Main Characters
Stanley H. Tweedle
May His Merciful Shadow fall upon ... me, preferably.
Played by Brian Downey.
- Anti-Hero
- Big Damn Heroes: In "Giga Shadow".
- Butt Monkey
- Casanova Wannabe: The poor guy just can't catch a break in the sex department, and if he ever does, it usually ends in disaster.
- The Cassandra: If the rest of the crew ever listened to Stanley, their journeys would be a lot less interesting.
- Character Development
- The Chew Toy
- Cowardly Lion: Stan never gets over his instinctive fear of any and all potential and real threats but if Zev/Xev is in real danger he will always at least try to help her. The first evidence of this is as soon as "Supernova" when he refuses and even punches Giggerota when she tries to get him to abandon Zev and Kai on the doomed Brunnis and escape with her on the Lexx.
- Destructive Saviour
- Dirty Coward: Until you finally back him into a corner.
- Jerkass / Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Hopeless Suitor: Towards Zev/Xev.
- Leisure Suit Larry
- Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds: Stanley isn't exactly responsible with the Lexx's Wave Motion Gun -- and it sometimes misfires when he tries to be.
Stan: For example, if I was to say, "Lexx, destroy that planet - "
Lexx: As you request, Stan. (Blows up planet)
- Nice Hat: And he gets really sulky when he loses it.
- Really Gets Around: Subverted - he would sleep with any and every beautiful woman he encountered if he could, but usually things rarely go his way.
Zev / Xev Bellringer of B3K
It's not easy being programmed for love and never finding it.
Played by Eva Habermann (as Zev), Xenia Seeberg (as Xev) and Lisa Hines (pre-love slave Zev).
- Action Dress Rip
- All Love Is Unrequited: With Kai.
- Anti-Hero
- Anything That Moves
- Bare Your Midriff: From Season 3 onwards.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She may be one of the nicest, most moral and compassionate people in either universe but she's also part Cluster Lizard and will not hesitate to hand you your ass if you get her genuinely mad.
- Cartwright Curse: Every guy she ends up with tends to end up dead or disappeared by the end of the episode.
- The Cast Showoff: In "Brigadoom", when she sings.
- Cruel and Unusual Death: Her death in "Terminal". She is liquefied.
- Death Is Cheap: She dies in "Terminal", but is regenerated in "Lyekka".
- Ethical Slut
- Even the Girls Want Her
- Everything's Better with Spinning: As part Cluster Lizard, she is capable of curling into a circle ouroborus-style and rolling around.
- Extraordinarily Empowered Girl
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Fiery Redhead: In Season 2 only.
- Foot Focus: On occasion.
- Go Out with a Smile: At the end of "Terminal".
- Half-Human Hybrid: She was turned into one of these when her love slave transformation process went wrong. Her other half comes from Cluster Lizard DNA.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In "Terminal", in order to save Kai. She is resurrected in the next episode, however.
- Howl of Sorrow: She lets out one of these (combined with a Cluster Lizard screech) when Kai "dies" in "Giga Shadow".
- Idiot Ball: She keeps a firm grip on this as she's pretty much the one responsible for getting the crew into almost every situation for the show's entire run; disregarding perfectly good advice, walking into dangerous situations and ignoring signs that things aren't right are standard for her. Partially justified due to her upbringing as she's not familiar with normal behaviour and is desperate for new experiences and adventure.
- I'm a Humanitarian: In "Terminal", after being tortured nearly to death, she transforms from her normal human form into that of a Cluster Lizard, before proceeding to devour her captors. Also in Season 4 when she enters her mating cycle.
- Involuntary Shapeshifting: Is able to transform into a Cluster Lizard form on a few occasions. See I'm a Humanitarian above.
- Love Slave With A Heart Of Gold
- Les Yay: With Bunny.
- Longing Look: At Kai, especially when she was Zev.
- Mini-Dress of Power: Both of her dresses, combined with knee-high boots. (Her first outfit starts out as a long dress, but that doesn't last.)
- Ms. Fanservice
- Naked on Arrival: When Zev is regenerated into Xev, she emerges completely stark naked, save for her old rubber harness (and thick goo to censor her lady parts).
- The Nth Doctor
- Panty Shot: On occasion.
- Parental Abandonment: Her parents sold her to the Wife Bank as an infant because she didn't meet their expectations.
- Really Gets Around: Subverted. She would screw anything that moves if she could, but sadly for her it rarely works out (usually due to the fact that most of the objects of her affections tend to get killed horribly before she has the chance to get it on with them).
- She's Got Legs
- Shower Scene: Several. Not that anyone's complaining, mind ...
- Sleeps with Everyone but You: Absolutely refuses to have sex with Stan, although she does come close on one occasion due to desperation.
- The Woobie
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Eventually reaches this with Stan. She's the first to insult him and point out his shortcomings but she'll also be the first to leap to his defense. She even once killed what she'd believed to be a living version of Kai because he attacked Stan.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: As Zev, her hair is white with a blue-ish/purple-ish tint.
Kai, Last of the Brunnen-G
I am well qualified to speak for the dead.
Played by Michael McManus.
- Ax Crazy: In "Wake the Dead", due to a protoblood malfunction.
- Badass
- Big Damn Heroes: All the time.
- Brutal Honesty: Likes to tell new aquaintances right away that he is an undead assassin.
- The Cast Showoff: Whenever he sings.
- Catch Phrase: "The dead do not (insert action)."
- Cyborg: His body has been stripped of carbon and some mechanical parts have been added.
Prince: "Why, you're just a biochemical machine."
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Deadpan Snarker: On a few occasions.
- Estrogen Brigade Bait
- Even the Guys Want Him
- Evil Costume Switch: Kai is originally seen wearing a brightly-colored costume with a big emphasis on hot pink. In his Divine Assassin incarnation, he wears an identical costume which is entirely black. Subverted in that he wears the same costume after his Heel Face Turn.
- Good Thing You Can Heal: He does have a habit of getting his head lopped off/getting dismembered/sliced in half. It's only a minor inconvenience for him.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: In "Supernova". It doesn't do any lasting damage, of course.
- Healing Factor
- Heel Face Turn
- Heroic Sacrifice: His end in "Yo Way Yo". Of course, after all of six thousand years he's wanted to be dead for real all along, but the scene is a Tear Jerker anyway.
- Immortality
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: His brace. It's amazing. And he apparently controls it with his mind.
- Improbable Hairstyle
- Last of His Kind
- Losing Your Head: Has happened to him on a few occasions.
- Mind Hive: He has all the memories of all the people he killed for His Divine Shadow.
- Only Sane Man: On many an occasion.
- Our Zombies Are Different
- Precision F-Strike: In "Wake the Dead", during his temporary ax-craziness.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- The Piano Player: In "The Rock".
- Spock Speak: He's a true master. With a nice voice.
- The Stoic
- The Quiet One: Usually only relates information when other characters directly ask him for it.
- When He Smiles: Sadly, it only happens about five times throughout the entire series.
Tweedle, you give carbon molecules a bad name.
Voiced by Jeffrey Hirschfield.
- Butt Monkey
- The Chew Toy
- Cranial Processing Unit: Being that he is just a head from almost the beginning onward.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Jerkass
- Love Makes You Evil: Goes to great lengths to get rid of possible romantic interests that come between him and his obsession. Ocurrs most notably in Season 4.
- Robot Buddy: Very much a subversion.
- Say My Name: "Zeeeeeeeeeeeev!!"
- Servile Snarker: At least in the beginning.
- TV Head Robot
- Wetware CPU
- Yandere
The Lexx
My captain is Stanley Tweedle. I blow up planets for him.
Voiced by Tom Gallant.
- Bizarre Alien Biology
- Cool Ship
- The Ditz: Is not the brightest tool in the shed, and the show's writers have stated that they intended it to be a bit like a "big, dumb dog".
- Insectoid Aliens
- Living Ship: And very living, most metal and control bits are clearly installed later. And the ship's living nature means it needs to eat.
- Planet Eater: The Lexx feeds itself by stripping organic material from planets; in "Eating Pattern," when it lands on a planet where the surface is mostly barren, it seems to sift through the dirt for nutrients buried within; while in "Dutch Treat," it flies low over the surface and sucks up the more obvious nutrients (trees, grass, animals, the population of Holland) like a vacuum cleaner. On a few occasions, the Lexx will eat bits of planets it blows up, but doesn't get very much out of it since it's "just a snack".
- Samus Is a Girl
- Sapient Ship
- Wave Motion Gun
His Divine Shadow / Giga Shadow
First will come the Cleansing, which will feed the Rebirth. The Giga Shadow is the new life beyond order. A time of pain and rejoicing. Our destiny.
Voiced by Walter Borden.
- Body Surf / Grand Theft Me
- Big Bad: Of Season 1.
- Complete Monster
- Dark Is Evil: He is evil. You can tell, because his title has the word "shadow" in it and he and his Mooks dress all in black.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: As the Giga Shadow, he propels himself through space this way.
- Evil Overlord
- Kill All Humans
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
Overkill? It is my style! I think ... big.
Played by Dieter Laser.
- AcCENT Upon the Wrong SylLABle: When he's shouting (ie. most of the time) he talks like this a lot. When he's talking in a lower, creepier voice, not so much.
- Bald of Evil
- Big Bad: Of Season 2.
- Boomerang Bigot: He has a strong desire to exterminate all human life, in spite of the fact that he himself was fully human until he merged with the Insect essence, which is the cause of his desire to Kill All Humans.
- Creepy Monotone: On a few occasions, he'll start talking in a very low, creepy, emotionless manner.
- Complete Monster
- Cyborg: By the time the crew of the Lexx meet him, the only organic parts of him left are his head and a few of his internal organs.
- Evil Is Hammy
- Flowery Insults: Proves himself to be quite adept at this in "Brizon".
Mantrid: You, my friend, are a leaking boil on the anus of a cancerous rodent, squeaking from a damned corner of oblivion!
- From Nobody to Nightmare
- Half-Human Hybrid: Part human, part Insect, part cyborg.
- Ho Yay: With his deranged, masochistic assistant, although it's made clear that it's completely one-sided on his assistant's part.
- Humongous Mecha: His essence is transferred to one, after his original body is killed.
- Incoming Ham: His first scene. And how.
- Kill All Humans
- Large Ham
- Laughably Evil: He may be a planet (and universe!) destroying maniac, but he's a damn entertaining one.
- Mad Scientist
- Madness Mantra: See Villainous Breakdown below.
- Magnificent Bastard
- Man in the Machine: As previously mentioned, the only organic parts of him left are his head (attached to a floating jar) and some of his organs (contained and preserved in said floating jar), and he uses mechanical drone arms to do everything. Later, when his jar is destroyed, his head is transported to the inside of a four-legged Humongous Mecha instead.
- Nice Hat
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Due to the crew's actions, he became a composite part-evil scientist-part-Insect essence-all Big Bad planet-disassembling, sun-eating, universe-destroying superweapon superbeing. He was also already mostly mechanical to begin with.
- No Indoor Voice
- Omnicidal Maniac
- Retroactive Recognition: Oh Crap! It's the doctor from The Human Centipede!
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill: When he promises to save the crew of the Lexx for last, he's not kidding; he waits until he's converted the entire universe into Mantrid Drones, then chases them with those drones. All of them.
- Villainous Breakdown: "I destroyed a universe! I destroyed a universe! I DESTROYED A UNIVERSE!!"
- The Virus: His drones.
- Would Hurt a Child: He uses his drone arms to create the illusion of a space station made of candy to entice Norb into getting within his reach, before using the drones to chase after the poor kid and kill him, before using more drones to impersonate him.
Prince of Fire / Isambard Prince
I'm very good with pain.
Played by Nigel Bennett.
- Affably Evil
- Berserk Button: "You are not important!"
- Big Bad: Of Season 3.
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Card-Carrying Villain
- Estrogen Brigade Bait
- Evil Overlord
- Magnificent Bastard
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Psychopomp
- Resurrective Immortality: He can return after being killed, once a certain time period had elapsed. Worse, he can choose where he will reappear, and what his appearance will be, making him a de facto shapeshifter.
- Satan
- Villains Never Lie
You think you can destroy me? You think you can hunt the hunter?
Played by Minna Harkonen
- Badass: Divine Assassins are indestructible cyborgs who can survive being blown up with a planet. Vlad is a Divine Executioner, the being sent to destroy Divine Assassins who have gone rogue.
- Cyborg: She was created in much the same way as Kai.
- Dark Action Girl
- For the Evulz: She agrees with Kai that there is no point in pursuing her directive to destroy now that His Divine Shadow is dead, but keeps doing it because it brings her pleasure.
- Improbable Hairstyle: Even more so than Kai. Apparently the power of killers in the service of His Divine Shadow is denoted by the goofiness of their hair. The bigger the badass, the crazier the 'do.
- Our Vampires Are Different: She is the source of all vampire mythology on Earth.
Recurring and Minor Characters
Giggerota the Wicked
Put on a show for Giggerota!
Played by Ellen Dubin.
- Extreme Omnivore: She will eat just about anything that can be classified as "organic". Including bits of the Lexx.
- Hot Amazon
- I'm a Humanitarian
- Karmic Death: First she gets abandoned on a planet with the sun about to go nova because she kept ripping pieces off her moth to eat and telling it to shut up when it protested and then ends up being eaten when she reincarnates on Earth after getting a carnivorous plant excited about eating people.
- Large Ham
- Overly Long Tongue: With a sharp-toothed mouth on the end of it.
- Third Person Person
Today, I, Thodin..
Played by Barry Bostwick.
- Hero of Another Story
- Real Men Wear Pink: Indeed.
Played by Louise Wischermann.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Innocent Fanservice Girl
- Lotus Eater Machine: How she prevents her prey from struggling as she consumes them.
- Naked on Arrival
- No Biological Sex: Although she takes on a female form and mannerisms.
- Plant Aliens
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: For most of her on-screen time she takes the form of a girl Stanley once had a crush on, having learned of the girl's name and appearance from his dreams. She also tends to shift into outfits that feature in Stanley's dreams, too (which, given that this is Stan we're talking about, are rather tight and quite revealing outfits).
- Warm Bloodbags Are Everywhere: She is very matter-of-fact about this: she'd "prefer" not to eat her human friends, but deprived of other food sources, she would.
It's not rocket surgery!
Played by Patricia Zentilli.
Reginald J. Priest
Played by Rolf Kanies.
- Our Presidents Are Different
- President Evil: Though it's arguable whether he's actively malicious or just really, really dumb.
- The Starscream: In a few instances, but they end badly for him due to his own stupidity.