< Mobile Fighter G Gundam
Mobile Fighter G Gundam/Characters
This page needs some cleaning up to be presentable. Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description. |
G Gundam character sheet READY, GO!
Shuffle Alliance
Domon Kasshu
- The Atoner: For the Kasshu family in general, even though he's convinced his father was innocent.
- Badass Cape/Scarf of Asskicking: He almost always wears a cape as part of his standard getup.
- Big Brother Complex: Parodied in an Super Robot Wars 4koma where a bunch of heroines with their big brother on the bad guy's side being dramatic results in Kyoji wondering why he's the only one with a little brother. Domon is not amused.
- Bullet Catch: First episode only. Bandits surround him with automatic weapons? Aaaaand he catches all of them to show just how badass he is.
- And in Super Robot Wars Advance to save Tsukumo Shiratori from an assassination plot.
- Calling Your Attacks: Well, everyone does this, but Domon's practically turned this into an art form.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Not as absurdly presented as Master "I can stand on lasers 'cause I'm so awesome" Asia, but the guy still can catch machine gun fire with one hand and stand up despite being pulled down by a magnet exerting 2,000 G's on him. Then there's of course the infamous moment where he and Master Asia kick and punch a freaking skyscraper out of the ground while both were exhausted and injured.
- Fiery Eyebrows
- Friend to All Children: Apparently, having the social skills of a ten-year-old works out pretty well when you're interacting with actual ten-year-olds.
- The first smile (a nice smile, not an "I'm about to kick your ass" smile) he displays in the series is towards a little girl.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Good scars, as X Marks the Hero. He has a cross-shaped scar on his cheek. One 4koma jokingly claims that as punishment for messing up during training, Master Asia would draw an X on his cheek and it happened so often it became permanent.
- Hachimaki: Which Master Asia steals once or twice to use as a weapon.
- Hot-Blooded:
- Idiot Hero: Even moreso in the 2010 manga retelling of the series.
- I Was Just Passing Through: In the early episodes, this is the attitude he takes towards people he helps, usually about five minutes after refusing their pleas because "it's not his problem".
- Jerkass --> Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He has an extremely difficult time expressing himself in any other than combat. He does slowly begin to open up more normally as the series goes on, revealing his kinder side.
- Large Ham: And how!
- Leeroy Jenkins: Part of his Character Development is breaking this habit and learning how to maintain a serene, focused state of mind in battle.
- The Messiah: No, really.
- No Social Skills: From the age of ten to twenty, he trained alone with Master Asia. Domon learned how to communicate with his fists amazingly... communicate like a rational human being, not so much.
- Pet the Dog: He's a kid magnet as mentioned above, but his kindness towards Gina Rodriguez also deserves a mention (it helps that she saved him from being murdered by her brother).
- Power of Love: Leave it to Domon Kasshu to turn an Anguished Declaration of Love into a finishing move.
- The Rival: If Daimos shows up in the same Super Robot Wars game as G Gundam, Kazuya Ryuuzaki becomes a rival for Domon.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Deals these more than once.
- Spanner in the Works: For any with any kind of plan ever, even the people who are on his side.
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Domon Kasshu, making Gundam fanboys... er, slightly uncomfortable ever since 1994!
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: When he's not shouting or fighting, he's usually making sarcastic remarks about something or other.
- This Is Unforgivable!: What better time for him to say this than in the finale, towards the perpetrator who was behind all the crap he has been through? Naturally, we know who he's talking to.
Domon: You piece of filth! My dad! My mom! My brother! Schwarz! My master! You've taken them all from me! And now Rain! Ulube... You'll pay for this. There's no way I'll ever forgive you!
- Tomokazu Seki: Who seems to have a habit of playing characters that fit the Stupid Sexy Flanders trope as he plays the protagonist of another famous anime series who also fits that trope as well.
- Tsundere: Sometimes borders on a male Type A towards Rain, specially in the last episodes.
- The Unfavorite: Hinted to be one of these for being Book Dumb and much younger than his brother. In a subversion, he and his father don't hate each other.
- Wild Hair
- X Marks the Hero: He has a cross-shaped scar on one cheek, marking him from the beginning as a strong fighter.
Chibodee Crocket
- Adaptational Badass: The 2010 manga turns it up a few degrees by actually showing his curb-stomping Neo-Iraq's Scud Gundam with one punch, having him completely manhandle Domon in a boxing match[1], and getting an actual draw in their Gundam Fight[2] rather than surviving only because of Domon showing him mercy.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Chibodee absolutely loves to fight and party.
- Boxing Lesson: His main form of combat. He excels at it in and out of the Gundam, and his special techniques are all boxing moves.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Teases Rain and flirts with her whenever he can. When she and/or his Four-Girl Ensemble are in peril, he'll immediately leap to their aid.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Gets drunk when depressed.
- Fun Personified: Loves to carouse, hang out at the pool, and generally have a good time.
- Gratuitous English: In the Japanese version.
- Hochu Otsuka
- Honor Before Reason: Perfectly willing to kill the Department of Defense agents who tried to assassinate Domon after they tried to butt into their Gundam Fight.
- Hot-Blooded: His fists catch on fire when he's hyped up to fight, not to mention his ultimate technique is the "Burning Machine Gun Punch".
- The Lancer: Of the fight-happy, laid-back variety.
- Leeroy Jenkins: His solution to many problems is to unleash a powerful attack on it. This nearly destroys the Shuffle Alliance when they infiltrate the Devil Gundam, and he attacks probes from its "immune system".
- Momma's Boy: He speaks of his mother with obvious love and admiration.
- Nice Shoes: He's the only character who wears sneakers, which are blatantly modeled after Converse All-Stars.
- Rags to Riches: From streetrat to colony boxing champion.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: Gounetsu/Bursting Machine Gun Punch.
- Real Men Wear Pink: He has dyed pink bangs and openly admits his Momma's Boy status in canon. Not to mention that his title in the Shuffle Alliance is the Queen of Spades (though at least in the dub, he remarks on how he's not too keen on that title).
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: With George. AND HOW.
- Self-Made Man: Sees himself as a personification of the American Dream and wants to inspire the Americans stuck on Earth to not give up.
- Street Urchin: Before being scouted for boxing.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Has a crippling fear of clowns thanks to a traumatic childhood event.
George deSand
- Attack Drone: The Rose Bits.
- Berserk Button: Do not tell that man you've canceled his match. Your greenhouse will never be the same.
- Bishonen: He is definitely the prettiest one in the Shuffle Alliance.
- Cultured Badass: He's fond of horticulture, tea and fine wine, and always pays attention to his manners.
- Everyone Looks Sexier If French: The "leotard" design of his Trace suit is unique.
- Failure Knight: Can't forgive himself for the Marseilles Tragedy where he was unable to stop his rival Mirabeau from firing at the audience present in their duel.
- Honor Before Reason: And proud of it, as he tells Domon Kasshu before their match in the finals.
- Hot-Blooded: You wouldn't think it, but he is.
- Knight in Shining Armor: To a degree. He looks the part quite well, and even has a lady of liegue in Maria Louise, but has hidden honor and insecurity issues. And as he reveals in both his first and last match with Domon, when he's in the midst of battle, he is fighting for the fight.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: So pretty. And with Anime Hair to boot!
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: To Chibodee. Ironically, Chibs is bluehaired and George is a redhead.
- Royal Rapier: A beam one at that!
- The Smart Guy: Calm, analytical, kind of a Fragile Speedster.
- Suck My Rose: Rose Gundam. That's all.
- Takumi Yamazaki
- The White Prince
Sai Saici
- Accidental Pervert: When he comes across a skinnydipping Nastasha. Quite deliberate with Rain though.
- Alliterative Name: Sai Saici.
- Badass: Seriously, if it hasn't been made clear just how important it was - this punk forced DOMON to take a draw on their first bout... and with the exception of a very convenient save as well as Plot Armor - almost did him in a second time. Watch the series from beginning to end, and you'll see just how much of a big deal this really is.
- Cute Bruiser: Small, youthful, strong, fast... and can kick your ass.
- Dating Catwoman: His one-time girlfriend Cécile is the sister of one of his rivals. It's less of a problem than it sounds.
- Determinator: Well, everyone is, but he deserves special mention for the final match with Domon. You don't get more Determinator than continuing to fight after your Gundam's arms have been ripped off, especially when you take into account how the Mobile Trace System works.
- Facial Markings: Has a mole on his forehead, which might be a bindi.
- Fun Personified: He's still a kid and loves to run around making a ruckus.
- Guile Hero: His first episode is one big Batman Gambit. With Dragon Gundam stolen, Sai Saici poses as a harmless chef and tricks Domon, tricks the bandits who stole it, tricks Domon again, and repeats until he has the Gundam back. And when he's infected by DG Cells in Shinjuku, he opts to man the subway controls in order to run the cars over Domon, rather than engage him directly like the others.
- Idiot Hero: When he isn't fighting or doing fight-related things, he's a pretty goofy, immature kid. Sometimes overestimates his own abilities too.
- Kappei Yamaguchi
- Keet
- Kid Appeal Character: Youngest of the main characters (was actually very popular among younger fans during the original run).
- Let's Get Dangerous: He's the only member of the Shuffle Alliance who forced Domon to acknowledge a draw, rather than being beaten outright.
- This is especially true during his final match with Domon, where he becomes so serious about preparing that his guardians are actually worried about him.
- Older Than They Look: He's 16. Looks about 12.
- The Prankster: Especially in the Guyana Highlands.
- Religious Bruiser: He's raised by Buddhist monks and is seen praying before a statue of Buddha late in the series.
- Sins of Our Fathers: His grandfather Sai Feilong was Neo-China's Gundam Fighter in the 4th Gundam Fight, where he accidentally killed Neo-Egypt's Dahal Muhammed[3]; when Muhammed is revived by DG cells, he tries to kill Sai Saici in revenge.
- The Smart Guy: Mostly because he thinks fast in the battlefield.
- Team Chef: He's an amazing cook.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: HATES mummies and anything related to the supernatural. Naturally, Neo Egypt's previous Gundam Fighter has a grudge against his father and, by proxy, him.
- He's also terrified of rats.
Argo Gulskii
- Big Brother Mentor: The oldest and more mature of the Alliance.
- The Big Guy: Just over seven feet here, folks.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: HUGE ones, indeed.
- Boisterous Bruiser: A calmer, more serious version.
- Boxed Crook: Argo fights on the agreement that his pirate crew is released from prison should he win the Gundam fight. He has a bomb wired to his chest should he try to go rogue and go back on it.
- Car Fu: In Shinjuku, with a particular kind of car. A subway car.
- Genius Bruiser
- Gentleman Thief: To a degree. He was a space pirate before being caught and forced to work for the Neo-Russian government, but even in his worse times, he utterly refused to harm or kill the people he and his crew robbed. In fact, his arch-rival Andrew Graham thought he killed his wife and partner Norma... when Argo had actually tried to save her from being Thrown Out the Airlock, but couldn't reach her in time.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: With Nastasha, though in a sort-of subversion, she's not exactly waifish.
- Husky Russkie: Plays it straight and subverts it. He's big, strong and relies on brute force, but remains very calm and cool-headed. The Guyana Highlands arc is proof: Argo was the only member of the Shuffle Alliance who wasn't utterly traumatized after being Brainwashed and Crazy due to the DG Cells in the Shinjuku arc.
- Perpetual Frowner: The great majority of the time, anyway.
- Wrestler in All of Us: More subtle than the average example, but he throws out some rassilin' techniques every once in a while.
- Younger Than He Looks: He's 26.
Devil Gundam
- Adaptive Ability: Its ability to regenerate, assimilate and evolve makes it Nigh Invulnerable to everything except The Power of Love.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Dr. Kasshu really should have made it dent-resistant.
- Big Bad: Although there are several people who try to make use of it, the Devil Gundam is always the final threat.
- Big Bad Ensemble: With Ulube.
- Combat Tentacles: Makes use of these to grab and infect its victims.
- Gone Horribly Right: Was created to restore the Earth's environment, and attempts to do just that. It's just how it intends to do it that makes it the Big Bad.
- Kill All Humans: Concludes it has to do this to restore Earth's environment.
- Omnicidal Maniac
- True Final Boss: In Shin Super Robot Wars with a form exclusive to that game.
- The Virus/The Corruption: DG cells.
Master Asia (a.k.a. the Undefeated of the East) Real Name Shuuji Kurosu
- All There in the Manual: The spinoff manga 7th Fight details his past as Shuuji Kurosu, Gundam Fighter for Neo-Japan.
- Anti-Villain: He wants what's best for Earth's biosphere.
- Back from the Dead: Despinis did this to him in Super Robot Wars Reversal.
- Badass: One of the most badass characters in the franchise. Or is there anyone else around who can stand on top of particle beam fire?
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Mustache: He's got a prominent Porn Stache.
- Big Damn Heroes: Takes on the Baran Schneil in Super Robot Wars 4 and slices off a ton of its HP with one Seikha Tenkyoken if you unlock him.
- Broken Pedestal: For Domon.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Whoo boy...
- Cool Horse: Fuunsaiki!
- Cool Old Guy: So cool.
- Fallen Hero: He's still loved and admired by the citizens of Hong Kong, but he's long since ceased to care about the Gundam Fight, except as a means to an end.
- Finishing Move: Darkness Finger, Sekiha Tenkyouken Shakunetsu Shinshine Finger, Heartful Finger.
- Go Out with a Smile: He reconciles with his pupil and dies to a beautiful sunrise.
- Improbable Weapon User: His sash, or any other strip of cloth he has to hand.
- Incurable Cough of Death: Which happens to be the only thing that stops him from beating the hell out of Wong with his sash over that Berserker system incident. It also prevents him from becoming the new core life unit for the Devil/Dark Gundam, a fact that he laments.
- Large Ham: He out-hams everyone here. And considering the series... well, that's a FEAT.
- My God, What Have I Done?: When he sees the ruin he (and other Gundam Fighters) cause to the landscape in their battles.
- The Obi-Wan: Before his Freak-Out.
- And after his death.
- Old Master: Technically he's only fifty, but his poor health makes him seem older.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He wanted to heal the Earth of the damage that the Gundam Fight inflicted. But he decided the way to do that was to wipe out humanity.
- Willfully Weak: While Master Asia never holds back, he never utilized his Shuffle Alliance Mobile Fighter, the King of Hearts, in the series because it's actually more powerful than both God and Master Gundam put together. Instead, he used vastly weaker Mobile Fighters to make his battles more fair.
- Yosuke Akimoto:
Apparentlyvoicing Master Asia is what made him famous in Western fandom.
Kyouji Kasshu
- Alliterative Name: Kyoji Kasshu.
- Aloof Big Brother: To Domon. Later subverted very cruelly, since he was Brainwashed and Crazy instead, and his "good side" was Schwarz Bruder. And Domon has to kill them both to release them fro the DG Cells. Sniffff.
- Although it's actually a bit of a subversion. The... circumstances... make him rather aloof now, but flashbacks show him to be a pretty nice big brother, and Rain describes his personality as warm.
- Artistic Age: Judging by flashbacks to Domon's childhood and that photo, Kyoji has always been twenty-eight years old.
- Which has led to the fandom's assumption that Kyoji is an Immortal.
- Badass Bookworm
- Cain and Abel: With Domon. Or so the story wants you to believe.
- Go Out with a Smile: The faces of Kyoji and Schwarz merge into one and smile as he dies.
- Hideyuki Hori
- Hotblooded Sideburns: HUGE ones.
- Mercy Kill: Domon destroying him is this all over, given that he was a shattered wreck who was a power source, not a pilot, for the Devil Gundam.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Wong Yunfat
- Big Bad Wannabe
- The Chessmaster: He uses a giant chessboard with miniature Gundams on it to set matches.
- Evil Overlord: Of the Federation. He got there legally: he wants to remain there illegally.
- Faux Affably Evil: He puts up a front of being friendly and a fan of international cooperation, but nobody really buys it. Especially so when he is torturing and brainwashing people.
- Hoist by His Own Petard: He has Allenby infected with DG cells, puts her into a Berserk state, and ships her off to Lantau Island... then the fight with Rain brings Walter Gundam right up to his office, whereupon Allenby blasts him through the window. The DG cells grab him and install him in the Walter Gundam after that, and he is Killed Off for Real by Domon.
- Manipulative Bastard: He does this to varying degrees of success, but most of the people he's manipulating have a tendency to say Shut UP, Hannibal.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Based on Chow Yun-Fat.
- Psychopathic Manchild: For some, since he's seen in his pajamas and leaning on a giant teddybear at one point. He can also be seen as a subversion: yes, he keeps said teddy, and some of his reactions to being in a disadvantage can be seen as childish, but Wong's own cunning plans make him far smarter and more ruthless than the average.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: He lives for this.
- Screw the Rules, I Make Them: And how.
- Slouch of Villainy: Faciliated by a big plush hoverchair.
- Smug Snake
- Sunglasses at Night: He is never seen without them, and even wears his trademark glasses even with his pajamas.
- Sweet Tooth: Often has pocky or some other sweet munchable to hand.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky: He's taller than Domon (if only just) and occasionally cracks a few biting one-liners at the latter's expense. Even when having a Villainous Breakdown, he is still somewhat snarky, almost breaking the fourth wall when he demands that someone, anyone, defeat Domon already.
- Villain Team-Up: With Master Asia, both to complete their goal of resurrecting the Devil Gundam.
- Works with the Giganos Empire in Super Robot Wars Advance.
- Yellow Peril: A political leader from China's mainland (although Hong Kong is a distinct city-state here) who is trying to secure power for himself using underhanded and mafia-like tactics. Japanese works aren't immune to this trope either.
Gentle Chapman
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Chapman's return from death is a minor detail to the protagonists... what really grinds their gears is that he's back in the Fight after being disqualified.
George de Sand: Tell me something, Chapman. How can someone return from the grave and then participate in the finals?!
- Came Back Wrong: Revived through DG cells.
- Fallen Hero: Won three Gundam Fights in a row for Britain and was renowned for his British sense of chivalry. By the beginning of the series, he relies on steroids(?) and trickery[4], which gets him called out by George and Domon. His reason being that he has to keep being a hero, both for himself and for his country.
- Flat Character: Only after his return via the DG cells... he literally has no lines other than to growl menacingly. This is intentional, however: he's meant to contrast with the obnoxious, motor-mouthed Michelo. Also, he's, y'know, kinda dead.
- Happily Married: To Manon.
- The Mean Brit: After his revival: a common side effect of being infected with DG cells, apparently.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Where the heck did his devoted wife Manon get to?
- Apparently, she had to be dropped, as having her around as a character meant that they'd have to explain his sudden, complete change in character. Not that they ever provide any explanation for where she goes in the actual show.
Michelo Chariot
- Ax Crazy: Loves to inflict violence on people from the start. He gets even worse during the Finals.
- The Dragon: To Master Asia, along with Chapman.
- Evil Redheads: It goes white on his defeat, but it's red again when he comes back.
- Psycho for Hire: He doesn't ever mention anything about Italy or its prospects in the Gundam Fight: he seems to be in it purely for beating people up.
- Starter Villain: He's blatantly evil and has his own specialty technique; plus, he has a lot of Mafia muscle. Doesn't save him from the Shining Finger.
Ulube Ishikawa
- Battle Strip: Takes off his shirt before he boards the Grand Master Gundam, revealing that he is very ripped.
"Good thing I've continued to work on my body!"
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He appears to be a Reasonable Authority Figure and Karato's more-competent underling for most of the series.
- Colonel Badass: As it turns out.
- Drunk with Power: The instant he gets ahold of the Devil Gundam he discards his Reasonable Authority Figure facade in favor of this, and when he gets in the Grand Master Gundam he cranks it Up to Eleven.
- Evil Is Hammy: He's calm and reserved until he reveals himself as a bad guy. Then he chews the scenery up with all the other characters.
- Fallen Hero: He was Neo-Japan's Gundam Fighter in the 12th Fight. Would've possibly remained a good guy if not for his humiliating defeat to Master Asia; after that, it's implied that he never was the same again.
- Faux Affably Evil: He puts on a good front of being a Reasonable Authority Figure for the overwhelming majority of the series (45 of the 50 episodes), but as is ultimately revealed, it's all just a mask and he's in fact quite a nasty and sadistic character, taunting Domon gleefully and taking dark joy in the recent death of his old enemy Master Asia.
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: Received his from the Devil Gundam.
- Manipulative Bastard: It turns out he's been playing everyone from the beginning: he was the one who planted the idea of betrayal in Dr. Mikamura's head, he's the one who prosecuted Dr. Kasshu in court, and he's the one who put Domon into the Gundam Fight.
- Mask Power: Which covers said scars from view.
- Mouth of Sauron: Turned into this by the Devil Gundam.
- Nobuo Tobita
- Pec Flex: Just doing this is enough to deflect a Bursting Machine-Gun Punch.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- Xanatos Roulette
Other characters
Rain Mikamura
- Action Girl: Ends up rivaling Allenby in this department. She's also been known to use a stun gun when Domon gets in over his head.
- The Archer: In addition to a heat naginata, Rising Gundam is equipped with a beam bow. Rain uses the beam arrows to disable the Walter Gundam without hitting its cockpit and injuring Allenby, who's Brainwashed and Crazy and forced into a Berserker state.
- Big Damn Heroes: Comandeering the Rising Gundam and shoulder-charging the Brainwashed and Crazy Allenby as she was about to finish off Domon on Lantau Island.
- Calling the Old Man Out: When her father tries to kill Schwarz and seems unrepentant for destroying the Kasshu family and involving her in his scheming, she gives him a big wake-up call.
- Closer to Earth: Somehow, she manages to (mostly) keep a cool head and healthy emotional state until near the end of the series despite spending all that time with Domon.
- Combination Attack: Twice with Domon. Once with Shining Finger in Shinjuku, and the second time when they finished off the Devil Gundam with Erupting God Finger Sekiha Love Love Tenkyoken.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Those squeals you let out when you used the Trace System for the first time sounded more orgasmic than pained, Rain. In both Japanese and English.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Yes, Yuri Amano has had roles in Ecchi series. And even better, in Code Geass she voices the mother of a girl who's often said to be Domon's
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Yes, Yuri Amano has had roles in Ecchi series. And even better, in Code Geass she voices the mother of a girl who's often said to be Domon's
- Heroic BSOD: When she finds out what her father did to the Kasshu family.
- Hostage Situation: Ends up in these a couple of times, usually from people trying to force Domon to fight them. Fortunately, they aren't truly malicious, and she treats the situation largely as an annoyance.
- Hot Scientist
- Lady of War: Her fighting style.
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter: She is greatly distressed when she discovers this.
- The Medic: Was actually a medical student at the Colony University.
- Ms. Fanservice
- She's Got Legs: She wears a short skirt, and her Trace suit has very tall "boots".
- Spanner in the Works: If she hadn't borrowed Rising Gundam, Wong's scheme to kill off Domon and install Allenby as the Devil Gundam's pilot could well have succeeded.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
- Team Mom: With her patient personality and medical skills, she's often the one patching people up and giving a sympathetic ear to their problems.
- Ten-Minute Retirement: Just before the match with Schwarz Bruder, Domon tells her that she's unfit to be on his crew, and she takes him at his word.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Girly girl to Allenby's tomboy.
- Took a Level in Badass: Takes on the Brainwashed and Crazy Allenby despite not being specifically trained for combat... and wins. And in Shinjuku, she gave a pretty good showing against the Devil Army when she had to hop into the Shining Gundam.
- Tsundere: Domon is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold bordering on Type A Tsundere. His partner is a Type B Tsundere, almost all sweetness and light unless she's dealing with him.
- Victorious Childhood Friend
- Wrench Wench: Keeps the Gundam in working order, which is no mean feat when Domon is the pilot.
- Yuri Amano
Allenby Beardsley
- Action Girl
- Anguished Declaration of Love: A variation. She doesn't declare it to Domon, but begging him not to leave her alone and saying that she loves him with all her heart while under mind control definitely counts as anguished.
- The Berserker: In Berserk Mode, of course.
- Berserker Tears: When she is searching for Domon after being infected with DG cells.
- Bokukko
- Brainwashed and Crazy: After being infected with DG cells.
- Cute Bruiser: She's a cheerful, good-natured Genki Girl, and she's also one of the best Gundam Fighters on the roster even before the Berserker System.
- Genki Girl: Although she is bitter about her circumstances, she's also really good at having fun and takes every opportunity to do so, especially when she starts hanging out with Domon.
- Hot-Blooded:
Domon: [flips a giant bar bouncer onto a table, complete with still shot of horrified diners]
Allenby: All RIGHT!
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: In one of the most poignant and beautiful scenes in the whole series.
- Narumi Hidaka
- Orphan's Ordeal: Was raised by the military because of her parents's death when she was a baby.
- Shorttank: Depsite her tomboyish appearance, she's still quite feminine.
- Sixth Ranger: To the Shuffle Alliance.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Rain's girly girl.
- Tyke Bomb: And hates being one.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Apparently, it's a Scandinavian trait in the Future Century; Hans Holger has it too.
Schwarz Bruder
- Artificial Human: He is a clone of Kyoji created through DG Cells overwriting the original Schwarz Bruder's body, after he died fighting the Devil Gundam.
- Badass Longcoat: Or Badass German Uniform.
- Big Brother Mentor: To Domon, and slightly to Rain.
- Big Damn Heroes: Pulls these once in a while.
- Char Clone: Masked and secretly the hero's brother... kinda, although he doesn't bear nearly as much physical resemblance as others in the series.
- Cloning Blues
- Dead Person Impersonation: He is a clone of Kyouji Kasshu (made with DG cells) who merges with the body of the original Schwarz and becomes the Schwarz we know and love.
- Dual-Wielding: The arm-blades on his Gundam.
- Hideyuki Hori: And he's a ninja.
- Mask Power: A case of Shown Their Work, since his voice actually is slightly muffled from wearing the mask over his mouth (Hori apparently did this by putting a sheet of paper over the mic).
- Master of Disguise: He disguises himself flawlessly as an old man (with an entirely different build, no less) and then as an animal statue. Because he's a ninja.
- McNinja: The poster boy for this trope (and yet, not quite a true example... unless the Kasshu's are secretly German). Or rather, Schwarz should have been called von Ninja. The original, deceased Schwartz Bruder was, however, a straight example.
- Meaningful Name:
- His name means Black Brother in German. Guess who he turns out to be?
- Subverted with the original, for whom the name was a coincidence with no meaning whatsoever. Kyoji was just incredibly lucky with names, clone-wise.
- Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie: He's a German Ninja. Technically, a robot zombie Japanese clone of a German Ninja and a Japanese Badass Bookworm.
- Pro-Human Transhuman
- Shipper on Deck: For Domon/Rain.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: When Rain asks the German crew about Schwarz's true nature, they said that the committee had confirmation he was human. Although some of Schwarz's stunts are insane even for G Gundam, so this might not be unjustified.
- Technicolor Ninjas: You would think that dressing himself as the German flag would make him less stealthy. It doesn't.
- Wearing a Flag on Your Head: He's German, did you know? Sort of.
Nastasha Zabikov
- Colonel Badass: Although she's not a physical fighter, she's still tough as nails and unflappable in a crisis.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Although since it's her work with Argo Gulskii that catalyzes it, she's still pretty chilly.
- Good-Looking Privates: So damn good looking.
- Lima Syndrome: She eventually starts warming up to her prisoner Argo. In the final episodes, she frees him and his crew without authorization and presumably joins him after the defeat of the Devil Gundam.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: She eventually grows disgusted with the Russian government for their denial of the Devil Gundam situation and the means they use to control Argo.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: On occasion.
- The Strategist: This is her job as Argo's handler. Whenever there's a multinational team-up, she automatically takes over the planning.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo
Princess Maria Louise of France
- Bodyguard Crush: Adores George, who may or may not like her back despite the seven/eight years difference.
- Damsel in Distress: Tried once to play the role. It backfired spectacularly on her.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: Apparently, France restored the royal family between the A.D. and F.C. calendars.
- Plucky Girl: Tiny, pink, cute and freaking determined.
- Rebellious Princess: She can either plot her own kidnapping to get George to fight for her, or use a molotov cocktail to destroy an energy barrier.
- Spoiled Brat: In her first episode. Is usually Spoiled Sweet.
- Tomboy Princess: And how!
- Wrong Genre Savvy: The whole DID episode.
- Yumi Touma
- Catch Phrase: Gundam Fight! Ready? GO!
- Eyepatch of Power: He's got an eyepatch.
- Rule of Cool: Seems to wear an eyepatch for no other reason than this, as he takes it off when particularly worked up.
- Shout-Out: One of his introductory speeches starts with "I would like, ah, if I may...".
Dr. Raizou Kasshu
- Hot Shoujo Dad: An older example, but doesn't look halfway bad for being around his mid 50's.
- Human Popsicle: Cryogenized as punishment for his treason and to keep him from revealing the Government Conspiracy.
- Insufferable Genius: If Dr. Mikamura is to be believed...
- James Bondage
- Mad Scientist: Subverted: he's actually The Professor, but was framed and made look like he was a Mad Scientist.
Dr. Mikamura
- The Atoner: After Rain calls him out. From then on, he's wracked by guilt and tries to make amends.
- Driven by Envy: His jealousy over Dr. Kasshu's accomplishments made him betray his old friend.
- Heel Realization: He's pretty unrepentant about what he did until Rain rejects him.
- Papa Wolf: His other main motivation for his Heel Face Turn is protecting Rain. When he fails and is shot to death, he begs Domon to save her.
- The Professor: Designed both the Shining and God Gundams.
- Redemption Equals Death: Mikamura was already bleeding out from Ulube's bullet, but then he shatters the window and vents the whole room into space to free Dr. Kasshu's cryochamber for revival.
- Interesting to note that he was supposed to have become a Big Bad alongside Ulube towards the end, but Imakawa (the director) just couldn't imagine him as a bad guy with that voice of his. Thus, he got some small measure of redemption instead.
- What the Hell, Hero?: When Domon complains about Rain leaving the Neo-Japanese team, Dr. Mikamura imediately and accurately tells him that he's full of shit and that it's his own fault.
Chairman Karato
- Beleaguered Bureaucrat: Anyone who has a job managing Domon Kasshu is beleaguered by default.
- Characterization Marches On: In Episode 6, he's the jerk Chairman of Japan's Gundam Fight committee who tries to rig a simulation to defeat Domon and replace him with another Gundam Fighter. Later in the series, he's pretty ineffectual and hopeless when it comes to trying to keep Domon (and sometimes his friends) in line.
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Becomes this later, which Domon comments on. There's a hint of this in Episode 12, where he sends Domon and Rain to Shinjuku - which is under siege by the Death Army - without any hesitation. And some Foreshadowing about Ulube's true face, since he's dismissive of an Earth-based crisis.
Saette Gyuzelle
- Body Horror: It's through his horrible situation that we learn about the true extent of the DG cells.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Under the effect of the aforementioned cells: he was blacking out from time to time in the cockpit.
- Genius Bruiser: Engineer, wrestler and Gundam Fighter.
- Never Got to Say Goodbye: To Rain, who had to come back to Neo Japan right when he was about to ask her for counseling. He wrongfully thought she hated him.
- New Old Flame: Domon thought he was this.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Hans Holgar
- Alliterative Name: Hans Holgar.
- Genius Bruiser: A Gundam pilot who's a master of Indy Ploy. He makes a ridiculous-looking Gundam be effective and Badass while it's losing energy due to malfunctions.
- Masami Kikuchi
- Nice Guy: Unless you fight him. Although he's still nice about trying to kick your ass.
- Promotion to Parent: Probably. His little sister Cécile is around, but there's no mention of their parents.
- Shout-Out: Come ON. Just look at his Gundam, dammit.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
Cécile Holgar
- Dating Catwoman: Sai Saici is her brother's next rival. They're sort-of dating. Oops.
- Feminine Women Can Cook: She helps Sai Saici fill in for a chef who gets beat up by some local thugs.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Older Than They Look: Is around Sai's age, looks as young as he does.
- Plucky Girl: She stands up to three tough guys who try to scam a free lunch with a planted bug.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Slaps Sai Saici out of his Heroic BSOD and his Ten-Minute Retirement.
- Yuri Shiratori
- Zettai Ryouiki: Nice Grade A.
Raymond Bishop
- Battle Butler: To a degree, since he's not a frontline fighter but he does help George train. And that "Butler Bensonmum" didn't stay in one piece for that long without mad Mobile Suit skills.
- Butt Monkey: Despite being a Battle Butler, his mobile suit looks like junk and gets tossed around like a ragdoll, falls down cliffs, etcetera.
- Drowning My Sorrows: Since Raymond is a refined gentleman's gentleman, he chooses to do this with coffee rather than booze (which may explain the erratic way he pilots when he hears George is in danger...).
- Old Retainer: To George. Raymond taught him how to fight, practically raised him, and remains at his side at all times.
- Parental Substitute: For George, having been the family butler ever since George was born.
Chibodee's Angels (Cath Lonary, Bunny Higgins, Shirley Lane and Janet Smith)
- Butt Monkey: Bunny, also The Ditz to some degree.
- Four-Girl Ensemble:
- Team Mom: Shirley.
- The Quiet One: Cath.
- Genki Girl: Janet.
- The Ditz: Bunny.
- Kae Araki: Cath.
- Meganekko: Bunny.
- Plucky Girls: The four of them have their ups and downs, but they still try to do what they can to help their boss.
- She Cleans Up Nicely: Bunny, in her yellow dress.
- Street Urchins: In their backstories. They're so devoted to Chibs because he actually saved them from such a life.
- Team Mom: Shirley.
- Wakana Yamazaki: Bunny.
Kyral Mekirel
- Defeat Means Friendship/Heel Face Turn: With Domon.
- Handicapped Badass: Was blinded in one of his past fights, but still can kick lots of ass.
- Hitman with a Heart
- Karma Houdini: Apparently the only one to actually punish him for the murders he committed is himself.
- Mugihito
- Sunglasses at Night: Justified because he's blind, and it doesn't matter.
- ↑ In the anime, Domon gets a single cheap shot before they're pulled apart.
- ↑ Mostly due to Domon fighting while still recovering from said boxing match, meaning he passes out before he can finish the Shining Finger.
- ↑ The Pharaoh Gundam IV's severed head exploded, destroying the cockpit.
- ↑ His wife Manon pumped in sensor-jamming fog and launched several unmanned Mobile Suits to fight his side.
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