Milky Way and The Galaxy Girls
What planet are you from?
Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls is an original toyline mainly aimed at girls and developed by Lauren Faust of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic fame. It's about girls with a planetary theme (known as the Girlaxy) similar to Sailor Moon and their various adventures.
The idea of the franchise came from some homemade dolls Lauren Faust made in her spare time. It's important to note that these dolls are something that Lauren is very passionate about, to the point that she is almost always trying to promote them on her official Deviant ART page or on their official site. She's been trying to get an animated series based on them off the ground for years, in fact Friendship is Magic may have never happened if she wasn't pitching Galaxy Girls to Hasbro in the first place.
The main theme of the dolls is that there are many ways to be a girl, and it encourages girls to be their own unique selves while proving that being girly isn't a synonym for being lame.
The official website can be visited in archived form here, and the Solar Sisterhood Blog (which includes some in-character entries for the Girlaxy) here. You can browse the (archived) official shop here.
- Alliteration: Moon's biography does this with seven different letters.
- Animesque
- Animated Adaptation: Currently only these promos; Meet Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls and Chibis In Space.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: The physical planets still exist though, judging from this.
- Bare Your Midriff: About half of the girls.
- Batman Can Breathe in Space
- Beneath the Mask: Pluto's official description is "Don't let her attitude fool you. Beneath her hard-rock exterior lies a heart of gold, and a true friend who's always ready to stick up for her gal pals--with brute force."
- Big Bad: Lauren Faust mentioned that an animated excursion starring MWGG would have her going up against Black Hole:
Milky Way’s joy in life is to explore her realm, meet new friends and find adventure. While visiting our Solar System for the very first time, Milky comes across a beautiful, small planetoid. But when she touches it, it shatters into 11 pieces, releasing the villain who was imprisoned inside, the massively destructive and terrifying BLACK HOLE!!!
Milky must find the pieces of the planetoid and re-imprison this threat to the known universe, but the fragments have been hurled to each of the planets of the star system that surrounds her. As she searches for them, she meets each and every one of the Galaxy Girls, and each girl must use her unique talents to help Milky retrieve the fragments and save the Universe from being sucked in and devoured by Black Hole’s evil vortex!
- Blue Eyes: Milky Way, Mercury, and Saturn.
- Brown Eyes: Uranus.
- Character Blog: Some of the Solar Sisterhood Blog entries are written by Jupiter (and one of them by The Sun).
- Cloudcuckoolander: Mars is, as the website quotes, "a true space cadet."
- Cluster F-Bomb: From the Solar Sisterhood Blog, after Pluto's demotion to dwarf planet:
The last to see Pluto before her disappearance was Mars, who relayed her experience to us: “I heard a little of what she was saying to herself and I think she said– and this may not be an exact quote– but she said ‘Those &*%!* scientists can %$#@!! If they think they can *&%@# change my %$#* status, they got another &*%%# thing coming! I never wanted to be a &*%@# planet anyway, planets are &*%%#. Who needs those $%##@s anyway!’” Mars continues, “and then I think she said ‘ #@@*’ and ‘&&*%@’ and ‘##$% **&% &##@@, **@#%$$!!!!’ But really I can’t be sure.”
- Color Coded for Your Convenience:
- Milky Way: Gold
- Sun: Orange
- Mercury: Silver
- Venus: Pink
- Moon: Gray
- Mars: Green
- Jupiter: Brown
- Saturn: Purple
- Uranus: Blue
- Neptune: Teal
- Pluto: Black
- Cool Shades: Neptune has dark sea-green sunglasses.
- Curtains Match the Window: Sun, Moon, and Neptune.
- Cute Bookworm: Uranus.
- Darkskinned Blonde/Dark-Skinned Redhead: Sun combines the two tropes by having orange hair.
- Doing It for the Art: This is clearly Lauren Faust's dream project, one that she's been working on for over five years.
- All Drummers Are Animals: Eris, as befits someone named for a goddess of chaos.
- Eighties Hair: Jupiter, Sun, and Pluto.
- Friend to All Living Things: Jupiter.
- Funny Afro: Sun has one.
- Genki Girl: Milky Way and Mars.
- Glasses Girl: Uranus, though it may just be Brainy Specs.
- God-Created Canon Foreigner: While they don't have toys, Lauren has drawn designs for a few other characters, namely Milky Way's little sister Andromeda and Pluto's bandmates Ceres and Eris.
- Gray Eyes: Moon.
- Hair Colors:
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Pluto, to go with her "hard rock" Woman in Black look.
- Hair of Gold: Milky Way.
- Rose-Haired Girl: Venus.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Possibly justified with Mars, since she appears to be a, well, martian.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: The Moon, to go with her Woman in White fashion style.
- Hair Decorations: Jupiter's head scarf; Saturn has both a yellow ponytail holder and headphones.
- Hartman Hips: All of the girls to some degree.
- Human Aliens: Mars being the exception.
- Innocently Insensitive: Uranus's attempt at cheering up Pluto after her demotion. As a commenter put it:
She seems like someone who would say “Don’t worry, statistics show that most people who go through a hard breakup eventually get over it with the help of counseling” and say it with such sincerity that you can’t hate her.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Pluto.
- Large Ham: Moon.
- Magical Girl
- Non-Standard Character Design:
- Milky Way is the only Galaxy Girl with stars in her eyes, as opposed to regular reflections.
- Most of the girls appear to be human. Mars is a classic green martian.
- Peek-a-Bangs: Venus.
- Perky Goth: Pluto.
- Pink Means Feminine: Pink-clad Venus is by far the most feminine of the Galaxy Girls.
- Pluto Is Expendable: Pluto reacts to her demotion here, here, and here.
- Purple Eyes: Venus and Jupiter. Pluto has lavender eyes.
- Rapunzel Hair: Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Moon, and Milky Way to a lesser extent.
- Rule of Cute: How do these girls travel the cosmos on their roller skates alone? Who cares?! Lauren Faust thought it'd be cute.
- That and the fact that Jupiter's animals need only a helmet and rocket boosters to travel safely.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Black Hole, as mentioned above.
- She's Got Legs: Not for any real Fan Service, but about half of the girls wears shorts or short skirts.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: No-nonsense bookworm Uranus and Surfer Dudette Neptune. Bonus points in that they're twins.
- Sassy Black Woman: Sun has traits of this.
- Taste the Rainbow
- Technicolor Eyes: Mars has green and pink eyes.
- Tomboy: Mercury; Neptune to a lesser extent.
- Uranus Is Showing: From the official website comes this gem:
"Uranus is very particular about the way you pronounce her name. She would like you to know that the proper, scientific pronunciation of her name is: YOOR-en-us. No other pronunciation is acceptable."
- Visual Pun: Saturn wears a lot of rings and hoops.
- Milky Way is literally "starry-eyed."
- Youthful Freckles: Neptune.
- The Wiki Rule: Milky Way and the Galaxy Girls Wiki.