< Live Action TV

Live Action TV/Fridge

A reminder of the rules of Fridge Brilliance:

This is a personal moment for the viewer, so every example is signed by the contributor. If you start off with "This Troper", really, you have no excuse. We're going to hit you on the head.

This revelation can come from anywhere, even from this very page.

Also, this page is of a generally positive nature, and a Fridge Brilliance does not have to be Word of God. In fact, it usually isn't, and the viewer might be putting more thought into it than the creator ever did. This is not a place for personal commentary on another's remark or arguing without adding a Fridge Brilliance comment of your own. If the show in question already has an article, please consider placing that in a Fridge page for that show, and not here.

Titles #0-9

Titles A-E

Titles F-J

Titles K-O

Titles P-T

Titles U-Z


  • In Episode 2 of Charlie Brooker's How TV Ruined Your Life, a lot of viewers were fooled by a fake sitcom created for it. The interesting part is that it proves another reason how TV ruins our lives; we are trained to ignore the production captions in tiny boxes during these types of shows, so people missed the dead giveaway 'Shitpeas Production' credit. As in Barry Shitpeas from Screenwipe and Newswipe.
    This article is issued from Allthetropes. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.