< The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • In "The Werewolf Transformation" Amy is smitten with Sheldon's longer hair with the words "Long flowing hair" Riding a horse" and "Bare chested". Sound familiar?
  • For a while, I wondered why Leonard did that awkward thing where he tilts his head back a bit and looks up when talking to people, but then I realized: Leonard has always been shorter than most other people, so he probably had to spend a lot of time looking up to talk to them. It would only make sense that it became a habit, and still does it even when talking to people who aren't much taller than him. (I say this because I grew faster than many of my peers and so was always a bit taller than most of my friends. I always had to hunch over a bit, or look down, to be on-level with them. Now that I've more-or-less stopped growing and I am about the same height as everyone else, I still hunch over a bit and tend to look at people's necks or chests rather than their faces.)
  • After Sheldon forms his own team for the Physics Bowl, the other guys try to find a replacement. A rather inane conversation about replacing her with the "chick who played Blossom" ensues. After the idea is rejected, Winnie from The Wonder Years is suggested in a throw-away reference. The joke is that Danica McKellar is now a mathematician. Oh, and to make this even better? Danica McKellar and Mayim Bialik (a.k.a. Blossom) both show up in incredibly geeky guest parts in the third season-- with the latter having an even more permanent role in the fourth.
  • The reason Amy's more blunt and socially awkward than Sheldon? Its shown that until Penny, she never had a "Leonard" to help with socialising.
  • In the second Season Finale Penny appears to get unusually emotional with the prospect of Leonard leaving for a whole summer, which Leonard picks up on and (for whatever reason) asks Sheldon for his thoughts on the matter. Leonard was worrying that if he did leave, Penny would eventually get over him and find someone else while at that moment he might have a chance with renewing their relationship. Sheldon says that if those feelings are happening because of the simple prospect of him leaving then he must go because truthfully nothing has actually happened yet (Basically, Leonards impressions are simple theory and Sheldon is suggesting the most effective method of experimentation). When he does return she practically throws herself at him, having the summer to muse about their relationship. Considering it was his advice that got them there, Sheldon is indirectly responsible for Leonard and Penny finally hooking up.
    • Made nicely ironic that in their professions it's Leonard who experiments and Sheldon who theorizes.
  • In the episode where Sheldon becomes enemies with Leslie Winkle, Sheldon comments "Yes, the Dr. Doom to my Mr. Fantastic. The Dr. Octopus to my Spider-Man. The Dr. Sivana to my Captain Marvel... You know, it's amazing how many supervillains have advanced degrees. Graduate schools should do a better job of screening those people out." It's a funny one off line, but later when he's playing Mario he says "Oh, Mario if only I control the rest of the world like I control you. Hop, you little plumber! Hop! Hop!" Basically he's one radiation accident away from becoming a supervillian.
    • In one episode Lenord actually said "Sheldon is one lab accident away from being a supervillain".
  • In "The Justice League Recombination", the superheroes the gang end up dressing as actually represent the dynamic within the group.
    • Sheldon is the Flash, who is Green Lantern's best friend and is 'faster' than all the rest (in Sheldon's case being mentally). Leonard is the Green Lantern who's the Flash's best friend and often acts without thinking (if you take Green Lantern as Hal Jordan). Howard comes as Batman, who has parent-related issues, and while part of the group is still an outsider (Howard's Masters degree). Raj comes as Aquaman who's the token foreigner.
    • Add in the fact that Raj would be more powerful in India like Aquaman in the water and the Penny and Zach (Wonder Woman and Superman); The group's beefy amazon and the alien, respectivly.
    • Parallels can be drawn to the boys' lines of work as well -
      • Raj is a particle astrophysicist - the sea can be likened to space.
      • Howard is an engineer. Batman is the only of the superheroes who doesn't have access to actual superpowers.
      • Sheldon is a theoretical physicist, which has a lot to do with both light and speed.
      • Leonard is an experimental physicist, and tries out ideas and theories in "reality".
  • It makes total sense that Sheldon would be a big fan of Wil Wheaton's character Wesley. They both excel in whatever science they apply themselves to. This also because Hilarious in Hindsight, as, in Sheldon's fan-script for the Original Star Trek series, would probably become a Creator's Pet if he were an actual character (Spock comments on how much of a genius he is, totally adored by his mother, yadda yadda).
    • Their is also the fact that Sheldon felt a connection to Wesley. Saying that how much Wesley was smart for a kid and growing up around adults. Like how Sheldon felt growing around older kids for skipping grades.
  • In The Big Bang Theory, after Leonard and Sheldon's flat is burgled, Sheldon's reaction is to run into his room, coming back to proclaim with relief "It's alright! They didn't take my comic books!" This strikes as simple nerdishness at first glance, but then you take into account that his collection is extensive enough that he recently lost The Flash (vol. 1) #123 in a bet with Wolowitz, and that a copy of this comic was sold for $24,000 and it seems a far more valid concern -Some Sort Of Troper
    • Except Sheldon kept Flash 123 (and other unnamed-but-assumed-rare) comics in a bank safety-deposit box.
    • In another episode, Leonard stands up Raj's sister Priya to go on a World of Warcraft mission. He asks Raj (who's against the relationship) to cover for him. Raj tells Priya she'll "have to accept whatever cockamamie excuse that white devil tries to give you." It comes off as Raj just trying to sabotage the relationship, but then I realized, Priya is a very smart woman. If Raj suddenly started covering for Leonard, she'd know something was up. What Raj said was the best possible way to throw off suspicion. Leonard does owe him one.
    • Howard has revealed that he is a student of "The Mystery Method", a guide to pulling women, when he shows off his eyepatch, a technique called "peacocking". One of his frequent cringeworthy ways of trying to succeed with women seen throughout the show is the use of magic- such as having several hankies up his sleeve. This seems like one of his awful ideas, but the author of said book, "Mystery", is a professional magician who gives several tips for using magic to get girls.
  • A recent episode has Sheldon state that he has a fear of nets. This seems like a pretty silly fear, but then you remember the electricuted net that fell on him when they tried to give their apartment a security system.
  • Sheldon's mother drilled manners into him, including the fact that you always give up your bed for a guest if there isn't a spare. Hence why he offered his bed in The Psychic Vortex, and assumed that Penny would give up hers for him in The Bozeman Reaction.
  • In "The Shiny Trinket Maneuver", Sheldon reveals that he has a Mexican peso in his skull, and that it takes him 45 minutes to get though airport security...would explain why he prefers Trains.

Fridge Horror

  • Bernadette seems to have taken part in many bio-terrorism activities she just splurts out in conversation.
  • Amy had no friends in high school, has an aversion to touch that requires time to get over, is likely to be an aspie, and suffers from night terrors... It’s quite likely she’s been raped at some point or another in her past.
    • What?
    • While she may have been averse to touch at first, she actually got over it relatively quickly as opposed to someone who would be sexually assaulted would have a much more difficult time. She also doesnt' show any sign of being sexually disturbed, in fact she's very frank about her sexuality. Also, that whole night terrors thing was probably just a one time gag, as it hasn't been mentioned at all since that episode.
    • It's unknown when the supposed assault took place, or how much time passes between episodes. Note that while she was very open to sexual experimenting with Penny, a girl (and even then it was for the social experience as she believed that was the standard protocol, it took her a while to casually kiss Penny), it took her a while to open up to being aroused and even kissing (and that’s just as far as she’s gotten) a man. Also, remember when she asked Penny whether she thought having a penis was better? She might have thought that it was better also because that would have reduced her chances of getting assaulted.
    • No seriously, what. Sheldon is averse to touch as well and terrified of Goofy - does this mean he was once raped by an anthromorphic dog? Rule of Funny and...Rule Of Implied Aspergers?
      • Well he was once treed by a Chicken...
    • Aspergers has no connection to early psychological trauma (that most likely leads to Borderline Personality Disorder)
    • Lots of people don't like being touched, myself included, and rape (or germophobia, for that matter) has nothing to do with it. Night terrors are not uncommon in children, she might have not outgrown them. And there is evidence night terrors are genetic. So no.
    • This troper concurs with the Flat What. Seriously, no.
  • Raj cannot talk to women without alcohol. He'll either be forever alone or dead by kidney failure.
    • I think you mean liver failure.
    • Yeah, that. It seems funny on TV, but your life sucks majorly if you can't speak with women.
  • In "The Lunar Excitation", Raj and Howard are trying to set Sheldon on what will be his first "date" with Amy Farrah Fowler. Howard suggests that Sheldon take Amy out for coffee (which Sheldon doesn't drink) then hot chocolate. Sheldon informs Howard that he only drinks hot cocoa in months that have an 'r' in them, because "What's life without whimsy?". By limiting himself to drinking hot chocolate in months with an 'r', it means that the only months where he abstains from hot chocolate are May, June, July, and August. (i.e. late Spring and all of Summer)
    • Which is horrific for what reason?
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