UberHaxorNova or James, is a Youtube game player who tends to get the most angry when playing with other people. On his own, he is a fun-loving WWE fan who dabbles in Minecraft from time to time. He has numerous videos of wrestling up on his account, the most of them going towards Smackdown vs Raw 2011 with full playthroughs of the Road to Wrestlemania mode and even some custom stories. He interacts with his fans on occasion and is a member of a group called The Creatures, who frequently collaborate with each other. Currently, he is part of the Minecraft Excommunicated Series and has an ongoing Happy Wheels playthrough, where he runs through user-created levels while laughing his ass off.
Also, has a second account called NovaPipebomb with an ongoing playthrough of WWE Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain and the WWE '12 story mode.
Nova is one of the main members of The Creatures.
- Ascended Fanboy: Nova can be considered this; his videos of Happy Wheels have become so popular that the creator, Jim Bonacci, added a character specifically for Nova, complete with voice clips Nova made for the character.
- Berserk Button: He hates it when people cheat.
- Just recently, he developed one to comments being marked as spam.
- Big Name Fan: Notch watches his Happy Wheels playthrough and acted surprised when he was told that Nova was doing Minecraft videos.
- The developers of Payday: The Heist, E.Y.E, and Techno Kitten Adventure have all told Nova they watch his videos, as well.
- He also proposed, and got to voice act for, the Pogo Stick Man in Happy Wheels.
- Butt Monkey: During the Quad Mountain series, his second turtle T-Dog, becomes this. Nova goes as far as to fence him out from all the other turtles he finds later on.
- Catch Phrase: MLG, whenever he does something that is awesome.
- And when he fails at something, "I knew that was going to happen!"
- In Happy Wheels: "Fuck the world! *throws character's dismembered leg*"
- As well as "Wiggle your niblets!" when a character loses all or most of their limbs.
- In his ยดMax Payne 3 playthrough, he will randomly say/shout "Por que!"
- Determinator: Even when he knows he can't win, he still keeps going. Sometimes devoting an entire video (or even a few whole episodes) to just one level.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With SSoHPKC, especially on Minecraft. Either that or full on Ho Yay.
- Don't forget Sp00n. Sp00n has done a lot of cool/funny videos with Nova too. Sp00n was so awesome in Nova's opinion that he not only made him a cake (which he refused to eat when he hilariously jumped off the roof of the Treehouse) but dedicated an entire statue to him in Minecraft. You can feel the love.
- Small shades of this with Kootra. Nova teases Kootra most of the time but they always pull through together in the various projects they have done, especially their Minecraft series with the Tree Houses they made together.
- Don't forget Sp00n. Sp00n has done a lot of cool/funny videos with Nova too. Sp00n was so awesome in Nova's opinion that he not only made him a cake (which he refused to eat when he hilariously jumped off the roof of the Treehouse) but dedicated an entire statue to him in Minecraft. You can feel the love.
- Jerkass: His general attitude when playing multiplayer on games.
- Large Ham: He tends to throw his mike levels into the red, sometimes, when things aren't going his way.
- Just his general persona is over the top even when he doesn't get angry. Underneath all of that is just a normal guy who likes to have fun as he has said himself during a few videos.
- Let's Play: Fits all the criteria.
- Like an Old Married Couple: Kootra and Nova can best be described as this. They nag each other quite a bit, which Gassy Mexican puts a Lampshade Hanging on.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: He is pretty mean when people tick him off, but when he's playing single-player, he's usually nice to listen to.
- He is pretty kind to his fans if you take a look at some of the video descriptions.
- Number Two: To Kootra, when Kootra is gone Nova tends to take over Kootra's role as leader. To hear Nova tell it though he usually doesn't need Kootra's help and considers himself an independent entity.
- Running Gag: The "Gay Tony" jump in Minecraft.
- Several in his Happy Wheels videos including: "Wiggle your niblets.", "Random bike.", and "Fuck the world!".
- It seems that one among the comments in the Repeaters / Wool series is how many keyboards Nova has broken from smashing the desk in his rage.
- One in the Game of Life, was "Nova's sister" appearing in game form.
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: In the first video on his second account, he picked Kurt Angle to face JBL. JBL hit Angle with 4 finishers and was about to hit a fifth, but his finisher meter ran out.
- Also, with some of the user-created levels in Happy Wheels, sometimes he and the kid end up with about 20 harpoons inside them.
- Soundtrack Dissonance: During Nonsensical Saints Row The Third episode 7, Nova and Sp00n were getting chased by the cops. What was playing? Satisfaction
- Stealth Parody: His "REPEATERS / WOOL" series, where at face value, he rages at things that happen or goes ballistic about things he's told. However, in most of them he's actually making fun of the fact that people keep telling him the most obvious things no matter how much time has passed inbetween recording and uploading.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: Happy Wheels. Full stop.
- Especially... THE LITTLE BOY!
- Tsundere: Nova is a full on Tsundere when it comes to the LITTLE BOY(!) in Happy Wheels. There are many times where he will go out of his way to kill the Little Boy, will insult him, or generally not care that he just died, and other times he will be devastated that the Little Boy got killed or hurt or even just so much as fell off the bike.
- Uncanny Valley: Deliberately invoked in Saints Row the Third with his character named Ginger Powder.
- Video Game Cruelty Punishment: About 3-4 times in the Happy Wheels playthrough, whenever he would launch the Little Boy into a harpoon trap or another kind of trap that would've spelled death for Nova, the traps would just ignore the Little Boy and activate on Nova.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: James can have a somewhat silly and crude sense of humor against just about everyone but especially against Kootra who he makes fun of the most (insults like Kootra smells, etc.). However you can tell that the teasing is all in good spirits and that they are really friends.
- With Sly as well where Sly and Nova constantly insult each other, screw up their work on projects, and they will sometimes go out of their way to do something mean to the other.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: A small one occurred in his Portal 2 co-op with SlyFoxHound. He was going through a puzzle and at the end, it required Nova to drop a Companion Cube horizontally via wave tunnel into a small little opening. He drops it in then complains to Sly that's he's stuck
- Yank the Dog's Chain: During Happy Wheels episode 82, Nova took on an incredibly hard map and kept dying on one part for five minutes. He finally makes it past that part only to trip mines in a later part. Many fans commented that they felt Nova's pain when he died on that part.
- Also, episodes 95-98, when he played the Ocarina of Time map. That ONE booster section immediately after Gohma screws him over so often it's unfunny.
- According to the comments, though, it might have made it worse for Nova because the original creator of the map fixed the booster after Nova was done with the level.