< Ménage à 3

Ménage à 3/YMMV

  • Base Breaker: Have a strong opinion about Zii? Don't worry. By appearances, so does just about everyone else.
    • Lately, both Yuki and DiDi had been this. Yuki over whether or not she's crazy/a psycopath and deserves to be interned (that she's currently Gary's girlfriend does NOT help Matters), DiDi over whether her search for an orgasm has made her completely unsympathetic or not.
  • Creator's Pet: Zii is this to a number of fans.
  • Fetish Retardant: Don't like Ho Yay? Or Les Yay? Or is Het Ew for you? Don't read this comic. Ménage à 3 serves up straight, gay, and lesbian hijinks with abandon.
  • Fridge Logic: In-universe.

Zii: Wait...why would she wait until we got to the play to get mad?

    • In-comic example: Here, Zii ponders over who to bring to Dillon's play, and imagines the waitress she went out with recently, who would likely be very angry with her, having a blow-up and trying to strangle her. But then Zii stops and wonders aloud "Wait... why would she wait until we got to the play to get mad?"
    • And for another in-comic example, that some readers didn't pick up on for days: On August 20, 2011 (NSFW), Gary thinks his gay ex-roommate is giving him kissing tips. Instead, he just used the "oral technique" to give three of the greatest ever orgasms to his favorite porn starlet. The comic had recently started titling individual strips, so if you read the name of the strip before you read the comic, it dawns on you before you even see it.
    • Also, when DiDi is trying to seduce Gary so that he uses the "Swirly-Go-Round" technique to give her an orgasm, she tells him that she will be showering alone and naked. Gary asks her how she normally showers.
  • Ho Yay: Ho Boy
  • Internet Backdraft: Discussions concerning Zii have gotten...lively... at times.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Yuki when it comes to Zii. Shortly after her introduction, she demands that Zii make love to her atop Gary's unconscious body.
  • Les Yay: In equal proportion to the Ho Yay.
  • Mary Sue: Zii, of the Jerkass Sue variety. To wit, she's a sex obsessed, manipulative sociopath who enjoys manipulating straight men into performing acts of gay sex on camera for her amusement, as well as stopping anyone else from getting into relationships -- especially if she's sexually attracted to one (or both) of them. She receives no negative feedback from any of her actions, which would be Moral Event Horizon moments if done by a male character. See also the Double Standard, Protagonist-Centered Morality, Questionable Consent, and Can't Have Sex Ever entries on the main page.
  • Memetic Sex Goddess: Zii. A kiss from her can turn women lesbian. Case in point, DiDi and Sonya.
    • Though it could be someone as experienced as Zii just cared more about Sonya's pleasure than her boyfriends and DiDi has finally realized yes, she's straight.
    • And in Sonya's case, it seems to be more of an Armored Closet Gay problem: if you look closely at the strip, she's got her hand up Zii's shirt, and her catchphrase is "I'm really not a lesbian!" Sure you aren't.
    • Then there's Gary's favorite (ex)porn star Amber-Amber who also happens to be Zii's old highschool best friend. The reason she became a porn star? Zii made love to her so good that she was convinced that people should get paid to have sex.
    • Matt comes pretty close to Zii, and sometimes is obviously intended to be a contrast. How much that works depends on the reader.
  • Moe: Yuki. True, she's fucked up in the head having been traumatized after being exposed to her father's tentacle hentai at an early age and has nymphomanic lesbian tendencies towards Zii. But, when she's not having one of her episodes, she really is cute. Especially when she tries.
  • Moe Couplet: Yuki and Kiley. Each is moe on their own, together, they bring out each other's positive traits. By making to the call to Kiley and agreeing to therapy, Yuki shows her willingness to change for the better by overcoming her fear of penises in order to pursue a relationship with Gary. While Kiley's efforts to help Yuki emphasises her supportive nature (despite her own issues) and her willingness to help. Bonus points for shared woobie moments, which ups the moe factor ten times over.
    • Kiley and Gary too, in their appearances together since hooking up there's usually at least one exceptionally cute/heartwarming moment
  • Nausea Fuel: What the hell is Zii typing on an internet forum?! Seriously, even the most fucked-up, drool-on-keyboard Internet troll would feel a little awkward reading Zii's "snappy rebuttal". You have been warned.
    • What kind of trolls would those be? ED can do better that, and there are casual trolls who consider ED lightweight.
    • To be fair, Zii is new to the internet, and she's "playing" nice, so her commentary is simply what she'd say in real life. I don't know about you, but considering the source, I'd be scared if Zii said that to me face-to-face.
  • Pandering to the Base: A harem comic filled to the brim with Ho Yay and Fan Service where sex and hardcore situations are teased constantly, but nothing serious or explicit ever occurs, mainly for purposes of building a fanbase who will wait patiently for "the big moment."
    • And until that big moment comes, she has made plenty of softcore porn of the characters for sale while they wait.
  • Reality Ensues: How Gary loses his virginity and the resulting emotional fallout. Similarly, Zii's complete and total failure as a wing-woman.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: To some, Zii gets rescued from the heap when she acts supportive of Gary's budding relationship with Kiley and preventing Didi from sabotaging it. And then consoling him after Kiley dumps him.
  • The Scrappy: Zii, Dillon and Matt seem to be in constant competition for this spot.
    • Recently, Didi has become a contender as well, thanks to her efforts to undermine Kiley and willingness to break up her (admittedly open) relationship with Matt just so Gary can give her an orgasm or two.
      • And she does it once again by insisting to Yuki that she break up with Gary so he can give her an orgasm. It's like she's trying to invoke this trope.
  • Tear Jerker: This.
    • The blonde is Dillon crossdressing for a play, for those unaware.
    • And they seemed so happy together...
      • Indeed. You can almost hear both their hearts break: Gary, because Kiley is the first girl he's had actual sex with and he seems to be really, genuinely attracted to her, even though they have only known each other for a day; Kiley, because she really likes Gary, who does not mind (and actually likes) her boobs' size, and she is doing it to prevent Yuki (who she has been helping to get over her phobia, and is getting better) from relapsing.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Zii's treatment of gay/bi men as if they only exist for her personal entertainment is less funny when you find out it reflects a growing and open sentiment among certain groups of women that, well, that's exactly what gay men are.
    • There's also the rather disturbing overtones of "Oh, you're a straight guy? Don't worry, some cock will fix that."
  • Values Dissonance: Amber tricks Gary into performing oral sex on her. Let's just say that this wouldn't be viewed in such a comedic light if the genders were reversed.
    • There are also Zii's various moments of manipulating others for her own sexual gratification. She has yet to be called out on it.
  • The Woobie: Gary.

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