< Mabaka - Magic is for Idiots!

Mabaka - Magic is for Idiots!/Characters

The Shrine Residents

Rokuro (碌労)

"Look. I'm an idiot. I'm fully aware of that. And I know I tend to be dense, even when something's obvious. I'm just a bit slow – Not insensitive."

Rokuro is an amateur wizard who crash-landed head-first into Akemi's yard one day in April. He seems to attract trouble wherever he goes, and seldom comes up with a way to get out of it by himself. He also seems to have a crush on Akemi despite the fact that she's taken.

  • Accidental Pervert: Not as much as the usual character type would imply, but still more often than he’d like.
  • Apologizes a Lot: Played for laughs, most of the time.
  • Attention Deficit Disciple
  • Attractive Bent Gender: Cali drew this [dead link] gender-bent picture of Rokuro a while back. The result is a girl who might actually be better looking than the normal female lead.
  • Bare Your Midriff: When he’s not wearing his light blue shirt.
  • Big Eater
  • Butt Monkey: Gets both hurt and insulted in just about every chapter. Played for Laughs constantly.
  • Character Tics: He fixes his headband when he’s embarrassed, when he needs to think, when he’s confused, ect.
  • Digging Yourself Deeper
  • Elemental Powers: Rokuro's Rudaia transformation is obviously fire-based.
  • Gray Eyes
  • Hand Behind Head
  • High-Pressure Emotion: Oh, he's definitely guilty of this.
  • Lightning Bruiser: His Rudaia form gives him a boost in both strength and speed.
  • Not a Morning Person: Extremely evident, by early chapters.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Rokuro is a rather... dense... person, and can't seem to think things through, which amounts to loads of trouble for him. However, he's shown that he can handle himself professionally when the situation calls for it. The tenth arc illustrates this well, when he and Maruchi are working on an exorcism in Rie's house. Not to mention his apparent hidden genius when it comes to math equations.
  • Omniglot: Rokuro notes that he can speak Japanese, English, Italian, and Spanish fluently because of the job he has back home - He's a delivery boy for the different sects and domains of Mahokkai. Apparently, the different areas all speak different languages.
    • He can also speak "some" Esperanto, write in Tibetan (Though he claims everyone in his home world can do this), and read Latin. Akemi is floored by this.
  • Power Crystal: His Keifu (the purple gem attached to his shirt).
  • Token Non-Human
  • Tsundere: There's really no other reason to describe his personality. He goes from an argumentative, back-talking, smart-mouthed brat to a full-on Shrinking Violet Dojikko when he's around Akemi - Complete with pronoun changes to match. (He uses ore addressing himself normally, but uses boku when speaking to his hostess.)

Akemi Segawa (瀬雅琶明美)

"Oh, come on; don't be like that. I'm trying to compliment you."

16-year-old shrine maiden who likes to think of herself as one of the sanest people she knows. While most of the time she's considered a tomboy, when she's with Daisuke, she goes into a surprisingly girly, dere-dere mode. She has little tolerance for stupidity, and likes things to go her way.

And yes, the orange hair is natural.

Maruchi (丸智) / Maruchirō Kyoyoseikan (炯妖凄感丸智婁)

"You need to have a serious talk with yourself, Rokuro. Or at least with your common sense. I'm sure it misses you."

Maruchi is Rokuro's majikyou (Magic instructor) who made his first appearance in chapter seven as a purple kitten. He is barely half of Rokuro's height, and tends to be classified as either a huge jerk or a brat. However, despite his outward appearance, he is actually close to three hundred years old and has an IQ more than two times higher than Isaac Newton's. He's also known to be racist against humans, and sometimes even sexist, but not to any particularly serious degress.

Shigeru Segawa (瀬雅琶茂)

"Look, you pervert. It would do you some good to listen. This isn't your house. You can't just do whatever you want - And my daughter is at the top of that list!"

Shigeru is Akemi's Overprotective Dad and Meiko's more sensible younger brother by four years. He is noted to have no real, steady job, but is both an English tutor and the substitute coach for his old high school's kendo team. Sometimes he helps his sister with the names for her comic because she's usually too busy or lazy to do them herself.

Main Recurring Characters

Rie Hirota (尋田利江)

"I knew ghosts and spirits were real! My fantasies aren't fantasies after all!"

Rie is Akemi's classmate and foil best friend. She's very much into the occult and the idea of magic, and acts very enthusiastic about it. Rie is also a proud Otaku, and a fangirl of Izumi Rio. She is great at school, especially English, despite the fact that all she does during class it read (Whether it be manga or an occult book). She's also Daisuke's younger sister by a year.

Daisuke Hirota (尋田大輔)

"Just who the hell do you think you are, touching my girlfriend like that!?"

Daisuke is Rie's older brother, Akemi's boyfriend, and a second year student at Okashii High. By his profile, he's shown to be a B+ student and a member of the kendo team. He's a truly nice guy with good morals, and is absolutely the sanest person in the cast, but will fly off the handle if you do anything to upset or hurt Akemi. He will kick your ass, then. Like Rokuro, Daisuke is afraid of Shigeru.

Hideki Miura (海卜ひでき)

"Hey, if there's ever a way, you wanna go on a date with me?"

Hideki is the only other wizard known at the moment. He is Rokuro's best friend, and extremely confident when it comes to getting girls. Even though he's never succeeded once. He just comes off as a pervert. He's also been known to screw up and slack off, and even has a schedule made for skipping classes. Despite these qualities, Hideki is shown to be very concerned with the wellfare of his friends, and is helping Rokuro keep the fact that he's now on Earth for a year secret.

Shichi (志智) / Shichirō Kyoyoseikan (炯妖凄感志智婁)

Shichi is another resident of Kitakuvaaraji. He first appears as an evil spirit, scaring Rie from her home so he could live there while training to become a majikyou, but is later caught and revealed to be a very talkative boy with the power to control shadows. Shichi is also revealed to be Maruchi's second and youngest brother, and admires him very much. He's two hundred and ten years old and colorblind (Which partly explains his horrible taste in fashion).

The Segawa Family

Meiko Segawa (瀬雅琶命子)

"He's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!"

Meiko was the first other Segawa family member to get a formal introduction in Mabaka!. She is the eccentric older sister of Shigeru, and Akemi's only aunt. She's an extremely happy person, and makes her feelings and thoughts known loudly and bluntly. She loves her little brother very much, and is insulted by the fact that he refuses to work with her on her manga, Yamato Master.

She is married to Tsukkomi, and has a daughter, Emiri.

It's not a comic, it's art!

    • She also insists that Akemi call her 'Aunt Meiko' instead of 'Meiko-obasan', simply because she thinks Akemi needs to work on her English.
  • Lethal Chef: Is incapable of making food edible. Her whole family dreads it when she walks into a kitchen.
  • Marshmallow Hell: Makes Rokuro suffer this when she first meets him.
  • Motor Mouth
  • No Indoor Voice

Tsukkomi Segawa (瀬雅琶月混)

"Very sorry to disturb you, Shigeru-san... We'll just be on our way now."

The most worrisome character of the story. He's a company worker who married into the Segawa family by marrying Meiko. He's a rather nervous man, and he's known to apologize a lot - Mainly to Shigeru. When altercations break out between the two siblings, Tsukkomi is the one who tries to remain neutral and calm them down. He's also the tallest character in the series.

He has a single daughter named Emiri.

Emiri Segawa (瀬雅琶笑理)

"I happen to read a lot of medical journals when I visit the library. After all, I am going to be either an ophthalmologist or an anthropologist. Fields like that are really fascinating, you know!"

Emiri is Akemi's eleven-year-old cousin. She's the daughter of Tsukkomi and Meiko, and seems to be more like her father than her mother. She has more common sense than most of her family does, as it's noted by Akemi. She may or may not be classified as a know-it-all, depending on who you ask. Apparently, she wants to go into the medical field when she's older. She also tends to invariably tick Rokuro off whenever they speak.

Hazuki Segawa (瀬雅琶葉月)

Akemi's mother and Shigeru's dead wife. Not much is known about her, other than that she was very beautiful and "went away" at a young age.

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