

An important participant of the German Let's Play community, Gronkh started recording LPs in 2009.

He gained most of his fandom from his ongoing Minecraft Let's Play, which greatly increased the popularity of both himself and Minecraft in Germany. Contrary to popular belief, though, he did not define the Let's Play genre in Germany; he merely popularized it among more casual viewers.

His LPs are quite un-Walkthrough-like compared to others, even though he hardly ever offscreens anything. His knowledge about the mechanics of the game he's playing are often limited or non-existant, but he usually makes up for it with general videogame savvy. His commentary about equally consists of review-like opinions on strength and weaknesses of the game, witty illustration of Fridge Logic, random talk, opinions and Real Life observations, and puns he apologizes for immediately afterwards.

Gronkh is one of the administrators of the MMORPG site and the gaming site Together with some other PlayNation administrators and affiliated Lets Players, he publishes his videos on his website along with Youtube.

Certainly not to be confused with Gonk or Gronk.

Games Gronkh has Let's Played:

Wide Open Sandbox:

Trash/Let's Not Play:

  • Adventure At The Riding Stables 7
  • Garbage Simulator
  • Garden Simulator 2010
  • Police Simulator

MMORPG tests:


Tropes found in Gronkh's Let's Plays:

Okay, he'll be beaten black and blue, get killed and have to read many comments.

Female characters in MMORPGs can be distinguished by the fact that the better their armour is, the more skin is shown off.

Disgusting abominable spiders carrying money!

It hisses and grills like a briquette in the evening. Even though I don't know whether a briquette in the evening actually makes any sounds.

  • Player Tic: Repeatedly choosing the same dialogue options in RPGs that allow this.
  • Pungeon Master
  • Real Is Brown: He criticized this here.
  • Running Gag:
    • Him being "Almost Twelve Years Old (TM)", along with his "Gregor Onkh" identity.
    • Minecraft:
      • Using a shovel to "shear"/spank sheep. Once shears were introduced, their sprite in his custom texture pack by Honeyball was changed to what he called a "groping glove" to reflect this.
      • Chickens being evil.
      • A certain mispronunciation of "gravel", originating from his uncertainity on which word to use for it in German early in his Let's Play.
      • "Gronkh, you missed some coal!", originating from his viewers' annoying tendency of attempting to be helpful and telling him about ressources he purposedly ignored.
    • Mischief with snow golems as a stinger in Minecraft prerelease specials.
    • "Let me through, I'm a medic!"
    • All moonlit nights in Dragon Age II caused him to ask "Where is Batman?".
    • Fenris not cleaning up the corpses in his home in the course of several years.
    • In his "Adventures at the Riding Stables" LP, "Or the horse will die."
    • "CopyCopyCopyCopy", referring to the numerous backup saves he made in order to horribly screw around with the scenery in the course of experiments, in a manner similar to Raocow's "That was a demo."
  • Sarcasm Mode: Shows up rather snidely here.
  • Self-Deprecation: He often calls his own commentary "pointless rambling" or similar.
  • Shoot the Medic First: Applies to other sorts of casters as well in Dragon Age II.
  • Sinister Geometry: Inverted; he loves symmetry and tries to apply it in everything he builds in Minecraft.
  • Sir Swearsalot: Yes. Mostly mild swearing though, but he (occasionally) tries to avoid even "Crap!" since some fans complained about it, leading to some awkward examples of Last-Second Word Swap or Bowdlerization.
  • Sophisticated As Hell:
  • Song Parody: As a special, he recorded one of these (using the music of the song "Das Beste" by Silbermond) when he reached 200 subscribers. The first stanza is an over-the-top cheesy 'thank you' and declaration of love to his subscribers, the second one midway shifts into a Take That to Silbermond and Lampshade Hanging of the song's cheesiness... and in the end, the refrain's lyrics are suddenly replaced by Gronkh discussing how much he likes schnitzel.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: Primarily in Minecraft, where he often forgets to switch playlists, resulting in cheerfully cutting wood being accompanied by gloomy Nether music or upbeat music playing while exploring a creepy cave.
  • Squee:
  • So Bad It's Good:
    • He stated this about singer Andreas Elsholz, whose music he had "recommended" before as a Rick Rolling-style prank.
    • Also the premise of his simulator "Let's Trash"s.
  • Sorting Algorithm of Weapon Effectiveness: A Wall Banger to him if done unsubtly.
  • The Stinger: Parodied for example here.
  • Take That: He justified intending to set a Minecraft chicken on fire with the statement that "incinerating a chicken is relatively tame compared to what regularly happens to them at KFC".
  • Uncanny Valley: Lampshaded regarding humans in Adventure At The Riding Stables 7.
  • Urban Legend of Zelda: There's a persistent rumour going on that his real name would be "Gregor Onkh". He has given up on correcting the naive viewers who kept thinking so, and regularly jokes about the name or even supports the rumour himself. This culminates in a "Gregor Onkh Loves You" shirt worn by him during several interviews.
  • Vendor Trash: He often sarcastically praises such items for their value and usefulness.
  • We Buy Anything: Lampshaded here.
  • Zerg Rush: As a side effect of how the absurd amount of wolves he tamed just because they're adorable, much to his annoyance, this unnecessarily happenes every time an enemy approaches his dog coop.

Idiot dogs!

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