< Minecraft


Fireplaces in wooden buildings

While rule 1 and 2 in Minecraft are that you shouldn't respectively dig straight down or straight up, rule 3 is about not making fireplaces when there's a lot of wood nearby. Here's why:

  • This YouTube Video, where a user tries to explain how to make a fireplace and inadvertently burns down his whole house.

Narrator: Uh oh.

Pranks and traps

Victim: ...Why are you standing over there?
Pranker: I'm...I'm looking for food.


  • This troper was playing on a griefing allowed server with a friend. After getting his house griefed one too many times,however, I snapped and burned down the jungle.
  • A friend of mine made a shelter in a cave, digging out the wall to make a fireplace. In an attempt to light it, however, he lit himself on fire.
  • Minecraft hit one million sales. Drunk Notch, karaoke, and a nerf gun followed.
  • Minecraft 1.2 trailer:

(while falling) "I heard that you can build twice as high in Minecraft now"
"Oh really, that's interesAAAAAAAHHH"

  • A bug, now fixed, would enable you to ride pigs on ice really fast. Try not to giggle.
  • Another YouTube video, this time a recording of someone's live stream where he was just wrapping up for the session. The music just perfects the overall mood. WHAT THE SHIT-*dies*
  • An LPer by the name of bananapielord had uploaded his Minecraft world for his fans to edit as they please, and spent the next few videos showcasing the worlds they sent back. The third world in this video, showcased seven minutes in, has some interesting changes made to his house. Hilarity Ensues when he accidentally sets off a block of TNT.
  • Creeper juice!
  • The new Beta 1.2 update allows players to dye wool blocks different colors. The funny thing is that you can also do this to living sheep, resulting in a swarm of sheep in outlandish colorations.
    • Even better, when you shear the sheep, and the wool grows back, it's still the same color as the dye.
  • A hilarious glitch that makes you move super fast when the time is moved forward to compensate for how long it's "been." You have to see it to understand.
  • These two adventurers at the 14:00 point, find out that they don't make it in home in time, so they both build makeshift shelters, leading to a funny Inaction Sequence where they discover that one player lacks cobblestone to smelt glass in a furnace and the other finds out that he lacks sand so he can't make glass either. They find their own solutions to see outside. After a daybreak, they visit each other's "houses".
  • The Yogscast Machinima series that started as a Let's Play of Minecraft, which follows the adventures of Xephos (Lewis) and Honeydew (Simon). At first it seems like a classic playthrough of the game, and then they realize they're not alone on their private server after they find mysterious constructions and exploding traps in their house. They figure it's some prankster with way too much time on his hands, and they investigate. Then it gets weird. The series contains gems such as Simon's Suspiciously Specific Denials ("I DIDN'T BURN ANYTHING!"), the magical floating pig island, the totally worth it reward for completing the pyramid challenge, and their discovery that nexus portals don't actually work on multiplayer yet.
  • It's a rap video (maybe)... until.. well, check it out for yourself. A much less disturbing version of the video above.
  • The Hatventurers give us many moments of funny minecraft antics.
  • "Chickens fucking everywhere!". Someone finds out the properties of eggs when thrown at stuff (ie, they can spawn 1-4 chickens), so he and a bunch of friends mess with it, but they soon realise they've woken a sleeping giant here. Eventually the server overloads, especially when he tries something drastic.
  • This entire video. Filled with plenty of Angrish, pained cries of "WHAT THE FRICK", and failed attempts to ride a minecart, this stream has something for everyone!
  • Most items that involve the day/night cycle or direction start to bug out when you enter the Nether. However, the silliest case of this would have to be wood-and-wool beds exploding violently when one attempts to use them.
  • The Beta 1.6.6 patch notes. It has some nice tweaks, nothing too major... Wait, "Removed Herobrine"? What.
    • That's been in every patch for some time. Either Notch still thinks it's hilarious, or he's trying to do damage control on the persistence of the meme.
  • Blowing up an island. What makes it funny is the player's over-the-top reactions.


"We've created the Sun."

  • The 1.1 update added multiple language options. Guess what one of the options is? Pirate!
  • A chunks error can cause this to happen. That player won't be running out of beef any time soon.
  • Version 1.2 introduces something that Creepers are afraid of: Cats. No, really. Tame a few and watch Creepers avoid you like the plague.
  • The code when enchanting, when translated, is completely random and nonsensical. What the nether is "shorten wet beast physical?"
  • Heck, ANY Game Chap mod review, especially the Herobrine series.
  • Why it is not a good idea to place a bed just below the ceiling.
  • Team Avolition, a griefing team, was challenged to see how much griefing they could perform on the Doridian server before getting caught. Stealing 3,500 diamonds, burning down the fabled city, and annoying the crud out of an admin who has no ban powers are the LEAST of their accomplishments. Doubles as a Crowning Moment of Awesome that they were able to pull this off in the first place.
  • "Sometimes it's hard to be a God", featuring the Clay Mod, full of Literal Metaphors (such as the world being named "The Heavens and the Earth"), faux-epic moments (such as green and blue soldiers parachuting in on feathers), and ultimately culminating in God just deciding to delete "The Heavens and the Earth".
  • Rubber Ross's Derpcraft. What's even funnier is that the cartoon was based on his initial reactions.
  • Alekidsonic's Minecraft shorts. It's also a bit of a Take That to people who start playing Minecraft for the very first time.
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