< Ménage à 3

Ménage à 3/Awesome

  • The end of the Babes in Toyland arc. Zii has accidentally broken one of Gary's most prized Transformers in his absence[1], found out that she can't find a replacement and invented a story to clear herself of all charges. What does Gary do when he returns? First, he sees right through Zii's plan (warning: slightly spoilery link); then he keeps cool during the whole thing (more spoilers) instead of freaking out as one may expect, and finally... Well, this. (_Big_ spoiler). In how many ways is it awesome? Let me count:
    • After years of near-impossible naïvete, Gary catches the Smart Ball and manages to remain in control of the situation all the time - confronting Zii, the webcomic trickster, no less! Sure, she was pressed for time and invented a pretty flimsy story, but Gary has failed to see more obvious thing before.
    • Zii's attempt to trick her way out of responsibilities failed for once, cracking the aura of Karma Houdini that many fans found unlikeable.
    • Everybody in the forums suspected it'd happen, everybody in the forums hoped for it to happen, everybody in the forums rejoiced when it happened. As a forumite pointed out, you know it's well done when everybody sees it coming and everybody still loves it.
  • Gary's got himself a date with an Underwear model. Sure it's somewhere down the line, and it's with a transgendered woman, but she's still hot, so that's got to count for something.
  • Gary now has two women actually fighting over him, and he's dealing with it surprisingly well, so far.
    • He even had the titanium balls to say he liked both girls instead of choosing one. That takes guts.
  • Zii's revenge on an Internet Troll.
  • Gary delivering the Swirly-go-round technique on Kiiley's cooch, giving her an awesome orgasm
  • Zii finally makes her self-appointed wing-girl status beneficial to Gary when she stops DiDi from deliberately ruining his early-stages relationship with Kiley by dragging her off the scene Also doubles as a Crowning Moment of Funny.

Zii: "Weeeeeee're lesbians!

  • Kiley overcoming her A-Cup Angst next to busty Sonya, by calling her out on her "latent homosexual urges."
    • That could count as a Kick the Dog moment, though - yes, Kiley's asserting herself rather than having a complex over it... by using other people's complexes against them! (But at the same time, if Sonya's not gonna fight fair, why should Kiley?)
  • When Yuki finally realizes that DiDi is a rival for Gary, she grabs a hotdog...AND EATS IT! Remember that Yuki has a phobia concerning anything remotely phallic.

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  1. With DiDi, but the real focus of the arc is not on her
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