< Minecraft


  • The PC version of the game has sold 5,000,000 copies as of February 18, 2012. Most console, PC, and handheld games can only dream about such a number... and it's still selling about 12,000-13,000 copies daily.
  • Ascended Glitch:
    • The Creeper came about after Notch botched the models for Pigs. He liked how the strange results came out and decided to work with it to create the Creeper.
    • The Far Lands, a glitchy area players could see if they go far (really far) enough in one direction of the map. The Far Lands was named this by the fans and became popular. Even Notch liked the idea of finding a buggy area that had blocks and terrain spawn with weird results, so he decided to leave the bug in on purpose for players to find. Sadly, this glitch was accidentally fixed in the 1.8 update when the coding for terrain generation was updated.
  • Digital Piracy Is Okay: Notch has said that he is with some people pirating Minecraft. IRL he is a member of the Pirate Party.
  • Fan Nickname:
    • The moon is Rana.
    • Bedrock is referred to as "adminium" because only server admins are able to create or destroy it.
    • Before Redstone was officially named, there was a whole palette of fan nicknames for it, with the most popular being Cuprite and the Troll-coined Aspergite.
    • Thomas the Sheep.
    • The stuff found in the Nether is either Hellstone, Bloodstone, Netherstone, or Brimstone,[1] the gold things in the Nether are Glowstone, Brittle Gold, Sulfur, Australium, Bananabrick [2] and the blocks that make you slow are Slow Sand, Mud, or Hell Mud. [3] Also the Nether is called Hell a lot.
    • Minecrack.
    • Every now and then, you'll come across someone who calls the sponge block "cheese."
    • Creepers are often called "penis monsters" or "exploding dicks" due to their shape. Sometimes they're called boomers.
    • Thanks to Yahtzee's review, many of the monsters have come to be called "Fisher-Price Shoggoths" with Creepers being "exploding hedges" and/or "kamikaze shrubs."
    • Slimes are often called "squishies".
    • Skeletons are sometimes called "skellingtons".
    • Towers that extend upwards only are called "Noob towers" or "'Tard Pillars"
    • The Enderdragon is sometimes known as "Joan".
    • Establishing a home by digging it into the side of a mountain (as opposed to building it in the open from wood or stone) is sometimes called "the dwarf route".
    • Golden armor is often called "butter armor" due to its relative fragility and yellow color.
  • Let's Play:
  • One of Us: Notch at least occasionally reads TV Tropes. One of the title blurbs reads "Less addictive than TV Tropes!"
  • Sleeper Hit: The game slowly and slowly gained popularity with almost no advertising. It helped that it was available since the very early versions.
  • Sure Why Not:
    • Notch is known to throw in several features suggested by fans, such as the ability for eggs to spawn chickens on rare occasion, and much of the speculation about the Endermen.
  • Word Of Notch: The creepers are crunchy like dry leaves.
    • Notch uses both Twitter and Tumbler regularly to update his fans. He also often manages to cause massive web traffic on a scale worthy of Digg or Xkcd when he tweets about a site he likes. Said traffic often involves people taking over chat sessions or forums simply to ask notch to do something in Minecraft. The ban hammer often follows.
  • What Could Have Been: The Sky Dimension. Notch was working on the Floating Continent dimension since Beta 1.6, but when the Beta 1.9 Pre-releases started rolling around, the dimension was scrapped and replaced with "The End".
    • Actaully, it's under consideration again.
  • There's an achievement that requires about 329,700 kilograms of iron, a 1 km straight line, and a helluva lot of sticks.
    • Actually, as long as it's in a single trip, the 1km is cumulative (meaning, if the track bends, then as long as it bends back to the same direction you started the trip in, it picks up where it left off). You can ride for 10m forward, take a left for 50m, take a right for 990m, and you've got the achievement, for example.
  • The player is capable of holding 44,518,667 kilograms of material, assuming that they are wearing gold armor and every slot in the inventory is filled completely with gold blocks, as out of all the various materials in the game, gold is the densest - and thus heaviest - one in real life.
    • For those who are unfamiliar with metric or too lazy to do the conversions, this means that the player is capable of carrying just shy of 50,000 tons... all with no apparent strain or fatigue. Kinda make you wonder why he'd need tools at all, with that kinda strength...
      • Finesse. With tools: Harvest the (for example) stone. Without tools: destroy the stone.
    • Strangely, despite the player having immense strength, it's possible to fill his near-50,000-tonnes-capable inventory with 4.6kg...and he can't carry any more. This is done by filling the entire inventory with feathers, the lightest substance in the game at about 4g per. His Super Strength appears to be Zig Zagged.
  • Because of the endermen's height, the middle of their body is their crotch. The middle of the body is also the "sweet spot" for them to become aggressive. So either the endermen are either some bizarre form of The Vamp, they're compensating for "something" by stealing blocks from your world and are embarrassed by it, or they are just offended by you staring at their crotch.
  • The Ghast is voiced by C418's cat. Just think.
  1. Actual name: Netherrack
  2. Actual name: glowstone
  3. Actual name: soul sand
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