Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe/Characters
For the Mortal Kombat characters appearing in this crossover, check the sheets for Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat II.
DC Characters
Here, we're going to list the tropes that only/mostly apply to the game. For the other tropes, check their sheets.
The Flash
"Listen, I don't know what happened. I just... felt this rage... It overwhelmed me, I couldn't stop myself."
-- To Batman in Chapter 2 of the DC side
Voiced by: Taliesin Jaffe
- A Day in the Limelight: He's the protagonist of Chapter 1 of the DC side.
- Fragile Speedster
- Neck Lift: Uses it on Kano, while the Rage takes him over.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: He's almost the only character in the game who can rack up to 14 hits in a single combo. Oh, and his "Flashy Beatdown" Heroic Brutality involves him not only using this, but also Rapid Fire Bicycle Kicks.
- Spam Attack: See above.
- Super Speed: As several specials. His "Whirlwind Slam" Heroic Brutality involves creating a tornado with it to levitate his opponent.
- Kano has some difficulties trying to use his Eye Beams on him in the first chapter of the DC side.
"Your world is invading mine, affecting everything in everyone in it. Don't think to take me so easily."
-- To Sub-Zero in the fourth chapter of the MK side.
Voiced by: David Gazzana
- Badass Normal: Defeats all sorts of foes with a combination of martial arts and advanced technology.
- Bat Out of Hell: His "Bat Swarm" Heroic Brutality involves him attaching a sonic device to attract bats to his opponent.
- Chest Insignia: The Bat logo.
- Cool Car: His Bat-mobile, used in cutscenes. Scorpion even gets a free ride on it. Lucky bastard.
- Crazy Prepared: He's the Goddamned Batman!
- Dark Is Not Evil
- A Day in the Limelight: He's the protagonist of Chapter 2 of the DC side.
- Deadpan Snarker: After seeing Liu Kang spawning after he hand-cuffed The Joker:
"This night keeps getting better and better."
- I Sense a Disturbance In The Force: He detects more "energy anomalies similar to that of Scorpion's frequency" in the heart of Gotham.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: His Batarang. There are special variants such as bomb ones.
- Stun Gun: Used on Flash, to calm him while he was in Rage.
Flash: I thought you were the master of hand-to-hand combat.
(Cue the gun)
Batman: I. Am.
- Teleport Spam: One of his normals.
Wonder Woman
Voiced by: Tara Platt
- Action Girl: As the world's best-known female superhero, this is to be expected.
- A Day in the Limelight: She's the protagonist of Chapter 3 of the DC side.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Some of her attacks.
- Kick Chick
- Mission Control: In the first two chapters, she's in the JLA headquarters.
- Oh My Gods:
"Great Hera!"
- She Fu
- Stripperiffic
- Whip It Good: Her lasso.
Green Lantern
Voiced by: Josh Phillips
- Barrier Warrior: He can summon a "brick walled" barrier with his ring as one of his specials.
- Brought To You By The Symbol OZ
- Chainsaw Good: His ring creates a saw as the finishing part in the Freefall Kombat.
- A Day in the Limelight: He's the protagonist of Chapter 4 of the DC side.
- Drop the Hammer: One of his specials, and his "Hammer Smash" Heroic Brutality.
- Green Lantern Ring: The source of his specials, including his two Heroic Brutalities.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: He doesn't exactly like the idea of teamworking with Lex and Catwoman, yet he has to do because of the plot.
Captain Marvel
Voiced by: Kevin Delaney
- A Day in the Limelight: He's the protagonist of Chapter 5 of the DC side.
- Difficult but Awesome: His "Achilles Bolt" has a delay before it can connect. When it does, it sends the opponent flying to the extreme of the screen.
- Gameplay and Story Segregation: His flying abilities can be seen only in cutscenes.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: To Superman and Lex as they're about to fight:
"BOTH OF YOU CALM DOWN! You're being poisoned by the combat rage!"
- Lightning Can Do Anything: He uses lightning as a grab (The "Power of Zeus"), and it's also involved in his "Ground Slam" Heroic Brutality.
- Look What I Can Do Now!: In his ending, he receives the powers of the Elder Gods.
- Neck Lift: To Raiden, in his chapter, though it's possibly a product of the Rage. Then, he punches him.
- Ryu and Ken: For Superman, with a few differences.
- Secret Test of Character: In his chapter, he's dragged to the Netherrealm by Shang Tsung, and has to fight against Scorpion, Baraka and then Shang Tsung himself. After he succeeds:
Captain Marvel: I've had enough of your games, Shang Tsung. I've beaten you and your demons. Now, before the combat rage takes me over again... Send. Me. Back.
Shang Tsung: As you wish.
- Shock and Awe
- Teleport Spam: His "Solomon Escape".
- Theme Naming: All of his six moves are named after the gods/legendary heroes that empower him (Solomon Escape, Strength of Hercules, Atlas Clap, Power Of Zeus, Achilles Bolt and Mercury Bear Hug).
The Joker
"Come on! We'll kill things, BLOW THINGS UP! Oh, it'll be fun!"
-- To Deathstroke in the fifth chapter of the DC side.
Voiced by: Richard Epcar
(When Superman and Lex are about to fight) "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"
- And then, there's the line he sprouts when Deathstroke is reluctant to go with him.
- Badass Normal
- "BANG!" Flag Gun: He pulls this first in his "Gunshot" fatality... then he subverts it by firing a real gun.
- Boom! Headshot!
- Bowdlerization: In order to get the "T" rating for the game, said fatality had to be censored. Only in America; however, the European version is uncensored.
- Crazy Prepared: Considering who his archenemy is, he has to be.
- A Day in the Limelight: He's the protagonist of Chapter 6 of the DC side.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Electric Joy Buzzer: One of his attacks.
"Over there."
- Good Old Fisticuffs: His entire fighting style.
- Improbable Weapon User: Red Boxing Gloves as surprise attacks, throwable cards, electric joybuzzers...
- Screw Destiny: He doesn't care about the Rage flowing over him, as it's shown in his DC story chapter, where he even betrays Deathstroke.
- Skyward Scream:
Captain Marvel: Catwoman's right. I know what we're up against. Our enemy is called Dark Kahn.
Deathstroke: Shut up, or I'll gut you.
- Stuff Blowing Up: His Surprise Bomb special.
- Took a Level in Badass: Thanks to the whole power fluctancy product of the mere existence of Dark Kahn, he's now able to fight people like Superman and even beat his own arch-rival Batman.
- After fighting Sonya in his chapter:
The Joker: I won? I won? I WON! I mean, OF COURSE I WON!
Deathstroke: Since when can you fight?
- Before fighting Kano:
Deathstroke to Kano: You're good, but you lack discipline.
The Joker: Allow me to discipline him.
Deathstroke: Joker, what the he-?
The Joker: Step aside, Deathjoke. [Rage] [To Kano] I have you for a mortal fight like that blonde did. Because this Joker is WILD!
Lex Luthor
"I never take sides. I choose the lesser of two evils."
-- To Catwoman in the fourth chapter of the DC side.
Voiced by: Joe Thomas
- Badass Normal: He has an armor, however, to make up for the lack of superpowers.
- Bald of Evil: Perhaps the iconic example.
- Brought To You By The Letter L: In the chest of his armor.
- Clothes Make The Lex Luthor: He fights in his Powered Armor.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive:
- His first appearance in the DC side of the history is dressed as executive.
- He tries to get the Special Forces technology for his own profit in the third chapter of the MK side. When Jax gives a thumbs down to the proposal, Lex (who entered the SF base with his Powered Armor) has to fight for it.
"I prefer to shake hands, but if you insist..."
- A Day in the Limelight: He's the protagonist of Chapter 7 of the DC side.
- Expy: His gameplay style is reminiscent of Sektor. His armor in this game is even comparable to that of Sektor's in Mortal Kombat 9!
- Hammerspace: His missiles come out of his hand, but he has tons of them.
- Homing Projectile: One of his specials involve shooting a missile upwards and said missile locking on his opponent.
- Mighty Glacier
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: HE, of all characters, blames Superman for everything that's happened, in the beginnng of the last chapter:
Lex: You! Alien! This is your fault! Your stupidity created Dark Kahn! Now the Earth is doomed! And people say that I'm the villain.
Superman: You are a villain, Lex.
Lex: Not this time. This time, you brought ruin the world. My world. You've ruined all my planet, and I'm going to make you pay!
- Hypocrite: And it's outright stated in the first and fifth chapter that Luthor assisted Darkseid's invasion and kicked off the plot to begin with.
Superman: You threaten the safety of Earth for your own personal gain. You've allied yourself with Darkseid.
Lex: I was only trying to ensure humanity's survival, in the event that you and the other so-called heroes failed.
Captain Marvel: Darkseid's energy merged with energy from the other universe. Dark Kahn's existence is what's causing the universes to collide.
Superman: That explains the attacks on me and the rest of you. The strange fluctuations of our powers.
Lex: [Rage] It was you. Your heat vision! You blasted Darkseid's boomtube and sent him early to some unknown universe! This is all your fault!
Superman: [Rage] You accuse me? You helped Darkseid to invade Earth, remember?
- Playing with Fire: One of his specials is a flamethrower coming from his other hand.
- Powered Armor
- Ryu and Ken: He fights very much like Jax, with some differences, of course.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork:
Lex: So, what's it going to be, hero? Do we work together or do I have to save the world in spite of you?
Green Lantern: Remember, I don't trust you.
Lex: The feeling is mutual.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: His "Missile Attack" Fatality involves the enemy being devastated by a missile swarm.
Voiced by: Christopher Corey Smith
- A Day in the Limelight: He's the protagonist of Chapter 8 of the DC side.
- Enemy Mine: Teams up with Raiden to defeat Dark Kahn during his/Raiden's chapter.
- Eye Beams
- Gameplay and Story Segregation: He can levitate for some seconds, but aside of this, his flying abilities can be seen only in cutscenes.
- Ground Pound: The eponymous "Ground Pound" Heroic Brutality.
- Homage/Shout-Out: He looks a lot like Christopher Reeve.
- The Narrator: He's on charge of the narration in the beginning of the DC side of the story.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Pretty much the whole crossover wouldn't have happened, hadn't he overcharged with his Eye Beams the Boomtube Darkseid was using to escape.
Darkseid: You're unstabilizing the boomtube!
- Ryu and Ken: For Captain Marvel, with a few differences.
- Skyward Scream: After he gets lectured by Batman, while he discharges the rage inside of him.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork:
"OK, Lex, I'll trust you... for now."
- Weaksauce Weakness: In addition to his well-known weakness to Kryptonite, he also has a weakness to magic. Since a part of the fusion of both universes is fueled by magic (originated from the MK side), this serves as a Hand Wave as to why the Badass Normals can fight him on equal footing.
"No one cages this kitty!"
-- To Sonya in the second chapter of the MK side.
Voiced by: PJ Mattson
- Absolute Cleavage
- Badass Normal
- Blood Knight: It's a Fighting Game after all.
Flash: We don't have to fight.
Catwoman: But I want to.
- Composite Character: She is meant to be Selina Kyle, but has characteristics of several other "Catwomen" as well. She has a purple version of the costume the comic book Selina Kyle currently wears, but her skin is a little darker than usual, and her facial features look almost like Halle Berry, and she also speaks in a manner very similar to Eartha Kitt.
- Curse Cut Short: She sprouts a "What the", while being attracted to a portal in the first chapter of the DC side.
- Deadpan Snarker:
The Joker: We're all going to hell!
Catwoman: And if you're not a good boy, we'll leave you there.
- Femme Fatale
- Goggles Do Nothing
- Heel Face Revolving Door: Lampshaded by Flash in the first chapter of the DC side:
Flash: I can never figure you out, One minute you're a hero, the next minute you're still criminal.
Catwoman: I'm a complicated woman.
(to Green Lantern) "Don't worry handsome, we [she and Lex] won't bite... much."
- Whip It Good: Also involved in her "Neck Breaker" Fatality.
- Wolverine Claws: Aside of being part of several of her attacks, she uses them in her "Claw Attack" fatality.
Voiced by: Patrick Seitz
- Badass Normal
- Bowdlerization: In order to get the "T" rating for the game, his "Gunshot" fatality had to be censored.
- Gory Discretion Shot: Yet, in the first chapter, we see him decapitating a random guy... through shadows.
"You should have paid off soonner, and you'd still had a head."
- Combat Pragmatist
- Cool Mask
- Creepy Monotone
- Katanas Are Better
- Me's a Crowd: His ending involves him creating a new clan, in order to face several new assassin groups which may come. Notice the similarities to the Mortal Kombatants.
- It goes deeper than that. Deathstroke basically founds his own version of the Lin Kuei.
- Ninja
- Rummage Sale Rejects
- Ryu and Ken: He and Baraka are the only characters in the crossover who use a melee weapon.
- Shout-Out: His alternate colors are red and dark blue.
- Stance System: The only character of the game, aside of Baraka, who uses one.
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: When Lex orders him to secure the portal in the Special Forces base alongside The Joker:
"You want me to assault the enemy base... with him?"
- Later, at the beginning of DC's Chapter 6:
The Joker: You don't like me much, do you?
Deathstroke: Does anyone?
"I AM DARKSEID! I am GOD here!"
-- In the end of the seventh chapter of the MK side.
Voiced by: Perry Brown
- Eye Beams: Called "Omega Beam".
- Laser-Guided Karma: In his ending, Shang Tsung tries to steal his soul, but it backfires and leaves the sorcerer as an old man. Tsung swears allegiance to Darkseid to save his own life.
- Lightning Bruiser
- Red Eyes, Take Warning
Final Boss
Dark Kahn
"Through MORTAL KOMBAT I will conquer ALL!!!"
-- In the "Beginnings" comicbook
Voiced by: Perry Brown and Patrick Seitz
The Big Bad of Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. He's the fusion of Shao Kahn and Darkseid, who were thrown to an interdimensional portal and a boomtube at the same time and place in space.
- Big Bad
- Composite Character: Has Shao Kahn and Darkseid's powers. It's also reflected on who's voicing him, as Seitz (the voice of Deathstroke) is also the voice of Shao Kahn.
- A Day in the Limelight: The "Beginnings" comicbook focuses on him, to the point of him being the only one who talks anything.
- Guttural Growler
- Hate Plague: Spread by his mere existence, to increase his power, and serves as the main justification of why both universes' characters are beating the tar out of each other.
- Humanoid Abomination
- Literally Shattered Lives: If you manage to defeat him.
- Original Generation
- Power Echoes
- Power Glows
- SNK Boss
- Spikes of Villainy: On his back.
- This Is Sparta: When both Raiden and Superman refuses to fight each other, after their fight:
"Face each other, or face me, it makes no difference. You! WILL!! FIIIIIIIIGHT!!!"