Power Rangers in Space

"Let's Rocket!"
The sixth season of Power Rangers, adapted from Denji Sentai Megaranger. Managing to save the series from cancellation, this is frequently cited as one of the best, if not the best, seasons of the franchise. For the first time, the series introduced a heavily serialized plot that built from episode to episode, featuring strong themes, characterizations and coming to an epic climax that gives a degree of finality to the previous six seasons. It also eschewed the Black and White Morality that was prominent in previous seasons by featuring morally conflicted heroes and sympathetic villains, also including three reunion episodes and plenty of cameos that kept the continuity extremely tight.
The Turbo Rangers (Not THOSE Turborangers) were beaten by Divatox, only surviving when she was called away to a meeting of the United Alliance of Evil. Even though defeated, once the Rangers and Alpha Six learned of Zordon's capture by the ruler Dark Specter they decided to chase after them. By what seems to be an accident, they meet up with Andros, a lone Red Ranger determined to stop the Alliance and rescue his missing sister. The former Turbo Rangers convince him of their worth and he shares his morphers and join their group, becoming the Space Rangers. Alpha reveals that Zordon had prepared many contingency plans in case this should happen, and now the Rangers are the best chance the galaxy has.
Meanwhile Astronema, the Princess of Evil, is sent to Earth to deal with this new set of Rangers by Dark Specter. While technically Dark Specter is the Big Bad and Astronema is second-in-command, Dark Specter remains in a Man Behind the Man position for the entire series and against the Rangers Astronema serves as the Dragon-in-Chief. Along the way we're introduced to the Noble Demon Ecliptor, the titular Psycho Rangers and Card-Carrying Villain Darkonda.
The climax of six years' worth of plot and villains, the series was a phenomenal hit and restored faith in Power Rangers. With the resolution of the ongoing plot, the slate had to be wiped clean for Power Rangers Lost Galaxy as they went on to a new adventure unrelated to the events of the prior series, altough if you consider Linkara's opinion, it's possible that the events of In Space had a great impact in the whole "search for a new home" plot.
- Big Bad: Astronema
- Bigger Bad: Dark Specter
- Chest Insignia: Team logos - three triangles arranged as a rectangle - on the belts. There were also personal symbols on the helmet forehead, but they were only visible when they lit up.
- The helmet insignias tended not to be shown, as they were pieces of technology like computers or phones, an Artifact left over from the tech-based Megaranger.
- City of Adventure: Angel Grove, though the Rangers also traveled all over the galaxy.
- The Dragon: Co-Dragons Ecliptor and Darkonda
- Five-Token Band: Caucasian Red and Yellow Rangers, a Latino Black Ranger, an African-American Blue Ranger, and an Asian Pink Ranger.
- But Andros is an alien so we have five different races.
- Home Base: the Astro Megaship
- Humongous Mecha
- Combining Mecha
- Transforming Mecha: the Astro and Delta Megaships, the Mega Winger
- Law of Chromatic Superiority: Aside from the usual "Red Ranger gets everything" factor, this was the show that introduced the Battlizer and all other subsequent powered-up Red Rangers.
- Make My Monster Grow: Accomplished through "Satellasers".
- Monster of the Week: Vaguely defined "aliens" that don't seem to share any singular origin. In fact, it's rarely even mentioned where they come from, simply appearing when the plot calls for it, and only occasionally being interviewed by Astronema before being sent. This is especially jarring, given how many of said monsters are based on Earth animals.
- Mooks: Quantrons
- Never Say "Die": Subverted a couple of times. Specifically, see Infant Immortality. And while the word was never stated, there is no question what happened to Zordon.
- Actually, in the Infant Immortality subversion, the doctor Carlos and Ashely meet explicitly says that Silvy's brother "died a couple months ago". So it's actually averted in this particular case.
- Recycled in Space!: Subverted quite a bit despite the title; as the move to outer space brought a number of format changes.
- Super Mode: This season was the first to introduce the "Battlizer" Red Ranger upgrade, which has continued to almost all following seasons (surprisingly this is an American creation, Megaranger had the Battlizer gadget, but it didn't have a Super Mode function). Interestingly, Megaranger actually had a team Super Mode in the Non-Serial Movie, where the core five donned golden torso armor, but this was not brought over to Power Rangers.
- Weapon of Choice:
- Bifurcated Weapon: Astro Blasters (can be split into two laser guns)
- Heroes Prefer Swords: Andros' Spiral Saber, though you could be forgiven for thinking that This Is a Drill.
- Simple Staff: Carlos' Lunar Lance
- An Axe to Grind: T.J.'s Astro Axe
- Brats with Slingshots: Ashley's Star Slinger
- Hand Cannon: Cassie's Satellite Stunner
- Swiss Army Weapon: Zhane's Super Silverizer
- Word Power:
- Invocation: "Let's Rocket!"
- Alliteration: The Rangers' weapons: Lunar Lance, Spiral Saber, Astro Axe, Satellite Stunner, Star Slinger and Super Silverizer.
- Also the Galaxy Gliders.
- Anti-Villain: Ecliptor is quite possibly the most likeable villain in the history of Power Rangers. As it turns out he's noble and only does what he does because he's incredibly loyal to Astronema (almost like a father to her). When Astronema breaks out of her initial brainwashing and tries to become good, Ecliptor tries to join her, but they're both put under heavier brainwashing afterwards, but he remains as loyal as ever to her.
- Aren't You Forgetting Someone??: The Turbo Rangers get ready to return to Earth, but fail to realize that they left Alpha on the Astro Megaship.
- Asteroids Monster
- Baby Carriage: in "Silence Is Golden"
- Badass Bookworm: T.J. While a former Red Ranger and leader of the team, he was the only one who figured out a way to combat the Psycho Rangers.
- Bad Guy Bar: There's one present on the planet Onyx, full of Mooks and Monsters of the Week from the various seasons.
- Bar Brawl
- Bastard Understudy: Astronema. AFTER Dark Specter brainwashed her.
- The Beard: "Grandma Matchmaker" in which Ashley asks Carlos to pretend to be her boyfriend in order to get her granny to stop smothering her.
- Big Damn Heroes: Justin and Storm Blaster drive through the door of a warehouse to free the Rangers, who are seconds from eating the business end of the Monster of the Week's cannon.
- Bulk and Skull of all people do this in the finale.
- Bittersweet Ending: They fail. The Power Rangers fail. They survive, yes, and the galaxy is free, but it wasn't the Rangers' doing. The Big Bad only died because The Starscream stabbed him in the back with a planetbuster missile, and the battle was only won because Zordon, the father figure to them all, paid the ultimate price.
- Non Sequitur Episode: Yeah, that one.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Care Bear Stare: Zordon's energy wave
- Chekhov's Gun: Andros' and Astronema's lockets.
- Chekhov MIA: Andros' missing sister mentioned near season start counts as this as well.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Darkonda. With Ecliptor as a Noble Demon, Darkonda took on the role of a Complete Monster.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Happens to Lt. Stone and the Juice Bar; replaced by Adelle and the Surf Spot
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Defied during the Story Arc with the Psycho Rangers, T.J. figured that by homogenizing all their colors and uniforms they could confuse the Psycho Rangers enough to get an advantage (the Psychos had developed themselves to be the Rival to their color counterpart, while individually they are pretty powerful their obsession with their counterpart made the costume/color switch unbearable).
- This specific color combination (red/black/blue/yellow/pink) won't appear again until Operation Overdrive.
- Cool Board: the Galaxy Gliders
- Cool Starship: the Astro Megaship
- And the Delta. And the Mega Winger. Lots of cool ships to go around.
- Crisis Crossover
- Curb Stomp Battle: Andros vs. Astronema in "Countdown To Destruction, Part 2". While he's busy trying to make her remember that they're brother and sister, she's busy kicking his ass.
- Cute Mute: "Silence is Golden" basically turned Cassie into this.
- Darker and Edgier: While the season in general was darker because of the whole Legion of Doom rising, the more mundane Earth-bound stories were also more mature and adult. In an early episode, Andros "befriended" a criminal and naively helped him with a car theft, where no prior season had set up an outright bad human character.
- Dating Catwoman: Zhane and Astronema, briefly.
- Death Glare: Astronema gives Elgar this when, after she takes credit for the destruction of the Psycho Rangers and stopping them from draining Dark Specter's power ( in reality having created the Psychos specifically to do exactly that), he points out that technically the Power Rangers were responsible for destroying the Psychos.
- Dimension Lord/Galactic Conqueror/Evil Overlord: Dark Specter
- Dressed All in Rubber: Astronema.
- Dub Name Change: Averted with the Mega Voyager and Mega Winger, which keeps their Megaranger names.
- Dynamic Entry: Adam in "Always A Chance".
- Emo Teen: Andros.
- Establishing Character Moment: Andros infiltrated an Alliance meeting in the first episode, was discovered and had to fight his way out. That's how you introduce a character. It also serves as an effective introduction to the new tone of the series.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Astronema, though she also has plenty of non-Expository Hairstyle Changes, too.
- To the point where one of the Rangers comments "I liked you better as a blonde!"
- Faeries Don't Believe in Humans, Either: The Rangers and Ninja Turtles each originally dismissed the other as an urban legend.
- Flatline: In "Survival of the Silver", the EKG attached to Zhane's cryogenic chamber flatlines while the Rangers are battling a group of hooded aliens. It's subverted as shortly afterwards, not only do the jagged lines restart, but the cryogenic chamber also opens and Zhane turns out to be alive and well.
- Fluffy the Terrible: the never-seen "Scrudley".
- Foreshadowing: While introducing himself to Astronema, Darkonda mentions that he met her once, but Astronema doesn't remember meeting him. Darkonda "met" Karone/Astronema when he kidnapped her.
- Fusion Dance: "Darkliptor"
- Gondor Calls for Aid: Not technically, but in the Grand Finale, it shows all previous (still operating) Rangers and groups trying to resist the Alliance of Evil.
- Gone Horribly Right: Dark Specter had Astronema brainwashed back to evil after her first Heel Face Turn. It worked a little too well and she became The Starscream, plotting to destroy him.
- Go Out with a Smile: In "Countdown to Destruction," Bulk and Skull led the civilians into the fray alongside the Power Rangers knowing full well that this might be the end for the both of them.
- Grand Finale: Countdown to Destruction, just Countdown to Destruction. Originally meant to be the end of the franchise, but perfectly brings the Zordon Era to a close.
- Heel Face Turn
- Heroic BSOD: Carlos had one after accidentally injuring Cassie when fighting a monster.
- Heroic Bystander: the civilians in the "I am Spartacus" scene (below)
- Heroic Sacrifice: Zordon. When he saw that the Alliance was going to overwhelm every Power Ranger team and force for good in the galaxy, he had Andros shatter his time warp tube. The resulting energy pulse (Fan Nickname is the "Z-Wave") neutralized all of the Big Bads and turned their Mooks into dust. Deus Ex Machina, sure, but damn if it wasn't amazing.
- He's Back: Adam Park, briefly, in the episode "Always A Chance." He becomes the Black Power Ranger one last time, using his original Power Morpher (the one damaged when Rito destroyed the Thunderzords) in spite of Alpha 6's warning that morphing could kill him. To fans' delight, he first declares that it's Morphing Time, morpher in hand, and then calls out "MASTODON!"
- Justin Stewart, as well, in "True Blue to the Rescue." Storm Blaster had a morpher in his glove compartment.
- Hilarious Outtakes: Sadly, the last season to have these.
- Holy Hand Grenade: Zordon's death unleashing the wave of good.
- Hour of Power: Right after getting unfrozen, Zhane had a limit of two and a half minutes.
- Human Popsicle: Zhane
- I Am Spartacus: Possibly the best scene in all of Power Rangers history. Astronoma delivers an ultimatum to the people of Angel Grove: surrender the Power Rangers or everyone dies. Suddenly Bulk, Skull, Professor Phenomenus, Adelle, and everyone else say that they're the Rangers. Just before Astronema kills everyone, the real Rangers reveal themselves (morphing in full view of the public, something Zordon specifically told them not to do) and attack, with Bulk and Skull leading the civilians into the fray.
- I Cannot Self-Terminate: Zordon. It doesn't matter how powerful your magic is or how great your wisdom, if you lack any means of physical interaction with the world around you, you need help to commit suicide.
- In the Hood: Andros at times
- Ineffectual Loner: Andros
- Infant Immortality: Believe it or not, subverted. True, it happens offscreen, to a character whom we never meet, but that doesn't change the fact that a girl who appears in Carlos on Call is stated to have had a twelve year old brother who died just recently. Hell, we even see the girl kneeling in front of his grave at one point! Of course, the episode was a straight adaptation from Megaranger.
- Intercontinuity Crossover: With Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation, also owned by Saban Entertainment. While the episode is considered very out of place and most people disown its existence (not to mention that Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird officially disown Next Mutation), it is a bit of a Guilty Pleasure just from the inherent coolness of a crossover.
- It's the Power Rangers teaming up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, how could that not be awesome? (Next Mutation and Venus aside)
- Plus it has a scene where Elgar gets kicked. Possibly one of the best scenes in the entire series.
- It's the Power Rangers teaming up with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, how could that not be awesome? (Next Mutation and Venus aside)
- It Got Worse: In the lead-up to the Grand Finale they lost two of their Megazords, effectively reducing their Mid-Season Upgrade and working only with what they started with.
- It Has Been an Honor: Implied in the Grand Finale, as Bulk and Skull shake hands before they lead the civilian mob to aid the Rangers.
- Large Ham: Melody Perkins, depending on the wig. Until she's Brainwashed, anyway...
- She does a fairly impressive job of suppressing it during her brief Heel Face Turn, though.
- Legion of Doom: the United Alliance of Evil
- Let's Get Dangerous: Alpha 6 and D.E.C.A, the Robot Buddy and the Cool Starship, utterly humiliate Ecliptor in "The Impenetrable Web".
- Ahem, "Countdown to Destruction Part 2" anyone? There's a reason the I Am Spartacus scene is not only the Crowning Moment of Awesome for Bulk and Skull, but for the entire series in general.
- Lightning Can Do Anything: Zhane recharges his morpher by having it struck by lightning.
- Losing Your Head: Ecliptor
- Love Triangle: Subverted. Zane spends time with Ashley, which made Andros jealous, but Zhane convinced him that they were just friends and they repaired their friendship.
- Lucky Translation: The use of "Megazord" as the name for the franchise's Humongous Mecha really pays off here, thanks to the source series being called Megaranger. This meant that most of the mecha weren't renamed at all for In Space, because there was no need.
- Renaming Mega Voyager would've actually caused problems, as the name was written in the cockpit in plain sight. Likewise, Mega Winger's cockpit had "Mega W" written on it. Delta Mega simply had Zord added to the end of the name, while Galaxy Mega was renamed Astro Megazord, but the name Galaxy Megazord was used next season instead.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Astronema is really Andros' sister, Karone.
- Magic Countdown: Draining Zordon of energy, the visual effect is visibly moving in every episode he is in, yet it should overtake him before the end of the next commercial break.
- Maximum Fun Chamber: "playing with Scrudley"
- Mistaken for Dying: Zhane, when the other Rangers hear his time is limited, but don't catch it only applies to his Hour of Power.
- Morality Dial: Used on the Delta Megazord in "The Great Evilizer".
- Morality Pet: Inverted between Ecliptor and Karone. She was his boss but when she did a Heel Face Turn, he couldn't find it in him to fight against her.
- Multicolored Hair: Andros: black and blond stripes
- My Name Is Not Durwood
DurwoodFrieda: It's Rita! - My Sister Is Off-Limits: Andros to Zhane, only realized after the fact.
- Nigh Invulnerable: Dark Specter. In the finale Darkonda steals two planet-destroying weapons. One he plans to use on Dark Specter and the other on the Dark Fortress (where Astronema and Ecliptor are). He fires one at Dark Specter who goes down... and then promptly gets back up. It takes wasting the one intended for the Dark Fortress, fired directly down Specter's throat, to put him down for good, and he still manages to hang on long enough to eat the aforementioned Darkonda alive.
- Noble Demon: Ecliptor
- No Ontological Inertia: A shape-shifting monster makes Astronema look like Ashley, after which the real Ashley is kidnapped. To escape, she tricks the monster into giving her Astronema's body, and then returns to help the other Rangers destroy it. Luckily, when she takes her helmet off she's back to normal, the monster's spells having been broken by its death.
- No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup: The Interstellar Scanner.
- Official Couple: Ashley and Andros
- Opponent Switch: Against the Psycho Rangers. Surprisingly, it doesn't work. The Psycho Rangers merely defeat the Ranger they're currently fighting, and then go and wipe the floor with their actual opponent. The Rangers only pull this off after making their uniforms all the same color, and even then, it barely works.
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: Andros' locket
- Parental Abandonment: The Rangers, despite still being high school students (early episodes of this season even go by showing the five, except Andros, still attending Angel Grove High), apparently lived on board the Megaship. One would have to wonder about their parents and/or guardians thinking where EXACTLY they were the whole time.
- Which leads nicely into making you wonder just how much of space could they explore looking for Zordon if they had to be within reach of Earth for school 5 days a week?
- Phlebotinum Bomb: Zordon's energy wave
- Pragmatic Adaptation: The themes of the source footage, Denji Sentai Megaranger, revolved around high (at the time) technology and gadgets. The story was more akin to The Last Starfighter with regards to the plot, and while there were space vehicles there wasn't much actual space travel involved. Liberties were taken, to say the least.
- A case of Did Not Do the Research or similar for that one: Word of God says that the space theme was chosen because the early footage they had of Megaranger had them think it was a space based season, when they got the truth and the filming had already begun all the space surfing scenes had to be added in to make it work.
- Psychic Powers, specifically Mind Over Matter: Andros
- Pstandard Psychic Pstance: He uses the "gesture at what you're affecting" variant.
- The Psycho Rangers: Trope Namer.
- Rocket Punch: The AstroDelta Megazord's finishing move.
- Sassy Black Woman: Adelle
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Andros and Zhane.
- Shoo Out the Clowns: Bulk and Skull get a massive reduction in screen time, but make up for it with a Crowning Moment of Awesome.
- Shout-Out: A few to Star Trek and Star Wars, including a holodeck and numerous random lines, such as T.J. saying that they're going down to a planet on the Dagobah system to search for Zordon.
- The Quantrons are armed with Bat'leths.
- Sky Surfing: "Galaxy Glider, hang ten!"
- Spoiler Opening: Averted in the first episode. In order to hide their identities, the first episode's opening omits Andros and includes Divatox instead of Astronema, implying that she would be returning as the season's villain.
- The Starscream: Two of 'em. First, Darkonda establishes the oft-repeated "one loyal henchman, one treacherous henchman" dynamic between himself and Ecliptor. Then, Astronema plots to overthrow Dark Specter (an ambition she'd never had before reforming and then being reprogrammed. Apparently, you can brainwash someone too well.) That's actually what the Psycho Rangers were really for.
- Though in the end, Darkonda was the successful one. After all, he's the one who destroys Dark Specter.
- Storming the Castle
- Suspiciously Similar Substitute: Alpha Six was retooled in this season to be Alpha Five in all but name. Vocal Evolution played a big role, trading in the annoying Noo Yawk accent of Catherine Battistone to cute little brother-ish vocals of Wendee Lee.
- Swiss Army Tears: Used in the finale to bring Karone back to life, and revert her cyborg modifications.
- Taking You with Me: Dark Specter to Darkonda.
- The Bus Came Back/Ten-Minute Retirement: Justin and Adam
- To the Batpole
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Cassie and Ashley, again.
- Trojan Prisoner
- Tron Lines: Ecliptor
- Tropes in Space: Well, obviously.
- Batman Can Breathe in Space: At least they've been consistent with this throughout.
- Frictionless Reentry: Averted for Rule of Cool: The Megaship transforms in space and then drops out of orbit to fight the Monster of the Week, so it's able to enter the battlefield with a flaming shield!
- Holodeck Malfunction: in an early episode
- Human Aliens: Andros, Zhane, and Karone, though pretty much every non-Rubber Forehead Alien from the last five seasons who occasionally show up count too.
- Lampshaded by the Earth Rangers when they first meet Andros, who handwaves it with "Humans live more places than just Earth, you know."
- Numbered Homeworld: KO-35.
- Telepathic Spacemen/Humans Are Psychic in the Future: Andros, though he's telekinetic instead of telepathic. And he's not from the future, either.
- The Unmasking: in the finale
- Wham! Episode: "The Secret of the Locket."
- Word Salad Lyrics: The onscreen text in the morphing sequence. Something about the puppy canoe of hope.
- World-Healing Wave: The point of Zordon's Heroic Sacrifice.
- Xanatos Roulette: Technically Zordon didn't plan for every possible event, he was just Crazy Prepared enough and hoped the Rangers used it to their advantage.
- You Look Familiar: A costume version. Dark Specter was a reuse of the elaborate Maligore costume from Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie. Acknowledged by Divatox in the season premiere.
- All the stranger when you consider Maligore was a demon the size of a Megazord at his biggest and Dark Specter is the size of an entire PLANET. He's also seen to shapeshift, which makes you wonder why he picked someone so many magnitudes of power weaker than himself to impersonate.
- Because Maligore looks scary. Besides, maybe they're related.
- Maligore is probably Dark Specter's long lost sister. This hasn't been done, right?
- Well, that'd make the marriage between Divatox and Maligore much more interesting.
- All the stranger when you consider Maligore was a demon the size of a Megazord at his biggest and Dark Specter is the size of an entire PLANET. He's also seen to shapeshift, which makes you wonder why he picked someone so many magnitudes of power weaker than himself to impersonate.