Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance/Characters
Here we're going to list the characters introduced in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance and Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition.
Sareena (who debuted Fighting Game-wise in Tournament Edition) can be found in the Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero sheet.
Check also the Mortal Kombat 1, Mortal Kombat II, and Mortal Kombat 3 sheets for the other characters.
- Blue Oni: Inverted: while he is colored blue, he is much more primal and vicious than Drahmin (if the latter is wearing his mask). Both are still Red in the overall scale.
- Dumb Muscle
- Epic Flail: The Orb he carries around. And it's really more like a giant bowling ball.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Humans are apparently Oni delicacies. In order to keep the two Oni in allegiance to him, Shang Tsung locked them in a chamber where he fed them humans at regular intervals.
- Informed Ability: We never see him actually eat a baby.
- Monster Modesty: Like Goro and Kintaro, all he's wearing is a Loin Cloth.
- Our Demons Are Different
- Primal Stance: Which hides his 10-foot height, especially when compared side-by-side with other boss characters in Armageddon.
- Red Baron: The Oni Destroyer.
- Revenge: He and Drahmin seek Quan Chi's death for leaving them stranded in the Netherrealm after promising to help them escape in exchange for protecting him from Scorpion.
- SNK Boss: Unless you can exploit a pattern, you will hate this guy.
- Third Eye
- Underwear of Power
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Cool Mask: Which he removes while switching styles.
- The Faceless
- Flies Equals Evil: He is constantly surrounded by a swarm of "rot flies" which he can command to attack his opponent in battle.
- I'm a Humanitarian: Same deal as Moloch.
- Monster Modesty: He really should cover up more...
- Our Demons Are Different
- Red Baron: The Oni Tormentor.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Inverted: though colored red, he is far more precise in his violence, using torture as opposed to smashing stuff. Unless he takes his mask off, and of course, both more Red than Blue.
- Restraining Bolt: His mask keeps him from going berserk and using Oni style instead of Netherrealm. He doesn't take it off when you switch styles, though, and his alternate costume lets you use Netherrealm.
- Revenge: See Moloch's entry above.
- Shoryuken: His Super Uppercut special, delivered via his iron club-encased right arm. Ouch...
- Spikes of Villainy: In his alt.
- Spin Attack: His Propeller Clock special has Drahmin swinging his arms around like a windmill.
- Underwear of Power
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Ugh.
- Was Once a Man: Originally, he was a human warlord before becoming an oni after being tortured in the Netherrealm. Which explains why he's a skinless corpse.
- His non-canon ending in Deadly Alliance implies that he became a higher being like Quan Chi after entering the inner sanctum located in Quan Chi's fortress.
- Arch Enemy: To Kabal.
- Back from the Dead: Kabal supposedly killed him after Deadly Alliance to get his Hookswords back (and to return the favor for nearly killing him). Not only does he return without explanation, but he still has the Hookswords (though he may have simply acquired a new pair of his own).
- Badass Longcoat: Complete with the Red Dragon insignia on the back.
- Enigmatic Minion: To Daegon.
- Foil: Could be considered one to Kano. Whereas Kano seems to rely mainly on scare tactics and brute force, Mavado values discipline, superior intelligence, and good strategy to win a fight and enforces this among his men.
- Improbable Weapon User: Grappling hooks.
- Meaningful Name: His name means "evil man".
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Somewhat arguable. He's also starting to grey.
Kenshi was a talented martial artist severely lacking in humility, until one day, he was approached by a man named Song (actually Shang Tsung in disguise) with a tempting offer: unseal an old well which could only be opened by those of his bloodline, so that Kenshi might gain an immensely powerful sword sealed within. The well was actually the resting place of Kenshi's ancestors, and when he unsealed it, the powerful mystic light that emanated from within painfully blinded him. Of course, it was all an evil plan by Shang Tsung, who absorbed the souls of Kenshi's warrior ancestors and let him to rot, laughing all the way.
However, at the bottom of the well, Kenshi DID find a source of power: Sento, the mystic sword which was infused with power from his ancestors. Determined to kill Shang Tsung and atone for his arrogance, Kenshi retrains his remaining senses to superhuman levels and becomes a swordsman without equal, seeking to free his ancestors' souls by making Shang Tsung eat his blade.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: His skin was somewhat grey in his debut (only in his default costume; his alternate had a more normal hue), although this was fixed from Deception onward.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy: Was one of these before the series began. Shang Tsung uses this to his advantage, tricking Kenshi into releasing the souls of his ancestors for his consumption.
- Attack Reflector: Gains a move allowing him to redirect projectiles with a slash of his katana in 9.
- Blinded by the Light: Opening the Well of Souls where his ancestors resided permanently did this to him.
- Blind Weaponmaster
- Camera Abuse: His Scatterbrained Fatality in 9. He repeatedly smashes his opponent's helplessly flailing body against the screen via telekinesis. You can actually see cracks from how hard Kenshi is throwing them, and eventually, players are treated to a visual of one of the opposing fighter's eyes popping out of its sockets below Kenshi delivers the killing blow with his katana.
- Disability Superpower: Almost exactly like Daredevil. In the DA-D-A trilogy, it also gives him immunity to Sonya and Kira's Kiss of Death moves, which aim for the eyes.
- Doppelganger Attack: A few of his enhanced moves in 9 create an Astral Projection of Kenshi which does the attacking for him.
- Downloadable Content: In Mortal Kombat 9.
- The Drifter: A lone warrior by nature, he turns down the offers of allies Sonya and Sub-Zero (to permanently join the OIWA and join the Lin Kuei, respectively) and instead traverses the lands, striking down several criminal organizations in the cover of night.
- Hachimaki: Worn around his eyes.
- Handicapped Badass: He's a blind swordsman.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Apparently with Ermac and (Younger) Sub-Zero.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He intends to do this to Shang Tsung, because as it turns out, there was a mighty sword hidden in the tomb Tsung tricked him into opening.
- Katanas Are Just Better: To be fair, he is Japanese (or of Eurasian descent at the very least).
- Cool Sword: A Katanas Are Just Better wielded by his ancestors that acts a telepathic guide.
- Named Weapons: According to 9, the katana is named Sento (Japanese for battle).
- Meaningful Name: His name is Japanese for "swordsman". Kenshi is also referred to as "the Sword Saint" in the Konquest mode of Deadly Alliance, which is the English equivalent of the Japanese word "kensei"
- Mind Over Matter: Actually an inherent ability of his (according to Deadly Alliance's Konquest Mode, Ermac merely taught him more complex techniques like the Telekinetic Slam).
- Missed the Call: Deception's Konquest mode reveals that Kenshi has hoped to enter the first game's tournament to enact revenge on Shang Tsung. Three guesses as to how that turned out.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Pet the Dog: Freeing Ermac from Shao Kahn's grip. In return, Ermac awakened his latent telekinetic abilities and taught him how to use them, as well as training him how to spiritually sense others.
- Power Floats: He can use his telekinesis to lift himself up into the air. This seems to be used primarily with meditation in mind, not combat.
- Prophet Eyes: Damaging Kenshi enough for his headband to be worn away in 9 reveals he has these. This can also be seen with his alt. in Deadly Alliance.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: He does not appreciate being used by Shang Tsung to enslave the souls of his ancestors.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- A Worldwide Punomenon: Kenshi's vignette for 9 ends by stating that he believes in "an eye for an eye."
Li Mei
- Absolute Cleavage: As you can see to your right, her first outfit in Deception has this. It's also present, to varying degrees, in her other outfits.
- Action Girl: Part of her backstory involved Kano being impressed with her skills, after all.
- Anime Chinese Girl: Although she's from Outworld.
- Anti-Villain (Type III): In her Deception ending, she joins Onaga, but when you consider her history, it's easy to see why she would want to help Onaga take over all of existence.
- Bare Your Midriff: Again, from Deception onward.
- Break the Cutie: To say she got it rough is an understatement.
- Combat Sandals: Wears wooden geta in her debut, but loses them after Shang Tsung and Quan Chi's attempt to steal her soul. She then switches to heels like most of the ladies afterward.
- Face Heel Turn: Li Mei's non-canon ending in Deception. Leads to Unholy Matrimony with Onaga.
- Fragile Speedster
- Giant Waist Ribbon: Both of her outfits starting in Deception. It's slightly larger in her default attire.
- Hidden Depths: According to her modeling profile, she's a ventriloquist.
- Jiggle Physics: In Deadly Alliance. Sidestep repeatedly and see for yourself.
- Killed Off for Real
- Meaningful Name: Her name is Mandarin Chinese for "plum", as reflected in the primary coloration of her outfits.
- Ms. Fanservice: Lampshaded by her "Outworld Modeling Agency" profile.
- Nice Hat: In Deception. Her alt. dons a Cool Helmet instead.
- Plucky Girl: Let it be said that when she fought back against the foot soldiers under the command of the Deadly Alliance, she most likely would have defeated Kano had it not been for Quan Chi's intervention.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Her Flying Furry.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- Revenge: Against Shang Tsung and Quan Chi for enslaving her people.
- Sacrificial Lamb: Is the first member of the Forces of Light to die in the Battle of Armageddon, being impaled by Hotaru's spear at the beginning of the fight (as seen in the intro). 9 confirms this to be true.
- She Fu
- She's Got Legs
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Statuesque Stunner
- Stripperiffic
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: After the events of Deadly Alliance.
- Underwear of Power: In her alternate and primary from Deadly Alliance and Deception respectively.
- Xenafication: In Deception. Hardened by her ordeals and Near-Death Experience in Deadly Alliance, Li Mei becomes less sweet and more of a battle-oriented warrior. This is reflected by her alternate costume; as Bo' Rai Cho was not fully successful in saving Li Mei, she took on some of the aspects of the Dragon King's soldiers, reflecting the partial corruption of her soul. This also comes with a price; as Li Mei is technically one of Onaga's soldiers, she is magnetically drawn towards him, culminating in her non-canon Face Heel Turn in her Deception ending.
- You Are Already Dead: One of her Deception fatalities, delivered via Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs.
Hsu Hao
- Amazing Technicolor Population: He's yellow, which brings up some Unfortunate Implications since he's Mongolian.
- Ambiguously Gay: He's dressed as a Manly Gay member of The Village People.
- Arch Enemy: Of Jax.
- Back from the Dead: At the end of Deadly Alliance, Jax rips Hsu Hao's cybernetic heart out. He's back in Armageddon as if nothing ever happened.
- Badass Mustache: Barely skirts by with his pencil-thin stache.
- Bald of Evil: His alternate shows him to be this.
- Beard of Evil: He's got a pointy little-soul patch.
- Chest Blaster: Instead of a heart, Hsu Hao has a pulsating cybernetic implant that fires lasers.
- Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: His Kombat Kard's bio says this.
- The Dragon: To Mavado.
- Exotic Weapon Supremacy: His Sun-Moon is one of the more ornately-crafted weapons out there.
- Improbable Weapon User
- The Mole: Sent by Mavado to pose as a member of the Chinese secret military and aid the Special Forces in catching and killing Black Dragon members. This allowed Hsu Hao to get close enough to the OIWA and destroy it and its portal system after the Red Dragon's rival clan had been wiped out.
- Nice Hat: If his alt. is any indication, he's Bald of Evil underneath.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: According to his Vs. from Armageddon.
- Shockwave Clap: His Khan Klap special.
- Undying Loyalty: Toward Mavado. Sometimes taken a bit too far.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Doesn't wear a shirt in any of his apperances.
- Wrestler in All of Us: His second fighting style in Deadly Alliance is Wrestling and one of his throws is a backbreaker.
- Fish Out of Water: The most normal character in the game. That he can throw energy balls and telekinetically lift his foes speaks volumes about the Mortal Kombat version of Earth.
- I Know Mortal Kombat: After all, he's in the game itself!
- Ink Suit Actor: He is essentially Carlos Pesina (motion capture artist and resident martial arts expert) inserted directly into the Mortal Kombat world.
- Joke Character/Lethal Joke Character
- Bare Your Midriff
- Bloody Murder: One of her moves include spitting toxic blood at the opponent.
- Breast Plate
- Combat Stilettos
- Cute Little Fangs: Justified since she's a vampire. Though they're not so cute when she is burrowing them deep into your neck in her fatality.
- Eyepatch of Power: Her headband covers her left eye.
- Femme Fatale: An odd variant. While she is a Vampires Are Sex Gods, Nitara relies less on her abundance of sex appeal, preferring to use her brains to her advantage.
- High Collar of Doom: Maybe?
- Lady in Red: What little clothing she's wearing (minus the bra and thong), anyway.
- Manipulative Bitch: How she got Cyrax to aid her in the first place, and Reptile before him.
- Guile Heroine: Her goals were altruistic, and she did amiably uphold her end of the bargain, so Cyrax was able to return home, unlike Reptile (whose purpose in life seems to be getting utterly screwed at every moment).
- Nice Hat Headband: In her primary outfit. It covers up her left eye.
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Pirate Girl: Kind of hard to see due to the Stripperiffic nature of the outfit, but she's definitely designed as one.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin
- She Fu: Her Unicorn Kick special is the deadliest cartwheel you'll ever see.
- She's Got Legs
- Shiny Midnight Black
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Tattooed Crook: She has one on her WING of all places.
- Teleporters and Transporters: The gemstone around her neck allows Nitara to freely traverse the realms. With a magical incantation, she can also send other characters to their home realms, as seen with Cyrax in Deadly Alliance.
- Vampiric Draining: Her throw and Fatality involve sucking the blood out of her opponent's neck, with the former actually restoring some of her health when used.
- Winged Humanoid:
- Wings Do Nothing: Averted. She actually uses them for quick escape maneuvers in her moveset in Deadly Alliance, but this feature (along with taunts) was largely removed by the time of Armageddon.
- An Ice Person: A cryomancer like Sub-Zero.
- An Ice Suit: Shows a bit more skin than the male variant, but still modest for a female Cyromancer.
- Anime Hair: Lampshaded in Deadly Alliance, which states that she uses a brand of hair gel called Arctic Hold [dead link] to keep her hairdo intact.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Gal: Sub-Zero hoped that tutelage would teach Frost humility. As her skills increased, so did her arrogance and haughtiness, even towards her sifu. This is part of the reason she came to butt heads with Sonya.
- Combat Stilettos
- Cryonics Failure: Her Ice Shatter Fatality begins with this. Frost follows up by Sparta Kicking the frozen body.
- Curtains Match the Window: Has icy blue eyes to match her bluish-white hair.
- Deceptive Disciple: To Sub-Zero. His reason for keeping her around is to try and redeem her, but this seems less and less likely with each subsequent game.
- Distaff Counterpart: She's pretty much a female Sub-Zero. Given that he was her master, Justified Trope.
- Ryu and Ken: She takes the Ken route in regards to Sub-Zero: more speed, less power.
- Easily Forgiven: By Sub-Zero. He blames all of her actions against him as a reflection of his failure as her mentor.
- Fan Service: Her alternate outfit reveals a lot more leg and a lot more cleavage.
- Human Popsicle: She hasn't been killed off yet but she has been placed in an ice coffin by the Younger Sub-Zero in Armageddon.
- Knife Nut: Uses ice daggers in battle.
- Mysterious Past: To date, nothing is known about Frost before she joined the Lin Kuei.
- She Fu: Unlike her sifu, who slides around Iceman-style to escape from sticky situations in Deadly Alliance, Frost prefers to perform backflips. Subverted Trope, however, in that several of the male characters (such as Shang Tsung and Hsu Hao) also use backflips to escape.
- The Starscream: She tries to take over the Lin Kuei.
- Statuesque Stunner: Especially as a cage fighter in the Mortal Kombat X prequel comics.
- Tall, Light and Bishoujo: Aloofness is one of her defining characteristics.
- You Gotta Have Ice Blue Hair: Blurs the line between this and White-Haired Pretty Girl.
- Anti-Villain (Type IV): If you consider him as a villain at all.
- Ascended Extra: He started off as a background sprite in Mortal Kombat II; in Deadly Alliance, he was a secret character, and in Armageddon, he's the final boss and MacGuffin, revealed to be the linchpin of a millenia-old plot to prevent the apocalypse.
- The Corruption: Being forced to carry Onaga's egg may be the reason for his appearance in Armaggedon.
- Armageddon's Konquest mode, however, shows that Blaze assumes his Deadly Alliance appearance and only morphs into his Armageddon depiction during the great battle in Outworld, most likely so that he can be in a suitable fighting form for those who climb up the pyramid and attempt to take the power of Argus. However, his corruption by the holy men is the reason that Argus' plan to prevent Armageddon backfires, strengthening all the warriors instead of killing them or nullifying their powers.
- Eldritch Abomination: Though he has an origin story, his personal motives are quite enigmatic. Very Lovecraftian in that way.
- Killed Off for Real: In Armageddon, no matter whose ending it is.
- Living MacGuffin: In Armageddon.
- Playing with Fire
- Rolling Attack: Has a Blanka-esque move where he literally mows you over by rolling on top of you.
- Super Empowering: His defeat does this to most of the characters in their Armageddon ending, turning many of them into gods or giving them new powers.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
Bo' Rai Cho
- Acrofatic: In fact, he uses Sumo as one of his fighting styles in Deception.
- Emphasized more in X. His basic moves and combos are fluid and graceful, putting his mastery of the Drunken Fist and Jojutsu styles to good use.
- The Alcoholic: He even carries a gourd with him so that he can take a swig of his drink as a victory celebration.
- Badass Beard: In Deadly Alliance, he was sporting a soul patch. In subsequent games, he's got a full, shaggy beard.
- Badass Long Hair
- Badass Mustache
- Big Damn Heroes: Saves Li Mei from the Deadly Alliance.
- Breath Weapon: One of his Deception Fatalities is to breathe a stream of burning alcohol at his foe.
- The Cameo: Mentioned a few times in 9, actually appears in Kung Lao and Shang Tsung's endings.
- Cool Old Guy
- Drunken Boxing: He invented this fighting style.
- Eccentric Mentor: Who'd have thought that a constantly drunk, fat man who attacks by farting and vomiting would be the mentor to the heroes?
- Fartillery: In one of his fatality, he ignites one of his farts, burning the opponent to a crisp.
"Oooh, that was a stinky one!"
- Gasshole: To the point that he randomly passes wind while changing weapon styles, taunting, and moving around in general. He even rises to his feet in Deception by creating a jetstream of gas.
- Ground Pound/Shockwave Stomp: His Ground Stomp special.
- The Gump: Since he frequently travels between his native Outworld and Earthrealm to offer his teachings to others, he's responsible for the creation or refining of several Real Life martial arts. For example, after he was defeated by Miyamoto Musashi, Bo' Rai Cho would help Muso Gonnosuke improve his jujutsu by using a four-section staff instead of a six-section one. It's even speculated that he was the one who brought the fighting style of Drunken Boxing to Earthrealm.
- Hammerspace: He pulls his staff from nowhere.
- Meaningful Name: His name is composed of a series of vaguely Chinese sounds. This would turn out to be the cleverest name in the series, being a pun on Spanish for drunk, "borracho". Spannese is the high watermark.
- The Obi-Wan: It's stated that he prefers to train students instead of directly applying his fighting skills. This is partially because he's a native of Outworld, thus meaning that if he were to win a Mortal Kombat tournament, he'd be sealing Earthrealm's fate instead of saving it.
- Old Master
- Trademark Favorite Drink: Rice wine (also known as sake).
- Vomit Indiscretion Shot: As an attack.