Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance/YMMV

  • Base-Breaking Character:
    • Frost. You like her for being a notable Evil Counterpart to Sub-Zero and an Ensemble Darkhorse in her own or hate her for being an unnecesary clone of him.
    • Drahmin is either a character with a lot of potential in the story or an annoying addition to the cast (see The Scrappy below).
    • Mavado has both fans and haters alike. Those who like him for being a Foil to Kano and being apparently the only decent Red Dragon of the cast (unlike his widely hated subordinate Hsu Hao) and those who hate him for apparently killing Kabal and stealing the latter's signature hookswords.
    • Bo' Rai Cho, needless to say.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Kenshi. One of the few post MK3 characters to earn unanimous praise from the fanbase, to the point of being among the first DLC reveals for the 2011 game.
    • He also shows up in the second season of Mortal Kombat Legacy, again being the only character from anything beyond Mortal Kombat 3 to make an appearance.
    • To a lesser extent, Li Mei. Her Plucky Girl attitude also helps.
    • Other popular debuting characters are Frost and Nitara.
  • Ethnic Scrappy: Hsu Hao is widely hated for being a bad Mongolian stereotype. See The Scrappy below.
  • Foe Yay: Frost towards Sub-Zero. Her multiple Designated Girl Fights with Sonya (twice in the interim between 4 and Deadlly Alliance and again during Armageddon) could also count.
  • Game Breaker: Certain characters had "impale" attacks with their weapons which would constantly sap life from the opponent until they keeled over. Granted, these attacks could be blocked, but there's a reason they never resurfaced in Deception and Armageddon.
  • "Grand Theft Auto" Effect: Adema's "Immortal".
  • Ho Yay: Mavado with Hsu Hao.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Mavado is hated mainly for replacing Kabal, and to add an insult to this injury, apparently killed the latter and then stole his trademark hookswords. It earned the ire of Kabal's fans.
  • The Scrappy:

John Vogel: We were fully prepared to say "Yes, [Jax killing him] really happened. He's dead. He's gone." But Mortal Kombat Armageddon is about bringing every character back to life, so Hsu Hao is back... much to my dismay.

    • Drahmin, although not to the extent of Hsu Hao, also earns a similar reaction from the fans. Ed Boon notes that he's one of his two least favorite characters (the other being Hsu Hao), and he's unpopular with fans due to how newcomer-unfriendly his playstyle is. The flies swarming him and constantly buzzing was a rather distracting nuisance.
    • And then we have his buddy Moloch...
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