< Minecraft

Minecraft/Nightmare Fuel

The underground tunnels of Minecraft have been compared to System Shock 2 due to their complete isolation, the darkness, and the mindless polygonal Body Horrors. And there's still more to it.[1]

  • Try exploring a deep cave with the ambiance sounds and mob noises, without getting paranoid.
  • Have you ever came across a giant spider? Yes, kind of creepy. Have you ever found a Skeleton riding a spider? What's worse is, spiders have a 1% chance of spawning as one. They can also do that in Spider spawning dungeons.
    • And spiders can climb walls.
    • So wait, skeletons can climb walls while riding on spiders now?
    • If you have a 2 high, 1 wide door and a 3 high ceiling, spiders will now cluster on the ceiling trying to get to you.
    • As of 1.8, there are now poisonous Cave Spiders.
      • CAVE. SPIDERS. Let's explain. They are Venomous, smaller (protip: 1x1), inhabit abandoned mineshafts which seem to be everywhere, where you can find stuff that would attract you there like Diamonds and of course, cobwebs don't affect them. That same cobweb that could spell death if you accidentaly walk into it. Arachnophobes be warned.
  • Early on, when you're still getting used to the the game, you build a skylight, and see a spider step onto it every time you walk by. Then you realize it's tracking your movements from your roof, and will be right above you when you leave your base in the morning.
  • The entire Nether dimension qualifies, but what really ups the creepiness factor to 11 are the Ghasts' cries that reverberate through it non-stop. They're not that loud, but they carry really far, so you'll pretty much always hear them as if they were right next to you...
    • Not only that, look at the ghast's face. It's crying as it kills you.
  • KNOWING that there are Creepers outside in the morning, but not knowing where.
  • Hearing a monster noise out of nowhere, but not knowing where (again).
  • This. Just... this.
  • The range at which you can hear a mob is 16 blocks. Now realize the range at which a mob can sense you is 16 block; this means that if you can hear it it can find you, and if it finds you you are probably 5 seconds away from being mobbed by zombies. This can make anyone paranoid of noises in Minecraft.
  • You've just used up most of your tools, and it's getting dark out. You've only a few torches left (perhaps none if you went full out) as you're running from the cave you just finished excavating, and the sky is getting very dark, so you're making a bee-line for the camp/lodging you made yourself... and all too late do you fall down that nearly bottomless pit that is a vertical drop into complete darkness.
  • The recent January 13 update grants the giant spiders the ability to climb up walls.
  • Also in this update: Squids. [dead link] Aww they're kinda cutOH GOD AAA
    • At least there's no way you'll ever see them outside of the Nether, right? RIGHT?!?
  • If you are foolish enough to go to bed where monsters can get you, you'll doze off and go to sleep... only to be immediately woken up by a monster right beside you.
  • Creepers can climb ladders. Think about it.
  • Carefully exploring a new branch of this massive cave... around a corner... TWANG! OH GOD OH GOD
  • Oooooh who's a cute little wolf, yes you are, yes you are, lemme just feed you a bo- oops sorry I didn't mean to hi- OH GOD HELP ME
  • So you're wandering around in the daytime, minding your own business, looking around for enemies, and getting resources. SUDDENLY CREEPER! And you never saw it coming.
    • Somewhere, out there, a Creeper is plotting to kill you.
    • Imagine this: it's your first time playing Minecraft. You're running around a happy, bright field, looking for some trees to get some wood from, when you suddenly step over the edge of a deep gorge you had no idea existed until a few moments ago and fall in. Taking a look around, you find no discernible exit and a Creeper lurking in an alcove, staring directly at you and doing absolutely nothing - waiting for you to pass by so it can spring out and blow you up.
  • Creepers hit by lightning turn into power creepers [dead link] , which are not only scarier, but are also more powerful.
    • "More powerful"? That's an understatement. If you're on normal or hard, these things are One-Hit Kill. Even in easy they do 9 hearts!
    • The Minecraft Wiki's advice for dealing with one? "Run."
    • Oh come on! They can't be that much more powerful. Right?
      • Your only saving grace is the fact that the lightning still does damage to the creeper, so several charged arrow shots may be enough to save you.
  • The (now gone) Far Lands. More or less, if you head an impossibly far distance away from your spawn, the world basically goes batshit insane, creating:
    • Bedrock to sky walls of randomly generated, swiss cheese looking, non-natural in any way formations;
    • Strange, three layered planes, one on top of another:
      • The top, devoid of life, and with most blocks that usually fall (sand, gravel) completely ignoring gravity;
      • The middle pitch black and filled with mobs which, due to the fact that you have more or less stepped into the twilight zone, will spawn at a rate so fast that it is literally impossible to kill them fast enough, and
      • A bottom layer consisting entirely of an ocean filled with squids.
    • And, if you go even farther out, you eventually hit a point where the game stops generating light. Going beyond this (with the help of mods to see) gives you the worst experience off all: nothing.
      • Sheer cliffs all around, with strange, unnatural looking landmarks, and no mobs, trees, or anything to keep you company. Nothing but sand, dirt, and stone.
      • The Minecraft Wiki has some lovely images that show the Far Lands twisting blocks out of shape once you get deep enough in them. For a character used to simple, even square shapes like the Player Character, the Mind Screw is probably quadrupled. Oh, and MC Edit gets distorted by attempting to edit the Far Lands, too - everything related to that region is just pure Nightmare Fuel.
      • This is The Far Lands. This is Amigara Fault. Sweet dreams.
    • Even worse, the Nether also has Far Lands. Take the normal Far Lands, and put it in hell.
      • (Fortunately) Dead. Now you get oceans...and oceans...and oceans... oh and you will fall into "fake chunks" and die. Enjoy!
  • Soul Sand. It sinks you in a bit (like video game quicksand) and slows you down. It has faces on it. Faces that look like Creeper faces. Put that together and think about why it's called Soul Sand for a moment.
  • You are alone in this massive world save for animals, zombies, skeletons, and whatever the hell Creepers are. What happened to everyone?
    • Everyone else was probably killed by zombies, skeletons, giant spiders, and the creepers.
      • That's even worse!!
      • The last adventurers ARE the zombies and skeletons. It gets worse. That doesn't explain Creepers. OR ghasts.
      • The latest update added villages and villagers, but since they apparently are going to be quite rare and isolated, it might not do much to quell those thoughts.
        • And when you do find one, you'll discover that the villagers aren't quite human - their large heads and long noses make them look like Neanderthal Squidward.
        • And they are creepy as hell.
  • 1.8 also added the Endermen, a terrifying cross between Slender Man and a Weeping Angel. This blog post explains exactly what they do. When you have one in your sights, it looks right at you, opens its mouth, and starts shaking and smoking it keeps shaking even when you pause the game.
    • Even worse, the other possible name for endermen was "farlanders." Notch has stated that yes, Endermen come from the aforementioned Far Lands.
    • It is stated in the Minecraft Wiki that wearing a pumpkin as a helmet will keep them peaceful though so it may not be as bad as we first thought.
      • They leave you alone if you conceal your face? That is even worse! It means that they are not just attacking you because they are monsters: they know your face and are out to get you specifically!
      • Some Fridge Brilliance comes in when you realize that Endermen only look at you if your cursor is directly over them... and the pumpkin helmet goes over your cursor. There's also the fact that there's Multiplayer and they attack any player.
    • Luckily, it's been confirmed that Enderman will spawn rarely.
    • Endermen are able to pick blocks. Nobody said it'll stop them from picking blocks from your house's walls. Remember about it when you wake up with an Enderman right in front of your face.
      • Endermen are weak to water. Endermen can teleport. It rains in Minecraft. Your house is dry.
    • Thought about staring at them and hitting them?
      • Worse, when you get too close while looking at them, they teleport away from you, away from your reticle.
    • This fancomic makes them even worse...
    • Imagine a world with no stars, no moon or sun, the sky a void made of static noise, no trees, entirely made of a barren, dry stone and weird, obsidian towers. No oceans, no villages, no forms of life besides a throng of Endermen mindlessly walking around until they spot you. Add a humongous dragon supposedly made of antimatter, and that's The End. And once you beat the dragon, if you come back there for any reason, everything will be gone. Oh, and it is speculated that Endermen are stealing blocks from your world to attempt and restore their dimension, which the Enderdragon has turned into the barren, moon-like floating islands.
      • The Enderdragon will no longer be invincible, but pray that there remains no way for them to reach the overworld.
    • Speaking of Weeping Angels, there is a mod that adds them to the game.
    • The Endermen bear a disturbing resemblance to SCP-096, including a lack of skin pigmentation, abnormally long arms, a mouth that can stretch absurdly wide, and the drive to brutally murder anything that looks at them.
    • If you ever piss off an Enderman without killing it, it will continue stalking you until one of you is dead.
  • Some kindly contributors at deviantART have been kind enough to provide us with approximations of what each mob would look like in a realistic setting. We have zombies, creepers,skeletons and spiders, zombie pigmen,and the ever adorable ghasts. It's sad when the Slenderman Expy is currently the least scary in fan-art, but knowing the internet, worse is sure to follow.
  • Silverfish are small, fast critters that might spawn when you destroy a stone block in a Stronghold. They look like some kind of hybrid between a real silverfish and a centipede except a hundred times larger, are hard to kill and spawn more of their kind out of nearby blocks whenever they are hit.
    • Basically, the aggro Cucco of Minecraft.
    • There's a song about it.
  • Abandoned Mine shafts. They're deep underground, dark and lonely. Part of them become labyrinth-like and easy to get lost in, while hearing the sounds of skeletons, zombies and spiders, regular and cave spiders clashing against dead silence (except for the occasional ambience)
    • Something about their construction is really unsettling too. Cart rails frequently disappear over the edge of what appear to be vertical shafts, except unlike in an actual mine, they don't have a clearly defined top or bottom. Just wooden pillars looming up and dropping away into the darkness...
  • The latest 1.9 prerelease introduced a lot of new music discs. Most of these are pretty innocent. All except one, which is simply titled "11". For one thing, it seems to be cracked and broken. For another, it doesn't play music. It plays the sounds of somebody running for their lives, running from something. Then it suddenly cuts out.
  • The End. And you thought the Nether was scary enough...
  • What happens if you mine upwards in the Nether? You reach a "ceiling" of bedrock, and if you pass that, a never-ending creepy, red void with nothing in it... and Ghast cries playing over and over.
  • Try observing Creepers from a good distance for a while. It looks like they're just wandering around, but occasionally one might freeze in its tracks, turn its head to look right at you, and then go about its business like nothing happened. Damn you Creeper, what are you planning?
    • A really good example of the above can be seen in the very first episode of the Yogscast Minecraft Series. Lewis notices a Creeper standing at the edge of a cave over a cliff with an overhang and asks what it is to Simon. Simon immediately tells Lewis that it's a Creeper, and the horrible things they do. It then turns around and heads back into the cave.
  • From the ending sequence;
  • The new Release Candidate gives the Endermen really weird and creepy sounds. You may want to turn your volume down before you kill one. The new teleport sound is also rather creepy as well.
  • If you jump from a large height in 1.0, you can literally hear your bones crack as you hit the ground.
  • Notch might have something really scary going on with the number 11. Disc 11 is scary as hell, Endermen are the 11th mob added, and Herobrine has been removed 11 times.
  • Hardcore mode. Imagine not only getting unluckily owned by a creeper or some other horrid abomination...but also having all your hard work taken away from you.
  • Chunk errors. A glitch where your world renders incorrectly and you can see a giant hole going through the ground/water/etc. Can be a Good Bad Bug, because it can help you locate mineral deposits and lava flows and so on, but you can walk over it and see Zombies, Creepers, Sheep, NPC's, etc. endlessly falling to their doom. Even when it happens to a monster, it's still pretty creepy.
  • As of the new pre-releases for 1.2, wolves, creepers and zombies have been given path-finding abilities, meaning they can go around lava and other hazards and will stalk you.
  • Putting Endermen in a game? Creepy and a bit challenging, but fairly easy to avoid. Putting Endermen in the same game that already had Creepers? Asking for trouble. For the uninitiated, a savvy player's first reaction to entering a new, dark area is to quickly look around to make sure there's nothing dangerous nearby. But now you're running the risk of accidentally looking at an Enderman that way. Suddenly no strategy is safe anymore...
  • Underground ravines. There is no good level to enter one from. Enter near the top and you're stuck edging along the narrow ledges and praying you don't screw up and fall, and you might not even bother because all the best ore blocks are near the bottom. Enter near the bottom and every creeper that spawns on one of the aforementioned ledges within a reasonable radius will decide to take a flying leap and come join you. And often the fall isn't enough to kill them.
  • Void fog. Now imaging being in a ravine where you can't see anything above you and very little ahead of you. Now realize that enemies see you perfectly in the fog...
  • In the future version 1.2, the zombies will break doors. Ready for a surprise visit?
    • Only in hard mode though. Still leaves you unable to sleep unless you have a way to stop them getting to you.
  • Snapshot 12w06a introduced rare drops from some mobs. Zombies have a rare chance to drop Iron things. It's pretty cool, until you realize...that iron may have been the spoils of OTHER miners the Zombies have killed.
  • Even if you're playing on peaceful, the cave noises can still freak you out. And sometimes updates will reset your settings, and if you forget to put it back on peaceful you can get ambushed by monsters.
  • Sometimes, in the Nether, you can see a massive, truly massive ocean of lava. All the lavafalls pour into it, creating this great sea of fire. And that's when it sinks in that you are, in fact, standing in Hell.


You died! -- Score: 0

(Respawn) (Title menu)

  1. Fun(?) fact: One of the random splashes (those yellow text thingies) in the title screen says "Scary!" because some people think Minecraft is scary.
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