Lunar: The Silver Star/YMMV

  • Evil Is Cool: Ghaleon.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Oh, yes. Xenobia is all about this. Luna gets this treatment too, and in the remakes, Royce and Phacia join in. Also, Ghaleon.
  • Game Breaker: Alex in the original Lunar: The Silver Star. By the end of the game, he will have the highest HP, MP, physical damage, magic damage, defense, and is a decent healer.
    • White Dragon Protect is pretty costly to cast, but defends each party member from one attack. In Silver Star Harmony, Mia's Limit Break is even worse as it protects each member from multiple attacks, not just one.
      • The final boss viciously punishes you if you get complacent with Mist Barrier though. Use it, and he uses an attack called Blast Loci on the last turn it's active. What does it do? It makes the next spell he cast change into one that does 1,200 HP of damage. For comparison, Kyle's HP at the level cap (the highest in the game) is 276. There is no way not to die from this.
      • In Silver Star Harmony, Luna's Limit Break heals all hp/mp. Think of the implications of this when the PS version pretty much doesn't have Limit Breaks (especially the part about MP), it means you can basically use everyone's techniques without shopping for potions, where in the PS version, you need to keep buying super-expensive Star Lights.
    • Lunar Legend doesn't bother to remember what your HP and MP are when you quit the game. So you can just save and reset for free full healing anywhere.
  • Memetic Mutation: The internet-famous "Shii's Song" is a sped-up version of "Wind's Nocturne".
  • Straw Man Has a Point: Ghaleon's belief in the Silver Star Story Complete and Silver Star Harmony versions, that humanity needs a god for protection, and cannot look after itself, turns out to have been extremely well-founded considering the events of the sequel.
  • That One Boss: Royce, in Silver Star Story/Silver Star Harmony. She curses your party when you enter the dungeon, making you start every battle with two random characters asleep. Sleeping characters take double damage from attacks, and thus tend to almost instantly die in every battle. The curse doesn't end until you defeat her, and she's all the way at the end of a rather long dungeon. It's entirely possible that your main damage dealing character (Alex), and healer (Jessica) will be asleep at the beginning of the fight with her, get instantly killed, and then she'll immobilize your other characters for several turns while she kills them.
    • One trick that simplifies this: By this point, you should have a Fresh Ring (cancels Sleep) and the Tri-Ring (cancels all status effects). Give them to Alex and Jessica, and you're basically insured from getting screwed over.
    • The Black Dragon can be quite challenging. Especially since the battle occurs fairly late in the game, and all previous boss battles have been quite easy. There are no healers for this fight, and thus no way to heal everyone at once. It can be a struggle to keep everyone at full health one healing item at a time, all while trying to find a free turn to whittle down its generous HP. The black dragon always attacks twice in a row. Usually its first turn is a non-damaging Blowback, and the second turn is a powerful spell that hits all characters, but not always. It will also just attack two times in a row, leaving everyone critical and one or two characters dead, most likely. And it will frequently get its turn before the characters, which means if its turn came up last the previous round, and first this round, you could be facing four powerful all-character-hitting spells in a row, and certain death. You better hope that's not the case, as there was a fairly lengthy scene before the battle...
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Half of the fanbase attitude towards Lunar Legend. The one for the PSP even more so thanks to there being a bunch of changed and/or new additions. People have gone so far as to judge the game by its demo alone. Others denounced the game the very moment they learned Working Designs (or rather its members) weren't involved in the localisation. Especially nonsensical in Silver Star Harmony's case, considering Xseed used Working Design's script with a few alterations.
    • Was also the case to some degree with the PSX version since it changed several important plot points from the original Sega CD.
      • Definitely a YMMV, having played the PSP version first.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Fresca is a warrior woman with a bullwhip. So what does she contribute to the story? She gets sick and talks about how much she wants to have Tempest's babies.
  • The Untwist/The Not-Secret: The game doesn't even try to make Luna's real origins a secret. Doubly so in the PSP version, where Althena and Luna sing exactly the same song.
    • Not to mention the PSP has the entire opening scene in the start, while the PS 1 version skips to Alex.
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