed it.
  • Speaking of nerds, one funny recurring question in the fandom of, and a trademark Running Gag constantly sent up on X-Play, is whether or not Morgan Webb is an actual gamer, or just there to serve as eye candy.
  • Kim Bauer in 24, a glowing example of the Flat Character variant if ever there was one. However, for the first season, Nina and Mandy showed more flesh.
  • Teyla Emmagan in Stargate Atlantis. No-one else in the entire regular cast of both shows in that verse walks around the base off-duty in a low-cut, midriff-revealing top. Teyla's pregnancy (a Written in Infirmity case due to Rachel Luttrell's) led viewers to expect it to go down significantly. It didn't -- there was just more cleavage. Ronon Dex is Mr. Fanservice.
  • Lt. Vanessa James in Stargate Universe. Hot female soldier with one hell of a rack, and her normal off-duty wear is a tank top and shorts. On-duty, however, she wears standard combat gear.
  • Harriet Hayes in Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, who once ended up being caught topless.
    • Although in the show-verse this spot definitely goes to Jeannie.
  • Edie Britt in Desperate Housewives.
  • Star Trek. Some people might notice a trend here...
    • Seven of Nine from Star Trek: Voyager. The heels and metallic catsuit may have make it abundantly clear that she is this trope. Her look and outfit were designed by the Holo-Doc, who was in love/lust with her.
    • T'Pol of Enterprise was a clear attempt to capture the same target demographic, but in the eyes of many fell flat on the whole "interesting character" thing.
      • Among them, Jolene Blalock, the very actress who plays T'Pol. She even took the opportunity because she was a big fan of the original series and was disappointed immediately by the direction the producers took the character.
      • Their explanation for her sexy costume when everyone else was in practical uniforms was especially hard to swallow: apparently it's a Vulcan uniform, except that no other Vulcans anywhere in any series have ever dressed like that. Most of those we see not wearing uniforms wear robes, not slinky catsuits, and it's a pretty big stretch to assume their science vessels would have uniforms so impractical as the things T'Pol wore.
      • There's "In a Mirror, Darkly"'s Mirror Hoshi. Probably every female Mirror Universe character, but especially Kira Nerys in Deep Space Nine.
    • Counselor Troi of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Lampshaded in Mad Magazine's parody of the show by defining her power as "E.S.P. -- Extra Sensual Proportions".
    • Yeoman Janice Rand from The Original Series. And Uhura. Especially Mirror Uhura. Ooh la la.
    • Leeta from Deep Space Nine was introduced without even the pretense of a character, unless it was The Ditz (With a "D", spell it right).
  • Joss Whedon has a very well-deserved reputation for creating strong female characters who aren't just there for Fan Service, but that doesn't mean he doesn't provide plenty of fanservice anyway. Particularly, Inara.
    • Zoe also requires mention. Although her clothing shows very little skin, it's practically painted on and involves plenty of leather, combined with the fact that she's a Hot Amazon.
    • Though all of the other female cast members appeared in either skimpy outfits or partially naked, the only one to go onscreen completely in the buff was River. And despite the fact that for the rest of the series she went around in full-body dresses, there's more than a few well-placed shots of her bare feet.
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 5 Big Bad, Glory, is definitely this. Between the attention paid to her outfits, the revealingness of those outfits, shots of her changing (right in front of Dawn, no less), the way she constantly invaded everyone's personal space, and shots of her bathing. Damn.
    • Buffy herself, Faith even more so, and of course Vamp Willow
    • Echo. She even turned up in a dominatrix outfit in one episode.
  • Heidi (played by Debbie Dunning) on Home Improvement. And before her, Pam Anderson as Lisa.
  • One has to give props to Pam Anderson, who even while surrounded by supermodel castmates, still managed to stand out as the Ms. Fanservice of Baywatch.
    • Any female character on Baywatch. Period. In fact any character ever played by Pamela Anderson in any medium.
  • Many of the companions of Doctor Who were designed with this in mind (to 'keep the dads watching'), but notable mentions have to go out to Zoe (with skintight jumpsuits), Leela (a savage alien Jungle Princess in appropriately skimpy clothing) and Peri (whose Stripperiffic outfits were often designed to prominently display certain attributes she possessed).
  • Geena Davis in her self-titled sitcom. That being all that it had going for it (though admittedly, this was still nothing to sneeze at at the time), the show didn't last long.
  • Somewhat parodied in The Office. Several of the cast (mostly Michael and Kevin) treat Pam like she is Ms. Fanservice (Michael often making suggestions to her on how to sex things up a bit) but Pam, while pretty, dresses rather conservatively (which she has admitted at one point is to discourage this type of behavior) and outright shoots down any attempt to get her to dress differently.
  • Joan in Mad Men spends most of her time in tight outfits and has massive breasts. She's played by Christina Hendricks, who was "Saffron" in Firefly. You know, special hell...
    • Oh, but what that road is paved with makes it well worth the trip.
  • Servalan from Blakes Seven was originally written as male, became female and ended up being a massive example of Evil Is Sexy. Jacqueline Pearce commented that teenage boys probably self-pleasured themselves over her.
  • Abby from NCIS.
    • Caitlin "Kate" Todd got, in the space of two seasons and two episodes, a stretch in tight trousers, two Shower Scenes, a Sexy Schoolwoman outfit, a Spy Catsuit, a dominatrix cop outfit -- and we discovered that she won a wet T-shirt contest.
    • Not to mention someone suddenly opening their eyes near the end of season 5 and realizing that putting Ziva in a bikini might just draw in a few viewers. And then there's the opening scene of the sixth season...
      • Lest we forget Undercovers which opens up with her and Tony having [spoiler:Fake\] sex.
    • And once Director Sheperd grew out her hair and started wearing tight skirts and form-fitting sweaters. And That Dress...
    • NCIS: Los Angeles: They have Kensi, a very, very blatant example. Great, rounded character . . . who gets in chick fights in low cut dresses in the middle of a randomly placed fountains. Note the plural. This has happened more than once.
  • Even Monty Python's Flying Circus had one, namely Carol Cleveland. The other Pythons called her "Carol Cleavage".
    • Justified, as the Pythons usually did female roles themselves. The only time they hired actresses was when the character had to show something the guy's couldn't fake. Thus, every woman in the Flying Circus tends to be fanservice.
  • Sam and Elena from Without a Trace. One might theorise an attempt at appealing to both Caucasian and Latino men, or just double the pleasure for men who like both. Extra points for Sam getting pregnant with attendant increase in size.
  • Cameron from The Sarah Connor Chronicles.
    • In "Something Strange at the One-Two Point", she even ends up wearing a slinky, sleeveless black dress that leaves nothing to the imagination.
    • Not to mention a number of tracking shots lingering on Summer Glau's well-proportioned rear as she slowly, purposefully walks along.
    • Or the time she walked around wearing only a bra, boy shorts, and boots.
  • Olivia "let's check out how many lesbians I can sleep with in one episode" Wilde from House
    • Dr. Lisa Cuddy. Low-cut tops, very tight skirts and pants and always in heels. Sometimes Cameron and Thirteen are seen in lab coats (damn it) but never her.

House: Sorry -- you just don't usually see breasts like that on deans of medicine.

    • Martha Masters, the new girl on the team, wardrobe seems to consist only of mini-skirts, Even her lab coat is short!
  • Catalina from My Name Is Earl. There was almost a whole episode dedicated to Earl and Randy making her reclaim her job of pole dancing, complete with gratuitous amounts of her jumping on the spot in skimpy lingerie. Never mind the fact her maid outfit is often suspiciously open to the cleavage for no reason. I guess that explains why the two brothers are still staying in the same motel...
    • To a lesser extent, Joy. But the effect is somewhat spoiled by her being mean and vindictive. (Of course some guys are into that.)
  • Kari Byron on MythBusters. To the producers' credit, they don't overdo that angle.
  • Yes, even the Food Network has a Ms. Fanservice in the form of Giada De Laurentis, granddaughter of Dino De Laurentis. Her rather largish head, large eyes, usual wardrobe (with frequent closeups of cleavage) and even genkish personality have some even call her as close to a real-life anime girl as you're going to get.
    • Don't forget their original Ms. Fanservice, Nigella Lawson. Also, Rachael Ray, depending on who you ask, and Ingrid Hoffman.
    • And you can now add Aida Mollenkamp and Claire Robinson to the list.
    • Señoras y señores, permítan me introducir, Marcela Valladolid. ¡Caliente!
    • Also food-related, Top Chef hostess Padma Lakshmi fills this role, especially in her early seasons. Many fans expressed surprise about her tendency toward low necklines, bare midriffs, and shorts in a kitchen environment. Given that much of the viewership is female or gay, this was not as popular as one might expect, and she is now typically seen in elegant dresses.
    • The Season 6 (2010) winner of The Next Food Network Star, Aarti Sequeira, is now hostess of Aarti Party. The food is not the only thing that's spicy [dead link] on that show.
  • The tragically short-lived series "Jungle" was a nature documentary hosted by a Miss Fanservice, Charlotte Uhlenbroek. One particularly breathtaking scene had her walking along branches barefoot and moving between vines in half-trapeze artist, half pole-dancer fashion.
  • Number Six serves this function on Battlestar Galactica Reimagined. She exists to radiate sex and get naked, which never seems to serve any purpose for the plot.
  • Paddy seems to have become this in the second series of Seacht.
  • Olivia Munn, co-host of Attack of the Show is frequently shown wearing revealing outfits and fetish costumes such as Wonder Woman. In one episode, she dressed as a French maid and jumped into a vat of pudding.
    • Surpassed only by substitute host Carrie Keegan when she appears in skits dressed as Power Girl.
  • Lieutenant Gay Ellis on UFO. She is however treated as a competent professional by the men she serves with.
    • And, of course, the female crewmembers of the SkyDiver submarines, whose tops were fishnet undershirts like the men's. (Though the men were missing the fleshtone tape over the nipples, for some reason.) But that still doesn't beat Lt. Ellis' striptease change of uniform in the episode "Identified".
  • Knightmare, a British children's game show, sent millions hurtling into puberty with Velda, Stilleta, Marta and Romana to name but four...
  • Real Life example: A great many female anchors and reporters in television News Broadcasts seem to fit this trope, particularly on local and cable news and in sports or weather reports. Just do a Web search for "newsbabes" sometime to discover the large, devoted, and well-nigh obssessive following some of these women generate among male viewers. Fox News Channel, in particular, is notorious for this.
    • More specifically, a lot of news shows seem expressly set up to show off their female anchors' shapely and uncovered gams. By having them sit higher than the desk, for example. Or beside the desk. Or behind a glass desk. Or with no desk at all.
    • Then there's the Naked News, which takes this to its logical extreme, or parodies it, or both.
    • The Mad Magazine feature "It's About Time!" parodied weather shows, suggesting how to enliven the dull subject of the local time with the presence of a perky buxom hostess, "your 'Good-Time Girl', Ticky Tock, with the latest time reports..."
    • Anyone who's watched American football over the last decade or so will notice that the TV sideline reporters are almost invariably easy-on-the-eyes females, and that they tend to have very little of substance to "report".
  • Aneka on Krod Mandoon and The Flaming Sword of Fire. Especially during the Festival of the Racoon.
  • Veronica Mars was a three-dimensional, complex character... but somehow the producers found ways to put her in a cheerleading costume, a cosplay outfit, and a bikini -- in addition to kissing another girl -- all in the first season.
  • Claire from Heroes. She's a hot cheerleader who can heal from anything and in fact seems to enjoy the pain her power brings, engaging in various forms of sado-masochism. And in season four she gets a girlfriend.
    • There's also Lydia from Season 4, who spends basically all of her time on-screen half-naked.
    • Nikki and later Tracy were almost official Ms Fanservice of the series.
  • Kahlan Amnell in Legend of the Seeker. There is a serious fixation on her cleavage.
    • And Cara. Hot Bi the Way blond with BDSM tendencies who habitually dresses in tight leather?
  • Everybody Loves Raymond (Debra provides this in at least two episodes- one where she "tells off" a woman who she thought accused her of dressing provocatively by overdoing it in front of her, and another where she tries to seduce Ray wearing only a nightie. Generally though, it's relegated to her wearing tight, but not out-of-place in reality clothing)
  • In Chuck, Sarah provides most of the overt fanservice (Proof), though Ellie and Anna also contribute in their own ways. Captain Awesome qualifies as Mr. Fanservice.
    • Pretty much every female guest star on Chuck could also apply.
  • Morgana, from Merlin, is always seen in extra tight dresses with giant cleavage that show a lot of skin.
  • Power Rangers has had a few over the years, most notably Kim, Kat, Divatox, Ashley, Astronema, Maya and Tenaya 7, who seems to be getting more ass shots with the new producer. Go, Judd!
    • In the Turbo movie, Divatox showed considerably more cleavage. It was pointed out by more than one review that she was probably there specifically for the target audience's fathers and older brothers. (It should be stated that Hilary Shepard Turner (Divatox) was pregnant during the movie, and missed the first half of the TV season because of it. Whether it was intentional or simply pregnancy breast-engorgement, we may never know.)
    • Mighty Morphin' had Kimberly's gymnastics leotards and far more Beach Episodes than later series. Tori was also this in her surf outfits. Justified Trope with SPD's Syd, what with being a former model.
  • Super Sentai predates this for very long. We've got heroines with penchant of disguises (too many to count) to heroines who likes their Furo Scene (Umeko and Ran) to those who look really that good that they become fanservice on its own by appearing on-screen (such as Jasmine, Nanami, to name a few).
  • Nadia, the lapdancing, stripteasing German astronaut from Defying Gravity.
  • Stacy Monroe on Hustle, both for the show and for the cons themselves, where she is typically used in such a way. She also happens to be a very well-written character and a mathematical genius.
  • Similar to the above, Leverage does the same thing with Sophie and Parker. While Sophie is a classical grifter who often seduces marks with an awesome accent, Parker is not nearly as good at it and much of her role comes from the various outfits she wears and her lack of modesty when changing into them.
  • Robin Scherbatsky from How I Met Your Mother, who has had lots of eye-catching moments in dresses and shots of her breasts.
  • Staying with Nickelodeon, all four of the female stars of Victorious qualify - Cat and Jade burning up the screen in "Freak The Freak Out", Cat wearing practically nothing and getting sprayed with water during the Beach Episode "Trapped In An RV"[1], Tori during several of her sexy song and dance numbers, Trina and her short shorts and tight tops.... looks like we were wrong about Carly being the closest you can get to this on a tween show. Hence the Crossover between the two...
  • Agent Scully of The X-Files in the episode "En Ami". After the Cigarette Smoking Man invites her to come with him, we see a) a close up of her cleavage as she adjusts her hidden microphone and b) a very revealing dress when she goes to have dinner with him.
    • The tattoo episode. Scully, pants halfway down, bending over, and practically orgasmic.
    • She was initially an aversion of this trope. Fox was reluctant to cast Gillian Anderson at first, wanting someone more conventionally fanservice-y, someone tall and well-endowed. Chris Carter was adamant about giving her the role, though, which worked out beautifully.
  • Some fans of Life were irked at the obvious Ms. Fanservice makeover given to Detective Dani Reese in its second and final season. Particularly memorable was a gratuitous slow-motion hip-swinging stroll in thigh-high boots whilst sucking on a lollipop. The change was seen as an obvious attempt to "sex up" the series by putting Sarah Shahi in more revealing clothing: replacing her sensible shoes with heels, taking down her hair which had been previously worn up in a no-nonsense bun, wearing lower cut tops (which was lampshaded by Crews with the suggestion that she utilize a few more buttons at the top of her blouse before entering a complex which housed former prison inmates).
  • Mac, Catherine Bell's character on JAG.
  • Kaley Cuoco from The Big Bang Theory is one fan-serving appearance.
    • And then there was the Sheldon's female scientist friend that sleeps with Leonard. And Raj.
  • Jody Banks (Heather Thomas) in The Fall Guy.
  • Nikki Cox in Unhappily Ever After.
  • Any news or variety or talk or game show on any Spanish language station.
  • Phoebe from Charmed.
    • Hell, ALL 3 (4) sisters from Charmed count...
    • Lampshaded by Prue.

Whitelighter: That means no more braless strapless fearless attire!
Prue: ...Okay, but then I have nothing to wear.

  • Serena van der Woodsen on Gossip Girl. In season one she was fairly clothed, but since then she is usually showing lots of leg and always showing lots of breast. In fact, fans tend to refer to her breasts as separate characters by this point.
    • Also Blair, whose lingerie is infamous. And who loves role-playing and bondage in the bedroom.
  • Zoe in all her incarnations from Caprica. Just look at some of the promotional posters. Also includes a great deal of unintentional fan service due to her being a dead Robot Girl. Made a little bit creepy by the fact that the characters somewhere between 15 and 16. On the other hand, the actress is 22.
  • Married... with Children: Kelly Freaking Bundy.
    • Not to mention any other woman who wasn't a shoestore customer (aside from a couple of the mothers), or any woman in Marcy's "clucking hen brigade." Ironically, in episodes which focused on turmoil in Marcy's marriages, SHE became Ms. Fanservice.
  • Ashes to Ashes: Detective Inspector Alex Drake. Where does one even begin? The dress that gets her mistaken for a hooker in the pilot [dead link] ? The men's shirt she's sporting for the rest of the episode? The Catwoman costume, complete with corset, from the party scene in 1.03? Stripping down to her bra in 1.04? Her love of Combat Stilettos (usually in boot form)? Hooker outfit #2? The constant, lingering shots of her ass in tight dresses/pants?
  • Mel Burke from Melissa and Joey.
  • Lara Spencer on the U.S. celebrity/Hollywood news program The Insider. Viewers get to vote for what she wears on the next show. Although there's no cleavage bearing, they always seem to compliment her figure well. The main desk also has a transparent front, so that her legs can be seen.
  • Casualty has a few women who fit this trope, but it's almost similar to Nurse Jackie the ways that the show it off.
    • Most notable is Kath, a blonde nurse who has a Fandom, which is surprising, considering she is a background character , and a Flat Character. Here's a picture of her, for those who want to see. She's also an example of The Voiceless, but that might be an Ass Pull by the writers. She doesn't get a storyline as yet, but an As The Fandom Rejoiced moment may occur soon, if more interest happens...
    • Some fans even consider her an Expy of Jackie "Nurse Jackie" Peyton from Nurse Jackie.
  • Smallville: Lois Lane and her collection of costumes. Case in point.
  • Pretty much every female character in Blakes Seven, in particular Servalan and Dayna.
  • The Hee Haw Honeys.
  • More than half the scenes in The Cape involving Orwell have her in one tight outfit or skirt or another set of revealing clothes.
  • Glee has the Santana and Brittany, who, when not dressed as Cheerios, wear some of the more revealing outfits in dance numbers. The writers seem to be making an effort to show that Lea Michele has a pretty smokin' body lately, as well.
  • Pick a show on Univision. Any of them. 99 out of 100 times, they'll have one. Even funnier if said Ms Fanservice is actively aware of it.
  • Adriana La Cerva (Drea De Matteo) on The Sopranos. Even lampshaded by one of the feds in an early episode.
  • Audrey Horne in Twin Peaks. Shelly Johnson too, to an extent.
  • Jennifer Love Hewitt in Ghost Whisperer and now The Client List.
  • Ros (played by burlesque performer Esme Bianco) in Game of Thrones. While most of her scenes are plot-relevant and characterisation-rich (usually for whatever man she's interacting with), she's naked in pretty much all of them.
  • In her brief stint on Saturday Night Live, Casey Wilson got a surprising number of fanservice-y parts, which makes her getting fired for being "too fat" all the more ludicrous.
  • Cerie on Thirty Rock seems to be a deliberate contrast to the bright, intelligent, attractive though slovenly and neurotic main character.
  • Danielle Colby-Cushman on American Pickers.
  • My Babysitter's a Vampire's lead girl Sarah, fits the trope to a T. Also Erica after being bitten.
  • Rachel on Boy Meets World served this purpose in her early appearances, where she would often wander around in a tiny bathrobe or really tight fitting shirts. Her role as this diminished after the whole "two guy reacting to having a hot girl as a roommate" plotline wore thin and the writers had to give the character something else to do.
  • Detective Kate Beckett from the New York Police Department yet. She nearly always wears somewhat tight pants and shirts, she has twice worn stunning dresses that left good old Richard Castle stunned... and then there was the one time she stripped down to her red undergarments covered only with a jacket and long heels. Not to mention that she worked as a model once, possesses a tight black leather motorcycle jacket and seems to have somewhat kinky bedroom taste.
    • Let's not forget the episode where she appeared in a bikini.
  • Pretty much every female character on One Tree Hill, Brooke Davis, Rachel Gatina, Gigi Silveri and Alex being the most notable.
  • This may explain why Jessica Alba was the only cast human cast member on season one of the '90s Flipper to have been retained for season two. And this was before Dark Angel.
  • Paz de la Huerta spends Season 1 of Boardwalk Empire constantly finding new reasons to take her clothes off.
  • Xev from Lexx, fullstop. Justified in that an explicit part of her backstory is having a strongly amplified libido, and in it being that kind of show. Her normal outfit features a bare midriff and a short skirt, but some of her shower scenes are full-on softcore porn.
  • Both Melissa and, more recently Faye on The Secret Circle
  • Maggie Q on Nikita. Often wearing - if not exactly revealing - than skin-tight clothing. Her spy catsuits are infamous. The show draws frequent attention to her legs as well as many close ups of her flawless features. Melinda Clarke, who plays Amanda, also gets some of this as well (as is often the case with Melinda Clarke).
    • Alex usually avoids this but there was an episode where she went undercover as a prostitute and did a jaw dropping poledance.
  • Ruby in Once Upon a Time whose waitress outfit invokes both Bare Your Midriff and She's Got Legs. Her off duty clothes are just as revealing.
  • Young Moira in American Horror Story. Hot redhead in an abreviated French Maid outfit complete with stockings and garter belt.
  • Batman TV series: Batgirl was added in the third season precisely as a Ratings Stunt.
  • Most of the female cast of The Vampire Diaries, but especially Katherine. And the male cast.
  • Willa in The Finder is almost always in tight shorts, sometimes paired with a bikini or halter top. Isabel got an underwear scene.
  • American Idol came into this trope immediately with season one's Ryan Starr and season two's Kimberly Caldwell. Many others came along the way:
  • The Swedish 1970s comedy series Semlons Gröna Dalar (Semlon's Green Valleys) pokes fun at this trope with the in-series TV series Tant Raffa (approximately Sexy Auntie) in which a hot lady in lingerie reads classical fairy tales in an "interesting" manner. Mr Semlon is an avid fan of hers.
  1. originally given the much better title "Survival Of The Hottest"
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