< Monkey Island (series)

Monkey Island (series)/Characters

Main Characters

Guybrush Ulysses Marley-Threepwood

Voiced By: Dominic Armato (The Curse of Monkey Island, Escape from Monkey Island, Tales of Monkey Island, The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition, Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge)

The main hero of the Monkey Island series, Guybrush Threepwood is a likable young man who in the first game desperately wants to be a pirate. Unfortunately for Guybrush he does not have the general demeanor of a pirate, and has to get by using his quick wits to solve problems. During his pirating career Guybrush has managed to accomplish several impressive pirating feats, but no one ever gives him credit for anything he does and they treat him like a child trying to play pirate.

Guybrush's wanting something is always the main thrust of the series. In the first game he wanted to be a real pirate and impress, and then save, Governor Elaine Marley; in the second game he looked for the legendary treasure of Big Whoop; in the third game he wanted to find a ring to undo a curse on his now fiancée Elaine; in the fourth game he wanted to find the Ultimate Insult to save the Caribbean; and in Tales he wanted to find a cure for the Pox of LeChuck.

Nothing much is known about Guybrush before he washed up on Melee Island. LeChuck's Revenge heavily implied in the ending that he had a mother and father who disappeared and a brother named Chuckie, but that ending has since been retconned as a magic-induced dream, so how much of it is true is questionable. For current family he is Happily Married to Elaine Marley.

Interestingly, the name 'Guybrush' was largely an accident—Steve Purcell saved his design of the unnamed main character as 'guy' in D-Paint. D-Paint itself added the suffix 'brush.bbm' as part of its file system. They started referring to the main character as "Guybrush", and it snowballed from there.

  • Adorkable
  • Animal Talk: Guybrush talks to dogs... by speaking in the language of dogs! Such is the case with Spiffy in Secret and Old Blind Pew in Curse. He even talks to monkeys, like Jojo Jr. (who not only understands human language, but also learned to speak in said human language too!) in Escape, and Jacques (who also understands human language) in Tales.
    • Also, in Chapter 3 of Tales, there are manatees that speak in their own language that Guybrush is not good at understanding. He discovers that he needs to be a successor to Santino by getting the manatee language book from the Marquis De Singe via the Voodoo Lady, and by getting the Tongue of the Manatee. Once Guybrush obtains both, he can communicate with the manatees in their own language, while the subtitles act as interpreter for the manatee language, regardless of whether you've turned them on or off.
  • Back from the Dead: In Curse and Tales Guybrush goes through four types of death-undoing: faked death, Ghost Pirate, zombie, and clean resurrection.
  • Badass on Paper: If you were to read everything Guybrush has achieved in the space of five games you'd expect him to be the most badass pirate that has ever sailed. If you were to spend the same amount of time playing as him, well...
  • Buffy-Speak: Guybrush tends to say it whenever he comes across something he hasn't named yet. This happens quite a lot in Tales.
  • Butt Monkey
  • Deadpan Snarker: Mostly to showcase that he's not really as dumb as people think.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: In Tales, Guybrush does this right in the arms of poor, grieving Elaine after being fatally stabbed by LeChuck's Cutlass of Kaflu, all on a starry night, in a tender, Tear Jerker moment at the end of Chapter 4. And after all that effort into curing everyone of the Pox of LeChuck, the poor, kind woobie truly needed a hug from her before he drifted off into the Big Sleep of Death (don't worry, he gets better).
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: He has a very impressive pirate rap sheet, but no one treats him like a pirate worthy of respect. Probably because it's Guybrush.
  • Everyone Loves Blondes: Especially the Adorkable Guybrush with Hair of Gold.
  • Genre Savvy
  • Happily Married: To Elaine.
  • Hook Hand: Gets a pretty useful one in episode 2 of Tales, after Morgan cuts off his poxed left hand.
  • Idiot Hero: He's sort of clownish, but people tend to underestimate him.
    • On that note, he's also a...
    • Guile Hero: He has a razor sharp wit, and usually defeats his opponents by outsmarting them. Also, while he may lack common sense and a complete educational background, he is much smarter than a majority of the characters in the series. He is also highly literate, able to read long passages of literature and pronounce extremely complex words and phrases without having to think about it or sound it out, which is surprising, as Guybrush mentions several times throughout the series that he dropped out of college and most pirates lack conventional skills in areas of schooling.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: As blue as the ocean. They often symbolize Guybrush's inexperience.
  • Lovable Rogue
  • Mad Libs Catchphrase: "That's the second [adjective]est [object] I've ever seen!" and "I'm Guybrush Threepwood, mighty [profession]."
  • Master of Unlocking: From Chapter 2 of Tales onward, Guybrush can use his Hook Hand as a lockpick to unlock doors and treasure chests. Of course, there are only a few items that can't be unlocked by his hook alone, and that is in the final chapter.
  • My Name Is Guybrush Threepwood! Prepare to Die!: He says before challenging pirates in Insult Swordfighting in Secret.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: Almost everyone who tries to call Guybrush Threepwood by name. Including himself in chapter 4 of Tales, which is something of a first.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Practically Guybrush's middle name. Fortunately, he (mostly) manages to put things right again.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: While he is a genuine bumbler, he knows how to exaggerate it to his advantage.
  • Our Hero Is Dead: Late in Tales.
  • Parental Abandonment: His parents allegedly disappeared a long time ago and he does not know where they went.
  • Super Not Drowning Skills For Ten Minutes: These are the breath-holding skills that he had developed in college when he was young.
  • Talking to Himself: Dominic Armato, Guybrush's voice actor, also does the Duck in Escape and the Pyrite Parrot of Petaluma in Tales.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: In LeChuck's Revenge he is noticeably more egotistical and meaner than in Secret, proud of his previous defeat of LeChuck and trying to act more like a real pirate. This leads to Elaine breaking up with him prior to the game.
  • The Trickster: How he defeats his stronger and tougher opponents.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Porcelain?
  • You Fight Like a Cow: A master at it.

(Ex-)[1] Governor Elaine Marley-Threepwood

Voiced By: Alexandra Boyd (The Curse of Monkey Island, Tales of Monkey Island, The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition, Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge); Charity James (Escape from Monkey Island)

The much beloved governor of the Tri-Island Area, specifically Melee Island, Booty Island, and Plunder Island. Elaine Marley first met Guybrush Threepwood when he was working to complete his three pirate trials on Melee Island. It was Love At First Sight. Before that happened though Elaine had rejected the advances of the Pirate LeChuck, who came back and kidnapped her, prompting Guybrush to mount a rescue mission to Monkey Island. His efforts proved pointless, as Elaine had defied the usual Damsel in Distress stereotype by escaping and coming up with a plan to destroy LeChuck, which failed.

Since then Elaine has been the center of a Love Triangle between herself, Guybrush, and LeChuck. She grew closer to Guybrush while fending off LeChuck's advances/kidnappings. Elaine and Guybrush eventually got engaged and married in Curse, which did not deter LeChuck in the slightest. Between Guybrush and Elaine it is obvious that Elaine is the one that wears the pants in the relationship.

At the end of Escape Elaine renounced her governorship so she could sail around the Caribbean at her leisure with Guybrush.

The Ghost Zombie Demon Statue Walrus Pirate G.P. LeChuck

Voiced By: Earl Boen (The Curse of Monkey Island, Escape from Monkey Island, Tales of Monkey Island, The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition, Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge)

The Big Bad of the series, LeChuck is obsessed with taking over the Caribbean and marrying Elaine Marley. Before the start of the series LeChuck went off to find the legendary treasure of Big Whoop in order to impress Elaine. Big Whoop turned out be a portal to Hell that transformed him into a demon capable of summoning the undead to serve as his crew, as well as a bunch of other powers such as flying and shooting fire.

Every game so far has had him try to take over the Caribbean in some way, usually with a type of voodoo weapon. And every time, Guybrush Threepwood has stopped and killed him. But since he's already undead LeChuck always manages to come back in some form. The only exceptions to this were in LeChuck's Revenge when he was specifically targeting Guybrush, and in Tales, when he finally succeeded in turning the tables around and killing Guybrush in an ambush thanks to some voodoo trust charm the villain had worn when he was human; for a short while he emerged victorious... until Guybrush managed to come Back from the Dead in order to stop him once and for all.

Despite the more comical aspects of his personality LeChuck is considered very dangerous by other pirates. He sees Guybrush as his greatest enemy.

LeChuck's apppearance has changed with each game. In Secret he appeared as a ghost; in Revenge he was a zombie; in Curse he looked like a demon; in Escape he could change his appearance between the three at will; and in Tales he alternates between zombie and demon.

  • Back from the Dead: Capable of this even before the series began.
  • Beard of Evil: LeChuck's beard is very impressive, whether it's ghostly and wriggling, zombiefied and slimy, or formed from the very flames of Hell itself. Mostly it hides the fact that from the third game onward LeChuck has a really tiny head.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: For most of the series LeChuck may seem cartoonishly over-the-top, but let's not forget that he acquired his original ghost crew by sacking a pirate ship and murdering the entire crew. Kind of puts it into perspective when he's making ridiculous threats and spending entire acts failing to kill Guybrush.
  • Big Bad
  • Dangerously Genre Savvy: In Tales LeChuck averts Bond Villain Stupidity for the most part, took advantage of Guybrush's innate puzzle solving abilities, and kills Guybrush quick and to the point when he gets the chance.
  • Everything's Deader with Zombies
  • Evil Sounds Deep: When he becomes a human who pretends to be good-natured up until the time that he kills Guybrush in Tales.
  • Ghost Pirate
  • Heel Face Turn: In Tales, later revealed as a Heel Face Mole.
  • Hero-Killer: Also in Tales.
  • Impersonating an Officer: In this case, Sheriff Fester Shinetop, impersonated and disguised so well by LeChuck himself.
  • Joker Immunity: Hence the lengthy title.
  • Just Between You and Me: He even insists on talking about his plans to Guybrush when the latter insists he doesn't want to listen.
  • Large Ham
  • Leitmotif: LeChuck's Theme.
  • Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: LeChuck has, by the end of Tales, been a human pirate, a ghost pirate, a zombie pirate, a demon pirate, a living statue pirate, a giant walrus pirate (not shown in any game yet, but mentioned in Tales), a demon pirate again, a human pirate again, and a demon pirate god.
  • Not So Harmless: He is quite dimwitted, but makes up for it by being very evil. He displays an extreme fondness for horrible torture, is a mass murderer, and he has vast voodoo powers and nearly endless hoard of undead crewmen.
  • Resurrected Romance: If his origin story is accurate.
  • Resurrective Immortality
  • Talking to Himself: Adam Harrington, The Other Darrin for LeChuck in the PC download version of Chapter 1 of Tales, also does the voice for "Moose" Muszalski in Chapter 3, though the two characters have never met each other.

The Voodoo Lady

Voiced By: Leilani Jones (The Curse of Monkey Island, Escape from Monkey Island, The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition, Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge); Alison Ewing (Tales of Monkey Island)

The resident Ms. Exposition of the series, the woman only known as The Voodoo Lady has appeared in every game to give Guybrush and the player an overview of what Guybrush will do over the course of the game, though in a vague way that most likely will not make sense to the player the first time around. In Secret it was completely optional to visit the Voodoo Lady, but in subsequent games it is impossible to proceed unless Guybrush goes to her place to learn what to do. Half the time Guybrush visits her to procure some voodoo item he needs to complete a puzzle.

Little is known about her past. She always manages to have a store on one of the islands Guybrush goes to per game, and her knowledge of voodoo lore is very extensive. Tales revealed some information about her past. In the past she was in a relationship with Coronado De Cava, who went off to find La Esponja Grande for her and disappeared. In "The Trial and Execution of Guybrush Threepwood" LeChuck accuses her of manipulating the events of the entire series, including his own actions, an accusation which she denies. It is unclear if anything LeChuck says is true, since accusing the Voodoo Lady and getting her thrown in jail furthers his own plans to rule the Caribbean. At the end she is shown grinning evilly over LeChuck's voodoo essence, so it remains to be seen if she is evil.

  • The Chessmaster: She may have orchestrated the events of the entire series to get her hands on LeChuck's voodoo essence.
  • Everyone Calls Her Barkeep: Only called the Voodoo Lady by everyone.
    • This actually Lampshaded by LeChuck in "Tales" with him asking if anybody actually knows what her name is.
  • Fortune Teller
  • I Have Many Names
  • Leitmotif: Voodoo Lady Theme. Present in all games.
  • Sassy Black Woman: Can get like this when Guybrush acts stupid.
  • Talking to Herself: The Voodoo Lady's voice actress, Leilani Jones-Wilmore, does the voice for Carla the Swordmaster in the Special Edition of Secret, while her other voice actress, Alison Ewing, does the voice for Bosun Kathryn Krebbs in Tales, though all three of these characters have never met each other.
  • Witch Doctor: She can create lots of voodoo trinkets, but her specialty is voodoo dolls.

Other Characters

Smilin' Stan S. Stanman, or just Stan

Voiced By: Pat Pinney (The Curse of Monkey Island, The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition, Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge); Pat Fraley (Escape from Monkey Island); Gavin Hammon (Tales of Monkey Island)

A salesman that Guybrush runs into in each game. In Secret Stan sold previously-owned ships, in Revenge previously-owned coffins, in Curse life insurance, in Escape time shares, and in Tales memorabilia of Guybrush's trial while acting as the prosecution. The quality of the items Stan sells is always questionable, but Guybrush always tricks or rips him off anyway, so it evens out.

Wally B. Feed

Voiced By: Neil Ross (The Curse of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge)

A cartographer Guybrush meets on Scabb Island in Revenge. Wally helps Gubyrush reassemble the map to Big Whoop, and is later kidnapped by LeChuck to prevent Guybrush from finding the treasure. Guybrush sneaks into LeChuck's and rescues Wally, but they get separated when Guybrush blows up LeChuck's fortress.

Wally reappears in Curse, working for LeChuck as the dreaded pirate Bloodnose. Wally is the one that tells Guybrush the engagement ring he gave to Elaine is cursed, after she had already put it on. He is last seen in LeChuck's Carnival of the Damned as one of the attractions.

Wally is the most innocent character in the series, which is why the developers had so much fun torturing him.

  • Badass Bookworm: Wally both subverts this and plays it straight when he's "Bloodnose".
  • Blind Without'Em: He cannot see a thing without his monocle. Too bad Guybrush has to steal to complete a puzzle.
  • But Wait! There's More!: You'll also get a set of audio books on parrot!
  • Dude in Distress: In both games he appears in he gets kidnapped and chained to the ceiling.
  • High-Class Glass: Wears a monocle in Revenge, which is replaced with an eyepatch in Curse.
  • Minion with an F In Evil: He tries to stop Guybrush in Curse, but Guybrush is able to convince that he's not villain material.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: As Bloodnose. The only way for Guybrush to beat him is to talk him down.
  • Talking to Himself: Neil Ross, Wally's voice actor, does the voices of Rum Rogers, Jr. and Filbert the Gardener in the Special Edition of Revenge, and Hugo the Perfume-Spritzer and Pirate #4 in Escape, though neither characters have talked to each other.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: In Curse, he was last seen hanging in LeChuck's amusement park, and hasn't been seen since.

Murray the Demonic Talking Skull

Voiced By: Denny Delk (The Curse of Monkey Island, Escape from Monkey Island, Tales of Monkey Island))

Murray the Demonic Talking Skull was a member of LeChuck's undead pirate crew with dreams of World Domination. Guybrush blasted Murray and his crewmates with a cannon in order to save Elaine, reducing him to a skull. Murray appears throughout Curse, going on at length about how he will take over the world with his legion of the damned. Despite destroying his body Guybrush gets along well with Murray.

Murray makes a cameo in Escape as a bouncer at Planet Threepwood, and has a more important appearance in Tales.

  • Ascended Extra: Murray's appearance in initial test versions of Curse were so popular with the playtesters that he was given more appearances throughout the game.
  • Dem Bones
  • Evil Laugh: "Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha!"
  • Friendly Enemy: With Guybrush (except in Tales).
  • Harmless Villain: It's hard to take over the world when you're a skull that gets knocked around by everything.
  • Large Ham: He declarations of conquest are quite grandiose.
  • Losing Your Head: For all of his appearances.
  • Oracular Head: While not oracular at all, is still a talking skull.
  • Poke the Poodle: When he threatens Mort the Gravedigger.
  • Talking to Himself: Besides Murray, his voice actor does Skully and the Father Pirate in Curse; Mister Santiago in Escape; one of the Pirate Leaders, the Narrator, and the Citizen of Mêlée in the Special Edition of Secret; and Fred (the Man of Low Moral Fiber), Bruno, Larry, the Narrator (again) and the Voodoo Priest in the Special Edition of Revenge. Neither character has ever met each other.


Voiced By: Cam Clarke (Escape from Monkey Island, The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition)

Meathook is one of the people Guybrush recruits for his crew to sail to Monkey Island to look for Elaine. Like the rest of the crew he mutinies and ends up stranded on Monkey Island. He returned in Escape, having made it back to Melee Island, where he started a career in wax paintings.

Meathook has two hooks for hands, is bald, wears an eyepatch, and has a skull tattoo on his chest that he can make talk. Meathook lost both his hands to a "terrifying creature" that Guybrush has to touch to get Meathook to join his crew. It's a parrot.

His house is the one that you need the rubber-chicken-with-a-pulley-in-the-middle to get to.

Herman Toothrot

Voiced By: Wally Wingert (Escape from Monkey Island, The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition, Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge)

Herman Toothrot is a hermit Guybrush meets when he first arrives on Monkey Island. Herman originally found Monkey Island on the Sea Monkey with his crewmmate, who later accidentally hung himself. He helps Guybrush out by explaining various places in Monkey Island, assists him with some puzzles involving the Monkey Island Cannibals, and is possibly the one who give him a ride back to Melee Island.

Herman make small cameos in Revenge and Curse, then makes an important return in Escape, where his backstory is Retconned into being the grandfather of Elaine Marley. At the end of Escape he takes the job of Governor back from Elaine, allowing her to sail the high seas with Guybrush.

  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Who does he keep talking to? What people watching?
  • Continuity Snarl: The only way his backstory makes sense is if he was knocked into the whirlpool by Ozzie Mandrill, washed up on Monkey Island, got amnesia, got off of Monkey Island, went to Melee Island, bought the Sea Monkey so he could return to Monkey Island for whatever reason, got a crewmate, returned to Monkey Island, and lost his ship and crewmate.
  • Ice Cream Koan: When he on Dinky Island acting as a guru, most of his widom are these.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: In Escape, he's revealed to be Elaine grandfather and Guybrush's grandfather-in-law.
  • Robinsonade: On Monkey Island.
  • Talking to Himself: Besides Herman, his voice actor Wally Wingert does the voices of two other pirates in Escape; Biff the Ghost and one Insult Swordfight opponent in the Special Edition of Secret; the Potman and Greg in the Special Edition of Revenge; and Franklin (the Man of Low Moral Fiber) in both latter games. Neither of them have ever met each other, however.

Largo LaGrande

Voiced By: James Arnold Taylor (Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge)

Largo LaGrande was LeChuck's second-in-command when he was alive. After he died Largo moved to Scabb Island, where he used his status as LeChuck's second-in-command to bully the island populace. Guybrush eventually drives off Largo, but not before he steals LeChuck's beard from Guybrush, which he uses to resurrect LeChuck. Afterward he only appears to get berated by LeChuck, and disappears after Guybrush blows up LeChuck's fortress. He hasn't been seen since.

  • 0% Approval Rating: He is the head of Scabb Island, but only because he bullies everyone else, and is hated by everyone in turn.
  • The Dragon: To LeChuck.
  • Napoleon Complex: He is the shortest person on Scabb Island.
  • Talking to Himself: In the Special Edition, we hear Largo LaGrande berate Mad Marty after the Bucket of Mud incident, which is very odd because both characters are voiced by James Arnold Taylor; in other words, it sounds more like Taylor is chiding himself! Besides these two, Taylor has also provided voices for the Spitmaster and the Fisherman, and that's pretty much it.

Marquis De Singe

Voiced By: Jared Emerson-Johnson (Tales of Monkey Island)

The other villain of Tales, the Marquis De Singe is a Mad Scientist conducting experiments on Flotsam Island, using a wind machine to bring new test subjects to the island. When De Singe sees that Guybrush's hand has been cursed with the Pox of LeChuck, he suspects that it may contain the secret of immortality and tries to remove Guybrush's hand. He succeeds and creates an immortality elixir out of the Pox, but discovers that the elixir only works for so long. To fix that, De Singe tries to pulverize Elaine Marley-Threepwood, who had already been infected by the Pox, and spread her ashes into the atmosphere, infecting everyone in the planet so he will have enough subjects to make elixir out of.

In the end he is stopped by Guybrush, who destroys the machine in the turban that was sucking the Pox out of his hand, which in turn knocks De Singe into his wind machine, pulverizing him into dust.

Morgan LeFlay

Voiced By: Nikki Rapp (Tales of Monkey Island)

Morgan LeFlay is a pirate bounty hunter and huge Guybrush Threepwood fangirl hired by the Marquis De Singe to track down Guybrush and retrieve his Poxed hand. She does, happy with the chance to meet her hero, and returns the hand to De Singe. De Singe then sends Morgan to bring back the rest of Guybrush, but when she tracks him down they are swallowed by a giant manatee. The two escape by working together, and Morgan reluctantly brings Guybrush back to De Singe.

Feeling bad about selling Guybrush out, Morgan tries to get Guybrush's Poxed hand back to him. LeChuck kills her before she gets the chance. In the Crossroads Guybrush has to convince Morgan that she did not waste her life. She in turn helps Guybrush defeat LeChuck again. The post-credits stinger shows Morgan giving the Voodoo Lady LeChuck's remains in exchange for letting her return to the land of the living as a ghost.

  • Action Girl
  • Anti-Villain: While she hates pirates, Morgan does feel bad about hunting down Guybrush.
  • Ascended Fangirl: She is a huge Guybrush fangirl and is delighted to meet him the first time, even if it is to capture his hand.
    • As an example, she trained herself to hold her breath for five minutes to emulate Guybrush.
  • The Beard: When she poses as Guybrush's wife in the manatee.
  • Bounty Hunter
  • Cute Ghost Girl: When she is in the Crossroads.
  • Dead Little Uncle: We learn from De Cava in Chapter 3 that she was recently devastated by the death of her Uncle Jugbender, and was probably seeking Revenge on someone who killed him, as described by her mumble in her sleep: "THIS is for JUGBENDER!"
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight Hook Hand Tonight: Sadly, Morgan does this in Guybrush's arms (on a starry night, no less) after telling him about the incident in De Singe's "laboratorium". Poor Morgan and Guybrush.
  • Disposable Fiancé: In Chapter 3, we learn from the Assassin's Ledger and the tattoo on her arm that she once had a first love named Gustavo (or "Gus" as her tattoo calls him), but once she became Pirate Hunter, she probably had no use for him and... let's say... disposed of him, even though her Pirate Hunter's Code was not to "kill someone [she wasn't] getting paid to", and Gustavo was her exception.
  • Friend to All Living Things/Speaks Fluent Animal: It is revealed that not only does she like monkeys (she speaks a bit of monkey language), she also has a pet named Gomez, and she even loves cute parrots, especially one that is made of pyrite, which she says she'll keep as a souvenir once she's done with Guybrush.
  • I Call It Vera/The X of Y: According to the Assassin's Ledger and De Cava, she purchased a ship for 10,000 pieces of silver, the same price that was paid to her for killing Prince Hipolito de Toro, and called it "The Knave of Toro" after her exact same victim! Creepy!
    • Also, the sword that she has is called the Blade of Dragotta, simply because it has the name of her Mentors, Dante Dragotta, written on it!
  • Impossible Hourglass Figure
  • The Bounty Hunter Who Says Squee: Her reaction to meeting Guybrush.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Her first altruistic attempt at helping Guybrush results in her getting stabbed.
    • Or does it?
  • Tsundere: Starts off aggressive, though upbeat, becomes nicer the longer she spends time with Guybrush.

Coronado De Cava

Voiced By: Andrew Chaikin, a.k.a. Kid Beyond (Tales of Monkey Island)

Coronado De Cava is the ex-boyfriend of the Voodoo Lady, who went in search of La Esponja Grande in order to impress her. During his search for the sponge, De Cava and his crew were swallowed by a giant manatee. Already an unstable man, De Cava went insane trying to escape from the manatee.

When Guybrush and Morgan LeFlay meet up with De Cava, both of them pretend to be a couple so De Cava does not think Guybrush is in a relationship with the Voodoo Lady and kill him. Guybrush, Morgan, De Cava, and his crew escape from the manatee, but when he sees that Guybrush has La Esponja Grande and is convinced that Guybrush's relationship is a fake (unaware that Guybrush had manipulated the Voodoo Lady's locket), he attacks Guybrush's ship. Luckily the manatee re-swallows De Cava and his entire ship.

  • Badass Spaniard: Presumably at one point, though the years have made him too crazy to be really awesome.
  • Crazy Prepared
  • Evil Counterpart: To Guybrush.
  • A Father to His Crew: De Cava lampshades this in Chapter 3 when he tells Guybrush and Morgan about his crew members (Bugeye, Moose, Santino and Noogie), "I may have been a stern leader, but I loved them like sons."
  • Level Grinding: His preferred method of puzzle-solving.
  • Talking to Himself: We hear De Cava speak with Bugeye in Chapter 3, and both characters are voiced by Chaikin, who also provides the voices for Joaquin D'Oro (Chapter 4), Murkel Trenchfoot, McGillicutty and two of his crew members of the Spoon Isle Trio.
  • Yandere: He really loves the Voodoo Lady, and is more than willing to kill anyone who stands between them.

Reginald Van Winslow

Voiced By: Roger Jackson (Tales of Monkey Island, Poker Night At the Inventory)

Reginald Van Winslow is the captain of the Screaming Narwhal (which he had seized by knocking off the previous captain while losing his Club 41 "probationary membership" card in the process) until Guybrush wins the ship by knocking Winslow off of it. Afterwards Winslow stays on as Guybrush's first mate throughout the rest of the game, and in the end hooks up with the gender-ambiguous merperson Anemone.

Notable for being the only crewmember Guybrush has ever had that fully got along with him and never mutinied.

Winslow also heavily fetishizes maps and people pointing at maps, including Guybrush.

Winslow also appears in Poker Night At the Inventory. He introduces the player to the Inventory, and runs the poker games.

  • Ambiguously Gay: Both in his attention to Guybrush, and in a far more literal sense in that the person he ends up with is of indeterminate gender, making whether he is gay truly ambiguous, even to him!
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Knocking Winslow off the Screaming Narwhal is how Guybrush gets him as a reliable first mate.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick
  • Large Ham: Like everyone else when they get really Poxed.
  • Talking to Himself: Besides Winslow, his voice actor Roger Jackson provides the voices of Hemlock McGee, one unnamed bartender of Club 41, and Galeb in Tales; the troll, one of the Pirate Leaders, Fred (the Man of Low Moral Fiber) and his rat, Jojo Sr., Spiffy the Dog, the Piranha Poodles and Meathook's parrot in the Special Edition of Secret; and Bart, Governor Phatt, the rat (again) and Toothrot's parrot in the Special Edition of Revenge. Neither of them have talked with each other, though.

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