Lord of Azure Flame/Characters
Characters of the Lord of Azure Flame RP.
The Crimson wielders
Wielder of the Crimson Blade, also known as the Sword of Bloody Wrath.
- Better as Friends: Hopefully, with Damian.
- Broken Bird: As a child, Esphyr was a magically gifted girl and was taken to TISME to potentially become a Mage Knight. When she turned eight, she got her sword. The immediate result? Accidentally stabbing one of her classmates during practice followed by killing her roommate over a doll (also by accident).
- Not in This For Your Revolution: Is only with the group because she's been hired by Damian, and because it might allow her to get rid of her sword.
- Refusal of the Call: Attempted, but failed due to the clinginess of the Crimson Weapons.
Wielder of the Crimson Lance, Gae-Borg.
- Colonel Badass: Though the rank doesn't come up much.
- Ethical Slut: ...Forty...eight.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: When the lance takes over and he goes berserk. He has hopefully gotten rid of this.
- Unequal Pairing: His fiancee, Aiya, is one of his subordinates.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Tends to hit people, innocent or not, when angered. Has been called on this. Seems to be improving.
Wielder of the Crimson Dark tome, Midnight.
- Black Magician Girl
- Brought Down to Normal: When her Crimson Weapon was severed. It has been returned.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Though the "defrosting" bit is extremely debatable.
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm
- Expy: Morrigan from Dragon Age or Lulu from Final Fantasy X
- I Did What I Had to Do: Ends justifying the means is more or less Morgan's entire moral stance.
- Incurable Cough of Death: Result of losing her Crimson Weapon.
- The Lancer
- Murder Is the Best Solution: Shades of this; she doesn't generally consider sparing any potential enemies unless someone else points out that the group could benefit from doing so.
- No Social Skills
- Only Sane Man: Sometimes is this for the main party.
- The Spock
Wielder of the Crimson Daggers, Calamity.
- Ax Crazy
- Brought Down to Normal: Severance number three. Has got her knives back now, though.
- Butt Monkey: As of late, though she deserves it.
- For the Evulz: While her actions usually have some reason behind them, others often see them as this.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Manipulative Bastard: Sees everyone as just a pawn in her game, though it's debatable whether she's managed to manipulate any party members besides Alferis yet.
- The Mole: Admits it front out.
- Psycho for Hire
- Token Evil Teammate
Wielder of the Crimson Wind tome, Hellsety.
- Bad Dreams: Though this is not as frequent as it used to be.
- Easy Amnesia
- Jerkass: Improving, though.
- Reformed but Rejected: This was partly due to the amnesia which was brought on right after a deadly bout with Helenos.
- The Rival: To Chase, or was for a while, anyway. Possibly bordering on Vitriolic Best Buds.
- Running Gag: Blasting rocks with wind magic.
- The White Prince: Pompous, arrogant version.
Wielder of the Crimson Fire tome, Proxima.
- Brought Down to Normal: Has been severed, though in his case he's been brought a bit below normal: he's gone blind and started to go deaf.
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm some of the time, it seems.
- The Dulcinea Effect: Had something of a case for Katie, but this stopped after she was captured and presumed dead. He wasn't convinced at first, but couldn't go after her due to having been blinded.
- Kill It with Fire: His Proxima powers are strong enough to burn down a forest.
- Not in This For Your Revolution: Would really rather not be involved; only goes along with the group to protect his sister.
- Temporary Blindness: Result of weapon severance.
- Through His Stomach: Became attached to Katie because she gave him a sandwich, though this devolved into a Running Gag and seems to have (hopefully) died altogether.
- You Can Barely Stand: Hits this with alarming regularity. When he's not nearly killing himself by overusing his Crimson Weapon, he's just getting hit by everything.
Wielder of the Crimson Bow, Zephyrtwine.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Glass Cannon: Somewhat.
- Recruiting the Criminal: Subverted.
- The Rival: To Helios, or at least was for a while.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Used as a disguise once.
Wielder of the Crimson Thunder tome, Daranau.
- Badass Bookworm: Backed up by stats and the fact that the RNG seems to love him.
- Big Eater: He's a growing teenager.
- Brought Down to Normal: Has also had his Crimson Weapon severed.
- Definitely Just a Cold: Had a bad habit of downplaying the effects of the sickness brought on by losing his Crimson Weapon.
- Everyone Can See It: Most of the group is aware of Arrin's massive crush on Tessa, but he only recently worked it out for himself (with help, too.)
- Expy: Was based partially on Alphonse Elric, though has diverged significantly since.
- Kindhearted Cat Lover: Rescues a small cat because "it looked so sad sitting out there in the rain," despite his sister's protestations.
Wielder of the Crimson Axe, Earthshaker.
The rest of the party
A troubadour the group encounters on their way to Elyisima.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She is in fact capable of anger, when her friends are threatened.
- Hair of Gold
- The Heart
- Morality Pet: For many characters to some extent, but Morgan's in particular.
- White Magician Girl
A wyvern-riding mercenary that joined the group in order to find her brother, Isotov.
- Badass Normal
- Cloudcuckoolander: Kiev is a very silly wyvern.
- Les Yay: With Aiya.
- Mighty Glacier
- Raised by Dudes
Damian's lieutenant; a wyvern rider.
- All-Natural Snake Oil: Combines with But I Can't Be Pregnant in Chapter 12. (She wasn't.)
- Badass Normal
- Battle Couple: With Damian.
- The Big Guy: Of the three wyverns, Ulfrhahn is the biggest and strongest, but is also quite silent and doesn't think all that much.
- Les Yay: With Irina and Esphyr, occasionally edging into actual flirting. Less frequent lately, though.
- Lightning Bruiser
A wandering myrmidon from the ruined nation of Jerdon that managed to accidentally gain fugitive status along with the group.
- Butt Monkey: Overlaps with Cosmic Plaything
- Badass Normal: Manages this in Chapter 19, seemingly killing two demons with ease. As it turns out, he's really a Badass Abnormal, being a demon and all.
- Cosmic Plaything: Everything happens in order to kill Eric, you know it's true.
- Evil All Along
- Fragile Speedster: Despite being one of the bigger characters and a myrmidon, he has a tendency to go down in one hit, most of the time. If he doesn't, he's a force to be reckoned with.
- The Mole
A nomad who encounters the group while searching for her brother, Arrin. Stays on in order to protect him.
- Angrish: A more serious version; when extremely angry or upset, Kelas loses her grip on Common (English) and slips back into the nomad tongue.
- Bifauxnen: Gets confused for a guy a lot. Whether or not the impression is intentional depends on the situation.
- Bow and Sword in Accord: Still learning the sword part though.
- Broken Bird: She's starting to get better, at least.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome
- Flashback Nightmare: Usually to the bandit attack that killed most of her family when she was young, though other incidents sometimes pop up.
- Horse Archer
- My Greatest Second Chance: Ten years ago, Arrin was kidnapped before her eyes. She feels massively guilty, and when she finds him alive and well, she puts protecting him above all else.
- Not in This For Your Revolution: She's only here to protect Arrin, and often wishes that Arrin would stop involving himself.
- Promotion to Parent: To an extent: she's not very good at it, though she's certainly trying. Arrin's also old enough to mostly take care of himself.
- Sister Bear: Don't threaten her little brother if you want to live.
- Survivor Guilt: Despite Arrin turning out to be alive, she's still struggling with this, and her worst fear is losing her brother and friends and being powerless to stop it.
A mute mage who joins the group because they might know what happened to her late apprentices.
- Abusive Parents
- Cute Mute
- Shallow Love Interest: to Isotov.
- Stepford Smiler: Her silliness is proving to have largely been a (dysfunctional) defense mechanism against the troubles of her past.
- Put on a Bus: After being kidnapped by demons, the player group was left with no clear idea of where she was or whether she was even alive. She was rescued and brought back to TISME to recover, and it's unlikely that she'll play a large part anywhere else in the story.
A thief and mercenary sent to spy on the group by some unknown faction.
- Knife Nut
- The Mole
- Snark Knight: Heinz tends to be the Only Sane Man, and is fairly convinced of the intelligence level of the others.
A pegasus knight in service to Conrad.
- Action Girl
- Badass Normal
- Deadpan Snarker
- Informed Ability: Her tactical skills.
- My Country, Right or Wrong
- Neat Freak
- No Sympathy: She's very apathetic most of the time.
- She's Got Legs
A cleric the group accidentally pulled into their shenanigans. Actually the princess of Jerdon.
- Distress Ball: Gets kidnapped a lot. Justified as she is the princess of a recently conquered country, and on the run from various pursuers.
- Also cannot really defend herself unlike most of the Action Girls in the group.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Princess in Rags
- Shipper on Deck: Definitely. Seems to ship TessaxArrin, among others.
- White Magician Girl
A thunder mage, and Eric's childhood friend.
- Put on a Bus: Ran away from the group.
- Shock and Awe
- Stepford Smiler: Type A, it's beginning to look like.
- Trigger Happy
An ex-cavalier gone mercenary. Danielle's brother.
An ex-bandit guide that joins the group along with Reika. Turns out staying with the group was bad for his mind and repeated demon attacks are eroding his sanity.
- Abusive Parents: His adoptive father.
- Badass Normal
- Berserk Button: Being called a bandit is his pet peeve.
- Body Horror: He gets burned alive and survives. With his face and body permanently scarred.
- Cool Mask: Gets one after his face is burnt.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Expy: Other than the lawyer part, he has a LOT in common with Harvey Dent.
- Glass Cannon: Strong, fast, and accurate, but cannot take a hit. Excerbates further when he promotes to Berserker.
- Parental Abandonment
- Sanity Slippage: Oh dear, he's getting a lot of this lately.
A wandering knight who joins the group in search of adventure and knowledge of the world.
- Born in the Wrong Century
- Hidden Elf Village: His hometown was rather cut off from the rest of the world.
- Somewhere an Equestrian Is Crying: Deliberately invoked: Altion knows nothing about taking care of his horse.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Has apparently disappeared, but nobody really cares.
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: Earlier on.
A knight who came to the aid of the party when they were attacked by demons.
- An Axe to Grind
- Badass Normal
- Genius Bruiser
- Lightning Bruiser: Statistically, Luc's of decent speed, strong, and quite tanky.
- Manipulative Bastard
A wyvern rider who encounters the group while looking to sell eggs from his family's hatchery.
A young noble out to learn about the world, who encounters the group when they are recovering from a recent battle and gets pulled in to healing.
- Cute Shotaro Boy: Arrin is no longer the youngest of the group, with Beau being 13.
- Manipulative Bastard: Currently gathering information on everyone in the group, in order to have something to use against them if he needs it.
- White Magician Boy
Prince of Septimus who joins the group after the capital is attacked. Rides a pegasus.
A Septimian General. Jace's daughter.
Other recurring NPCs
The recently resigned ex-headmaster of TISME, the magic academy.
- Absent-Minded Professor
- Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": In-universe at TISME. Not the case outside of TISME.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Half wind spirit.
- Older Than They Look: Her inhuman heritage has preserved her rather well. No telling how old she really is. Hinted: She says she wasn't born when the Dragons fell 500 years ago, but has also implied that she is at least 200.
- Winged Humanoid: Six wings, no less.
One of the six heroes who previously sealed the Lord of Azure Flame. While he sort of let himself go, that doesn't stop him from being a force to be reckoned with.
Another of the six heroes, and Katie's father. A swordmaster who's maybe a little too unbalanced for comfort.
- Abusive Parents: Definitely qualifies as one.
- Ax Crazy
- Handsome Lech: It's suggested that he was once this in his youth. The only woman to seemingly refuse him that he tried for is Kaileen, the priestess, though even to say his respect for consent is dubious would be giving him too much credit. The lechery has not stopped; nobody's sure about the handsomeness.
- Parental Incest: Implied.
- Rape as Backstory: He is the rapist.
Leader of a renowned group of mercenaries; Isotov and Irina's uncle.
Priestess in service to Ivanko.
Dark Druid in service to Ivanko.
- Badass Bookworm: Technically all of the magic users count, but of the "research" mages we see, he's one of the most studious and the most powerful.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- The Bully: Grew up alongside Isotov and treats him extremely poorly.
- Enigmatic Minion
- Manipulative Bastard
- No Sympathy
- Straw Vulcan: Dead set against emotion; decries it as weak.
One of Ivanko's mercenaries, and Ivanko's second in command.
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Friendship Moment: With Irina where he confesses his true motives regarding women. This moment is ended with a comedic slap on Irina's rear.
- Funetik Aksent: A Zaftran one.
- Jerkass: His wyvern Krinkov, though Lev can occasionally venture into this.
One of Ivanko's mercenaries.
- Cowardly Lion: Is unusually timid for a wyvern knight of his skill and is deathly afraid of his fiancee Stephanie.
- The Mole: For Zaftra. Probably not going to end well for him.
An earth dragon accidentally awakened by the group, now out to stop her upstart younger sister, Helenos.
- Blue and Orange Morality: Really, really doesn't care about the humans and their struggles; her main concern with the current conflict is the damage done to the land. The Lord of Azure Flame is merely another inconvenience, especially for giving more power to her sister.
- Fertile Feet
- Not in This For Your Revolution: She doesn't give a damn about the conflict, she just wants Helenos out of "her garden."
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Sibling Yin-Yang
- Walking the Earth
A sage from Iso's past. Killed by Shanice due to a magic seal. Before she died, she had planted the seal on Proxima for Iso.
- Came Back Wrong: Arguably a Type II, as she's now a demon.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Teacher-Student Romance
One of the Six Heroes, a priestess. Lunaist who travels with her young son.
One of Luc's men who travels with the group.
A spy from Directus who follows the group.
A nomad holy woman without a tribe. She happens across and rescues Katie, nursing her back to health, and wanders around helping people in search of some sort of purpose. Recently sighted in Septimus, and apparently has some connection to Kelas and Arrin.
- Eloquent in My Native Tongue: Her grammar in Common is not spectacular, but she is definitely not unintelligent.
- Good Samaritan: To Katie especially, but considers it to be her duty in general.
- The Medic
A servant from the royal palace of Septimus who tagged along with the group when the capital fell in the hope that the group knew his father.
- Expy: Of the character by the same name from Protector of the Small.
- Disappeared Dad: All he knows of his father is a last name, Kleine. Turns out it isn't Damian, either.
- Missing Mom: His mother died shortly after bringing him to the palace servants.
- Not Good with People: Palace servants and nobles tended to ill-treat him, so he's much more comfortable with horses.
General Borodin
- Expy: Of General Olivier Milla Armstrong from Fullmetal Alchemist.
- Four-Star Badass
- My Country, Right or Wrong: Notably, she takes the "country" part seriously, even if it means killing the current leadership in order to help her people.
A shapeshifting ice demon in service to the Lord of Azure Flame.
- Ambiguous Gender
- An Ice Person
- Attempted Rape: Shanice's favorite sport.
- Horny Devils: When it isn't trying to kill the group or steal their weapons, it's trying to get into their pants.
- Morphic Resonance: When shifted, Shanice's eyes will sometimes revert to blue, and in nonhuman forms there tends to be some purple. It's getting better at disguising this, though.
- Shapeshifter Default Form: Pretty, androgynous, blue-haired humanoid.
- Shapeshifter Guilt Trip: Is amassing a number of forms that can be used for guilt trips; already pulled off one against Isotov, distracting him long enough to sever his weapon.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
A demon dragon intent on taking the Crimson Weapons for her own.
- The Plan: Helenos isn't worried about the party. She believes she will catch them in time. She has the power to stop them, it's only a matter of taking their weapons from them first. However, she can't actually kill them because she risks losing the weapons if she does. Hence, she has use plans to wrest them from the party first.
- Walking Wasteland
A stab-happy demon employed by Shanice.
- Does Not Like Shoes: Unlike most other examples of the trope, she just tends to wander around in stocking feet, rather than barefoot.
- Expy: Appearance-wise, she's based on Lust. Personality-wise...not so much. Her death was even similar, but her reaction differed greatly.
- Implausible Fencing Powers
- Killed Off for Real
- Lightning Bruiser
- Psycho for Hire: By a demonic contract, she can't even kill unless she's doing it for someone else. Employment to Shanice is quite convenient.
- Psychopathic Woman Child
Another of Shanice's cohorts.
- Only Sane Employee: Between Megae and Shanice, tends to be this.
- Mighty Glacier
- Elemental Powers Is Earth, with Shanice, Megae, and Ruby being Water, Wind, and Fire respectively.
A fire demon out to get the Crimson Weapons.
- Kill It with Fire: Duh, but her most notable attempt is when she tries to burn Alferis alive. He survives. And he's scarred and deformed for life.
- The Mole: Is this to Shanice's group, as she's currently working for Helenos.
A member of a church group charged with locating the Crimson Weapons so that they can be destroyed. Gets pulled into the group when they burn the inn she's staying in down. One mindwipe later she's become a child in a seventeen-year-old's body, and the group eventually loses her. Now she's back, along with her memory, to harry the party some more.
- The Mole
- Put on a Bus: She had left the group with a goal from her previous RP'er, but when said RP'er left, she got handed off to someone else, and well...She has returned, memory intact.
Grand Cleric
Heads the Septimian Reform. Believes the Crimson Weapons must be destroyed for the world to prosper.
Leader of the Templars of the Septimian Reform. Calm and very devoted to the Goddess.
A rude and sometimes hotheaded young templar. Uses wind magic.
A mysterious man claiming to serve the Goddess.
- Blind Seer: He can only see outlines and auras. Though, he can read thoughts as well, which leads to...
- Disability Superpower: ... Major asskicking.
One of the Six Heroes. A power hungry lawyer.
- Big Damn Heroes: As the Reaper, who beats Helenos after a fight against her gone wrong.
- Fallen Hero
- Genius Bruiser: The smartest of the Heroes.
- The Starscream: Arguably was one to the Septimus Royal Family.
A Colonel in the Septimian Army.
- Dating Catwoman: Her relationship with Lev.
- Dark Chick
- Fallen Hero: Defected to the Septimian Army during the final stages of the Jerdon invasion.
- Friendly Enemy: Towards Viveka, Levski, and the Jerdonians.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Towards Jace.
One of the six heroes, and a master thief.
Daneka's personal bodyguard, and highly adept sword master.
A sea wyvern riding deserter from Ivanko's mercenaries. Has been re-recruited.
Captain Travis, he's a hero, going to take this RP down to zero! Leader of a group of mercenaries that pursues the group. Chases after Charlotte.
- Brother Chuck
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Expy: An evil version of Captain Planet. Seriously, read the quotes. Also, he has a Quirky Miniboss Squad with Fire, Water, Air, Earth, and Heart. No really.
A senior member of the group that hired Reika to spy on the party. He was a homicidal dark druid with a Monster Clown theme. He believed himself to be working for the goddess, in some twisted way or other. Now dead.
- Ax Crazy
- Bad Boss: Sent some of his minions off into the woods he was about to burn for no apparent reason.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Very dark example.
- The Dragon
- Dragon Ascendent: Murdered his boss to become the leader.
- Monster Clown
- Off with His Head: How he dies.
- Rape Is Love: Or so he believes.
- The Starscream
A bandit woman wandering from town to town killing people. She is the daughter of a bandit and was previously the leader of his group of bandits after she killed him but the group disbanded. Since then, she's been a mercenary, currently agreeing to work with Jace.
- Ax Crazy: Literally
- Parental Incest: Seduced her father before killing him.
- The Starscream: To her father.
- Eldritch Abomination: More so than the other demons seen thus far, who all seem much more humanlike.
- Holy Burns Evil: Weak to light magic.
- Living Shadow, Casting a Shadow: Much like Pride in its manipulation of shadows.
- Looks Like Cesare: Its default humanoid appearance.
- No Biological Sex
- Weakened by the Light: Specifically, sunlight and light magic. Fire seems to hurt it, but no more than it would any other being.