< Spaced


Fridge Brilliance

  • Even after several viewings, I couldn't understand how Tim's fear of bamboo in Spaced had anything to do with his fear of dogs and lightning (being an American English watching a British English series didn't help) until it hit me... when told he had Canophobia (fear of dogs), young Tim thought it meant he had a fear of bamboo canes!
    • I was especially impressed with the scene in the first episode of series 2 ("Back") where Tim goes to the dole office and is interviewed by an Afro-Caribbean woman who, while initially suspicious, is very helpful to Tim once she learns that he lost his last job due to his hatred of The Phantom Menace (and Jar-Jar Binks in particular). The Fridge Brilliance kicks in when you realize which ethnic group Jar-Jar is accused of being a negative stereotype of.
      • Not to mention the fact that the lady in question has been made up to look not entirely dissimilar to the despised Jar-Jar himself.
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