Lunar: The Silver Star/Funny

  • The scene where Kyle takes on monsters while wearing a ugly and unconvincing Wholesome Crossdresser disguise, trying to make his voice sound feminine and spouting stock damsel-in-distress phrases.
  • The scene where you first find the white dragon and ask for a diamond only for him to comment when you leave; 'Why humans are so interested in my leavings I'll never know."
  • From Silver Star Story Complete:

Nall: "Nash... you suck."

  • The group's conversation upon entering Lyton and hearing the terrible music that's playing.

Nash: Do you think stuffing blades of grass in my ears will help to stop the bleeding?
Kyle: What are you guys talking about? This music's great! In fact, I'm gonna sing along! *belch*
Nall: Thanks, Kyle, now my ears AND my nose hurt.

  • Kyle drops this gem late in the game, when Zenobia captures Jessica and Mia and Kyle tricks her into releasing them.

Jessica: Wow, Kyle. I had no idea you were such a talented thespian!
Kyle: Thespian? Aren't I the wrong gender for that, Jess?

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